Brujo, Sgt. Nick Fury Jr, Jelly, Louie Louie, Shadow
(Lilah Gaul), Spook, Steeler
Purpose: To combat terrorism
Aliases: None
Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury, others)
Enemies: Baron Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker), Hydra
Base of Operations: Underground base beneath the Chaplain's Assistants motor pool, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island
First Appearance: (proposed) Fury Force (circa
(actual) Back Issue#16 (June 2006) (see comments)
(Fury Force) - Fury Force was a secret elite counter terrorism unit
working for SHIELD, reporting directly Nick Fury and headed by his son,
Nick Fury Jr.
Comments: Created by Larry Hama.
Circa 1979, Larry Hama pitched a new series
called Fury Force to Marvel, about a secret elite military team akin to
Delta Force that worked for SHIELD to combat terrorist threats such as
Hydra. With Nick Fury then not starring in his own series,
editor-in-chief Jim Shooter remembered the pitch on his blog as being a
proposed "reactivation" of that characters, though Hama soon decided to
have Nick be the commander issuing the missions, while the team itself
would actually be led by Nick's previously unmentioned son Nick Fury Jr.
The remaining characters were all based on people Hama knew, some old
Army buddies, others on other people he knew. He planned to have them
fighting "generic terrorists or some vaguely fascist paramilitary
organizations such as Hydra." Hama recalls that he pitched the series to
Shooter, who rejected it; Shooter for his part recalls it with a
slightly different perspective - he didn't feel it was ready to go yet,
and so hadn't yet
committed to it.
Hasbro had design sketches for about ten
figures at this juncture and asked Marvel (Hama) to come up with their
personalities and backstories. As Hama notes, he didn't simply rebrand
the Fury Force concept to turn it into G.I.Joe, but he did take elements
from his previous pitch. Most of the planned Fury Force characters
mapped across easily to one of the toys, in many cases without even
needing much visual modification from what Hama had come up with.
Initially the new Joes were still going to be integrated into the
regular Marvel universe (Earth-616), much like other licensed titles
such as Rom, Godzilla or the Micronauts; the Joes would report to Nick
Fury and SHIELD, and battle Hydra (since Hasbro hadn't given any thought
to who their soldier toys might be fighting). However Marvel became
concerned about the legal ramifications of trying to split the resultant
profits when they owned some of the characters and not others, so Hama
reworked the concept to excise any characters that were Marvel owned.
Thus Hydra became COBRA, and Baron Strucker transformed into Cobra
To the best of my knowledge, while Larry Hama probably did mention Fury Force at places like conventions, the first place sketches and firm information was publicly shared was in TwoMorrows' Back Issue#16 in an article discussing the origins of the GI Joe comic, with further details subsequently revealed in an expanded article focused specifically on Fury Force in Back Issue#118. However, if anyone reading this knows of an earlier published discussion of the group, please do let us know.
In 2009 Joe
Customs took the original design sketches and basic biographic
information that was known to produce custom G.I.Joe figures. They made
up some of the bio information to flesh the characters out, but Hama did
provide feedback and autographed the results for sale at a charity
auction, so I'm willing to treat them as at least semi-official and use
it in this profile. However, since I'm a touch less certain about it's
veracity, biographical information and codenames below that come from
the Joe Customs information are in italics.
So, barring the obvious problems that would
arise from Hasbro owning copyrights, could Fury Force still fit into the
regular Marvel Universe? I don't see why not. After all, the idea that
the long-lived Nick Fury might have a son isn't far fetched; in the
years since Hama suggested the idea we've been introduced to two of
them, one of whom is called Nick Fury Jr. With the two mothers being
unaware of one another and their respective children it's not even hard
to swallow the idea that two of Nick Sr.'s kids are both named for their
father. And though not one of the Joes who maps to a member of Fury
Force, we did see an Earth-616 version of G.I.Joe member Conrad "Duke"
Hauser in Web of Spider-Man#6 and Amazing Spider-Man I#268, leading a
team of soldiers handling an unusual situation for the government. So
maybe out there somewhere on Earth-616 Fury Force are fighting the good
fight, and we've just never seen them; after all, they are a covert operations team.
Alternatively, if they were kept disconnected from the sliding
timescale, they could have been operating in the 1970s and 80s and now
be dead or retired.
This profile was completed 09/12/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary's celebratory event.
Profile by Loki.
Fury Force has no known connections to:
Fury Force's Mexican-American communications wizard, Ernesto Aguilar comes from Blair, a small Nebraskan farm town. Growing up as the only Mexican kid in school left him with a tendency to play things close to the vest and keep others at a distance. Unlike the rest of the team I'm not aware of any G.I.Joe character he easily maps on to. --Back Issue#16
The son of soldier Nick Fury and a French resistance fighter, Nick Fury Jr. was born in Marseilles, France. After distinguishing himself as a soldier in various South-East Asian conflicts, numerous "military advisor" missions and clandestine operations throughout the late 1970s, he was hand-picked to lead Fury Force.
Nick Fury Jr. maps most closely to G.I.Joe officer Hawk. --Back Issue#16
Lonzo Wilson was born and raised in one of Detroit's roughest neighborhoods. He enlisted after realizing that being in the gangs would inevitably end badly, and discovered that his natural affinity for geometry, previously used to hustle pool, was useful with mortars too. During a joint SHIELD-regular army mission into Latveria's rural regions he impressed Nick Fury Sr., who recruited him for Fury Force. Elements of Jelly were recycled into G.I.Joe members Stalker (appearance and backstory) and Short-Fuze (military specialism). --Back Issue#16
Ordinance and logistics specialist, Louis Lee
was born in Oahu, Hawaii, and is an expert at Japanese archery
and martial arts swordsmanship. It's unclear is Louie Louie maps to any specific Joe, though I've seen some speculation that he may be the precursor to Tunnel Rat. --Back Issue#16
Born in Tel Aviv, Lilah Galil immigrated to the United States from Israel as a young child, and joined the army after the Iranian hostage crisis, soon moving into Intelligence. She met Nick Fury Jr. on a mission tracking a cloning facility being constructed by ex-Nazis in the sewers of Brisbane, and after several subsequent missions accepted both his offer to join Fury Force and to marry him. Shadow's attributes were largely used to create G.I.Joe's Scarlett. --Back Issue#16
While serving in Vietnam "John Q. Doe" was recruited from Army
Intelligence by the CIA, and spent the next ten
years on covert missions for them including assassinations for
the CIA Project Phoenix, infiltrating the Hand ninja clan,
black ops for SHIELD, a mission involving a failed Gamma bomb
experiment and more. After leaving their service he spent a
few years as a hermit in Thailand but when Fury Force was
being formed he suddenly reappeared in the Army bureaucracy
with paperwork that anyone with a discerning eye could tell
had been doctored to hide his true service details. He uses a combat shotgun and boot knife, and never
speaks. Spook was inspired by the Pahoo-Ka-Ta-Wah
(Wolf-Who-Stands-in-Water) character from the 1950s TV show
Yancy Derringer. His counterpart in G.I.Joe is Snake-Eyes. --Back Issue#16
Pittsburgh native Walter McConnel spent much of
his childhood traveling with his roadie father following a
variety of bands round the country, and remains heavily into
music to this day. After enlisting he drew attention to
himself during an unacknowledged incident at Cape Citadel
Missile Base in Florida and was recruited into Fury Force. A
large man, he is the team's strongest member. Elements of Steeler's backstory went on to become the backstories for Joe members Rock'n'Rolls (the musical aspect) and Steeler (the name and the place of origin). --Back Issue#16
images: (without ads)
Back Issue#16, p17, pan1 (team image, Brujo, Jelly, Louie Louie, Spook,
Design sketches (Nick Fury Jr, Shadow)
First Posted: 09/13/2021
Last updated: 09/12/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099
Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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