The Fangs before the G'Uranthic Guardian 


Classification: Magic Spell

Creator: Farallah

Darryl Berenson, Clea, Silver Dagger, Lucius Dilby, Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom), Baron Mordo (Karl Mordo), Nightmare, Nox, Doctor Stephen Strange, Nicodemus West
    Possibly the Overlord of Dimension X

First Appearance: Strange Tales I#116/2 (seen, January, 1964);
    Doctor Strange II#1 (named, June, 1974)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Fangs of Farallah was a spell which complexity, purposes and effects were numerous. Even when appearance, size and shape of the Fangs were the same, from version to version of the spell, the result could be different. The Fangs were used as an offensive weapon (see Evocation), as a defense against other spells (see Abjuration), many times to travel to other planes of existence (see Conjuration), and sometime as means to empower other spells (see Metamagic). Many are the times the Fangs seemed an inanimate macabre entity in an alien background. Their passive stance is usual in the Dark Dimension, in the Dimension of Dreams, and most of all, in the Crossroads Dimension. They are also present in alien dimensions of other realities (see below).

Aliases: Fangs of Faralloh

The Fangs swallowing the streaks of warningVersion: Abjuration (or Banishment) spell

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Counterspell some kinds of enchantments, banish objects or creatures back to their plane of existence or on another plane.

Casting Time
: few seconds, possibly instantaneously
Range: middle, probably 120 feet
varying from version to version,

Duration: Concentration, maximum time unrevealed
Primary effects: A gaping maw with a double pair of Fangs, superior and inferior, floating. Size: variable, usually 4x3x2 feet.
Collateral effects: None.


Doctor Strange II#1) - The evil Silver Dagger opened the Fangs of Farallah to counteract the effect of another spell. The magical streaks of warning were swallowed by the Fangs and never fulfilled their purpose.

(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#23/1) - Baron Karl Mordo needed to vanquish the gargantuan tentacles coming from the Dark Dimensions that were created by Dormammu. Mordo called on the power of the Fearsome Fangs, but he banished only few of the towering tendrils.

Version: Evocation

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Physical ranged attack.

Casting Time: Fangs rending a demon's limbfew seconds
Range: middle, probably 120 feet
probably only a somatic component: fingers/hand/arm movement.
Duration: Concentration, maximum time unrevealed
Primary effects: A maw with a double pair of Fangs, superior and inferior, floating, able to rend, sever, cleave through, cut the target. Size: variable, usually 4x3x2 feet.
Collateral effects: trail of rectangular
shapes of the same color of the Fangs, at the end of which appeared the Fangs.


(Doctor Strange II#13) - In the dimension of Dreams, Nightmare used the Fangs to attack Doctor Strange. Before the maw could reach the Sorcerer, Strange reduced it into pieces with a single magic blast.

(Marvel Team-Up I#77 - BTS) - Clea, corrupted in a powerful blazing Faltinian form, was trying to kill her master and lover, Stephen Strange. Among the many spells she used against him, Clea also called the Fearsome, fatal Fangs of Farallah. However, Doctor Strange protected himself with a the Shield of the Seraphim, and managed to hold against the attack.

(Doctor Strange II#45) - Doctor Strange used the Fearsome Fangs of Farallah to gnaw at a demon's tentacle. It worked. The pain, for the N'Garai was so sudden that he had to release the grab on Clea. However, the Elder Demon God adapted to the material nature of the Fangs, so, when a second attack came, doubled in number, the demon slashed them using two daggers.

(Infinity Abyss#3) - During a mental battle, Moondragon threw damaging and deceiving attacks to Doctor Strange. Many of those attacks were illusions, and among them there also were the Fangs of Farallah. Recognizing the attack for what it was, Doctor Strange dispelled the illusions.

The tongue of the Fangs enveloped the mindsVersion: Conjuration, Abjuration

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Create a dimensional passage, negation or limitation of other's abilities.

Casting Time: few seconds
Range: long or more, probably 300 feet
one or more among:

Duration: Concentration, maximum time unrevealed; it is likely that it can be made permanent
Primary effects:
A gaping maw with a double pair of Fangs, superior and inferior, floating, and an oozing tongue able to entrap body and mind. Size: from medium to huge (approximately from 6 to 300 feet).
Collateral effects: Sometime it is
possible to see what lies beyond the portal.

The Crossroads and the FangsHistory:

(Strange Tales I#116/2) - In the Nightmare Realm, walking on the Path of Hoggoth, leading to a hole in the space, Doctor Strange crossed the Fangs of Farallah, apparently inactive.

(ClanDestine I#8 (fb)) - Doctor Strange and Dominic Destine crossed a maw of the Fangs of Farallah that was before the G'Uranthic Guardian. They were leaving the Dark Dimension.

(Strange Tales I#147/2) - In the place where dwells the Shades of the Shadowy Demons, the Fangs of Farallah floated in the void of space.

(Strange Tales I#148/2) - The Fangs of Farallah, with their sprouting tongue, were surrounded by shapes of evil entities, some of them resembling Shadowy Demons. The place was not recognized by Doctor Strange, because of the interference of Kaluu's spell.

(Strange Tales I#155/2) - In the Dark Dimension, Umar was restoring her forces in order to reach Earth, and slay Doctor Strange. The Fangs of Farallah, apparently inactive, floated in the darkness behind the Unspeakable One.  

(Doctor Strange II#23) - When Doctor Strange dimension-journeyed for the first time to the Quadriverse, arriving in that realm, he crossed Fangs of Farallah.

(Amazing Spider-Man Annual#14) - In the Dark Dimension, the Fangs of Farallah floated under a sky full of
yellow lesser demons. An earthling appeared on the serpentine tongue protruding from the maw. The little man was Lucius Dilby, and, with the assistance of Doctor Doom, he had built a device that opened a gate from Earth to Dormammu's plane of existence. Doom coerced Dilby to use the the gate, so Dilby reached the Dark Dimension, and when he opened his eyes he was on the Fangs' tongue.

Doctor Strange II#49) - The Fangs of Farallah conjured by Baron Mordo had a double purpose. The most important was to defeat his enemy, and to do that he let the tongue pull Doctor Strange and Morgana Blessing into the dimension beyond the Fangs: the Realm of Madness. The second purpose was to limit his enemies' abilities, the green tendrils had a snuffing effect on Doctor Strange's mental call for help sent to Clea.

(Doctor Strange II#52) - In a journey to find Morgana Blessing's psychic essence, Doctor Strange ventured in worlds beyond reality till he heard a call from Nightmare. The call came beyond the Fangs of Farallah and, crossing them, Strange met the lord of nightmares.

(Ghost Rider II#77) - Again, in the Dream Dimension, Fangs of Farallah floated near the path run by the Ghost Rider to reach Nightmare.

(Captain America I Annual#7) - Bernard Worrel used a dormant Cosmic Cube forcing it to awake, and reshaped the Earth. When the Cube probed Worrel's brain, the man was not able to restrain his unconscious from recreating the reality around him. Worrel's fear and hate drove the Cube to create a world of aberrations, and among those there were Fangs of Farallah, with tendrils and paths crossing their maws.
The Shaper of Worlds calmed down the baby Cube, and restored reality as it was before.

(The Incredible Hulk II#300,301,302,
304,305,308,309,311,312,313 / Incredible Hulk Annual#13 / Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #1,2,4) - The Crossroads Dimension contained uncountable portals to other dimensions. Many of these portals had the shape of Fangs of Farallah. Most of them were apparently floating in the void of space and had pathways leading to or crossing them.
    During his banishment at the Crossroads, the Hulk crossed many of them.

(The Incredible Hulk II#305) - When the U-Foes reached Hulk to the Crossroads, the clash of the battle reverberated along the pathways and through the Fangs, reaching the dimensions beyond, sometime with cataclysmic effects. The structure of the Crossroads and the position of the Fangs of Farallah were twisted and changed when Vector used his repelling powers on that reality. X-Ray and Ironclad ended in two hostile dimensions beyond the Fangs of Farallah

(Avengers I#304 (fb)) - Ironclad succeeded in using the Fangs of Farallah to get back to the Crossroads Dimension.

(Dottor Strange II#68) - Months later, Doctor Strange conjured the Fangs of Farallah to use them as a gate for the Realm of Madness.

(Doctor Strange II#76) - A long ritual was performed by Darryl Berenson, who craved to join Iuriale. Iuriale was a demoness, confined in another plane, who had managed to enthrall Berenson. Later, Doctor Strange would recognize the spell as terribly dangerous for the caster. Darryl had studied the magic spell from an ancient book written in an unidentified language. He performed the first part of the ritual in his house. Inside a pentacle he used the wedding picture of her wife and he, and a page of the book. That part of the ritual had alien roots and branches sprout from the picture frame and all over his study. Darryl learned that he had to cast the spell from an underground place, the deepest he could reach. He managed to use a tunnel which was deeper than the lair of Sigmar the Eternal, unused at that time. There, he read the spell from the tome, encircled by candles. The spell worked, and a maw of many teeth appeared, with Iuriale inside. The alien, however, could not cross the maw if Berenson wouldn't ask for her to enter in the world. A thin veil in the maw still separated her dimension from Earth. In spite of Doctor's Strange appeals, Berenson welcomed Iuriale and the barriers, that negated her the access from eons, went down. The veil was no more.The Fangs, however, remained open. Strange succeeded in casting a banishing spell which hurled Iuriale back into the Fangs and closed the maw.

Umar and the Fangs without fangs(Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#12/1) - Clea, when was the rightful Queen of the Dark Dimension, traveled from the Dark Dimension; when she reached Earth she crossed a dimensional gate that was the Fangs of Farallah.

(Shadows and Light II#2/3) - Apparently inactive Fangs of Farallah were crossed by a pathway in the void of space, in an unspecified place where Doctor Strange protected the birth of a butterfly-like alien.

(Over the Edge#7) - In the Nightmare's realm, when Doggerel was questioned by Doctor Strange about where Nightmare was, two portals floated behind him. The nearer one was the Fangs of Farallah, with a path crossing the maw, and leading to the other portal. The other portal was open. It was possible to look beyond the exit of the other side.

(The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/2) - While investigating into Saul Sinclair's mind-sphere, Doctor Strange learned that his patient had become prey of some Nightmare's minor demons. Among the torments that troubled Sinclair, there were also the Fangs of Farallah at the centre of a web.

(The Incredible Hulk II#632) - Umar magically traveled from the Dark Dimension to Earth via Fangs of Farallah. The maw did not have fangs, but teeth and lips, similar to Umar's.

(The Incredible Hulk II#633) - Umar used the Fangs' tongue to unwrap the Hulk. He and she crossed the Fangs of Farallah and left Earth for the Dark Dimension.

(Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme#6) - The magic item of the Bones of Eh-Yuh enabled the user to travel in time and space within the dimension where the Bones were activated.
    When Doctor Strange activated the Bones in a trap-dimension chosen by Isaac Newton, the Bones opened myriads of portals (in time and space) that were Fangs of Farallah. Strange used the item and crossed different Fangs many times, alone or with other Sorcerers Supreme like Kushala, a young Ancient One, a mature Wiccan, the Conjuror.
    Sometime the Fangs would grab the guest passenger using its tongue, and dragged him back to the source location.

(Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery, Prose Novel) - Clea, Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), Margali Szardos and Holly LaDonna were in the Crossroads Dimension. From there, several dimensional portals seemed open mouths and some of them showed colors and worlds on the other side.

Version: Metamagic

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Increase, empower, extend other's spells effects

Casting Time: more than few seconds
Range: Unrevealed, probably anything seen or perceived by the caster

Duration: Concentration, maximum time unrevealed
Primary effects:
Unrevealed. Varying from spell to spell.


(Doctor Strange Sorcerer: Supreme#39) - Nox, one of the Fear Lords, empowered the strength of the magical night she had created before. She wanted to use it to slay Rintrah and
Clea. Nox called for the power of many evil entities that loved the night, also the fangs of Faralloh. However, the enchantment was immediately counter-spelled by Doctor Strange, using the Eye of Agamotto's light.

(Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery - Novel) - Clea used the power of the Fangs of Farallah to empower another spell: the Pentagram of Farallah! Clea modified the original spell, because the Pentagram wasn't enough to break through Umar's barrier. The Faltine woman used a portion of the life-forces of her allies: Agatha Harkness (her spirit), Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), Margali Szardos, Holly LaDonna and Ardina. Clea hoped that the force that enabled Agatha to appear in spirit form in the Dark Dimension also would help the modified spell. The spell worked. The women were teleported out from the Dark Dimension, to Earth.

Comments: Created by Steve Ditko.

An amulet-shaped gateway leading to Eternity
    Invoking powerful Entities to bolster and strengthen defenses, attacks, purposes and so on is quite logical. It could happen not only when a long verbal formula is spelled, but also with simple exclamations like "By Vishanti!". In Doctor Strange: The Oath#2, Nicodemus West invoked "By the Fangs of Faralloh!" but was probably by surprise.

    In Strange Tales I#116 and in ClanDestine I#8 the Fangs seemed inactive, if compared to the portals opened by Mordo and Doctor Strange. However, in both cases, the Doctor was traveling from a dimension to another. The same thing was likely happening in Doctor Strange II#23.

    In Doctor Strange II#1, there's also the possibility that the warning streaks sprung from the Amulet were not annihilated/counter-spelled by the maw but they were simply sent in another dimension or plane of existence, unable to reach their destination, then fading.

    The "Fearsome" attribute apparently didn't add any fearsome effect to the spell in Doctor Strange II#45. If it was intended to cause fear to the target, a fear so strong that limited in some extent the enemy's abilities, the version of the spell could be included in the school of Illusion. There is the high probability that the Elder N'Garai, both being a fiend of powerful build, or being a creature used to be feared by his victims, was immune to fear and other mind-affecting attacks.

    The gateway-device built by Lucius Dilby and Doctor Doom allowed a one-way inter-plane journey to the Fangs of Farallah of the Dark Dimension. It is unrevealed if it was used to transport Dilby's robot back, using the Fangs of Farallah as source point. It is likely that the Fangs-connected device is still in Doctor Doom's possession.

    It is unrevealed if there is a favorite connection between the Fangs and the Realm of Madness.
    There is a strong connection between the Crossroads Dimension and the Fangs of Farallah. Many Fangs floated around the Crossroad, probably infinite in number, as well as other dimensional portals with other shapes: mirrors, circles, pyramids, and so on.

    The Fangs of Farallah also appeared in the imaginary digital world created by Angela Bradford, while building her Mobile Virtual Reality Inducer (see The Amazing Spider-Man I#438, page 9). The Fangs were in a landscape very similar to the Crossroads Dimension or the Dark Dimension, scenario apparently spawn of Bradford's creativity.

   The smiling Gateway destroyed by Slapstick In Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#54, Doctor Strange approached a gateway shaped like the Amulet of Agamotto. The gateway tried to devour him and assumed a shape interestingly similar to the Fangs of Farallah.

    In Slapstick#1, Steve Harmon crossed a dimensional portal modeled as a clown's smiling mouth. It was the Funhouse mirror. The portal led Steve to the Dimension X. The difference against the Fangs of Farallah is that the mouth also had eyes and nose, and that one of the goons in the Dimension X activated it. When it was activated, it was possible to look into the Dimension X. On the other side of the portal, its shape was different, it was only a melting hole in the void of space; it wasn't the only gaping. The Scientist Supreme of Dimension X called the portal "Dimensional Gateway" mentioning the vibrational state and the scattering of atoms (quite technological and very few magical).
    Later, when Slapstick run away from the Overlord's henchmen, he followed a floating path which led to another mouth-like hole. He chose well, because that other gaping led to the funhouse gateway. Once on Earth, Slapstick shattered the mirror inside the mouth (another difference), and the portal produced a whirlpool which sucked back the Overlord's goons, closing, annihilating itself.
    Still, some differences with the Fangs can be explained:

   When Strange dived into Sinclair's mind it is not clear if he entered into the Fangs of Farallah and met Dormammu's minions on the other side.

    In the prose novel "Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery", many portals are named, because near the heroines, some portals were even crossed by them. Unfortunately, no image was provided to ascertain if the mouth-resembling portals had teeth or tongues. In an introduction on Reddit, Anjuliaconyte stated that the five "strands" of Aconyte books were settings of 616 and that they were creating official new prose novels set in the Marvel Universe.

Profile by Spidermay.

The Fangs of Farallah are strongly connected to the Pentagram of Farallah.
The Fangs are connected to but are different from the Talons of Farallah.
The Fangs have no known connections to:

The Fangs of Farallah in other realities

Doctor Fate and Wotan fought before the Fangs of Farallah
(Doctor Strange: Dimension War) - In an alternate reality, Baron Mordo set up a trap for Doctor Strange, in events similar to those happened on Earth-616 (in Strange Tales I#114). Mordo constricted Strange in the Chains of Krakkan, and Doctor Strange thought for an instant to use the Fangs of Farallah to free himself. He knew that the Fangs were the traditional counterspell against the Chains. However, he couldn't call the Fangs on because he was also immobilized by the Mists of Morpheus.

(Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Season#3, Episode#1) - A maw of Farallah's Fangs floated, broken, into the void of the Dark Dimension.

(Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series, Season 1 Episode 13: Strange Day) - In the Realm of Dreams, a very large maw was crossed by a corridor upon which many doors faced. The doors led to the dreams of the people.

(Guardians of the Galaxy Annual#4) - Even in the divergent future of Earth-691, the Fangs of Farallah stood still in the unreal void of the Dream Dimension, welcoming a narrow path into their maw.

(Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Season 1 Episode 10) - In a totally different Multiverse, the Fangs of Farallah lied in the void of the same space where the Library of Infinity was. A floating path crossed the maw. When Doctor Fate freed himself by Wotan's magic bands, he teleported himself right into the Fangs, immediately followed by Wotan. 

    The Fearsome Fangs of Faralloh are one of the spells described in the TSR6870-Marvel Super Heroes Realms of Magic role-playing game (by TSR).

Appearances in other realities:
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual#4 (1994) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Jim Hall (pencils), Tom K. Christopher (inks), Evelyn Stein (editor)
Spider-Man: The Animated Series Season#3 Episode#1 (April, 1996) - John Semper, Jr. & Mark Hoffmeier (writers), John Vernon (Doctor Strange's voice), C.K. Horness (editor)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 1 Episode 10 (February, 2009) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Ben Jones (director)
Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Season 1 Episode 13: Strange Day (July, 2012) - Joe Casey, Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau (writers), Jeff Allen (director)
Doctor Strange: Dimension War (2024) -  James Lovegrove (Author)

images: (without ads)
ClanDestine I#8, p13, pan4 (an apparently inactive portal in the Dark Dimension)
Doctor Strange II#1, p6, pan1 (Fangs of Farallah conjured by Silver Dagger)
Doctor Strange II#45, p13, pan1 (the Fearsome Fangs of Farallah rent the tentacle of a N'Garai)
Doctor Strange II#49, p7, pan3 (the oozing tongue of the Fangs of Farallah)
The Incredible Hulk II#301, p1, pan1 (the Crossroads and the Fangs)
The Incredible Hulk II#632, p20, pan1 (Umar coming out from the Fangs of Farallah)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#54, p9, pan3 (an amulet-shaped gateway looking like the Fangs of Farallah)
Slapstick#1, p22, panels 3-4-5 (the smiling Gateway destroyed by Slapstick)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Season 1 Episode 10, minute 2:10 (Doctor Fate and Wotan fought before the Fangs of Farallah)
Strange Tales I#116, p4, pan8 (in the Realm of Nightmare, the Path of Hoggoth crossed the Fangs of Farallah)

The Path of Hoggoth crossing the Fangs of Farallah, in the Realm of NightmareStrange Tales I#116/2 (January, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer), Steve Ditko (pencils and inks)
Strange Tales I#147/2 (August, 1966) - Stan Lee and Dennis O'Neil (writers), Bill Everett (artist)
Strange Tales I#148/2 (
September, 1966) - Dennis O'Neil (writer), Bill Everett (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#155/2 (April, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer), Marie Severin (artist)
Doctor Strange II#1 (June, 1974) - Frank Brunner and Steve Englehart (writers), Frank Brunner (pencils), Dick Giordano (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Doctor Strange II#13 (April, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks and colors), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Doctor Strange II#23 (June, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer), Jim Starlin (pencils), Rudy Nebres (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual#14 (1980) - Danny O'Neil (writer), Frank Miller (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Ben Sean (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange II#45 (February, 1981) - Chris Claremont (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Frank Giacoia, Dan Green, Al Milgrom, Tom Palmer, Wendy Pini, Joe Rubinstein, Walt Simonson & Bob Wiacek (inks), Mary Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#49 (October, 1981) - Roger Stern (writer), Marshall Rogers (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange II#52 (April, 1982) - Roger Stern (writer), Marshall Rogers (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Ghost Rider II#77 (February, 1983) - Bob Budiansky, Jean Marc DeMatteis (writers), Bob Budiansky (pencils), Kevin Dzuban (dzuban), Andy Yanchus (colors), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Captain America I Annual#7 (August, 1983) - Peter Gillis (writer), Brian Postman (pencils), Kim DeMulder (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#300 (October, 1984) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)

Incredible Hulk II#301 (November, 1984) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk Annual#13 (November, 1984) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Alan Kupperberg (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks),
Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#302 (December, 1984) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Doctor Strange II#68 (December, 1984) - Roger Stern (writer), Paul Smith (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#304 (February, 1985) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks),
Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#305 (March, 1985) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#306 (April, 1985) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#307 (May, 1985) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#308 (June, 1985) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#309 (July, 1985) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#311 (September, 1985) - Bill Mantlo(writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#312 (October, 1985) - Bill Mantlo(writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#313 (November, 1985) - Bill Mantlo(writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Doctor Strange II#77 (April, 1986) - Peter B. Gillis (writer), Mark Badger (breakdowns), Chris Warner (pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors) Carl Potts (editor)
Avengers I#304 (June, 1989) - Danny Fingeroth writer), Rich Buckler (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Christie Scheele (colors), Howard Mackie (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#12/1 (December, 1989) - Dann Thomas and Roy Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils and inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#23/1 (November, 1990) - Dann Thomas and Roy Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), Doug Hazlewood (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#39 (March, 1992) - Jean-Marc Lofficier, Dann Thomas & Roy Thomas (writers), Geof Isherwood (pencils), James Sanders III (inks), Michael Rockwitz (editor)
ClanDestine I#8 (May, 1995) - Alan Davis (writer/artist), Mark Farmer (inks), Helen Nally (colors), Paul Neary (editor)
Shadows and Light II#2/3 (Apr, 1998) - Jim Stalin (writer/artist)
Over the Edge#7 (May, 1996) - John Rozum (writer), Stephen B. Jones (penciler), Mike Whiterby & Ralph Cabrera (inkers), Glynis Oliver (colorist), James Felder (editor)
The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/2 (May, 2010) - Pete Milligan (writer), Frank Brunner (artist), Jody Leheup & John Barber
The Incredible Hulk II#632 (September, 2011) - Greg Pak (writer), Paul Pelletier (pencils), Danny K. Miki (inks), Jesus Aburtov & Morry Hollowell (colors), Jacob Thomas (editor)
The Incredible Hulk II#633 (October, 2011) - Greg Pak (writer), Paul Pelletier (pencils), Danny K. Miki (inks), Morry Hollowell (colors),Mark Paniccia (editor)
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme#6 (May, 2017) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads#1 (September, 2021) - Peter David (writer), Greg Land (pencils), Jay Leisten (inks), Frank D'Armata (colors), Nick Lowe & Devin Lewis & Danny Khazem (editors)

Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads#2 (October, 2021) - Peter David (writer), Greg Land (pencils), Jay Leisten (inks), Frank D'Armata (colors), Nick Lowe & Devin Lewis & Danny Khazem (editors)
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads#4 (December, 2021) - Peter David (writer), Greg Land (pencils), Jay Leisten (inks), Frank D'Armata (colors), Nick Lowe & Devin Lewis & Danny Khazem (editors)
Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery - Aconyte - Novel (2022) - Marsheila Rockwell (writer)

First Posted: 06/24/2021
Last updated: 12/01/2024

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