Real Name: Unrevealed;
possibly Collapsar
Identity/Class: Unrevealed;
mutant-human per the Superconductor;
possibly sentient energy being encased in humanoid
armor or perhaps a sentient or programmed energy construct
or...something else...;
"non-human" per Clementine (possibly just meaning
not a physical human, but possibly indicating he either didn't
originate from Earth or that he was some sort of construct)
Occupation: Warrior;
agent of Mys-Tech;
Group Membership: Mys-Tech; (notably Permafrost, Sunder, Gudrun Tyburn and her artificial replicant)
Affiliations: Posed as an ally but secretly manipulate the Technarchy of Eopia (including Demogog Tansteele)
Enemies: Clementine, Death's Head/Minion, the Egaliterns, Killpower, Colonel Tigon
Liger, Motormouth;
indirectly, the rest of Dark Guard (Albion, Stacy Arnheim, Ultra-Marine/Kith
Nasca), Superconductor, the Time Guardian
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Mys-Tech living superweapon" (per narrative);
"Mys-Tech skunk" (per Liger);
"freak" (per Death's Head);
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the planet Eopia's Helios Plateau,
within the sub-ground bunkers of the Technarchy legion encampment; unrevealed star system, Albedo Crux
perhaps formerly Earth (if Mys-Tech created him there)
First Appearance: Dark Guard#2 (November, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: A being of pure energy, Collapsar was encased within a large human form. Per the Superconductor, Collapsar "contains within himself the aggressive potency of a supernova." His human form encompassed "a furnace of cosmic power fierce enough to tear the heart out of a star." Collapsar is immensely strong, able to drop
Killpower with a single punch, or to stun the even more powerful (100
ton-lifting) Death's Head with a single least when catching
him off guard. Collapsar is highly durable, able to shrug off
punches from the Class 100 Death's Head, but sufficiently powerful
assaults, such as multiple "fusion solids" from
Tigon Liger's gun, Clementine, can damage the structural integrity
over his outer casing, such that a sufficiently hard and sharp weapon
can create a rent in his armor. If his casing is damaged, Collapsar cannot contain his energies, which will be released with explosive force. An explosion of Collapsar's energies can destroy whole buildings. It is unrevealed whether Collapsar's energy form can recover from being explosively dispersed from his external casing. Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 7'6") |
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Mys-Tech established a presence on the planet Eopia in the Albedo Crux
Cluster, escalating the war between Egaliterns and Technarchy in effort to cause the planet's
destruction via thermo-nuclear war.
(Dark Guard I#3 (fb) - BTS) - so they could harness its death scream to pay off Mys-Tech's debt to Mephisto.
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Collapsar was sent to manipulate
the Technarchy's Demogog Tansteele to this end, although Tansteele and
the Technarchy were advised that he had been sent to aid their cause.
Mys-Tech agents Permafrost and Sunder were sent to similarly manipulate the Egaliterns.
(Dark Guard I#1 - BTS) - The Time Guardian gathered
the Dark Guard to oppose Mys-Tech's becoming a universal threat. They
were subsequently sent to to Eopia where they were engaged by hostile
forces in Technarchy territory.
![]() | (Dark Guard I#4) - Collapsar and Death's Head's
fight carried them through a wall into the vicinity of where Killpower,
Liger, and Motormouth fought Technarchy forces. Although Death's Head
delivered a blow strong enough to vaporize brick, Collapsar shrugged it
off and swung out Death's Head, missing but smashing a hole in the
cavern around them. Death's Head then rushed off -- ignoring
Collapsar's insistence he come back as he wasn't finished with him --
asking aid from Liger as "this bozo is seriously invulnerable." Liger
had his gun, Clementine, fire fusion solids, rapid fire, minimum
spread...but when the smoke cleared, Collapsar was seemingly unharmed,
noting, "My compliments to the chef," after which he returned fire, and
the shocked Liger had to be tackled to safety by Motormouth.![]() As his foes fled the destruction from Collapsar's blast, Clementine, having identified Collapsar as being non human, elaborated that its scans showed that Collapsar's human shape was merely a material container for a being of pure energy. Catching up to his foes, Collapsar advised their surrender; when they refused, he noted that the Technarchy and Egalitern were now at war, and a nuclear exchange was expected within the hour, which would grant Mys-Tech what it desired. Feigning distress over their fate, Motormouth informed Death's Head that her hypervision had identified loads of micro-fractures across Collapsar's torso from Liger's bullets' impacts. Death's Head then reconfigured his blade attachment to an ultra-sharp configuration and -- refusing Collapsar's offer of surrender -- slashed a rent across Collapsar's torso. |
![]() | Collapsar initially fled before collapsing, cursing his foes as it "shouldn't end like this" as he realized he couldn't contain the power. Appreciating the danger, the Dark Guard fled, and the explosive energy released from Collapsar leveled the entire Technarchy bunker complex; casualties knocked the fight out of most of the remaining Technarchy. (Dark Guard I#4 - BTS) - Dark Guard subsequently thwarted the Mys-Tech plot, preventing nuclear war and taking down the war--mongering Tansteele, and allowing the Egaliterns and Technarchy to begin brokering peace. | ![]() |
Comments: Dan
Abnett, Carlos Pacheco, and Oscar Jimenez under the Marvel UK imprint.
Collapsar was a dangerous and
impressive character in his limited appearances. I'm sure some
technology could re-gather his scattered energies and restore him into
a new and improved casing...
This profile was completed 3/17/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Collapsar should be distinguished from:
Dark Guard#2, pg. 11, panel (behind Tansteele);
pg. 12, panel 1 (airborne, most full);
panel 6 (smiling, incoming straight-on);
pg. 17, panel 2 (schematic, green image);
#4, pg. 2-3 (vs. Death's Head);
pg. 7, panel 4 (slashed);
pg. 8, panel 3 (losing control; body);
panel 5 (losing control; face);
pg. 9, panel 1 (explosion)
Dark Guard#1-4 (October, 1993 - January, 1994) - Dan
Abnett (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Oscar Jimenez (inks), Stuart
Bartlett (editor)
First posted: 09/30/2021
Last updated: 09/05/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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