(of Earth-1610)
Real Name: Frank Simpson
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
(Earth-1610) human mutate cyborg
Occupation: Supervillain;
former soldier
Group Membership: Formerly United States Army
Affiliations: Al-Quaeda, Korean People's Army,
unidentified Saloth villagers, unidentified
formerly Subject A-17, United States Army
Enemies: Captain America (Steve Rogers),
S.H.I.E.L.D., Special Air Service, Subject A-17 (Jung), Viet Cong
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Captain America of Vietnam"
Base of Operations: Mobile;
formerly Saloth, Cambodia; Vietnam
First Appearance: Ultimate Captain America I#1
(January, 2011)
Powers/Abilities: Frank Simpson has gone
through Army training and is proficient in hand-to-hand combat.
In Simpson's veins flows a variation of the Super-Soldier Serum,
created based on the one that turned Steven Rogers into Captain America.
Scientists also installed cybernetic implants and pumped steroids into his
body, which doubled his strength. The aforementioned upgrades endowed
Frank with superhuman strength, sufficient to fight Steve Rogers on equal
terms. One of his strikes was so powerful that the tree with which he hit the
captured Rogers shattered to pieces.
Simpson also has superhuman durability, able to
withstand attacks of other superhumans such as Captain America, and he
recovers more quickly from physical injury than an ordinary human would. The
snake venom that Captain America spat out in his eyes weakened Frank, but
he recovered in a matter of minutes.
Height: 6'3" (by approximation; see
Weight: 270 lbs. (by approximation; see
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
History: (Ultimate Captain America I#2
- Like Steve Rogers, Frank Simpson did not have a perfect physique and
dreamed of joining the Army and benefiting his country. Simpson's dream
came true after the disappearance of Captain America during World War
II, when the government made another attempt to create a super soldier,
starting the project with a blank slate, as the original Super-Soldier
Serum creator Abraham Erskine had taken all the necessary information
to the grave.
After several years of failures, scientists managed to invent a
new serum, but it was way inferior to the original and did not give the
expected results. Frank Simpson, who agreed to take part in the
experiment, was injected with the newly-created serum, and scientists
performed many painful operations in an effort to create the perfect copy of
Captain America. Cybernetic implants and steroids were implanted into his
body. Over the years, Simpson endured a lot of suffering and became
mentally unstable. He did not immediately participate in missions after
his transformation.
In 1955, the Vietnam War started, and the Pentagon ordered a
super-soldier sent to the battlefield. Frank, who by this point had become
the second Captain America, spent five years in Vietnam and fought in the
Dak To, Khe Sanh and the A Shau Valley. He single-handedly dealt with
countless enemy soldiers. At one point, Simpson tattooed the United States
flag on his face. The government was fairly satisfied with their new
Captain America and ignored all reports of his mental health problems. It
was believed that Frank Simpson would turn the tide of the Vietnam War.
In 1972, Frank Simpson, disenchanted with America and its government, went into the jungle, deserting the Army. Searches to find Simpson were unsuccessful despite some reporting seeing Simpson after he disappeared.
(Ultimate Captain America I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, Frank Simpson came
to blame the original Captain America (Steve Rogers) for everything that
happened to him, feeling that if Captain America had not disappeared, his
life might have went differently.
(Ultimate Captain America I#2 (fb)) - For years, Frank
Simpson tried to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum from his own blood in
order to sell it to US opponents.
(Ultimate Captain America I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Frank recruited the help of a
(Ultimate Captain America I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Frank managed to derive an incomplete, flawed Super-Soldier Serum from his bloodstream and began selling the flawed serum to countries like North Korea, making a deal with the North Korean leader to provide the serum in exchange for non-aggression against North Korea's southern neighbor.
(Ultimate Captain America I#2 (fb)) - According to S.H.I.E.L.D., programs
to create super soldiers emerged in Iran and China, apparently using the
serum derived from Simpson's blood. It was also reported that the Al-Qaeda
terrorist organization might have also had access to the formula.
(Ultimate Captain America I#1 (fb)) - Simpson sold an
improved copy of the Serum to the North Korean army on the same condition
as before, a promise from the head of state that they would not use it to
conquer South Korea. The Koreans tested it on a volunteer (Subject
A-17/Jung), monitoring their test subject in combat against normal
soldiers, and they were satisfied. Having watched the fight from their
observation booth, one of the scientists commented that this version of
the Serum was much better than the one Frank supplied earlier. Frank, who
was present in the room, recalled the agreement with the North Korean
Supreme Leader as he became concerned North Korea might use the serum to
attack the south despite their prior agreement.When asked why he was
acting against his homeland, Simpson simply replied "It's my business."
Suddenly, the alarm sounded as the building was invaded by the British
Special Air Service, along with Steve Rogers, the original Captain
America. Simpson went downstairs and apologized to the Korean
super-soldier, then swiftly cut the man's wrists and throat. As Jung bled
out, Simpson set him on fire to ensure that he did not fall into the hands
of the enemy. Alerted by orders over the intercom to surrender, Simpson
realized the intruders had seized the observation room and hastened to
leave. Rogers pursued him to the roof, finding Simpson waiting to confront
him. During the ensuing fight, Frank revealed all his pent-up hatred for
Rogers. He easily defeated the superhero but Simpson decided to leave his
predecessor alive, stating there would be more time to talk the next time
they met. Simpson then prepared to board a helicopter to escape, but
Rogers disabled the vehicle with a well-aimed throw. Annoyed, Simpson
pounced on his enemy and beat him. During the beating, Simpson criticized
America in general and all of Rogers' values. Before escaping, he goaded
the superhero to find him and promised to help "open his eyes."
(Ultimate Captain America I#2 (fb) - BTS)
- Simpson headed to Cambodia and settled in the Saloth village, a location
that was not on any maps. He decided to use the inhabitants for his own
purposes and provided them with copied Serum, granting them superhuman
abilities. Meanwhile, Steve Rogers dreamed of Simpson taunting him on a
field of Vietnam War corpses and promising to show Rogers what America
stood for.
(Ultimate Captain America I#2 - BTS) - Steve Rogers found out about
Simpson's visit to Cambodia and
spent over a week there searching for Simpson. Learning of
Rogers' arrival in Cambodia, Simpson hired several people to track the
American superhero and lure him to Saloth.
(Ultimate Captain America I#2) - One of Simpson's
hirelings, after being defeated by Rogers, showed Captain America the way
to Saloth. After a short period of time, Rogers reached the village but
was beaten by local residents. Frank Simpson then showed up and said the
beating was one of many lessons Steve needs to learn.
(Ultimate Captain America I#3) - Frank once again spoke negatively about the United States and began the next "lesson" he had promised to the superhero. He then sat down with a book in front of the chained Captain America and read a paragraph about Richard Nixon, calling him "the most evil man of all time." When the so-called lesson in history and morality was over, Simpson, in the company of his subordinates, locked Rogers in a small room. The next day, Frank returned for Steve. Rogers kicked him in the face but was attacked by inhabitants of Saloth. Simpson did not pay attention to the comments from the hero and ordered his subordinates to hang Rogers upside down. While he was briefly describing several twentieth century conflicts between the United States and other countries in which many people died, one of the villagers electrocuted Rogers.
As days passed and the torture continued, Simpson forcibly
took a blood sample from Steve Rogers. Once, Captain America managed to
escape but he didn't get far and was taken back to Simpson. With Captain
America missing, the US government began searching for him, and
S.H.I.E.L.D. agents soon arrived in Cambodia, two of whom were caught in
the jungle by Simpson's henchmen. Frank brutally killed the agents in
front of the angered Rogers. Simpson later threw his prisoner into the
Simpson then had a brief conversation with the
unidentified scientist who
had helped him develop a new replica of the Super-Soldier Serum from
Rogers' blood sample. The scientist noted that they had taken eight liters
of blood from Rogers, admitting he was surprised that the superhero was
still alive. He considered Simpson's attempts to break Captain America's
will senseless, however, and eventually left Frank to his own thoughts.
Frank himself remained and subsequently drove a young boy away when the
boy tried to make contact with the now-exhausted Rogers.
In his room, Frank took pills and assured himself that
he was right, saying "Just because you couldn't make him see the light...
it doesn't mean you were wrong." He then took a pistol and decided to kill
Captain America.
(Ultimate Captain America
I#1/Ultimate Captain America I#3) - The next morning, after
waking Rogers, Simpson put his gun to Rogers' head. The superhero began to
pray to God, which caused Simpson to laugh. Frank gave him five minutes
and said that he would kill him after that. When five minutes passed,
Simpson walked into the room and, to his surprise, saw a smile on Rogers'
(Ultimate Captain America I#4) - Rogers spat poison taken
from a cobra that had sneaked into the room into Frank's face, then
attacked while Simpson was temporarily blinded and disoriented, wrapping a
chain around Simpson's neck. Weakened, Simpson began shooting in all
directions and grazed Rogers' shoulder, but ran out of bullets just as he
was about to shoot his opponent in the face. As Rogers tried to throttle
Simpson, Frank snapped the chain and retaliated. A fight ensued between
them, during which Captain America tore off part of Simpson's ear. Enraged
and more determined than ever to finish his foe, Simpson picked up two
hammers from a native's cart, but Steve found a better weapon: a
sledgehammer. Both Captain Americas delivered many hard blows to each
other that an ordinary person could not bear. Eventually Simpson knocked
the sledgehammer out of Rogers' hands, and Rogers fell to his knees.
Assuming his foe beaten, rather than finishing Rogers off, Simpson demanded he admit himself a tool of an imperialist regime and that America was dead, unwittingly giving Rogers a chance to rally. Luring Simpson in by appearing to be about to accede, Rogers snatched the sledgehammer back up and smashed Frank in the groin. After that, Rogers delivered several crushing blows to Frank, who resigned himself to his fate and asked Captain America to kill him in front of the villagers. Captain America refused and punched Simpson in the face with all his might, knocking out his left eye. By evening, a detachment of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived in Saloth and arrested Frank Simpson.
In S.H.I.E.L.D.'s
Triskelion base, Frank Simpson was chained to a bunk.
America visited him for some time in order to "pay back" Simpson by
reading him pages from the Bible, just as Simpson had once read pages from
a reference book on US history during his torture sessions with Rogers.
Comments: Created by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney.
Profile by Mike Castle.
Earth-1610's Frank Simpson has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Ultimate Captain America I#3, p1, splash page (Frank Simpson with
Captain America's shield, main image)
Ultimate Captain America I#1, p19,
pan5 (headshot, pre-face tattoo)
Ultimate Captain America I#2, p4, pan2 (Frank Simpson in the US
Ultimate Captain America I#2, p4, pan5-6 (Frank Simpson being
transformed into a super-soldier)
Ultimate Captain America I#1, p7, pan2 (masked Simpson with Koreans
watching Subject A-17)
Ultimate Captain America I#1, p12, pan2-5 (Simpson killing Subject A-17)
Ultimate Captain America I#3, p6, pan1-2 (Frank torturing Steve Rogers)
Ultimate Captain America I#3, p12, pan3 (Frank Simpson killing a
S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Ultimate Captain America I#4, p14, splash page (Simpson losing an eye)
Ultimate Captain America I#4, p22, splash page (Simpson in the
Ultimate Captain America I#3, p15, pan6 (unidentified scientist)
Ultimate Captain America I#1 (January, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Ron
Garney (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Ultimate Captain America I#2 (February, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer),
Ron Garney (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Ultimate Captain America I#3 (March, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Ron
Garney (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Ultimate Captain America I#4 (April, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Ron
Garney (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First Posted: 09/04/2021
Last updated: 08/31/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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