Official Name: Earth-39372
Nature: Alternate Earth
Natives: Unidentified mutates
Population: Unrevealed
Capital City: Inapplicable
Government: Unrevealed (the mutates did not show evidence of leadership)
Languages: Unrevealed (the mutates did not speak)
National Defense: Unrevealed (beyond waves of mutates attacking whoever showed up)
Places of Interest: None
Visitors: Sidney Fishburne, Genetix (Base/Hiro Sukoto, Ridge/Tim Holloway, Stinger/Blodwen Reese, Vesper/Raani Jatwinder), Killpower (Julius Mullarkey), Time Guardian
First Appearance: Killpower: The Early Years#3 (November, 1993)
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 (fb) - BTS) - Existing in the distant future ("an incalculable number of centuries in the future"), this was a barren, ravaged Earth, able to sustain only a race of ravening mutates.
(Killpower: The Early Years#3) - When the Time Guardian and Sidney Fishburne simultaneously attempted to claim the restored Chronifact, Fishburne succeeded, while an energy backlash weakened the Time Guardian and sent him and his associates, Killpower and Genetix (Base, Ridge, Stinger, Vesper) into the distant future of Earth-39372.
As the transported parties attempted to determine what had happened, a group of mutates rushed to assault them.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4) - Killpower and the Genetix members engaged the mutates, with Shift sending some through a dimensional portal and then blasting the disoriented creatures as they returned through another portal. Base knocked others off their feet with a seismic wave, Killpower smashed their heads together, and Vesper blasted others with one of Killpower's guns.
When the Time Guardian attempted to abandon the others by escaping through time, Stinger drained his power and used it to fight the mutates. Apparently frightened of Ridge's appearance (and having not been making headway against the others), the mutates retreated temporarily. The Time Guardian then explained the history of the Chronifact and the events that brought them there.
Observing via the Chronifact as the Time Guardian as his powers slowly returned and he plotted to abandon his new allies, Fishburne struck out at the Time Guardian with an energy blast that further weakened him.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 - BTS) - However, the energies were also detected by Fishburne's superior, Dr. Oonagh Mullarkey, who investigated and discovered Fishburne's activities and then isolated him in his lab, although he was able to use the Chronifact to protect himself and draw whatever energies or supplies he needed.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 (fb) - BTS) - Unseen, Fisburne's attacks continued to weaken the Time Guardian.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4) - As Vesper soothed the Time Guardian's injury, Ridge sensed and then warned the others as the mutates gathered for another attack. Via a planned pincer movement (a two-pronged attack), Killpower and Genetix swiftly sent the mutates fleeing again, but Base appreciated that soon enough the mutates would realize they had nothing to lose and would attack in force.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 - BTS) - After Oonagh informed the Mys-Tech Board of Fisburne's activitites, the Board threatened Fishburne.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4) - Fishburne contacted the Time Guardian and proposed an alliance, offering to share the Chronifact with him in return. No longer weakening from Fishburne's assaults, the Time Guardian convinced Stinger to return his energies so he could transport them all away from there; Vesper's previous kindness led the Time Guardian to help her and her allies, rather than abandon them as he had initially planned.
Still not at full power, the Time Guardian was able to transport only components of his weapons from his own quarters, at which point, the mutates began to approach again. Aided via a vial created by the Egyptian sorceress Samira -- and accidentally dropped (apparently in that spot or brought there by the Time Guardian or other factors) in the past by Vesper -- to enhance Killpower's childlike mind and his nature as a prodigy with technology, Killpower assembled a weapon that rendered the mutates temporarily immaterial; Genetix held off the mutates to give Killpower the time to accomplish this.
Drawing further power
from the weapon Killpower had created, the Time Guardian transported
Killpower and Genetix back to their own time in Reality-616, although
he removed their memories of meeting him.
The Time Guardian then confronted Fishburne, transporting him away from his office just as Mys-Tech began to shatter his chronal shield.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 - BTS) - Taking advantage of their previous agreement to share the Chronifact, the Time Guardian took its energies and left Fishburne with the powerless device, after which he transported Fishburne and the Chronifact to the distant future of Earth-39372.
As Killpower's weapon's energies wore off, the mutates became solid again, and they spotted Fishburne, who hid in the bushes.
Comments: Created by Mike Barr, John Ross, and Martin Griffiths.
The events that led to this future are not discussed. One might speculate that nuclear war led to this, but perhaps it was an extraterrestrial assault, a stellar event, etc.
I'm not sure what the cutoff for incalculable is in terms of centuries...1000 years is 10 centuries...a million years is 10,000 centuries. Closer to the latter end seems to be what they were going for.
Until Sidney Fisburne was shown to be hiding amidst some foliage, Earth-39372 seemed to be barren rock and dead trees. You would think there had to be something on which the mutates could feed, but perhaps they survived via absorbing radiation, or they were cannibalistic when something else didn't come along?
This profile was completed 6/13/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Earth-39372 has no known connections to
As the transported parties attempted to determine what had happened, a group of mutates rushed to assault them.
The Early Years#4) - Killpower and the Genetix members engaged the
mutates, with Shift sending some through a dimensional portal and then
blasting the disoriented creatures as they returned through another
portal. Base knocked others off their feet with a seismic wave,
Killpower smashed their heads together, and Vesper blasted others with
one of Killpower's guns.
When the Time Guardian attempted to abandon the others by escaping through time, Stinger drained his power and planned to use it to fight the mutates. Apparently frightened of Ridge's appearance (and having not been making headway against the others), the mutates retreated temporarily. The Time Guardian then explained the history of the Chronifact and the events that brought them there.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4) - As Vesper soothed the injured Time Guardian, Ridge sensed and then warned the others as the mutates gathered for another attack. Via a planned pincer movement (a two-pronged attack), Killpower and Genetix swiftly sent the mutates fleeing again, but Base appreciated that soon enough the mutates would realize they had nothing to lose and would attack in force.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 - BTS) - Fishburne contacted the Time Guardian and proposed an alliance, offering to share the Chronifact with him in return. No longer weakening from Fishburne's assaults, the Time Guardian convinced Stinger to return his energies so he could transport them all away from there; Vesper's previous kindness led the Time Guardian to help her and her allies, rather than abandon them as he had initially planned. Still not at full power, the Time Guardian was able to transport only components of his weapons from his own quarters.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4) - As the mutates began to approach again, Genetix held off the mutates to give Killpower the time to assemble a weapon (from materials summoned by the Time Guardian) that rendered the mutates temporarily immaterial.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4 - BTS) - Drawing further power from the weapon Killpower had created, the Time Guardian transported Killpower and Genetix back to their own time in Reality-616, although he removed their memories of meeting him.
(Killpower: The Early Years#4) - Based on their previous agreement to share the Chronifact, the Time Guardian took its energies and left Fishburne with the powerless device, after which he transported Fishburne and the Chronifact to the distant future of Earth-39372. As Killpower's weapon's energies wore off, the mutates became solid again, and they spotted Fishburne, who hid amidst what foliage he could find.
images: (without ads)
Killpower: The Early Years#3, last page, panel 2 (barren landscape);
panel 4 (mostly full mutate jumping down);
#4, pg. 2-3, panel 1 (onrushing mutates);
pg. 4, panel 2 (mutates, posterior view);
pg. 11, panel 2 (tree);
pg. 21, panel 4 (Fishburne arriving, mutates becoming solid again);
pg. 22, panel 1 (Fishburne hiding amidst foliage)
Killpower: The Early Years#3-4 (November-December, 1993) - Mike Barr (writer), John Ross (penciler), Martin Griffiths (inker), Jacqui Papp (editor)
First posted: 09/07/2021
Last updated: 09/06/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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