Membership: Agent 001/2, Thinbad;
honorary members Howard the Duck & Beverly Switzler
Purpose: To monitor and safeguard America from aliens, UFOs, and talking ducks
Affiliations: American Government agencies
Enemies: Aliens, Ali Blubber, Fatty Thieves; formerly alien Shryners
Base of Operations: Mobile on Flying Chickens
First Appearance: Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip (May 16th, 1978)
(Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip - May 16th through June 13th, 1978) - CHICKEN was a secret American government spy agency tasked with protecting the world from UFOs, aliens, spacemen, and strange talking ducks among other types of missions of national defense. The organization hid behind a facade of Flying Chicken aircrafts and rather than take a direct approach to missions by sending their own, appeared to randomly draft others into becoming their agents in the field. After capturing Howard and Beverly aboard one of their flying Chickens, they questioned the duck about his patriotism at gun point and then tasked him with getting back onboard the alien spaceship he had been kidnapped to a week before in orbit and destroy "shudder" the package, a large crate containing the unstable and clownish alien Shryners. When the alien Shryners were accidentally unleashed on Cleveland by Howard the Duck, CHICKEN monitored their actions from afar as the alien Shryners caused mischief. The mission was deemed complete after the alien Shryners' rampage ended peacefully when they all signed lucrative TV contracts by the once floundering advertising agency Mellow, Laidback and Groovy. While attempting to get his own TV contract, a flying CHICKEN aircraft with a net swooped down once again on Howard and Beverly and took them aboard the aircraft and gave the pair their gratitude.
(Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip - June 14th to September, 1978) - Doing well for the agency against the alien Shryners, Howard the Duck became an honorary agent of CHICKEN. They next sent Howard and Beverly on another mission to the Badgag district in Cleveland to retrieve the Tuesday Ruby, a powerful bomb that was traded away to Omar and Kyamm, operatives of Ali Blubber, by CHICKEN's Agent 001/2 for a missing Star Wars card he needed to complete his collection. CHICKEN provided them with costumes to fit in and lent them a magic flying carpet to get them quickly to Badgag. CHICKEN also sent their agent Thinbad to meet them there and assist them since he was familiar with the area and had a past with Ali Blubber and his Fatty Thieves. CHICKEN's mission ended in failure after the destruction of the Tuesday Ruby by Howard, who primed and tossed it at the pursuing Ali Blubber and his men Omar and Kyamm, that led to a large but harmless explosion. CHICKEN's current activities remain unrevealed.
Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman & Alan Kupperberg.
The spy agency known as CHICKEN was a parody of many fictional spy agencies such as Man From U.N.C.L.E., Mission Impossible, James Bond and Marvel's own secret spy agency, S.H.I.E.L.D. Their Flying Chicken aircrafts served the same purpose as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier but were much smaller. No agents other then Thinbad were seen, and it is unrevealed as to what they looked like uniform wise, how many there were onboard the Flying Chicken and who was in charge. I could envision a Nick Fury looking Colonel Sanders was CHICKEN's acting chef, um, chief.
With the name being CHICKEN, I am assuming no agents other than Thinbad or agent 001/2 were seen or used on missions and were in fact "chicken," or too afraid to take part in any missions deemed too dangerous.
Profile by AvatarWarlord72
The secret spy organization called CHICKEN has no known connections to:
Agent 001/2 of CHICKEN was on a mission to bring a powerful explosive device called the Tuesday Ruby to the government for safekeeping. While passing through the Badgag district in Cleveland, he was bushwhacked by Omar and Kyamm that were sent by Ali Blubber to steal it but ended up legally trading it to them for a Star Wars card to complete his collection.
--[Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip (June, 1978)]
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These were large sized aircrafts that were used by the secret government agency CHICKEN to patrol, transport personnel and capture beings with. They were designed to look like chickens and were outfitted with large nets that were large enough to scoop up two average sized beings. -Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip (May to June, 1978) |
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images: (without ads)
Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip (September, 23rd), pan3 (Flying Chicken)
Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip (May 17th, 1978), pan1-2 (Howard and Beverly inside a Flying Chicken)
Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip (May 16th to September, 1978) - Marv Wolfman (writer), Alan Kupperberg (artist)
First Posted: 08/14/2021
Last updated: 08/14/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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