Real Name: Edward Foy
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Administrator of Mercy Hospital
Group Membership: Mercy Hospital staff
Affiliations: Hawkeye (Clint Barton), the unidentified CEO of Ennilux Pharmaceuticals
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Ed"
Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Hawkeye: Freefall#2 (March, 2020)
Powers/Abilities: Edward Foy has no superhuman
powers but he is a skilled hospital administrator, if a bit cynical.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 163 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
(Hawkeye: Freefall#2 (fb) - BTS) - Edward Foy was the administrator of
New York's Mercy Hospital.
(Hawkeye: Freefall#2) - While in a
meeting with the
CEO of Ennilux Pharmaceuticals, Edward Foy was interrupted by the
arrival of the superhero Hawkeye. Asking how he could help the hero,
Foy was asked if he ran Mercy Hospital and when Foy replied in the
affirmative, Hawkeye then asked if Foy knew who he was. The CEO
answered for Foy, explaining that the hero was Hawkeye of the Avengers,
and Hawkeye then revealed to Foy that he would like to fix the drug lab
that had recently exploded in Alphabet City. Hawkeye then began to
ramble on about how whoever attacked the lab should be helping
addiction through compassion rather than simply beating up drug dealers
and Foy soon interrupted, commenting that he had no idea what Hawkeye
was talking about. Hawkeye then revealed that he wished Foy to open a
state-of-the-art drug rehab center in the Alphabet City neighborhood to
help people, at which Foy and Ennilux Pharmaceuticals CEO burst into
laughter at the thought.
Foy then admitted that while it
was admirable that Hawkeye wished to help people with addiction, it
would be a massive undertaking needing massive funding to start such a
project. Hawkeye pushed a duffel bag full of money over to Foy and
remarked that it was enough to get the project started, promising more
once he saw progress. Hawkeye then departed, commenting that he was
looking forward to working with "Ed."
Comments: Created by Matthew Rosenberg and
Otto Schmidt.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Edward Foy should be distinguished from:
Hawkeye: Freefall#2 (March, 2020) - Matthew Rosenberg (writer), Otto
Schmidt (art), Alanna Smith (editor)
First posted: 02/23/2023
Last updated: 02/23/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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