Classification: Magic item
Creator: Asbru, two unidentified spirits
First Appearance: Marvel Tarot (2007)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Bridge of Asbru spans Brona's Barrier, which separates the "Inner Realms" of Earth's Elder Gods (the Astral Plane of Oshtur, Gaea's Avalon, the Serpent Sea of Set, and the Flickering Realms of Chthon) from the "Far Dimensions."
(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Brona's Barrier (named for its creator, Brona of the Enchanters) prevented travel between the "Inner Realms" and the "Far Dimensions" until the spirit forms of two creatures, one from the Inner Realms and one from the Outer Realms, made contact and fell in love. Longing to touch, the two were unable to pierce the barrier. The spirits found a handful of wizards adept enough to pass through the Barrier, but these wizards not could bring another being through with them.Comments: Created by David Sexton
David Sexton shared that the Bridge of Asbru is another name for the Aesir's bridge, aka the Bifrost/Rainbow Bridge of Asgard.
David further clarified that the brown region between the Flickering Realms and the "Krimson Kosmos" is Brona's Barrier. However, the Bridge of Asbru is not visually depicted in the image.
This profile was completed 04/26/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
The Bridge of Asbru should be distinguished from:
Tarot (fb) - BTS) -
Asbru allegedly created the Asgardian Bifrost (aka the Rainbow Bridge),
which facilitated travel between Midgard (Earth) and Asgard. (Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Asbru was enlisted by a pair of lovers, one from the Inner Realms and one from the Outer Realms, to form a portal through Brona's Barrier, which blocked passage between the two sets of realms and prevented them from reaching each other. When the spirits offered to pay any price, Asbru designed such a magic bridge; however, to complete the spell, Asbru needed "two souls longing to touch." The couple died, never having actually seen each other, but their spirits are, however, joined together for eternity inside the Bridge of Asbru. --Marvel Tarot |
Tarot (fb) - BTS) - The spirit forms of two creatures, one from the
Realms and one from the Outer Realms, made contact and fell in love.
Longing to touch, the two were unable to pierce Brona's Barrier, which blocked passage between the two sets of realms. The
spirits found a handful of wizards adept enough to pass through the
Barrier, but these wizards not could bring another being through with
them. When the spirits offered to pay any price if a way could be created to allow passage across the barrier, one of these wizards -- who had been the architect of Asgard's Bifrost (the Rainbow Bridge) -- designed such a magic bridge; however, to complete the spell, the wizard needed "two souls longing to touch." The couple died, never having actually seen each other, but their spirits are, however, joined together for eternity inside the Bridge of Asbru. --Marvel Tarot |
Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Brona the Enchanter created what would become known as Brona's Barrier, which prevented travel between the "Inner Realms" and the
"Far Dimensions." The sorcerer Asbru was enlisted to form a portal through the barrier by the spirit forms of two creatures, one from the Inner Realms and one from the Outer Realms, who had made contact and fallen in love. However, to complete the spell, the wizard needed "two souls who longed to touch." The couple died, never having actually seen each other, but their spirits are joined together for eternity inside the Bridge of Asbru. --Marvel Tarot Note: Brona's Barrier is the brown region between the Flickering Realms and the "Krimson Kosmos. |
images: (without ads):
Tarot, pg. 7 (dimensional relationship depiction)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 09/05/2021
Last updated: 09/04/2021
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