Name: Mufler
Identity/Class: Robot
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Burt, Eddie, Matt, Wendy
Enemies: Unidentified robot/armored individual
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Comics Feature#33 (January-February 1985)
Powers/Abilities: Muffy can transform from a Volkswagen Beetle to a robot and back.
Height: Unrevealed (see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
(Car and Cable) - Muffler, or Muffy for short, was a robot that could
transform to disguise himself as VW Beetle. He was friends with the
humans Matt, Eddie and Wendy, and the dog Burt.
Comments: Created by uncertain - maybe Jeffrey Scott, though he may have been given the basic character concepts someone else had come up with - see below for details.
"In the summer of 1980, Marvel
Entertainment Group President James E. Galton and Marvel Comics
Publisher Stan Lee,...traveled west from their New York corporate
headquarters to establish an animation studio in Los Angeles. In
conjunction with the Emmy and Oscar-award winning animator David H.
DePatie and his longtime production associate Lee Gunther, Galton and
Lee formed Marvel Productions, Ltd.... The primary reason why Lee and
Galton wanted to start a production company was that they had been
repeatedly disappointed with the ways in which other producers had
portrayed the Marvel Comics characters in cartoons, live-action TV and
feature films, and they felt they could do a more accurate job of
bringing their characters to the large and small screen." - Robert
Strauss, Comics Feature#33
If the idea of Marvel setting up a Marvel studio to make movies around their characters so they could do a more better and (generally) more faithful versions of them sounds familiar, then it should, because that's basically the story of how we've ended up with the MCU. Naturally, Stan Lee had the idea decades earlier, though with far more mixed results, not least because while they developed ideas, they were then still trying to get other studios to buy them and pay to turn the ideas into finished products. They had numerous live-action movies in early stages of development - Captain America, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Roger Corman's Spider-Man and X-Men are mentioned in Strauss' article in Comics Feature - but the only one mentioned that actually made it to the screen during the lifetime of Marvel Productions was...Howard the Duck. They also got ABC sold on a live-action Daredevil series to the point where a pilot script was completed, but it was in animation that they had the most success, both with Marvel characters (1981's Spider-Man, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1982's Incredible Hulk, and later Pryde of the X-Men) and developing cartoons on behalf of others (Dungeons and Dragons, G.I. Joe, Transformers, etc.). However, more successful doesn't mean completely successful, and there were still a lot of ideas that never made it beyond the development stage. There's not a ton of information available on most of these, but the article in Comics Feature#33 did at least provide concept art for a few, and snippets have emerged over the years from those who were involved in the development stage.
The background to Muffy and the show he was intended to appeared on, Car and Cable, is slightly obscured and so the below is what I think is the chain of events, as pieced together from multiple second-hand sources. For clarity, confirmed information is in regular text, while my speculations of how the confirmed info links together is in italics:
In 1963 David DePatie
and Friz Freleng founded DePatie-Freleng
Enterprises, which went on to produce such noteworthy cartoons as The
Pink Panther. In 1981 Freleng left the company, and Cadence Industries, who at this juncture owned Marvel Comics,
bought DFE and used it to form the basis of the new Marvel Productions
Ltd. DePatie stayed on as Head of Production, but apparently he didn't
much care for the comics end of the new business, particularly the
main Marvel Comics people back out east in Manhattan.
Then, in 1982, per Jim
Shooter's blog, Knickerbocker Toys asked Marvel to develop a toy
property called the Mysterions "for comics, animation and other
entertainment." The Mysterions were based off Japanese toys
Knickerbocker had gained the license to, toys which were vehicles that
unfolded into robots... So Shooter developed a backstory and a treatment
for the first Mysterions story, with the intention being to do comics
while Marvel Productions would produce a tie-in animated series, all
timed to launch slightly prior to the toys themselves. Knickerbocker
loved the concept they were shown, and arranged a meeting for it to be
formally pitched and details pinned down. Shooter and others from Marvel
Comics attended the meeting in person, while Dennis Marks, head of
development at Marvel Productions, joined in via a conference call.
After the comics end explained their plans, Marks had his turn to
explain what the animation studio proposed, which turned out to be to
completely ignore Shooter's stuff and instead do their own, completely
unrelated thing, "with cute, wacky kids. And a goofy dog." This was
a formula that had become cliched, as cartoon series after cartoon
series copied the format originally established by Scooby-Doo. Heck,
Marvel Productions also produced Dungeons and Dragons at this time,
and the studio had originally planned to include a dog with the kids
in that show until D&D creator Gary Gygax forced them to at least
change the overused cute animal schtick to a unicorn instead. Knickerbocker
didn't like this, as they'd liked Shooter's version and wanted the
cartoons based on that too, but it all proved moot as the day after the
meeting Hasbro announced they had bought out Knickerbocker, which put
the Mysterions plans on indefinite hold.
However, several months later Hasbro came knocking on Marvel's doors.
Just like Knickerbocker, they wanted tie-in comics and cartoons to their
proposed new line of transforming robots. Thinking that some of the same
people might be at the Hasbro pitch meeting and not wanting to look like
a "one-trick pony," Shooter did a completely different backstory for the
new Transformers toys. However, it seems that Marvel Productions
were less original, and did exactly what they had before, not only
trying to ignore the backstory the comics end of things was providing,
but just recycling their prior pitch. As noted in his book "How
to Write for Animation," screenwriter Jeffrey Scott was paid in 1984 by
Marvel Productions and CBS to produce a "series bible" for Transformers,
complete with a script for a pilot episode titled "A Robot's Best Friend
is His Dog." He couldn't recall any real details beyond these by the
time he wrote the book, but the later Transformers production bible for
the show that eventually did get made suggested that they might want to
include an older brother, "A la Matt Conroy in the network presentation"
as well as "We suggest the main character be a fifteen year-old boy
modeled after Spike [Witwicky] in the Specials and / or Eddie Fairchild
in the network presentation." Since the subsequent script for Car
and Cable mentions Matt and Eddie as the older male and young boy
respectively, it seems that the "network presentation" mentioned in
the Transformers production bible was Marvel Productions original
pitch for the Transformers cartoon.
Skip forward to 1985, by which time DePatie
has left Marvel Productions and things there are a lot less negative
about their comic book cousins. Comics Feature runs an article on the
company, and in it they include artwork for various series being
pitched, including two identified as being for "Car and Cable,"
depicting a transforming Volkswagen Beetle called Muffy and his three
human friends - an older man, a young boy and a teenaged girl - and a
dog. The artwork provides the vehicle's name, but not the other
characters. Then in 2020 a collector and Instagram user called
consumercollectibles posted images from his memorabilia collection that
included some additional production artwork and a page from the show
bible identifying all the characters by name. As noted above, the
fact that Matt and Eddie are mentioned in the Car and Cable bible
while Matt Conroy and Eddie Fairchild are mentioned as being part of
the "network presentation," combined with the C&C bible including
Burt the dog which ties in with both Shooter's mention of "cute kids"
and a "goofy dog" and Scott's Transformer's pilot also mentioning a
dog, combined further with Muffy being a yellow VW Beetle, just like
Transformer Bumblebee, makes it feel virtually certain that Car and
Cable began as a Transformers pitch, but one that was rejected and
then likely retooled in an attempt to sell it as its own show.
Who now owns Muffy and the other
characters from Car and Cable? Could they potentially turn up on
Earth-616 (the mainstream Marvel universe). It's not certain, but I
suspect it is entirely feasible that the rights remain with Marvel,
given that they were never used for the Transformers. However, even if
Marvel has the rights, I doubt there's any great desire among anyone to
drag the character out of the development hell archives.
Profile by Loki.
Muffy has no known connections to:
Burt was a dog who was friends with Muffy. --Comics Feature#33 |
![]() Eddie was a young boy who was friends with Muffy. --Comics Feature#33
![]() Matt was a man who was friends with Muffy. --Comics Feature#33
![]() Wendy was a teenage girl who was friends with Muffy. --Comics Feature#33
![]() Unidentified robot or armored villain An unidentified robot or being in a suit of powered armor threatened Muffy and his friends. --Comics Feature#33
images: (without ads)
Comics Feature#33, p22, pan3
(main image/Muffy transforming)
Comics Feature#33,
p22, pan2 (Muffy's birthday)
Production art released online by consumercollectibles (all other
Comics Feature#33 (January-February
1985) - credits unknown
First Posted: 08/07/2021
Last updated: 08/07/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you
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