FILE 116
Classification: Top-secret dossier
Creators: Compiled by various unidentified S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives
Users/Possessors: Sharon Carter, Regional Director Nelson
Aliases: The Monster File
First Appearance: Captain America I#208 (April, 1977)
Purpose: A collection of documents and photographs, it cataloged sightings of various freakish creatures throughout the world -- it was eventually learned that these monsters were the creations of geneticist Arnim Zola (see comments).
(Captain America I#208 (fb) - BTS) - When
the world experienced a rash of sightings of various menacing monsters,
S.H.I.E.L.D. mobilized to locate and gather information on these
creatures, and to apprehend or destroy them if possible. The
organization cataloged these monsters in File 116, which Regional
Director Nelson kept secured in his desk drawer.
At some point, File 116 had to be updated with a new entry: a man-like termite as large as a horse, which Nelson referred to as a "Digger" (see comments).
(Captain America I#208) - In his office, Nelson showed two of his agents File 116 -- he was greatly concerned because with the addition of the "Digger," File 116 was only growing larger.
(Captain America I#209) - Nelson went to S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sharon Carter's apartment and showed her File 116, then assigned her to look into the case.
Meanwhile, Arnim Zola was taking Captain America and Donna Maria Puentes to his castle as his "guests" -- having already encountered some of Zola's creations (e.g. Man-Fish, Doughboy), Cap realized that Zola was the source of File 116.
(Captain America I#213 (fb) - BTS) - Somewhere in the mountains of South America, a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives located and killed "Big Bird" with their weaponry.
(Captain America I#210 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents located another monster, and two agents lost their lives during its capture.
(Captain America I#210) - When Sharon Carter reported for duty in Nelson's office, Nelson mentioned the earlier incident that resulted in the deaths of the two agents. Nelson then gave Sharon a smaller copy of File 116 and sent her to investigate reclusive millionaire Cyrus Fenton (see comments), whom S.H.I.E.L.D. suspected of financing the creation of the monsters.
Comments: Created by Jack Kirby.
"Cyrus Fenton" would later be revealed to be the Red Skull (Johann Shmidt) in disguise -- the Skull had eliminated the real Fenton some time earlier.
Arnim Zola appeared to have been killed in Captain America I#212, when Donna Maria hurled an explosive chemical at him -- perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D. believed him to be dead at the time, so they permanently closed File 116; however, Zola would be seen next in Super-Villain Team-Up I#17 (June, 1980).
It was never revealed just how many of
Zola's creations were listed in File 116 -- the only one we know of
for sure was the "Digger".
The "Digger" was never depicted -- what you
see in the word-balloon in the second image of Regional Director
Nelson's sub-profile is the extent of its "appearance" -- so I didn't
do a sub-profile for it, but I always imagined it to look something
like the Insect
File 116 would seem to be S.H.I.E.L.D.'s version of the X-Files.
Profile by Ron Fredricks.
File 116 has no known connections to:
Regional Director Nelson has no known connections to:
The "Digger" has no known connections to:
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Nelson (first name
unrevealed) was the director of a regional field office of
S.H.I.E.L.D.; he kept File 116 secured in his desk drawer. |
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images: (without ads)
Captain America I#208, p6, pan4 (File 116, inside Nelson's desk drawer)
Captain America I#209, p7, pan3 (Sharon Carter looking through File 116; Regional Director Nelson (off-panel))
Captain America I#210, p10, pan5 (Regional Director Nelson handing Sharon Carter a smaller version of File 116)
Captain America I#208, p6, pan2 (Regional Director Nelson)
Captain America I#208, p7, pan1 (Regional Director Nelson (left), holding File 116, telling two unidentified agents about "Digger")
Captain America I#207 (March, 1977) - Jack Kirby (writer/pencils/editor), John Verpoorten (inks), George Roussos (colors), Jim Novak (letters), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Captain America I#208 (April, 1977) - Jack Kirby (writer/pencils/editor), Frank Giacoia (inks), George Roussos (colors), Jim Novak (letters), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Captain America I#209 (May, 1977) - Jack Kirby (writer/pencils/editor), Frank Giacoia (inks), George Roussos (colors), Jim Novak (letters), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Captain America I#210 (June, 1977) - Jack Kirby (writer/pencils/editor), Mike Royer (inks/letters), George Roussos (colors), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First Posted: 03/22/2022
Last Updated: 03/22/2022
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