(of Reality-25271)
Real Name: Gamora (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Reality-25271) extraterrestrial being (see comments)
Occupation: Space pirate
Group Membership: Ravagers (Draxx, Lord Starkill/Peter Quill, Rockette, Root)
Affiliations: Carol Danvers of Earth-616,
Widower (Natasha Romanoff), Zeta Flight (Eugene Judd, Sasquatch, Wendy
Enemies: Nebula, Thanos
Known Relatives: Thanos (adoptive father), Nebula (adoptive sister)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: An unidentified secret asteroid base
First Appearance: Captain Marvel X#127 (February, 2018)
Powers/Abilities: Gamora is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, having managed to defeat her sister Nebula in a brawl. She uses various firearms such as blaster pistols and blaster rifles in combat.
Height: Unrevealed (see
Weight: Unrevealed (see comments)
Eyes: Solid white
Hair: Purple
History: (Captain Marvel X#128 (fb) - BTS) - Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos the Just, a wise and noble peacekeeper from the moon of Titan. Unlike her adopted sister Nebula, who became the captain of the Titan's Peace Force, Gamora rejected Thanos' ways and became a space pirate, joining Lord Starkill's Ravagers gang alongside Draxx, Rockette and Root. Gamora's adoptive father never lost hope for her, believing that she would one day come back home.
(Captain Marvel X#127) - Returning to the Ravagers' asteroid base after he had successfully obtained the Reality Stone on the planet Gaia, Lord Starkill noticed that he was being followed and alerted the rest of the Ravagers. Soon after, they were attacked by the rival Zeta Flight gang led by Starkill's nemesis Corporal Carol Danvers (secretly Captain Marvel of reality-616 posing as her Reality-25271 counterpart). As soon as Zeta Flight got through the airlock, the Ravagers faced and attacked them with Gamora engaging with Widower. The Zetas were soon captured and escorted to a cell. When Danvers noted how absurd it was for a screw-up like Peter Quill to be her nemesis, Gamora countered that it was the Zetas who looked like screw-ups.
(Captain Marvel X#128) - In front of
the Ravagers, Starkill announced his plan of selling his nemesis to
Thanos for a fee. However, the rest of his crew, Gamora in particular,
found this plan extremely foolhardy and dangerous. The Zetas had grown
tired of their leader acting weirdly of late as well and so the two
gangs soon sided together in a shared mutiny against their captains,
which Gamora supported. The Ravagers then decided to deliver both
former captains to Thanos for a reward. Upon landing on Titan, Gamora
was welcomed by her sister Nebula in peace only to start a brawl with
her in turn. They were stopped by the arrival of their father, who
offered his forgiveness to Gamora and took the captives to the
Gauntlet, Seat of Galactic Justice. There, Thanos found the lives of
two criminals incapable of redemption worth nothing in exchange until
Rockette revealed the Reality Stone she had taken from Quill. Seeing
what he did not truly believe existed until that point, Thanos ordered
every pirate seized and announced his intention to use the Stone to
of the galaxy of all who pirate and pillage. Upon hearing that, all
pirates present opened fire at Thanos and Nebula while Gamora knocked
the Reality Stone from her father's hand. Nebula was enraged at her
sister for harming Thanos but he held no ill will towards his daughter
and ordered Nebula
to let her sister
and her friends go, saying that justice would find them
While escaping, the pirates managed to loot the treasury and Rockette
noted that they were essentially becoming one super-sized group.
Comments: Created by Margaret Stohl and Michele Bandini.
Reality-25271 features several significant differences from Reality-616, such as Groot being a giant carrot and Rocket Raccoon being a humanoid girl while Gamora herself looks unlike any of her known multiversal counterparts. As such, nothing about her can be presumed to match that of reality-7528's Gamora including her full name and species of origin.
The relationship between Nebula and Gamora being adoptive sisters raised together by Thanos is clearly based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of those characters.
After Carol Danvers-616 returned to her home reality, the further escapades of the Ravagers and the Zetas remain unrevealed.
The Ravagers appear in Captain
X#129 but we don't see Gamora specifically so it's unclear if she is
with them during that appearance. It seems likely that she was present
but since we don't know for sure, we did not include the appearance
above but here is the synopsis just in case:
Marvel X#129 (fb) - BTS) - Upon the return to the Ravagers' ship,
Danvers was kidnapped by Doctor Eve from her own reality-616, who took
her to Hala in a small craft. Lord Starkill ordered all pirates to
pursue them in their vessel."
This profile was completed 7/27/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Gamora should not be confused with:
images: (without
Captain Marvel X#128, p16, pan4 (Gamora, main image)
Captain Marvel X#128, p4, pan3 (Gamora, headshot)
Captain Marvel X#128, p9, pan1 (Gamora fighting Nebula)
Captain Marvel X#127 (February, 2018) - Margaret Stohl (writer),
Michele Bandini (pencils, inks), Sana Amanat, Mark Basso (editors)
Captain Marvel X#128 (March, 2018) - Margaret Stohl (writer),
Bandini (pencils, inks), Sana Amanat, Mark Basso, Sarah Brunstad
First Posted:
Last updated: 09/07/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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