Real Name:

Identity/Class: Human (Chinese) (Post-World War II Era)

Occupation: Military spy

Group Membership: People's Volunteer Army

Affiliations: Her fellow soldiers

Enemies: Combat Casey, Penny Pennington

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile in Korea

First Appearance: Combat Casey I#14 (February, 1954)

Powers/Abilities: She carried a pistol which she called her "iron master." She also had a dagger.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 121 lbs.)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black

(Combat Casey #14) - Comrade China arranged for three of her men to help her kidnap the soldiers Combat Casey and Penny Pennington so that they could remove their uniforms and use them in a plot to steal a U.S. army truck full of ammunition they intended to redistribute among their guerrilla fighters in South Korea.

After the ammunition was successfully captured, the two thieves returned to Comrade China to report on their success. When they revealed they had tied up the drivers of the truck, Comrade China was furious because there were two Chinese colonels who needed to cross back into North Korea and they also needed uniforms. Comrade China made the two thieves give Casey and Penny's uniforms to the colonels. Penny seemed to cooperate, giving the two colonels advice on how to behave around Military Police. In reality, Penny had deliberately torn their trousers in the back knowing that the MPs would stop any soldier with torn pants.

Examining the ammunition, Comrade China asked Penny to identify the contents of a cannister. Penny claimed it was canned vegetables so Comrade China drove a knife into it, only to discover it was a gas grenade and gas quickly filled the room. Realizing Casey and Penny were trying to escape in the confusion, Comrade China ordered her men to fire at them but, with their vision clouded, they only succeeded in shooting each other. Military Police came to examine the scene and found the room full of dead men. Whether Comrade China was among those slain was unrevealed.

Comments: Created by Hank Chapman and Robert Q. Sale.

    All Asian femme fatales owe a great debt to Milton Caniff and his creation the Dragon Lady from the newspaper comic strip Terry and the Pirates.

Profile by Prime Eternal.

Comrade China should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
Combat Casey I#14, page 2, panel 7 (main)
Combat Casey I#14, page 5, panel 2 (face)

Combat Casey I#14 (February, 1954) - Hank Chapman (writer), Robert Q. Sale (artist), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 01/06/2023
Last updated: 01/06/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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