Real Name: Enmity
Identity/Class: Cosmic/abstract entity
Occupation: Personification of animosity
Group Membership: Seven Friendless (Empathy, Entropy, Epiphany, Eternity, Eulogy, Expediency)
Affiliations: Formerly Unum
Enemies: Adula, Adulaysha (natives of Yor), Collector (Taneleer Tivan), Gamora, Jazinda, Lady Liberators (Invisible Woman/Sue Storm, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Thundra, Valkyrie/Brunnhilde), Lyja, Mantis, Quasar (Phyla-Vell), Unum; presumably other superhuman women warriors from other worlds
Known Relatives: Eternity (“father”), Empathy, Entropy, Epiphany, Eulogy, Expediency (“siblings”);
while Unum referred to herself as Enmity's spawn, Enmity merged many
beings into one, rather than actually creating Unum
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
seen in a realm resembling space, but which had a hospital atmosphere and temperature, etc.
First Appearance: She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (February, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: Enmity is the cosmic embodiment of animosity, holding domain over all beings who possess the capacity for hatred. She considers that there is nothing more pure than hatred spawned of love.
Enmity possesses vast cosmic powers: She can teleport, survive unaided in the vacuum of space, and recover from an apparently grievous physical injury; she once merged several beings into the supremely powerful gestalt entity Unum.
She possesses telepathic abilities, but she cannot influence those who have no malice in their hearts, such as the Celestial Madonna Mantis.
She takes
on the form of a frail, light blue-skinned child; however, it is most
likely that she actually takes form via a M-Body from the Dimension of
Manifestations like many abstract beings. If this is the case, then
even complete destruction of her physical form would not be sufficient
to destroy her, and she could adopt another M-Body at will.
Height: 5'1" (presumably variable)
Weight: 84 lbs. (presumably variable)
Eyes: Orange (presumably variable)
Hair: Orange (presumably variable)
Skin: Light blue
Other Distinguishing Features:
Enmity has three fingers and a thumb on each hand, four toes on each
foot. She had a somewhat inhuman appearance, notably with larger and
wider eyes. Unclothed and of feminine shape, Enmity otherwise lacks
primary and secondary sexual anatomy.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#4: Eternity)
- Eternity is an abstract being who serves as the embodiment of time.
Together with its mate Infinity, they embody all that
exists,representing space and time. Eternity came into existence when
the universe was born, and has referred to many of the other abstract
beings who came into existence with it as both siblings and offspring.
(Captain Marvel VI#25 - BTS) - Enmity is part of an extended cosmic family, sometimes referred to as the Seven Friendless, which also includes Eternity, Empathy, Entropy, Epiphany, Eulogy, and Expediency.
Handbook of the Marvel Universe 2010 Update#3: Enmity) - Eternity is
considered father to the other six members of the family, who are
considered siblings.
This likely indicates Eternity both preceded and had a role in creating Enmity and the other five.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 2010 Update#3: Enmity) - Enmity is the cosmic embodiment of animosity, holding domain over all beings who possess the capacity for hatred.
Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Enmity alleged had a
romantic relationship with the Hell-lord Mephisto.
(She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS) - One day the minions of Annihilus of the Negative Zone, Dormammu of the Dark Dimension, the Magus (the dark counterpart of Adam Warlock), and many others collectively called out in fury to Enmity, raging against their cosmic lot in life: Offering their energy, their devotion, the very lives to their beloved masters, and in return largely receiving only abuse, humiliation, and in many cases death. They begged Enmity to aid them, and -- "since they asked so prettily, how could I refuse?" -- she merged them into one gestalt being, the immensely powerful feminine Unum, so that they could indulge their hatred and ultimately reflect in Enmity's glory.
Intending for Unum to eliminate all super-powered beings, Enmity -- allegedly via luck of the draw -- sent Unum to first wipe out all superhuman women, after which she would go after men. Enmity twisted their love of one into hatred of others, and she further fueled their hatred while experiencing the pleasure of watching the frustrated minions achieve some measure of satisfaction.
(She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS) - Realizing that they had no hope against Unum, the Collector gathered a number of superhuman warriors -- including the Lady Liberators (Invisible Woman, Storm, Thundra, and Valkyrie), female members of the Guardians of the Galaxy (Gamora, Mantis, Quasar) and others, including the skrull Lyja -- into a facility where he intended to protect them.
(She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 - BTS) - The Collector added She-Hulk and the skrull Jazinda -- who had been fighting futilely against Unum -- to his protective collection of superhuman women. Tracking the Collector to his base, Unum broke in and assaulted him there.
Her cosmic senses attuned to what was occuring, Mantis grabbed Unum and
deliberately impaled them both and She-Hulk on Quasar's cosmic
Cosmic Collision#1 - BTS) - Mantis, She-Hulk, and Unum were transported
before Enmity into some space-like realm wherein they could all
breathe, speak, etc. After reading She-Hulk's thoughts, Enmity noted
how she in everyone's thoughts...except Mantis, who was without enmity.
Enmity then detailed Unum's origins and the nature of her mission.
When Unum arrived and attacked She-Hulk anew, Enmity mocked the She-Hulk as being in love with the sound of her own voice and being more "full of crap" than anyone she had encountered, even Mephisto.
Enmity further taunted She-Hulk to try to use the philosophies she routinely spouted to dissuade Unum from her course.
She-Hulk, however, successfully convinced Unum that while its former masters had been cruel, their evil at least had a purpose; Enmity, however, had simply created and unleashed Unum as a twisted joke, and that Enmity was laughing at her.
When Enmity retorted, "And what is I am? What difference should that make to you?" Enraged, Unum replied that -- as she impaled Enmity with her spear -- while it shouldn't make a difference, it actually made all the difference in the world.
Unharmed but furious, Enmity cursed Unum as an ungrateful cow, asking how dare she throw her gifts back at her in this manner.
Frustrated with the whole experience, Enmity said, "To Hell with the lot of you!" and vanished.
(She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 - BTS) - She-Hulk and the others recovered and/or were healed and returned to their homes.Comments: Created by Peter David, Mahmud A. Asrar, and Scott Hanna.
This profile was completed 7/25/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Enmity should be distinguished from:
Captain Marvel VI#25 (September, 2004) - Peter David (writer), Keith Giffen (pencils), Alan Gordon (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Cosmic Collision#1 (February, 2009) - Peter David (writer), Mahmud A.
Asrar (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Lauren Henry (assistant editor),
Bill Rosemann (editor)
Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe 2010 Update#3 (October, 2010) Jeff Christiansen
(head writer/coordinator), Mike O'Sullivan, Stuart Vandal, Markus
Raymond, & Mike Fichera (writers/assistant coordinators), Sean
McQuaid, Michael Hoskin, Madison Carter, Rob London, Kevin Garcia,
Chris Biggs, Jacob Rougemont, & Ronald Byrd (writers), Gus Vasquez
(artist Enmity entry), Alex Starbuck & Nelson Ribeiro (assistant
editors), Jennifer Grunwald & Mark D. Beazley (editors, special
projects), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
First posted: 09/20/2021
Last updated: 09/19/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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