Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutate (Warpie)
Occupation: Former government agent
Group Membership: RCX (Aberdeen Angus, AC-DC, Beetroot, Bison, Butane, Cabbage, Celery, Chili, Chlorine, Cyanide, Damson, Fern, Gabriel, Giggles, Gourd, Graphite, Iris, Mr. Jordan, Kobold, Lens, Lodestone, Luke, Lump, Malachite, Memo, Michael, Mustard, Nettle, Nicholas, Oak, Ocelot, Parsnip, Peanut, Peccary, Peter/Nigel Orpington-Smythe, Pumice, Prune, Quill, Raphael, Salt, Scan, Scope, Serpents, Shrew, Silkworm, Skink, Snoop, Sonar, Sponge, Static, Syphon, Tadpole, Weasel, Wire, Zebedee, others)
Affiliations: Excalibur (Captain Britain/Brian Braddock, Cerise, Kylun/Colin McKay, Meggan Puceanu, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde), Micromax (Scott Wright), Alistaire Stuart
Enemies: None (he captured Shadowcat, but only because he was ordered to)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Cloud Nine, beneath St. Oswald's Church, Liverpool, UK
Appearance: Excalibur I#64 (April 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Ferret had a small, wiry body covered in fur, and possessed about a third the length of his body. He had large yellow eyes, and may have had some degree of night vision. Despite his small size he is stronger than he looks, as he was able to carry the larger Shadowcat with ease.
Height: 4'7" (by
Weight: 55 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Yellow
Fur: Brown
(Excalibur I#64 (fb) - BTS)
- Ferret was Warpie, a child transformed by interreality mutagenic
radiation released in the UK by Mad
Jim Jaspers' reality warp. After Jaspers died and the warp ended
the U.K. government' Resources Control Executive (RCX) gathered as many
of the Warpies as they could find and housed them in an underground
facility called Cloud Nine, beneath an abandoned church in Liverpool.
There the Warpies were given codenames, mostly along animal, vegetable
or mineral lines since there were so many Warpies to name, and were
assessed for useful powers, with those possessing any being trained to
become government operatives.
Members of the superhero team Excalibur had been
bought to Cloud Nine, where RCX's leader, Peter, was trying to convince
the heroes that his agency was benign. When one of Excalibur, Shadowcat
(Kitty Pryde) snuck into the air vents to investigate for herself, RCX
agent Luke ordered Ferret to locate and subdue her, giving him a fazer
gun to do so. Ferret worried that he might hurt his target, but Luke
assured him that the fazer would merely knock her out.
(Excalibur I#64) - Ferret located Shadowcat as she was spying on Peter's interactions with her teammate Captain Britain. Sneaking up on her, Ferret shocked her with the fazer. Apologizing to his unconscious captive, Ferret hauled her up onto his shoulders, and, fretting and explaining himself as he went, he carried her out of the vents to the waiting Luke. The agent reassured Ferret that Shadowcat was uninjured, and rewarded Ferret by granting him time in the video arcade.
(Excalibur I#65) - Having discovered that Peter had dangerous plans for his Warpie charges, Excalibur attempted to depose him, and battle broke out between the elite Warpie combat teams working for Peter and the superheroes. A number of the other Warpies, tired of the elite teams getting favored treatment, decided to assist Excalibur. Ferret was caught up in the ensuing brawl, presumably on Excalibur's side, and so was present when Peter was finally overthrown and replaced by agents more interested in the Warpies' wellfare.
(Excalibur I#65 - BTS) - Some of the Warpies had been spontaneously reverting back to being normal humans as the disruption to reality Jaspers had caused slowly abated; it is unrevealed whether Ferret was among those who depowered after the change in command at RCX.
(Excalibur II#4 (fb) - BTS) - The remaining RCX Warpies
were later transferred into the custody of the ruthless Black Air, then
rescued from same by the Mastermind computer located under Braddock
Manor. Mastermind molded these Warpies into an army to attack
Otherworld. If not already depowered, Ferret was presumably among them.
(Excalibur II#4 - BTS) - After defeating Mastermind,
Captain Britain used the mystical Sword of Might to transform all the
Warpies on Otherworld back into normal humans. If Ferret was part of
that army, he was presumably depowered at that juncture.
Comments: Created by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.
This profile was completed 09/14/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary's celebratory event.
Profile by Loki.
Ferret has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
X-Men: Earth's Mutant Heroes Handbook, Warpies entry, p2, pan7;
recolored from Excalibur I#64, p18, pan1 (main image)
Excalibur I#64, p18, pan4
Excalibur I#64, p18, pan5
(rear view, showing tail clearly)
Excalibur I#64-65 (April-May 1993)
- Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Terry Kavanagh
First Posted: 09/15/2021
Last updated: 09/14/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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