Classification: Humanoid extradimensional (Egolix-7) race
Location/Base of Operations: Egolix-7
Significant Natives: Maya, the royal Teraxtola family;
numerous Egolans formerly mutated into monstrous servants of Count Abyss;
the person marrying Maya and Darklore is one of the only Egolans (excepting Maya) unique in appearance;
the population is unrevealed, but no more than several dozens to hundreds were ever shown
Affiliations: Darklore, Infinity Watch (Drax, Gamora,
Maxam, Moondragon, Pip, Adam Warlock), Meer'lyn;
many were formerly mutated and under the control of Count Abyss (Milos Abyss)
Enemies: Count Abyss
First Appearance: (Maya) Warlock and the
Infinity Watch#14 (March, 1993);
(mutated Egolans and Abyss' shadow demons) Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 (May, 1993)
(Egolix-7 mentioned) Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29 (June, 1994);
(other Egolans shown)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33 (October, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: The Egolans did not demonstrate any superhuman abilities.
Traits: The Egolans have a royal family and seem to be benevolent. Their level of technology was not defined, but they had buildings comparable to at least Earth's middle ages.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; light blue color seen)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Unrevealed
Skin color: "Pink" (comparable to Caucasian humanity), at least
Average height: Approximately 5'10"?
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29
(fb) - BTS) - The royal family of Teraxtola was the ruling clan of the
alien realm of Egolix-7.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29 (fb) - BTS) - Having achieved vast power via the Zalkor, Count Abyss came upon Egolix-7 approximately 10 years ago, easily conquering it. To legitimize his claim, he took the teenage royal family member Maya as his consort.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29 (fb) - BTS) - Count Abyss wiped out the resistance movement on Egolix-7.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 - BTS / Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33 (fb) - BTS)
- Abyss transformed the Egolans into monstrously deformed slaves.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#31 (fb) - BTS) - Aided by his mutates, world after world fell into submission to Count Abyss, galaxy after galaxy paid homage to its new tyrant.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29 (fb) - BTS) - Maya served as Abyss' consort for approximately a decade.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 - BTS (see comments)) - Seeking to obtain Adam Warlock's Soul Gem (to restore the soul he had sacrificed to gain power from the Zalkor), Count Abyss sent a number of "shadow demon" creatures to assault Warlock and his allies on Earth's Monster Isle. After Warlock had dispatched these creatures, Abyss revealed that he had many other loyal servants he could send.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#26) - Abyss sent Maya to Earth to dupe Adam Warlock into drinking a Zalkor-magically-empowered love potion to sap his will. He also gave Maya an alleged antidote to the potion so she could drink it without harm, though the antidote was a farce as there was no true cure or prevention for the love potion.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#30 (fb) - BTS) - Moondragon tested Maya's "wine bottle" via a scanner on Monster Isle and found it to be non-toxic (the mystic nature of the tampering was not detected by the scanners).
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29 (fb) - BTS) - Darklore and Meer'lyn arrived in Egolix-7.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29) - While Darklore gathered
mystic intelligence for their upcoming battle, Meer'lyn advised him to hurry,
because she wanted to put some distance between themselves and Abyss.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29) - Maya convinced Adam Warlock to accept an alliance with the non-existent resistance movement of Egolix-7 against Count Abyss and to honor the good faith "centuries-old tradition of a toast with rare Ambrosian Elixir." After sipping the potion, the two fell passionately in love.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#30) - After Warlock and his associates' unsuccessful efforts to overcome the Zalkor's spell, Abyss sent his minions to Monster Island, and while they distracted the Watch, Abyss captured Maya and brought her back to his realm.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#31 - BTS) - Warlock led the Infinity Watch to Abyss' dimension to recover her.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#32 - BTS) - Despite the assistance of the sorcerer Darklore and his familiar Meer'lyn, the Infinity Watch were easily defeated by Abyss, who then claimed the Soul Gem for himself.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33 - BTS) - After Maya told Adam Warlock, Darlore, and their associates of Abyss' reasons for wanting the Soul Gem, and Warlock and Darklore used that knowledge against him: Warlock filled the need for a soul in Abyss by bonding him with Soul Gem's Kray-Tor. Now possessing a soul, Abyss was not recognized by the Zalkor, and his lack of power allowed Darklore to banish him to a distant dimension.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33 (fb) - BTS) - Darklore returned Abyss' former servants to normal, and Maya was named as ruler of Egolix-7, with Darklore at her side as her king.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33) - The pain in her heart was evident in Maya eyes, and the same was true of Adam as the Infinity Watch wished them well and returned to Earth.
(Warlock and the Infinity Watch#34) - Maya and Darklore were wed, unknowingly observed from a distance by the lovesick Warlock via the Orb of Infinity.
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin, Angel Medina, Bob Almond, and Patrick Olliffe.
I was never really clear whether Egolix-7 was only the name of Maya's kingdom, or if it was the entire realm. The name Egolix-7 would seem to imply that it was a planet, like the 7th from its sun, but that's not necessarily the case.
The identification Egolans for the race of Egolix-7 was confirmed in Darklore's OHotMU entry, if not before.
I don't think the "shadow demons" from Warlock and the Infinity Watch were Egolans transformed by Count Abyss but rather soulless creations of his. I guess I'll do a profile on them in the near future and see if there is any clarification forthcoming.
Beyond Maya and the person marrying her and Darklore, and the Teraxtola family, everyone else is just a face-in-the-crowd. We saw the Egolans in their mutated forms, but flashbacks to prior to that were verbal/behind-the-scenes, and after their return, we got two distant crowd scenes.
I don't think I had previously realized that issues #32-34 were not written by Starlin. I don't know if there was some loose plot that was followed or whether Richard Ashford (#32) and John Arcudi (#33-34) just had the storyline dumped in their laps, and they resolved it as they saw fit.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
![]() They pretty much seemed to be savage and monstrous, attacking others en masse and using brute force. Some carried battle axes or other weapons. Their forms were various...some had wings....some had tails (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 - BTS / Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33 (fb) - BTS) - Abyss transformed the Egolans into monstrously deformed slaves. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#31 (fb) - BTS) - Aided by his mutates, world after world fell into submission to Count Abyss, galaxy after galaxy paid homage to its new tyrant. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29 (fb) - BTS) - Maya served as Abyss' consort for approximately a decade. (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 - BTS (see comments)) - Seeking to obtain Adam Warlock's Soul Gem, Count Abyss sent a number of "shadow demon" creatures to assault Warlock and his allies on Earth's Monster Isle. After Warlock had dispatched these creatures, Abyss revealed that he had many other loyal servants he could send. |
![]() . . (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#30) - After Warlock and his associates' unsuccessful efforts to overcome the Zalkor's spell, Abyss sent his minions to assemble their brethren |
![]() . . . . . (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#30) - Abyss' minions invaded the Infinity Watch's castle base on Monster Isle. Pip announced the opening of a warp portal and summoned Adam Warlock, who recognized this as the work of Count Abyss. |
![]() ![]() Moondragon advised that they keep the creatures off-balanced and unable to form any organized attack, but that they needed to close the dimensional portal before they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. However, the Watch was uncertain of how to accomplish that task. |
![]() ![]() . . . Untrusting of Maya in the first place and jealous over Adam unintended feelings for her, Gamora was tempted to allow Maya to be abducted and brought back to Abyss. However, she realized that Warlock would pine after her if he lost her, and she ultimately joined the fight. |
![]() . . . The united Infinity Watch began to overpower and take down the minions. However, just as Maya began to feel hopeful, Abyss appeared behind her and teleported her and his minions back to his base. . . . . (Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33 (fb) - BTS) - After Abyss' defeat, Darklore returned Abyss' former servants to normal. . . . . --Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 |
![]() . The wedding of Darklore and Maya was presided over by a more unique being. It is not clear whether the being was male or female (or androgynous...or alien...or synthetic), but the being was very tall but with a relatively small head and relatively large hands. The image is somewhat off-color as it was viewed by Adam Warlock via the Orb of Eternity, but the being's skin color is the same as that shown for Darklore and Maya, so I don't know that we know whether the character was "Caucasian" or was perhaps even white skinned. There seems to be a "widow's peak" hair style, but it was instead by a skullcap. --Warlock and the Infinity Watch#34 Note: What is the deal with this character? I gots to know! |
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#14 (March, 1993) - Jim Starlin (writer),
Angel Medina (pencils), Bob Almond (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#16 (May, 1993) - Jim
Starlin (writer), Tom Grindberg (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#23 (December, 1993) - Jim Starlin
(writer), Tom Grindberg (pencils), Bob Almond & Harry Candelario
(inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#26-27 (March-April, 1994) - Jim Starlin
(writer), Tom Grindberg (pencils), Bob Almond (inks), Craig Anderson
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#28 (May, 1994) - Jim Starlin (writer),
Jeff Moore (pencils), Tim Dzon (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#29-30 (June - August, 1994) - Jim
Starlin (writer), Patrick Olliffe (artist), Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#31 (September, 1994) - Jim
Starlin (writer), Patrick Olliffe (pencils), Bob Almond & Nichols (inkers),
Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#32 (October, 1994) - Richard Ashford
(writer), Patrick Olliffe (pencils), Keith Williams (inker),
Craig Anderson (editor)
Warlock and the Infinity Watch#33-34 (October-November, 1994) -
John Arcudi (story), Pat Olliffe (penciler), Bob Almond (inker), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 11/10/2022
Last updated: 11/10/2022
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