The Flames of the Faltine
In the most immediate level of comprehension, the Flames are magic
fire, heat and light. Their intensity can be so high that the
flames can make leaps as long as a planet and their crackling is
as loud as thunder. The Flames of the Faltine can fulfill
different purposes, producing several effects. The most common
purposes are Abjuration (usually
for defense) and Evocation
(usually for attack) but there are many other versions among
Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Necromancy
and Transmutation.
Faltine's Fires, Faltinian Fires, Faltine's holy spark
creatures to other places for a
short defined time up to a longer undefined time;
reduce, counter, vanquish, revert or annihilate the
effects of attacks or other spells.
Casting Time: Few
Range: Long (400 feet)
Components: A
mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Maximum time
unrevealed, at least months.
Primary effects:
effects: Flames or light surrounding the caster, or
sprouting from the hands.
Flames that does not burn. Trembling walls.
(Strange Tales I#142/2) -
The Demon used a spell invoking the Flames of the Faltine and
broke an all-encompassing spell that has been imprisoning Doctor
(Strange Tales I#144) - In Reality-1218, the narrator (Stan Lee) invoked a protective spell to keep the destructive power of the Flames far
from the reader.
(Strange Tales I#149/2 - BTS / 150/2)
- Strange conjured the Unfaltering Flames of the Faltine to protect
another enchantment, of Time Travel. The Flames
enlightened two candles which were the connection between the two
travelers and the time they left from. Kaluu tried to strike the candles,
but a barrier prevented him to touch them. He then hurled a potent
spell to extinguish the flames, not guessing that the Flames of the
Faltine were a stronger defense. The flames resisted, and flared up,
when Strange went back from his trip in the past.
(Strange Tales I#155/2) - The Flames of the Faltine called by Umar were
merely one of the components of a dispel of her previous lethal spell,
which was returning to her.
(Strange Tales I#160) - Strange used the Inviolable Flames
of the Faltine to shield himself against multiple magic attacks of Mordo's slaves.
Later, again, he invoked the Flames. The spell purged
the evil pervading the lackey of Mordo, also hurling him back to his
normal life before magic awakened in him.
(Strange Tales I#161) - In a
hurry to save Victoria
Bentley, Strange called the Flames of the Faltine to protect
himself in order not
to be stopped during his flight by her.
(Doctor Strange I#173) - Doctor Strange was trapped in the Maelstrom of Madness. He succeeded in conjuring the Flames of the Faltine. They produced tongues of liquid fire that didn't burn. The Flames filled the atmosphere and annihilated the Maelstrom.
(Doctor Strange I#178) - Invoking the Flames of the
Faltine and other powers, Doctor Strange temporarily banished the guests
of Victoria Bentley's masquerade to an unrevealed location.
(Doctor Strange I#181) - The Macabre
Minions of Nightmare could do nothing when the Flames of the
Faltine erupted from the Sorcerer's hands and a opened a chasm that
dragged the Minions down. Even in a dimension where the concepts of up
and down meant very little, the Minions screamed in terror when they
fell deep into the chasm.
Spider-Man I#109) - When the axe wielded by a giant Asian minion was
going to behead Flash Thompson, Strange banished the weapon thanks
to the Flames of the Faltine.
(Marvel Premiere#8) - In Cornwall, demonic powers animated
Witch House, and its furniture and walls attacked Strange and Clea. In
order to cleanse the animating spirit from the matter, Strange shot the
Flames of the Faltine at it. Wood and paper burned, but the banishment was not successful.
(Doctor Strange II#12) - Strange shot a tongue of Flame
against a monstrous construct summoned by the Ancient One. The flame
banished the beast in a flash of light.
(Marvel Team-Up#51) - Even if Strange knew that the construct created by
Brian DeWolff wasn't real, he shot it with the Flames of the Faltine.
The stony shape vanished in the flames.
(Ghost Rider II#30 / Ghost Rider II#31(fb)) -
Doctor Strange was struck by a hellfire blast and was in pain. He
managed to concentrate on proper runes and cast a spell suitable to
banish a demon from hell. But the fiend he was confrontred by was not what he
thought, he was Johnny Blaze in the form of the Ghost Rider, empowered
by Dormammu's hate and magic. The banishment spell opened a huge hole
in the ground, full of flames, right under the Rider, who fell down.
Strange, trembling, did not expect the flames of the chasm to rise,
nor the Ghost Rider to survive. The demon grabbed Strange's ankle and
dragged the Doctor down the abyss! Strange lost consciousness, but the
chasm kept on burning.
(Ghost Rider II#31) - While the mortal fight between Dormammu, Strange
and Blaze continued, the chasm ceased to burn, but it continued to
exist on the earthly plane.
(Doctor Strange II#38) - As he did before, with the Minions of
Macabre and Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange cast a banishment spell against the
Eye Killers. There, a chasm opened dragging down the two demons, who
tumbled down for a long fall, screaming. Strange imprisoned them, sealing
the ground. But he also heard them laughing...
The ancient Demons would be freed months later by
Darkholders, using a magic lightning that destroyed the seal.
I#75) - Clea tried to put out the raging fire that was
burning Kyle Richmond's mansion. She used a spell also
involving the Flames of the Faltine. The spell wasn't
enough because fire is a primal force, not easy to be
tamed, but it helped retarding the fire.
(Avengers I#241) - The powerful sorceress Morgan
Le Fay began to transfer her astral form from the mountain-size
shape she inhabited to She-Hulk's body, to possess her. Doctor Strange
cast an abjuration spell that sent Morgan back into the rock-like form,
binding her spirit to that form.
(Doctor Strange II#65) - An
army of demons had already crossed the gate opened by Kerwin
Havelock, so Dr. Strange had to use a spell so powerful that
it drained him. The Winds of Watoomb captured the demons before they
could scatter, and the Flames of the Faltine completed the banishment.
The demons were drawn back into the gate from whence they came. The
invocation of the Vishanti could have been used to strengthen the
spell but, more likely, it kept the innocents safe from the
cyclonic winds' effects.
(Doctor Strange II#76) - The she-demon Iuriale enthalled Berenson and was killing him. In a hurry, Strange cast a banishment spell to force her back into the same gate she used to get on Earth. The Flames of the Faltine were one of the components.
(Doctor Strange II#77) - Strange used a spell of banishment against Khat. Green sacred flames enveloped the feline-like demon, burning, snuffing him out as did the candle that brought him on Earth, sending him back to his plane.
(Strange Tales II#2/2) - Covered by the
cursed bubbles of a demon, Strange used the Flame of the Faltine to
vanquish them.
(Alpha Flight I#86) - In the Crossroads
dimension, Strange was attacked by Spell-Leeches, which drained
his magic energy. The only spell that could save him was the Flame of
the Faltines. The Leeches were consumed by the green fire, empowered
by the Vishanti.
(Doctor Strange & Doom: Triumph and
Torment) - Doctor Strange suggested to use the Flames of the Faltine
to shield against the many mystics enthralled by the Aged Genghis'
(Doctor Strange
Sorcerer Supreme#23/1)
- Umar broke Dormammu's Exorcism of
Transferral using the power of the Flames
of Faltine.
(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#25/1) - On the Cheyenne spiritual plane, Owayodata had been magically restrained by Calumet, Nanabozho and Hotamintanio. Doctor Strange unleashed the Flames of the Faltine and freed him.
(Ghost Rider III#12)
- When the seven demons were on Earth to
help Zodiak,
Strange needed few seconds to understand
how to defeat them. He used both the power
of the Flames of the Faltine and of the
Vishanti to push them back into the
dimensional portal where they came from.
(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#29) - Doctor
Strange had discovered that the demon possessing Topaz
was Mephista.
He gathered the components for the ritual of exorcism, put Topaz in a
Circle of Containment and finally cast the spell, which involved the
Flames of the Faltine, too. The possessor resisted, and Topaz felt the
pain, but eventually Mephista had to reveal her presence..
(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#43) - Clea
was banishing a creature summoned through the Orb of Agamotto, but her
spell had not time to work. The Orb itself disappeared with the
monster because Agamotto had summoned it to his realm.
(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2) - Wild One
shot a bolt to slay Lucian
Aster, but a blue magic shield saved him. It had been powered
by Strange's Flames of the Faltine. Unfortunately, a second magic bolt
hit Strange, stunning him.
(Defenders II#5) - Strange tried to shatter Yandroth's
curse using Faltinian Flames, but failed. The curse was also imbued by
the power of Gaea,
which was part of all the living beings born on Earth, and so, Strange
(Marvel Super Heroes III#12)
- Wandor
summoned some beetles on Augustyne
Phyffe's head. Phyffe banished them with the Flames.
Hulk III#82) - The spell, recited by a judge at the Old Bailey,
wasn't completed. It was probably intended to cast Hulk away.
(Fantastic Four Annual II#33) - Doctor Strange was surrounded
by an unnatural darkness, so he used the Flame of the Faltine to
dispel it.
Teleport, summon beings and
Casting Time: Few
Range: From personal to dimensional
Components: A
mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Depending on
the effect wanted.
Primary effects: The caster can teletransport himself
to another place, even on another plane of existence. The transport
can also involve very little distances and objects almost immaterial
like tongues of magic flames. The transport can happen instantaneously
or after stepping into a gate, a portal, a hole in the space, and
passing through an intermediate dimension.
Collateral effects:
Cloud of smoke or vapor.
Glowing around the entrance of the Gateway. Electric-like lightnings.
Pain in the target.
(Doctor Strange
I#156/2) - Umar the Unspeakable
teleported herself from Earth to the Dark Dimension, using a spell
that included the Flames of the Faltine.
(Defenders I#71) - In order to bring three Lunatiks near Tyrk's other fragments, Clea studied where the focus of Lunatik's energies were. After the right calculations, Clea opened a Dimensional Gate to Tunnel-World. The Defenders crossed it, the magic vapors enveloped them and when they got out of them, they were in another world, not far from Tyrk's other selves.
(Dottor Strange
II#39) - Dr. Strange's magic words were directed to the Faltine,
and a Gateway
of Flame opened in the sky. Strange crossed it, pursued by Fear-Eaters,
and entered in the Dimension Beyond. The Gateway stood open until
Strange dove back through it and appeared again on the Earth, but
geographically displaced.
(Dottor Strange II#68) - A simple call to
the Flames of the Faltine summoned a tiny elemental of fire. The
sprite obeyed Strange's requests, putting the fire on the Brazier of
Truth, so triggering another spell which summoned the spirit of Sir
Percy of Scandia.
(Doctor Strange, Sorcerer
Supreme#28) - In need of the fire of a demon, to free Topaz
from the demon that possessed her, Strange tried to pick some flames
from Ghost Rider, believing him a demon. Instead, when the Supreme
Sorcerer called the Rider "demon", during the casting, the conjuration
caused a sudden pain to Ghost Rider. Strange immediately aborted the spell,
identifying the error in the wrong classification of Ghost Rider as a
(X-Factor I#206) - Baron Mordo used the power of the Flames of the
Faltine to open a gate and transport Monet, her father, Guido
Carosella and himself to the place where the rest of X-Factor was. The
four entered in the green tunnel. They went out from another green
tunnel where other members of X-Factor were hidden.
The spell also
created another gate in Ireland, just before the car with Theresa
Rourke, Layla Miller and Shatterstar. The vehicle entered the shining
X-shaped gate and appeared at the other side, in the warehouse where
all the other X-Factors were.
Powers/Abilities/Functions: To
learn and see about events of past and present.
Casting Time: Some
Range: Very close (10 feet)
Components: Some
mandatory components, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Concentration
Primary effects: When the divination is performed
using the Lamp of Lucifer, the flames
force the Lamp to reveal the past and the present by
projecting realistic images, even if the events happened in
other planes of existence and involved cosmic entities whose
existence were unknown to most. The spell works concentrating
on the creatures named by the caster. After the first
screenings, the divination can be resumed other times even
without the Lamp, provided a bit of concentration.
The divination can succeed also without a
material component. In these cases, the Flames can reply to
questions, but they could reply in riddles that let the caster
guess the right meaning.
Collateral effects:
(Strange Tales I#151) - Umar invoked the
power of the Flames to command the Lamp of Lucifer to let her
see the past, thusly learning what happened to
her brother Dormammu and becoming aware of the existence of Doctor
(Strange Tales I#159 - BTS) - From Earth-1218, Roy Thomas tried to divine the story that followed in the issue, using the Flickering Flames.
(Strange Tales I#166) - Strange called the Flickering
Flames to divine that the deadly Voltorg
had tracked him step by step. Nonetheless, it was a deduction very easy
to do.
(Defenders I#92) - Stephen Strange was talking to his fellow Defenders
when his astral form was seized from his body, and carried through
eldritch dimensions. Surprised and amazed, Strange called the power of
the Flames and recognized the domain of Eternity, who was actually the summoner.
(Doctor Strange II#58) - The Flames of the Faltine obeyed Umar's commands and spoke about a danger to her regency. Even if the reply was masked by a riddle, Umar guessed that the danger came from her daughter.
Team-Up II#8) - Utterly interrupted in his meditation, Strange
invoked the Flames of the Faltine to know who was assaulting his
Sanctum Sanctorum. He completed the divination using the Eye of
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The target of the spell becomes partially or totally unable to move, or to think properly. His will can be overcome more easily.
Casting Time: Few
Range: Medium (60 feet)
Components: A
mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Hours, at
Primary effects: Entrance other creatures, weaken
their will, their wisdom,
their self-awareness, their mind.
Collateral effects: None.
(Defenders I#23) - Strange conjured the Flames of the
Faltine that surrounded one of the Sons
of the Serpent, immobilizing him.
(Defenders I#24) - Hours later, the spell that hold the Son was still
active and the man was still entranced, even if Doctor Strange was
unconscious. Daimon Hellstrom used that entrancement to hypnotize the
minion, but he had a defense against such an attack. Hellstrom needed
time to break the barrier but Luke Cage couldn't wait. He grabbed the
Son and smashed him to the wall.
(Doctor Strange II#12) - During a magic battle between
Baron Mordo and Doctor Strange, Clea was taken by surprise by the mad
Baron. His spell wiped her thoughts, leaving her stunned and totally
unable to help her master. Days later she wasn't still able to recall
what happened in those moments.
(Doctor Strange II#31) - Defending her lover, Clea used the Flames of the Faltine against Alaric, unaware of the properties of his sword. The sword, the Blade of Kamuu, was imbued of a magick that could shield the wielder from the magic attacks and ordinary sorceries. With ease, Alaric hurled the spell back to Clea. The spell affected Clea, who remained stunned and helpless.
(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#8/1) -
Thanks to the Bands of Cyttorak
that bound her, Mephista
was weak, so, when Strange used the Fires he succeeded in forcing her
to sleep.
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Evocation of the Flames means generating light, warm, heat or
extreme heat, depending on the magical power of the
caster. The Flames can also be shaped to limit the enemy's
movement on the field. They are usually employed for
ranged attacks.
Casting Time: few
Range: Extra-planetary
Components: Some
mandatory components, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Immediate, for
shot-like attacks. Concentration for other effects.
Primary effects: When the Flames are used to generate
heat, they can surround part or the whole body of the
caster, but can also be hurled at planetary distance in
shapes of tongues, rays, streams, fireballs and so on.
While enveloping the caster, the Flames can be made not to
burn him, but they can be deadly for the adversary. The
heat can be so high that can break stone and rock up to
destroy an entire planet.
When used to restrain the movement of an enemy, the Flames
can take the form of stripes, or bands, and become hard to
break and to escape from.
Collateral effects:
Little spots of light, magic vapors.
(Doctor Strange I#169 (fb)) - Still an apprentice, but
already tainted by Dormammu's evil, Mordo beseeched the Dread One to
give him the power to slay his master, the Ancient One. Secretly
preparing the ritual, using a cauldron, Mordo got the dark power he
needed and attacked his master with the Flames of the Faltine. In the
Sanctum Sanctorum, emerald, deadly flames engulfed the old sorcerer who
had mere instants to save himself. The Ancient One managed to dispel the
Flames borrowing power from the Vishanti.
(Strange Tales I#155/2) - Strange, with his fists surrounded by the
Flames of the Faltine, broke the ground animated by Umar. Clea was
entrapped in rocky clutches. so Strange hurled a circle of Flames, that
melted the tentacles and put the ground on fire, thus freeing her
(Strange Tales I#163/2) - The Living Tribunal enveloped itself with the Flames of the Faltine. He was determined to consume the planet, if necessary, by hurling the Flames against it. As a little demonstration of their immeasurable power, he shot a Bolt of Cosmic Lightning, and the Flames consumed mountains.
(Strange Tales I#165/2) - A shot of Faltine Flames
destroyed the disintegrator device that Yandroth
pointed at Strange.
(Doctor Strange I#176) - The Fiery Flames of the Faltine
were used against Psychic Tentacles that were crushing Doctor Strange's
Astral form. With a simple gesture the tendrils fell.
(Doctor Strange I#177) - Unwrapped by a tentacled creature
of a dimension of shadows and darkness, Strange guessed that a vivid
light could help himself. The Flames produced a light so searing that
melted the creature, freeing him.
Later, after Clea and Strange returned on Earth,
Strange caught up with Asmodeus and, in the magic battle that followed,
hurled a fireball at him. Asmodeus was hit by the fire, screaming in
fear of death, but soon discovered that the fire did not burn him.
Strange actually wanted to preserve life. Asmodeus, then found the time
to dissolve the Flames.
(Sub-Mariner I#22) - Doctor Strange conjured the Flames of
the Faltine. Tongues of Flames burst out, surrounded the idol in
Strange's hand, and forced back the Undying
Ones for a while.
(Marvel Premiere#5) - A shot of Flames of the Faltine hurt
so Strange forced the demon to flee into his lair.
(Marvel Premiere#8) - Unable to sustain a sufficient defense, Strange
attacked the armed Demons of Shuma-Gorath. He zapped one of them with
the Flames of the Faltine, stunning him.
(Defenders I#15) - Strange shot a blast of Flames of the Faltine against
a monster. It disappeared, and Strange guessed that it was only an
illusion created by Mastermind.
(Doctor Strange II#8) - Clea
conjured the Flames of the Faltine to erect a firewall against Orini
and his demons.
(Iron Fist I#7) - Master
Khan hit Iron Fist with the Fatal Flames of the Faltine,
but Daniel's Iron Fist let him absorb its power.
(Defenders I#31) - Doctor Strange shot the Flames of the
Faltine at Nighthawk. The stripe of fire was only a warning and missed
the flying hero, because Strange had discovered that he was an imposter.
Actually, it was Chondu
the Mystic's mind that inhabited Kyle Richmond's body, so the imposter
recognized that the green fire was Faltine's.
(The Incredible Hulk II#207) - In his rage, Hulk destroyed a wall of a
building that was crumbling above the people in the street, Strange
pulverized the debris with a command to the Flames.
(Doctor Strange II#19) - Unaware that he was living
an elaborate illusion set up by the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme
blasted Stygyro
with a red ray of Flames, but the evil one stopped the spell without any
(Doctor Strange II#23) - The Flames of the Faltine
entirely burned a living Wormworld of the Quadriverse.
The burst was far intense than the usual spell shot by Strange,
but in those moments the mystic was conditioned by a little demon
possessing him.
(Ghost Rider II#29) - The Flames were used by a demon, pawn of Dormammu,
who impersonated the Master of the Mystic Arts. The false mystic hurt
Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) with the Flames and other spells up to the
point that Ghost sought revenge against the real Dr. Strange.
(Doctor Strange II#33) - Restrained
in the Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon, Clea was rescued by Strange thanks to a
double-effect spell. The first part used the warm generated by the
Flames of the Faltine in order to melt the ice, the second part
protected Clea with the Shield of the Seraphim. The spell worked as
intended even if the target was not Clea but a dream-copy of her come to
reality thanks to Dream
Weaver's power.
(Defenders I#57) - Clea hurled the Flames of the Faltine against the
AIM War robot, but
it turned them back on her.
(Doctor Strange II#34) - During a
compelling magic battle with Cyrus
Black, Strange surrounded his adversary with the unquenchable
Flames. With ease, Black used a simple pass to nullify them.
(Doctor Strange II#39) - It was an illusion dreamed by Strange, when he dodged a blast of the Fearsome Flames of the Faltine shot by Hyppocrate.
(Doctor Strange II#40) - Strange used the
same formula that had used against the lackey of Mordo years before,
but with a different effect. This time a golden light created a cocoon
around Azrael, but the cocoon that had to be a prison didn't work as
intended. It soon became red, then black, then shattered, utterly aged
by Azrael's
Shortly Later, Azrael was delayed again by another
golden cocoon. This time the spell worked as intended, as a mere
delay, because the simple proximity of Azrael made it weaken second by
(Doctor Strange II#42) - Doctor Strange blasted two sorcerers-warriors of the golden Dragon with the Fearsome Flames of the Faltine, knocking them out.
(Doctor Strange II#43) - On the Shadowqueen's world, Strange used the Flames of the Faltine to scatter some hostile warriors, without harming them.
(Doctor Strange II#44) - Fireballs made of Flames of the Faltine were hurled by the powerful Shadowqueen, to destroy the Sorcerer Supreme. For the first moments, Strange was only able to parry them, until he managed to cast the Winds of Watoomb and extinguish the sky-fire.
(Marvel Fanfare I#6/2) - Ian
McNee invoked the Faltine Flames in a mystic combat against Dr.
Strange. Apparently his green Flames overpowered the Sorcerer Supreme's
shields, killing him. Soon after the murder, an unknown sorcerer,
pretender to the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, attacked McNee with the
Flames, only to be defeated by death. Immediately after, Elata, another
pretender challenged McNee and shot her green fires at him. Elata died,
too. Shortly after, McNee learned that his fights were illusions.
(Thor Annual I#9) - The Flames were used by Umar against Thor, but
didn't burn at full power, because she wanted to use Thor for her
purposes against Dormammu.
(Doctor Strange II#48) - On the Astral Plane, Flames hit and enveloped Damballah, who guessed that Dr. Strange was more than a match for him, so the demon fled.
(Doctor Strange II#59) - The Flames of the Faltine took
the form of bands of green light that imprisoned one of the Eye Killers.
Almost immobilized, he could only speak.
(Doctor Strange II#60) - Strange destroyed the Staffs of many Darkhold Cultists, burning them with the Flames of the Faltine.
Man and Iron Fist#100) - Master
Khan cast two spells against Luke Cage. The first one held him
still, while the second one, the Flames of the Faltine, enveloped the
hero for hire. Ordinary fire could not harm Cage, but the Flames were
too hot even for him. Fortunately, the powerful mystic had to keep the
concentration in order to maintain the spells. So, when Iron Fist
intervened the flames cooled off, and when Fera
attacked Khan the binding Rings vanished.
(Doctor Strange II#69) - A magic construct with the form of sea serpent attacked Strange using Faltinian Flames. Strange protected himself with the Shield of the Seraphim.
(Doctor Strange II#79) - Urthona's champion wore an armor capable to resist to the Flames of the Faltine and other spells. The spell that Doctor Strange cast had to dissolve the armor, but it failed.
Strange Sorcerer Supreme#5) - Confronting Mordo, Strange was
sure to be stronger than the last time he had fought Mordo, so
when he shot the beams of Faltine's Fire, and they hit the evil
sorcerer, he was amazed at seeing that Mordo resisted well.
Strange & Doom: Triumph and Torment) - When Doctor Doom and
Strange battled Mephisto
in his realm, Strange called upon the power of the Flames, but the
shot bounced off from Mephisto.
Strange Sorcerer Supreme#18/1) - The power of the Flames of the
Faltine struck Varnae,
pushing him away from Vic Strange.
(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#30) - Both Mephista
and Doctor Strange poured their power in the Flames of the Faltine,
hurling them at Satannish.
The flames became so high that towered and cancelled the yet gargantuan
demon. Nonetheless, Satannish did not feel them, surmising that he was
immune to fire-based attacks.
(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#35) - In Hel, Clea created a wall of
fire made of Flames of the Faltine to keep at bay Cerberus
for a while.
(Marvel Comics Presents#133) - Obeying to Blood
Shadow's orders, Fetish
blew the Flames of the Faltines onto Wolverine, who burned. Nearby,
Fetish's brother, Vex,
recognized the spell.
(Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#40) - Doctor Strange, Clea and Rintrah
cast three different spell to imprison D'Spayre. Clea used the Faltinian
Flames to reinforce the outside of the sphere made of Bands of Cytorrak.
(Marvel Adventure Hulk#8) - On Earth-20051, Doctor Strange gathered the
Defenders for the first time, on the Himalayan Mountains. He evoked
little fires on the snow, to warm them.
(Marvel Adventure Super Heroes#9) - On Earth-20051, a squirrel breathed
Flames of the Faltine over Doctor Strange. Actually it was Dormammu who
tried to burn the Sorcerer Supreme, but Strange deflected the attack.
(X-Factor I#232) - On an alternate Earth, Jamie Matrox of Earth-616
revived in the body of the Madrox-Prime of that reality, only to be
attacked by Dormammu. The Dread One shot blue Flames to slay Madrox.
Fortunately, the Faltine Flames were deflected by a spherical barrier,
with Madrox wondering how it happened.
(S.H.I.E.L.D. III#3 / S.H.I.E.L.D. III#5) - The Flames of the Faltine
were the heat source of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. The Flames
were bridled by a furnace made of a special metal suited to contain
magic. The furnace had been forged by Horguun, a Troll artisan.
(S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6) - Dormammu blasted Crusher Creel with the Flames of
the Faltine but Creel had just absorbed the power of the Throne of Black
Dechantment. Thus, the spell had little (or no) effect on him.
(Avengers VII#8) - Trying to stop Avenger
X, Iron Man (Victor Von Doom) summoned the Flames of the Faltine.
She used the Captain America's shield to protect herself by the fire.
(Doctor Strange IV#21) - The Faltine's Flame that Doctor Strange had to
cast was so powerful that could burn the Dome that maintained the bubble
of Darkforce around New York. To generate enough power, Strange had to
gather some components containing magic: the meal a young couple shared
on their first night in their new home, a lucky rabbit's foot dangled
from the ignition in three separate car accidents, the prized possession
of a three-year old boy. Adding ordinary fire to the brew, Strange
produced a fine witches' brew. After pronouncing the spell, the brew
became a stream of powerful Flames of the Faltine directed to the Dome
encased in the Chrysler Building. In that place, in that moment, Baron
Mordo had unleashed Pluorrg to slay Jessica Drew and Ben Urich. The
enormous monster unwittingly intercepted the Flames, saving the Dome,
foiling Strange's plan. Even if the resulting explosion was thunderous,
the Flames only scorched the tentacled monster. Pluorrg fell from the
skyscraper, but survived, enraged.
(Doctor Strange I#386) - The Flames of the Faltine sprayed by Doctor
Strange were weak, because Strange was weak, so they did not damage the
many demons that surrounded him, at Hotel Inferno.
Super Hero Adventures: Captain Marvel - Frost Giants Among Us!#1) - On
Earth-TRN663, the heat produced by a circle of Flames of the Faltine was
so intense that affected the Frost Giants reducing their size.
(Doctor Doom#4) - During his assault to an AIM base, Doctor Doom used
the Flames of the Faltine to burn a patrol of armored security guards.
(Savage Avengers#9) - The Flames of the Faltine were cast by Dr. Strange
and put Kulan
Gath on fire, making him scream.
(Ghost Rider IX#6) - Two arcs of flames hit Ghost Rider sending him
tumbling down. Strange didn't want to hurt him.
(Black Cat I#3) - Xander attacked the Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) with
several spells. He also breathed the Flames of the Faltine, that were
transmuted in petals by her "bad luck" entropy power.
(Savage Avengers#23) - The Flames
consumed the dead body of Shuma-Gorath.
(Devil's Reign: Superior Four#2) - On Earth-8968, the Supreme
Octopus, an alternate version of Earth-616 Octopus, attacked another
alternate version of Octopus using the Flames of the Faltine. The Flames
scorched the skin of the other Octopus, but he was a Hulk, so he
recovered almost immediately.
(Doctor Strange the Best Defense#1) - In a future where Dormammu would
conquer Earth, Strange confronted him for the last time. To lure the
Dread One in a trap he lit a magic light from the Flames.
Manipulation of the soul of
creatures, to create new forms of life or new forms of
un-death. Manipulation of life-force and
Casting Time: from few
seconds to years.
Range: Medium (60 feet)
Components: A
mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: depending on
the purpose, usually permanent, in some cases a dispel can cancel it.
Primary effects:
Collateral effects:
Cloud of smoke. Glow of
warm light.
(Doctor Strange
II#51) -
Year 1943, during WWII, London, UK. The Dormammu coming from Dr.
Strange's present, found human allies in the past, little more than
slaves that would enable the demon access to Earth, through a ritual
of Incarnation. One of his pawns was the sorcerer Sir
Anthony Baskerville, who had to perform one of the steps of the
long and complex ritual. For that purpose, the Dread One reduced Karl
Mordo's soul to a basic force to be manipulated in the ritual, in
order to possess another body.
Baskerville tested Doctor Strange's body
defenses but it resisted, so he decided to use Morgana
Blessing's body. In fact, only a body of Mordo's original
time, could be the receptacle for his soul, and Morgana and Dr.
Strange came from the same time of Mordo's soul.
That night, Baskerville completed the ritual. Among other
components, he used the Flames of the Faltine. Burning
Mordo's essence in a brazier, he produced an ominous black-green smoke
that took the shape of a man: the shape of Mordo! The
shape was entangled in long dark strings that were Dormammu's means of
control of his puppet. Soon, the shape became smoke again and seeped
in Morgana Blessing's body. Mordo's soul possessed the body and "he"
awoke. Meanwhile, another component of the Incarnation was growing:
the terror and the hate caused by a full-scale bombardment on London.
However, when Mordo tried to sacrifice Clea, Morgana regained control
and attacked Krowler/Dormammu.
Dr. Strange did the same. Dormammu's grasp on Krowler's body was
shattered, a bomb hit the castle and also Mordo's essence was
scattered. The possession ended and Morgana Blessing was free.
II#4) - Doctor Strange's body had been magically aged by Azrael's
touch, and was very old and weak. He cast a spell of Rejuvenation
and a warm-colored glow surrounded his body, restoring his body. Even the
Sorcerer Supreme didn't know what collateral effects would cause
such an unnatural cure.
(Doctor Strange
IV#10 (fb)) - In the years, Doctor Strange wrote a book about magic.
There, he reported a spell that helped him to recover quickly from the
wounds and from the suffering. The spell took the pain away from
Strange and stored it in a locked room in the cellar of the Sanctum
In one occasion, after a harsh battle against Baron Mordo, Strange was so weak that Wong, his loyal servant, cast the spell using the book. As usual, the suffering abandoned Strange, feeding the thing that took life in the room.
The spell, which
involved the Flames of the Faltine was used other times, and the thing
grew, becoming sentient, and hating Strange for the pain that it was
forced to bear.
Strange IV#10) - Few years later, when the Emperor of the
Empirikul was destroying all the magic in the Universes, and he
had freed the thing in the cellar, the spell was cast again. By
their own will, Zelma Stanton, Wong, the monks of the Himalayan
temple of the Secret Defenders, people touched by Magic
attracted to the Temple and many
other attracted to Strange's house recited the spell,
simultaneously, even if they were located in different continents,
helped by Strange and by their third eye, opened. The spell freed
Strange from the pain inflicted to him by the Emperor, enabling
the Sorcerer Supreme to defeat him. The pain was
absorbed, shared, by all the casters.
Again, after the battle, once the Emperor was
imprisoned in a cellar, Strange lent him the Book "The Thing in the
Cellar", and cast the spell again.
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Transformation of creatures and
Casting Time: varying,
from few seconds to a ritual lasting hours.
Range: Medium (60 feet)
Components: Some
mandatory components, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Concentration
Primary effects: The
Flames can perform the transformation of objects and
creatures. Broken objects can be made whole, even immaterial
things like the existence of a human being, or magical objects
like the Planes of Pohldak. The ritual of Merging involved the Flames for the
fusion of more creatures in one that would contain a power too
great for only one of them. The final creature would have
power to rule over humanity.
The effects can be the opposite. Whole targets can be broken
into pieces, down to be annihilated.
effects: Light, heat.
If the transformation involves more creatures merging into one,
fragments of their souls, feelings and memories can be perceived by the others.
(Doctor Strange II#27) - Strange, was imprisoned by Stygyro
in the Planes
of Pohldakh. His existence was being torn into pieces so he used
the Flames of the Faltine to mold the Planes' fragments together. Still
imprisoned, he observed as the Flames burned, leaving a trail of fire. He invoked the
Vishanti and freed himself.
Shortly later Stygyro derided the power of the
Flames, because the heat he could generate was that of the nuclear power
of a star.
(Doctor Strange,
Sorcerer Supreme#8/1) - Mordo cast a Spell
of Annihilation. The disintegration did not start, because
Strange broke the spelling knocking Mordo out with a left hook.
(Mighty Avengers II#13) - The ritual
of Merging, to gain the power over all the elements, was performed
by the Deathwalkers: Lichidus ruler of Water, Cairn ruler of Earth,
Viciada ruler of Air, Adur ruler of Fire. They used the blood of a
sacrificial victim, Blade, the vampire hunter, that had drawn hours
before. They spilled their own blood, merging it in a goblet, claiming
their true intent of ending all opposition among them. Reciting the
spell, their blood was merged with the blood of the sacrifice. The final
part of the ritual consisted in pronouncing the magic words together.
The result was the transformation of the four
Deathwalkers in the Deathwalker Prime, a hulking humanoid monstrosity
that had power over the five elements.
(Mighty Avengers II#14) - The Deathwalker took control of
the minds of the entire humanity, with dreams of terror and despair.
Before him, Luke Cage resisted Deathwalker's commands. Cage seized the
goblet and hurled it at Kaluu. The mystic used it and triggered another
Spell of Merging, transforming Blue Marvel, Power-Man (Victor Alvarez),
Tiger (Angela del Toro), Jessica Jones, Blade, She-Hulk, Constance
Molina, Falcon, Spectrum and himself into the Avenger Prime! The intention
to collaborate was stronger in the Avenger Prime, who defeated
Deathwalker Prime with no sweat.
While their merging, the Avengers caught a glimpse of
each other's soul for an instant.
Cage destroyed the cup.
(Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling) - The Flames were used to
fuel a spell of mending. Wiccan had tried many spells to make a
magic-disrupting sword whole. He also was in a place of power, but he
wasn't succeeding in making it. He had the intuition to grab a fraction
of the power of Dormammu's Flames, and shot a stream of pure magic fire
on the sword, performing the mending.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.
Many times the spells calling the
Flames didn't produce actual fire. Considering that the Faltine
(as beings) are made of energy, and that heat is a form of energy and
that fire is probably the most present form in nature of production of
heat, I guess that there is the consistent possibility that when a
caster calls the Flames of the Faltine he could be "merely" calling the
raw magic energy lent by the Faltine (beings). Wiccan reported Dr.
Strange's knowledge saying that the Flames, in a more general meaning,
are pure magic fuel (see Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling). If
so, many of the spells, formulas and effects described in the previous
chapters should be re-arranged in another document destined to the
"energy" that the Faltine donate for magical use.
Nonetheless, it is very difficult to distinguish
between the metaphorical meaning(s) of the words in the spells, and
their first level of meaning, so, for now, the Flames of the Faltine
spells are all grouped in this profile.
The candles lit in Strange Tales I#150 were a material
component of Time Travel spell, but not of the Flames of
the Faltine spell. The same spell had
been used without the protection of the Flames (see Strange Tales I#124).
In Strange
Tales I#159, the Divination spell mentioned a candle, too.
In Doctor Strange I#173, physical flames
were produced by the spell, classifying it as an Evocation one.
Nonetheless, the final effect was the annihilation of another spell.
Strange even claimed that that was the one spell that could save him
from the Maelstrom. So it is classified as an Abjuration.
Sometime, it was specified a peculiar color, the Green, for the Flames of the Faltine:
The chasm dug from the Flames coming
from a nether-region, chasm that gulps demons (see Doctor Strange I#181
and Doctor Strange II#38), is a dazzling display of terrific
Transmutation. Nonetheless, it is bluntly a Biblical way of banishment
of fiends, thus falling among the Abjuration versions.
In Amazing Spider-Man IV#32, Norman Osborn underwent
a test to understand if he could practice the Mystic Arts. He didn't
know that he was living an illusion. During the illusion he used
different spells, and the Flames of the Faltine, too. The spell had his
fist glowing and he knocked-out Spider-Man. It is probable that the
Emerald Oracle of Ikkon (yes, Ikkon, an alias), which was real, gave him
some suggestions about names of powerful beings, and not a real
knowledge of the Faltine nor the Flames.
The very
different effects observable, in spite of identical verbal components
(see Strange Tales I#160 and Doctor Strange II#40), suggest that changing
one of the other components alters the kind of spell that the
caster is commanding. Even the minimum difference in the
intonation, chant, tone, pronunciation, length of vowels, strength
of consonants, pauses between or binding of adjacent words makes a
verbal component different form another, thus producing a
different final effect.
A less strict example, when the
final command made the difference:
Demons of darkness, in the
name of Satannish, by the Flames of the Faltine--
--Let Spider-Man vanish! | --Let Umar's spell now vanish! | --let yon weapon now vanish! | --Let Umar now vanish! | --let Clea's mind vanish! |
Abjuration, a material
being was banished on another plane of existence. |
Abjuration, a magic spell was nullified or counter-spelled. | Abjuration, a material object was banished (where?). | Conjuration, a material being (Umar) transported herself in another place. | Enchantment, the mind of a being was affected. |
Amazing Spider-Man Annual#2 | Doctor Strange I#159/2 | Amazing Spider-Man I#109 | Doctor Strange I#156/2 | Doctor Strange II#12 |
Dormammu's Flames were extinguished when Hell froze (see Hellcat I#3). This could be another method to counterspell the Flames of the Faltine.
In X-Factor I#206, not only the spell transported several
people from two different points to a single destination
(Conjuration), they also found a destination unknown to everybody
(Divination). It's magic.
The Flames seen in X-Factor I#232 (Earth-123)
could be different from the spell working in the Earth-616
reality. "That" alternate Dormammu was also cast onto Earth-616
and his regency blue flames were
burning, so there's a good probability that the spell would work
as well. Some sampled similar
Per David
Mystic beings (such as
demons) can gain power in 3 ways...
Invoking powerful Entities to bolster and strengthen defenses,
attacks, purposes and so on is quite logical. It could happen not
only when a long verbal formula is spelled, but also with simple
exclamations like "By Vishanti!". This happens with the
Flames of the Faltine, too, all the more reason that the Faltine
are so eager to lend their energy. Some examples following.
In Hellcat I#2,
Dormammu revealed that the flames enveloping his head were Flames of the
Faltine. Of course, he once was a Faltine.
Could this imply that every time Dormammu appeared
also did any Flame of the Faltine spell appear? Nothing stated that any
"spell" was cast, it is a natural racial trait. So, Dormammu's flaming
heads appearances are not reported in the appearances
Profile by Spidermay.
The Flames of the Faltine are strongly connected to the Faltine
dimension and its inhabitants, the Faltine or Faltinians.
They have no known connections to:
The Faltinian Gateway or Gateway of Flame has no known connection to:
images: (without ads)
Doctor Strange I#169, p19, pan1 (the
Flames of the Faltine burning the Ancient One)
Doctor Strange I#181, p15, pan1 (Doctor
Strange banishing the Macabre Minions of Nightmare)
Strange Tales I#150/2, p6, pan1 (the
Flames of the Faltine resist to Kaluu's snuffing spell)
Amazing Spider-Man#109, p17,
pan1 (Strange
banished a weapon)
Marvel Super-Heroes III#12, p11, pan7 (Phyffe
banishing some bugs)
Dottor Strange II#68, p10, pan3 (a
tiny fire elemental summoned by Strange)
X-Factor I#206, p6, pan3 (Mordo
conjured a tunnel for teletransport)
Doctor Strange II#58, p1, pan2 (Umar
asks a question to the Flames)
Strange Tales I#151/2, p7, pan3 (Umar
using the Flames of the Faltine to fuel the Lamp of Lucifer power)
Defenders I#23, p7, pan2 (a
Son of the Serpent enchanted by the Flames)
Strange Tales I#163/2, p7, pan1 (The
Living Tribunal melts a mountain using lightnings made of Faltine
Iron Fist I#7, p19, pan6 (the
power of the Iron Fist absorbs the Flames)
Doctor Strange II#44, p16, pan2 (Fireball!)
Doctor Strange sorcerer Supreme#5, p17, pan1 (the
somatic component: fingers movement)
Black Cat I#3. p??, pan4 (the
magic of the Flames is nullified by entropy)
Doctor Strange II, p10, pan4 (the
possession of Morgana Blessing)
Doctor Strange IV#10, p6, pan4 (the
multi-eyed, multi-mouthed thing of pain, alive, hates Doctor Strange)
Doctor Sstrange II#27, p9, pan10 (the
fragmented essence of Doctor Strange is melted whole by the Flames of
the Faltine)
Doctor Strange
Sorcerer Supreme#30, p12, pan2 (the
Flames are green and red)
Hellcat I#3, p16, pan1 (Dormammu
losing the Flames of the Faltine because Hell froze)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual#2, p11, pan15 (Xandu banished
Spider-Man in another plane)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#39, p9, pan3 (Strange
crossing the Faltinian Gateway, followed by the Fear-Eaters)
Doctor Doom#4, p6, pan4 (Doctor
Doom burning A.I.M. soldiers)
Spider-Man Annual#2 (Summer 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve
Ditko (artist)
Strange Tales I#142/2 (March, 1966) -
Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (plot/artist)
Strange Tales
I#144/2 (April, 1966) - Roy Thomas (writer), Steve Ditko
(plot/artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#151/2 (December, 1966) - Stan Lee
(writer/editor), Bill Everett (plot/artist)
Strange Tales I#155/2 (April, 1967)
- Stan Lee (writer/editor), Marie Severin (plot/artist)
Tales I#156/2 (May, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Marie Severin
Strange Tales I#159/2 (August, 1967) - Roy Thomas
(writer), Marie Severin (plot/pencils), Herb Trimpe (inks), Stan Lee
Strange Tales I#160/2 (September, 1967) - Raymond Marais (writer), Marie
Severin (plot/artist), Herb Trimpe (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#163/2 (December, 1967) - Jim
Lawrence (writer), Dan Adkins (pencils and inks), Stan Lee
Strange Tales I#164/1 (January, 1968) - Jim Lawrence (writer), Dan
Adkins (pencils and inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Strange Tales I#165/2 (February, 1968) - Jim Lawrence (writer), Dan
Adkins (plot/artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange I#169 (June,
1968) - Roy Thomas (writer),
Dan Adkins (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange I#173 (October, 1968) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan
(pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange I#176 (January, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan
(pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange I#177 (February, 1969)
- Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Stan
Lee (editor)
Strange I#178 (March, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan
(pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange I#179 (April, 1969) -
reprinted Amazing Spider-Man Annual#2
Doctor Strange I#181 (July, 1968) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan
(pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Sub-Mariner I#22 (February, 1970) - Roy Thomas (writer), Marie Severin
(pencils), Johnny Craig (inks), Marie Severin (colors), Stan Lee
Amazing Spider-Man I#109 (June, 1972) - Stan Lee (writer), John Romita
Sr. (pencils and inks), Tony Mortellaro (colors), Stan Lee (editor)
Marvel Premiere#5 (November, 1972) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Irv Wesley
(pencils), Don Perlin (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere#8 (May, 1973) - Gardner Fox (writer), Jim Starlin
(pencils), Giacoia, Hunt (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Defenders I#15 (September, 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Sal Buscema
(pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Glynis Oliver (colors), Roy Thomas
Defenders I#23 (May, 1975) - Steve Gerber (writer), Sal Buscema
(artist), Vince Colletta (inks), Don W. (colors), Len Wein (editor)
Doctor Strange II#8 (June, 1975) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene Colan
(pencils), Tom Palmer (inks and colors), Stan Lee (editor)
Doctor Strange II#12 (February, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), Gene
Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Defenders I#31 (January, 1976) - Steve Gerber (writer), Sal Buscema
(pencils), Jim Mooney (inks), Petra Goldberg (colors), Marv Wolfman
Iron Fist I#7 (September, 1976) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Byrne
(pencils), Frank Chiaramonte (inks), Bonnie W. (colors), Archie Goodwin
Doctor Strange II#19 (October, 1976) - Marv Wolfman (writer), Alfredo
Alcala (pencils and inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Marvel Team-Up#51 (November, 1976) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema
(pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Janice Cohen (colors), Archie Goodwin
The Incredible Hulk II#207 (January, 1977) - Len Wein (writer/editor),
Sal Buscema (pencils), Joe Staton (inks), Glynis Wein (colors)
Doctor Strange II#23 (June, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer), Jim Starlin
(pencils), Rudy Nebres (inks), Andy Yanchus (colors), Marv Wolfman
Defenders I#57 (January, 1978) - Chris Claremont & Gerry Conway
(writers), George Tuska & Dave Cockrum (pencils), Dan Green (inks),
Archie Goodwin (editor)
Doctor Strange II#27 (February, 1978)
- Roger Stern (writer), Tom Sutton (pencils), Ernie Chan (inks), Irene
Vartanoff (colors), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Rider II#29 (April, 1978) - Roger McKenzie (writer), Don Perlin
(pencils), Jim Mooney (inks), George Roussos (colors), Archie Goodwin
Ghost Rider
II#30 (June, 1978) - Roger McKenzie & Don Perlin (co-writers),
Don Perlin (pencils), Jim Mooney (inks), M. Beveridge (colors), Jim
Shooter (editor)
Doctor Strange II#31 (October, 1978) - Don McGregor
(writer), Ricardo Villamonte (pencils), Tom F. Sutton (inks), Marie
Severin (colors), Roger Stern (editor)
Doctor Strange II#33 (February, 1979) - Roger Stern & Ralph Macchio
(writers), Tom Sutton (pencils), Rudy Nebres (inks), Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#34 (April, 1979) - Roger Stern & Ralph Macchio
(writers), Tom Sutton (pencils), Rudy Nebres (inks), Jo Duffy (editor)
Defenders I#71 (May, 1979) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe
(pencils), Jack Abel (inks), Ben Sean (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#75 (September, 1979) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe
(pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Carl Gafford (colors), Al Milgrom
Doctor Strange II#38 (December, 1979) - Chris Claremont (writer), Gene
Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Jo Duffy & Al Milgrom (editors)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#39 (March, 1992) - Jean-Marc
Lofficier/Dann Thomas/Roy Thomas (writers), Geof Isherwood (pencils),
James Sanders III (inks), George Roussos (colors), Michael Rockwitz
Doctor Strange II#40 (April, 1980) - Chris Claremont
(writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Ricardo Villamonte & Dan Green
(inks), Jo Duffy (editor)
Man-Thing II#4 (May, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writer), Don Perlin
(pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Sean (colors), Jo Duffy (Denny O'Neil)
Doctor Strange II#42 (August, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writers), Gene
Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ben Sean (colors), Mary Jo Duffy
Doctor Strange II#43 (October, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writers), Gene
Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ben Sean (colors), Mary Jo Duffy
Doctor Strange II#44 (December, 1980) - Chris Claremont (writers), Gene
Colan (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Mary Jo Duffy
Defenders I#92 (February, 1981) - Jean Marc DeMatteis (writer), Don Perlin (pencils), Pablo Marcos
(inks), George Roussos (colors), Al Milgrom (colors)
Thor Annual#9 (1981) - Chris Claremont (writer), Luke McDonner
(pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Bonnie Wilford (colors), David Kraft
& Chris Claremont (editors)
Doctor Strange II#48 (August, 1981) Roger
Stern (writer), Marshall Rogers (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob
Sharen (colors), Jo Duffy (editor)
Doctor Strange II#50 (December, 1981) - Roger Stern (writer), Marshall
Rogers (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Marshall Rogers (colors), Al
Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange II#51 (February, 1982) - Roger Stern (writer), Marshall
Rogers (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Al Milgrom
Marvel Fanfare I#6 (January, 1983) - Roger Stern (writer), Charles Vess
(artist), Al Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange II#58 (April, 1983) - Roger Stern (writer), Dan Green
(pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Doctor Strange II#59 (June, 1983) - Roger Stern (writer), Dan Green
(pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Avengers I#241 (August, 1983) - Roger Stern (writer), Al Milgrom
(breakdowns), Joe Sinnott & Andy Mushinsky (finishers), Christie
Scheele (colors), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Doctor Strange II#60 (August, 1983) - Roger Stern (writer), Dan Green
(pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Power Man and Iron Fist#100 (December, 1983) - Kurt Busiek (writer),
Ernie Chan (pencils), Mike Mignola (inks), Christie Scheele (colors),
Denny O'Neil (editor)
Doctor Strange II#65 (June, 1984) - Roger Stern (writer), Paul Smith
(pencils and inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Doctor Strange II#68 (December, 1984) - Roger Stern (writer), Paul Smith
(pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Doctor Strange II#69 (February, 1985) - Roger Stern (writer), Bret
Blevins (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts
Doctor Strange II#76 (April, 1986) - Peter Gillis (writer), Mark Badger
& Chris Warner (pencils),
Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob
Sharen (colors), Carl Potts (editor)
Doctor Strange II#77 (June, 1986) - Peter Gillis (writer), Chris Warner
(pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts
Doctor Strange II#79 (October, 1986) - Peter B. Gillis (writer), Chris
Warner (pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors)
Strange Tales II#2/2 (May, 1987) - Peter Gillis (writer), Chris Warner
(pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Carl Potts
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#5 (July, 1989) - Dann & Roy Thomas
(writers), Jackson Guice
(pencils), José Marzan Jr. (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#8/1 (December, 1989) - Dann Thomas/Roy
Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), José Marzan Jr. (inks),
Christie Scheele (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange & Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989) - Roger Stern
(writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Mark Badger (inks and colors), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Alpha Flight I#86 (June, 1990) - James D. Hudnall (writer), Mark Bagley
(pencils), Mike Manley (inks), Bob Sharen (colors), Danny Fingeroth
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#18 (June, 1990) - Dann & Roy Thomas
(writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Bob Sharen
(colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#23/1 (November, 1990) - Dann Thomas/Roy
Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George
Roussos (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Ghost Rider III#12 (April 1991) - Howard Mackie (writer), Javier
Saltares (pencils), Mark Texeira & Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Greg
Wright (colors), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#28
(April, 1991) - Dann Thomas/Roy Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan
(pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George Roussos (colors), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#29 (May, 1991) - Dann Thomas/Roy
Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George
Roussos (colors), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#30 (June, 1991) - Dann Thomas/Roy Thomas
(writers), Chris Marrinan (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), George Roussos
(colors), Ralph Macchio
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#35 (November, 1991) - Dann Thomas/Roy
Thomas (writers), Dan Lowlis (pencils), Sam de la Rosa & Don Hudson
(inks), Michael Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#39 (March,
1992) - Jean-Marc Lofficier/Dann Thomas/Roy Thomas (writers), Geof
Isherwood (pencils), James Sanders III (inks), George Roussos
(colors), Michael Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#40 (April, 1992) - Jean-Marc
Lofficier/Dann Thomas/Roy Thomas (writers), Geof Isherwood (pencils),
James Sanders III (inks), George Roussos (colors), Michael Rockwitz
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#43 (July, 1992) - Roy Thomas (writer),
Geof Isherwood (pencils and inks), George Roussos (colors), Mike
Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2 (Summer, 1992) - Roy Thomas
(writer), M.C. Wyman (pencils), Roger Cruz (inks), Kevin Tinsley
(colors), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#48 (December, 1992) - Len Kaminski
(writer), Geof Isherwood (pencils), Bob Petrecca, Barnett & Don
Hudson (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Marvel Super Heroes III#12/1 (January, 1993) - Roy Thomas & J.M.
Lofficier (script), Stuart Hopen (plot), Brian Postman (pencils),
Armando Gil (inks), Renée Witterstaetter (colors), Rob Tokar (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents#133 (July, 1993) - Dan Slott (writer), Steve
Lightle (pencils and iks), Steve & Marianne Lightle (colors), Terry
Kavanagh & Mark Powers (editors)
Marvel Team-Up II#8 (April, 1998) - Tom
Peyer (plot), Glenn Herdling (script), Joshua Hood (pencils),
Richard Perrotta (inks), Tom Smith (colors), Tom Brevoort & Glenn
Greenberg (editors)
Defenders II#5 (July, 2001) - Kurt Busiek & Erik Larsen (writers),
Erik Larsen (pencils), Sal Buscema (inks), Color Arts & Greg Wright
(colors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Incredible Hulk I#82 (August, 2005) -
Peter David (writer), Jae Lee (pencils and inks), June Cheung
(colors), Tom Breevort (editor)
Marvel Adventure Hulk#8 (April, 2008) - Paul Benjamin (writer), David
Nakayama (pencils), Gary Martin (inks), Michelle J. Madsen-Stewart
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes#9 (May, 2009) - Paul Tobin (writer),
Jacopo Camagni (pencils and inks), Christopher Sotomayor (colors),
Nathan Cosby (editor)
X-Factor I#206 (August,
2010) - Peter David (writer), Valentine De Landro (pencils), Pat
Davidson (inks), Jeromy Cox (colors), Jody LeHeup (editor)
X-Factor I#232 (April, 2012) - Peter David (writer), Emanuela
Lupacchino (pencils), Guillermo Ortego (inks), Matt Milla (colors),
Daniel Ketchum (editor)
Fantastic Four Annual II#33 (July, 2012) - Alan Davis (writer and
pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Javier Rodriguez (colors), Tom Breevort
Mighty Avengers II#13 (October, 2014) - Al Ewing (pencils), Salvador
Larroca (pencils and inks), Matt Milla (colors), Tom Brevoort &
Wil Moss (editors)
Mighty Avengers II#14 (November, 2014) - Al Ewing (pencils), Salvador
Larroca (pencils and inks), Matt Milla (colors), Tom Brevoort &
Wil Moss (editors)
S.H.I.E.L.D. III#3 (April, 2015) - Mark
Waid (writer), Alan
Davis(pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Matthew Wilson (colors) Tom
Brevoort & Elizabeth Pyle (editors)
S.H.I.E.L.D. III#5 (June, 2015) - Mark Waid (writer), Michael
Choi (pencils, inks and colors), Rachelle Rosenberg (colros), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6 (July, 2015) - Mark Waid (writer), Paul Renaud
(pencils and inks), Romulo Fajardo (colors), Tom Breevort (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#10 (October, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris
Bachalo (pencils), Wayne Faucher / John Livesay / Jaime Mendoza /
Kevin Nowlan / Victor Olazaba / Tim Townsend / Al Vey (inks), Chris
Backalo / Rain Beredo (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Avengers VII#8 (August, 2017) - Mark Waid / Jeremy Whitley (writers),
Philip Noto (pencils, inks and colors), Ed-Tom Brevoort
Doctor Strange IV#21 (August, 2017) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris
Bachalo / Kevin Nowlan (pencils), John Livesay / Jaime Mendoza / Kevin
Nowlan / Victor Olazaba / Tim Townsend / Al Vey (inks), Chris Backalo
(colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange I#386 (April, 2018) - Donny
Cates (writer), Niko Henrichon (pencils and inks), Laurent Grossat /
Niko Henrichon (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Captain Marvel - Frost Giants Among
Us!#1 (February, 2019) - Joe Caramagna (writer), Mario del Pennino
(pencils and inks), Jim Campbell (colors), Devin Lewis (editor)
Doctor Strange
the Best Defense#1 (February, 2019) - Gerry Duggan (writer),
Greg Smallwood (pencils and inks), Greg Smallwood (colors), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Doctor Doom#4 (March, 2020) - Christopher Cantwell
(writer), Salvador Larroca (pencils and inks), Guru-eFX (colors), Tom
Breevort (editor)
Savage Avengers#9 (March,
2020) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Patrick Zircher (pencils and inks),
Java Tartaglia (colors), Tom Breevort (editor)
Ghost Rider IX#6=Ghost Rider II#242 (May, 2020) - Ed Brisson (writer),
Juan Frigeri (artist), Jason Keith & Dono Sanchez-Almara (colors),
Chris Robinson (editor)
Black Cat I#3 (April, 2021) - Jed MacKay (writer), Carlos F. Villa
(pencils and inks), Brian Reber (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Last Annihilation: Wiccan
& Hulkling (? 2021) - Anthony Oliveira (writer), Jan Bazaldúa
(pencils and inks), Rachelle Rosenberg (colors), Darren Shan (editor)
Avengers#23 (October, 2021) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Patrick
Zircher (pencils and inks), Java Tartaglia (colors), Tom Breevort
Devil's Reign: Superior Four#2 (February, 2022) - Zack
Thompson (writer), Davide Tinto (pencils and inks), Matt Milla
(colors), Annalise Bissa (editor)
First Posted: 03/29/2022
Last updated: 03/29/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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