elowan_race-rebbahn-full-uncolored-somedistantmostfrontfaceELOWAN race

Classification: Humanoid extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    perished on their unidentified native planet in an unrevealed star system and galaxy

Known Members: None identified

Affiliations: Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd), unspecified race of gods

Enemies: Garnok Rebbahn;

First AppearanceSilver Surfer Annual I#3/3 (June, 1990)

Powers/Abilities: The Elowan had no known superhuman powers. 

    The petals of the Vijing plant were instantly fatal to them.

Traits: The Silver Surfer, at least, considered the Elowan to be among the universe's most peaceful and graceful races. The Surfer further considered that, with minimal interaction with outside races, they existed untainted by the chaos of civilization. 

    They were highly trusting, and they knew no violence, cruelty, or suffering. 

    They had  fairly technologically advanced cities and could construct an immense pyramidal templeelowan_race-rebbahn-close-colored-post

Type:  Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid bipeds
: Two (on head; eye color not shown)
: Unrevealed (at least two digits plus an opposing thumb)
: Unrevealed (perhaps fused digits)
Skin color: Pale yellow
Average height: Unrevealed (approximately 3' - 4' tall; they were tiny compared to Rebbahn, who (to me) looked to be 8' to 10' tall)

Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - Existing on a planet outside of normal space travel, the Elowan long ago put aside ways of war and ceased brutalizing their fellow beings or their environment. 

    They lived simply, in harmony, and remained thusly for millennia. They worshipped unidentified gods.

(Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - The Silver Surfer -- the only alien the Elowan had beheld -- visited Elowan on more than one occasion, and he always wished he could linger among them and enjoy their peaceful ways. 

(Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - In recent years, Garnok Rebbahn, part of a race of conquerors, crashed on the planet of the Elowan. 

    The Elowan believed Rebbahn to be an incarnation of one of their gods, and he -- believing it to be his right to conquer other races and do with them as he believed -- allowed them to worship him.

    The Elowan erected a great temple to Rebbahn.

    Eventually becoming bored with the Elowan, Rebbahn instructed them to ingest the petals of the Vijing plant, which was instantly fatal to them. The entire race of Elowan apparently perished thusly.

(Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3 - BTS) - Emotionally exhausted, the Silver Surfer sought to rest on Elowan. As he entered its atmosphere, he observed the temple and speculated that it was perhaps a monument to peace. 

    As the Surfer got closer and saw the corpses littering the temple and its surroundings, he questioned Rebbahn, who proudly told the Surfer what he had done. 

    Rebbahn refused to surrender to him and instead attacked the Surfer, who overloaded his power and destroyed him.

    The Surfer subsequently offered the Elowan a proper funeral, incinerating their corpses. As he departed, the Surfer hoped that in death this noble race could find the peace it so cherished.

CommentsCreated by Ron Marz, Ron Lim, and Keith Williams.

    It seems a bit of a stretch that an alien arriving on one point on a planet could influence the entire planet. Maybe someone influences a city of thousands or a nation of millions, but a planet of billions spread out over many thousand miles from his arrival?
    But maybe the Elowan were empathic, and/or perhaps Garnok Rebbahn put some effort and his technology in influencing the entire race of Elowan...

    From what little we see, the Elowan resemble the Moloid Subterraneans who serve the Mole Man.

Profile by Snood.

The Elowan should be distinguished from:

Temple to Garnok Rebbahn


(Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - In recent years, Garnok Rebbahn, part of a race of conquerors, crashed on the planet of the Elowan. The Elowan believed Rebbahn to be an incarnation of one of their gods, and he -- believing it to be his right to conquer other races and do with them as he believed -- allowed them to worship him.

    The Elowan erected a great temple to Rebbahn.

    Eventually becoming bored with the Elowan, Rebbahn instructed them to ingest the petals of the Vijing plant, which was instantly fatal to them.

     The Elowans' bodies littered the temple and the lands around it.

     Returning to the planet, the Surfer speculated that it was perhaps a monument to peace. As he got closer and saw the corpses littering the temple and its surroundings, he questioned Rebbahn, who proudly told the Surfer what he had done. 

     The Surfer and Rebbahn subsequently battled, their struggle carrying them off the temple. 

    After slaying Rebbahn, the Surfer incinerated the corpses, leaving the temple bare.

--Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3

Vijing plant

nopictureavailable     A petaled plant native to the planet of the Elowan.

    The petals of the
Vijing plant were instantly fatal to the Elowan.

(Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - Eventually becoming bored with the Elowan, Garnok Rebbahn instructed them to ingest the petals of the Vijing plant, which immediately killed the entire race.

--Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3

Note: The Vijing ingestion was told in flashback, and none of the plants were ever shown, not even in the vicinity of the corpses.

planet of the Elowan

     An unidentified planet, unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy; their planet was "far from the traveled lanes of space"

    The physical properties of their world were unrevealed, as both both the Silver Surfer and Garnok Rebbahn were vastly superhuman and likely did not need specific atmospheric conditions to survive.

     The planet had a number of landmasses and large bodies of water.

     The Silver Surfer had been the only alien to travel to this world, and he had been there multiple times. After Garnok Rebbahn's ship crashed there, he manipulated the entire race of Elowan into mass suicide.

     When the Surfer returned and discovered this, he fought Rebbahn, who apparently perished in battle, and then gave the Elowan a "burial," incinerating them.

--Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3

Note: In the original comic, the landmasses shown were more brown-gray and appeared to be barren earth or rock. In the digital version, they appear much more green

images: (without ads)
Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3, pg. 1 (close-up, colored image of dead Elowans);
        pg. 2, panel 2 (semi-distant, uncolored full body image of dead Elowan);
            panel 3 (temple littered with Elowan corpses);
        pg. 4, panel 1 (Elowan from space);
            panel 2-3 (surface of Elowan);
        pg. 5, panel 1 (temple, full)

Silver Surfer Annual I#3/3: "Shades of Guilt" (June, 1990) - Ron Marz (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)

First posted: 08/19/2022
Last updated: 08/19/2022

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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