Real Name: Yuri Topolov
Identity/Class: Human mutate (restored to normal human);
citizen of Russia (see comments)
Occupation: Scientist, intelligence officer and head waiter at a local Asian eatery (see comments)
Group Membership: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB; see comments)
Affiliations: Briefly Dr. Robert Bruce Banner and Rick Jones
Enemies: Comrade K, FSB, Russian government;
formerly Hulk (Bruce Banner)
Known Relatives: Unidentified wife (name and vital status unrevealed);
Kondrati Yurivich Topolov (aka Titanium Man/Gremlin, son, deceased)
Aliases: None officially;
called "The most feared man in all of Asia" and "the Terrifying One"
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the USSR (see comments)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
died in his fortress, somewhere in Russian-controlled territory in Asia;
formerly an island in the Caribbean
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk I#1 (May, 1962)
Powers/Abilities: The Gargoyle was a scientific genius, experienced in many different areas of science and technology, although his level of intelligence was not necessarily superhuman.
The Gargoyle was a gifted inventor who developed different devices, including a rocket that could be fired from a submarine for a quick take-off, and that could release the crew and passengers in a small pod in case the body of the rocket was destroyed.
He also designed and built a handgun that shot small pellets that temporarily sapped the will of whoever was hit by it, forcing them to obey the Gargoyle's command; even the Hulk was affected by this weapon.
The Gargoyle started the design of the Psi-Clone, a computer that could brainwash a person and replace his mind with another, pre-stored personality; but he failed to finish this device.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald, with bushy black eyebrows;
originally dark (see comments)
Distinguishing features: As the Gargoyle, he had a grotesque appearance including a disproportionally large skull, a wrinkled face with deformed lips and a right eye that opened far more than the left one (although his eyesight was apparently normal; see comments). His fingers were thick..
(Incredible Hulk I#1 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel
Universe I#5: Gargoyle I / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
Deluxe Edition#5: Gremlin / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
II#17: Gargoyle I / Weapons Locker / Official Handbook of the Marvel
Universe A-Z I#5: Gargoyle) - Yuri Topolov was a Russian scientist
working on secret bomb tests behind the Iron Curtain. After being
forced by the Russian government to take part in particularly dangerous
experiments, Topolov was involved in an atomic accident in which he was
soaked with massive amounts of radiation. Due to the radiation,
Topolov's face and body were altered, turning him into a grotesque
figure. His DNA was also modified, along with his brain: Topolov
obtained a genius-level intelligence, quickly becoming one of the best
scientists in his country.
The Russian government used Topolov as an FSB operative, but the other officers were so sickened at his appearance that they avoided meeting with him in person and dubbed him "the Gargoyle." The seclusion, combined with his own disgust at his mutated body, turned Topolov into a bitter, yet ambitious, megalomaniac, which contributed to the Gargoyle's meteoric career in Russian intelligence and weapons programs.
With a fortress in Asian territory controlled by the Russian government, the Gargoyle became the most feared man in the whole continent. The people under the Gargoyle's direct command had also participated in the accident that had mutated him, and the Gargoyle felt nothing but disdain for them.
(Rampaging Hulk I#3 - BTS) - The Gargoyle also had a secret island fortress in the Caribbean, from where he ocassionally operated.
(Incredible Hulk II#188 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#5: Gremlin) - At some point, the Gargoyle started plans that would later be used by others to create the weapon called Psi-Clone, a huge computer to store human minds, then brainwash victims and replace their personalities with the stocked ones. The Gargoyle never finished building this technology.
(Incredible Hulk II#163 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#5 / Rom#44 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#5 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - The Gargoyle was married and fathered a child. The Gargoyle's son, Kondrati Topolov, was born in a secret Russian hospital with every possible precaution. having inherited both the Gargoyle's extraordinary intelligence and monstrous appearance, Kondrati was a child genius called the Gremlin. The Russian government took the Gremlin from his father's side so that the Gremlin would also work for the State.
(Incredible Hulk I#1 - BTS / Marvel Saga the Official History of the Marvel Universe#2 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#5: Gremlin / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Gargoyle / Incredible Hulk II#393 / Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook#1: Gargoyle (Topolov)) - Aware of the USA's secret project to create a Gamma Bomb and test it in New Mexico, the Gargoyle assigned Russian agent Igor Drenkov to spy on American scientist Dr. Robert Bruce Banner. Igor was provided with a sub-miniature transistor short wave sending set hidden under his fingernail, with which Igor could send a secret message to the Gargoyle with the results. Starsky sought to obtain Banner's plans for the bomb, after which he would murder Banner so that only the Russians would know how to build such a weapon.
Hulk I#1 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17 /
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - A problem with the
bomb temporarily transformed Banner into a gray giant, superhumanly
strong, called the Hulk. After being battered by the Hulk and later
captured, Starsky reported about the Hulk. The Gargoyle understood that
the Hulk's power rivalled his own and decided to capture or kill the
Hulk to prove his superior skills; he'd later considered turning him to
Russian scientists for study and replication, to create an army of
Hulks to take over the Earth.
The Gargoyle in person traveled to the US in a submarine-shot rocket, which was destroyed by American defenses only after a capsule hosting the Gargoyle had been released. The Gargoyle then found, in the local countryside, the Hulk, along with his teenage friend Rick Jones and Banner's romantic interest Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (who had fainted). Unimpressed at the Gargoyle's threat, Hulk tried to attack him, but the Gargoyle shot him with a will-sapping pellet that turned the Hulk into his servant.
Not noticing Ross, the Gargoyle also shot Jones and a truck driver to take him to the coast, where sympathizing sailors took them all to a submarine, then changing to a jet to reach his Asian fortress. Once in Asia, though, the Hulk had become Banner again. The Gargoyle understood that Banner had mutated like himself and, while he was jailing Banner and Jones, the Gargoyle had an emotional breakdown, admitting that he hated being a freak. Banner decided to help the Gargoyle heal with a radiation-based process, warning him that the Gargoyle may lose his superhuman intellect; the Gargoyle accepted, and the process succeeded, including the intelligence reduction that Banner had foreseen.
Having become Topolov again, the former Gargoyle blamed his misfortune on the Russian leader Comrade K (in a portrait), then returned Banner's favor by helping Banner and Jones flee Asia in his own escape rocket, with automatic escape ejector - just while the Gargoyle's officers were reporting their successful capture to Comrade K. The missile craft's take-off attracted the officers' attention, as Topolov had expected. Topolov was waiting for them in his office and, once they had all entered, Topolov detonated a bomb that destroyed his own fortress, taking his own life along with the other officers as a form of revenge, and claiming that he was acting as a man, not as a monster.
(Hulk I#1/2) - Hulk's encounter with the Gargoyle was eventually discovered by international law enforcement agency SHIELD; the Gargoyle was listed among Hulk's enemies in SHIELD's reports.
(Rampaging Hulk I#3 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - The Gargoyle's death eventually became publicly known; journalist Samantha Eden reported the events and discussed his Caribbean base. In any case, she noted how, after the Gargoyle's death, his island was taken over by monster hunter and adventurer Ulysses Bloodstone.
(Incredible Hulk II#163 - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#5) - The Russians told the Gremlin that he had born after the Gargoyle's death, and that his father had captured the Hulk for study, only to be killed by the Hulk soon afterward - a lie, but one that would turn the Gremlin's hate toward the Hulk and not toward the Russian, who would soon learn to respect and fear the Gremlin's skills. Still a teenager, but already a brilliant scientist on his own right, the Gremlin started weapons projects, like the Soviet Super-Trooper armor, hoping they would be used those against the Hulk.
(Incredible Hulk II#163 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#5 / Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe#2) - The Gremlin, still a child, captured the Hulk and accused him of killing the Gargoyle. The Hulk, having a limited intellect, could not defend himself from the accusations.
(Incredible Hulk II#188 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#5 / Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe#2) - The Gremlin eventually developed the Psi-Clone technology based on the Gargoyle's ideas and used it against Americans, hoping to honor the Gargoyle's memory.
(Rom#44 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#5 / Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe#2) - Soon afterward, the Gremlin discovered the truth about his father's death by spying his superiors. Outraged, the Gremlin confronted the Russians, by then the target of his hate, and eventually became a fugitive.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Hulk Annual '99 was a re-imagination of the Hulk's origins and early
history, and it showed the alternate Reality-9992. The Gargoyle's name
"Yuri Topolov" was revealed in this issue, and the Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Teams 2005's Winter Guard entry
confirmed that Earth-616's Gargoyle shares this real name. Thanks to
Markus Raymond for identifying the first reference of this name!
In the stories written in 1962, the Gargoyle was associated with the
USSR and the KGB. However, with the sliding timescale, even Fantastic
Four I#1 occurred less than 15 years before whatever year it currently
is. As of 2021, that would be 2006, which is long after the Soviet
Union dissolved in 1991. So, in the story in which the Gargoyle
confronted the Hulk, which is shortly after Fantastic Four I#1, he was
involved with Russia and the FSB.
let's assume he was at least 25-30 years old at the time of the
original story, that would put him as being born as early as 1976-1981,
although it will be a year later as each year in real time progresses
due to the sliding timescale. Regardless, he would have been born in
and and a citizen of the USSR (and POSSIBLY was associated with
and/or loyal to the KGB, although that's a stretch even at 15
years old). If he was 30 when he encountered the Hulk, then by 2036,
Yuri will have been born after the USSR dissolved.
The Gargoyle's occular asymmetry could be a result of Horner's
syndrome, a paralysis of the sympathetic nerve on the side of the eye
with the more closed lids, but he may just have been asymmetric.
In his first appearance, the Gargoyle's superior in
the Soviet Union was known as Comrade K and, based on the painting on a
way, seems to be Nikita Krushchev, a historical character..
--Clearly a topical reference, as Khrushchev ruled the USSR from 1953-1964.
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z#5 (November, 2008) claims that the Gargoyle committed suicide while killing his superiors, but the officers surrounding him behaved more like the Gargoyle's subordinates.
The Gargoyle received profiles in the following Handbooks:
(Rampaging Hulk I#1/ OH12: Bereet / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#5 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#17 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#3 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - Kryolorian techno-artist Bereet used her alien devices to generate films about adventures she was purportedly having with the Hulk, including an encounter with the Gargoyle after the latter's supposed death. This was a fiction in the main universe, but a reality on Earth-7711 that Bereet may have somehow subliminally glimpsed.
(Incredible Hulk II#393) - After a number of changes and evolutions, the Hulk had a clearer memory of the Gargoyle. In the anniversary of his creation, a now-intelligent Hulk tried to make Igor Drenkov face the consequences of his actions and mentioned how the Gargoyle was the first enemy the Hulk had ever battled.
(Incredible Hulk II#467) - When Betty Ross (by then Betty Ross-Banner) died (temporarily), the Army isolated Banner to prevent him from hurting himself. Deranged, Banner hallucinated with people he had met through the years, including the Gargoyle, and eventually turned into the Hulk and escaped.
(Hulk I#1/2) - When Hulk was accused of hundreds of homicides, SHIELD director Nicholas Fury offered comic-book creators John Byrne and Ron Garney information about the Hulk, including Hulk's encounter with the Gargoyle, so that they'd have data to disseminate in an effort to shift public opinion in favor of the Hulk.
(The Order II#1 / The Order II#2 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - The Soviet Super-Soldiers Alpha Strike Team was automatically activated due to the attack of Infernal Man in California, which they took for a nuclear attack. The robot Gargoyle and his peers were intercepted by American superhero team the Order before they could reach the coast. The Order, with access to SHIELD intelligence on the team, believed themselves to be fighting the real Gargoyle and other living enemies. The Super-Soldiers, including the mock Gargoyle, were defeated and destroyed.
(Immortal Hulk#38) - A statue of the Gargoyle, along with statues of the Abomination and the Glob (Joseph Timms), was seen in the Inner World, in the Hulk's mind.
The Gargoyle is also mentioned in:
In The Order II#2 (October, 2007), Pepper Potts says that the Soviet Super-Soldiers, including the robot impersonating Gargoyle, had been in hibernation probably since the Cuban Missile Crisis, which happened in 1962 in the real world. The Gargoyle's first appearance (and death) in Incredible Hulk I#1 was published in 1962. In Rampaging Hulk I#3 (June, 1977), Samantha Eden says that the Gargoyle had died in 1962, and that he operated from his island base in the Caribbean until mid-1963. Notwithstanding the obvious problem (the Gargoyle cannot operate anything after his own death), this seems to be a reference to a story published in Rampaging Hulk I#1 (January, 1977), where the Gargoyle reveals that he had survived. However, this story was later confirmed to be a fiction produced by Bereet as a film and happening on Earth-7711, as confirmed in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#2 - Bereet entry (February, 1983), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#17 - Gargoyle I entry, and Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z#5 - Gargoyle entry; while Samantha Eden exists on Earth-616 as a character in Ulysses Bloodstone's stories. Eden says that the Caribbean island used by Bloodstone as his base had been previously the Gargoyle's; yet the Gargoyle's base in Incredible Hulk I#1 is explicitly in Asia, while the Caribbean is not; thus, the Gargoyle is understood as having different bases.
In Incredible Hulk II#163 (May,
1973), Gremlin claims to have been born after his father's death.
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z#5 says that Gremlin, as a
kid, had been taken from his father, meaning that his father was alive
when Gremlin was born.
To solve this contradiction, I considered that
the Handbook is told by an omniscient narrator, while the Gremlin can
be wrong and indeed, he had been lied about his father.
The real explanation is that if the Gremlin was born after the
Gargoyle's death, with 11 years passing real time, he'd only be 2-3
years old due to the Marvel's Sliding Timescale. This timescale wasn't
really put in place until later in the 70's, when Marvel writers and
editors realized things like the fact that Peter Parker wasn't 30 years
old (by 1977) and a year old every year. Without the sliding timescale,
the Gremlin could have been 10-11 in 1973, which would have fit for his
intended age. Your explanation fits as an in-universe explanation.
Rampaging Hulk I#4 (August, 1977) included a pin-up of the Gargoyle with a short descriptive text by David Kraft. Apparently as a pun on the Gargoyle's oversized cranium, it says that the Gargoyle doubles as a head waiter.
This profile was completed 05/19/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Skippy Farlstendoiro.
The Gargoyle (Yuri Topolov) has no known connections to:
Gargoyle (Soviet Super-Soldiers Alpha Strike Team)
(The Order II#2 - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - The Soviets developed an atomic-powered robot duplicate of the Gargoyle, along with similar robot impersonating Beast-Man (Igor Grozick), Crimson Dynamo (Mark 1 armor), Iron Maiden, Mongu (Boris Monguski), and the Thermal Man, described as the Soviet Super-Soldiers Alpha Strike Team (or Alpha Gen).
These androids were kept dormant in Drenkov Island, internationally believed to be a Russian observation site in the Pacific Ocean, to be sent to the United States should a nuclear attack successfully takes place within their border, which was understood as a war; the robots' mission was to perform "clean up" activities in the United States by detonating further nuclear bombs there. Five organic Russian agents, in chemical hybernation, controlled the robots from the island. The robots were inactive for decades.
(The Order II#2 - BTS) - Eventually, the Russian officially abandoned Drenkov Island (yet the robots remained there, their original mission unaltered) and international law enforcement agency SHIELD obtained some intelligence on the Soviet Super-Soldiers Alpha Strike Team.
(The Order II#2 - BTS) - The activity of nuclear-powered supervillain Infernal Man in California was misred by Drenkov Island as a nuclear attack, triggering the answer of the robots. The robot Gargoyle travelled on a jet-equipped harness, leading the team; while the Crimson Dynamo hid in its chest a twenty-kiloton bomb.
(The Order II#1) - The robots flew toward California, either using their own means of flight or, in the case of Gargoyle, a jet-equipped harness. The sudden missile-like power and speed was detected by Initiative agents near Santa Catalina Island; and California's Initiative team The Order was send to intercept them before they could reach shore. While the false Gargoyle threatening in Russian to kill the Americans, the Order believed they were confronted by organic enemies.
(The Order II#2) - Once the fight erupted, the Gargoyle shot a hand weapon to Anthem (Henry Hellrung), but the latter's defenses were enough to stop it. The Order stood their ground, defeating Beat-Man and Iron Maiden while, via communicator, Hera (Virginia Potts) gave them SHIELD intel about their enemy; still, the Order considered evacuating Los Angeles. The Super-Soldiers regroupped, then Gargoyle shot Heavy (Dennis Murray) in the head, injuring him to shout of "Paradise waits!". Eventually, the Gargoyle revealed that the Crimson Dynamo armor contained a huge bomb and maniacally laughed during the countdown. The explosion was however contained by Aralune (Rebecca Ryan)'s powers.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5) - After the explosion, the Gargoyle and the other robots were destroyed.
--The Order II#1; The Order II#2; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5 (Gargoyle and Iron Maiden profiles); Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #12 (Thermal Man profile)
Note: The
original stories noted these "Alpha Gen" robots to have been created
during the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962). This is obviously a topical
reference, as the Gargoyle's first appearance was published in 1962.
However, the sliding timescale means that encounter occurred less than
15 years before the current year (for example, as of 2021, that story
was 2005). Yuri Toplov was likely not even born as of 1962.
Unlike his human lookalike, the Gargoyle robot wore a uniform with the hammer-and-sickle symbol in the chest. The robot had a handgun that shot energy blasts. It also had a harness with jets to travel in open air, lacking any further protection against inclemences of supersonic speed (such as a helmet or even goggles), which may have hinted its true nature as a robot. The comics do not confirm whether this was the original Gargoyle or not, nor does it specify their fate after the explosion (they are simply not seen again); but Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z I#5 was clarifies the matter.
The Gargoyle was the only Super-Soldier who spoke out loud during the fight against the Order, always in Russian (including Cyrillic characters in his speech balloons), and he also laughed, suggesting that it was quite an advanced robot. Hera (Virgina Potts) identified him as the Gargoyle based on the robot's bushy eyebrows.
A 20-kiloton bomb is stronger than the one that destroyed Hiroshima; yet by the Cuban Missile Crisis, Russia had already tested a far more powerful device, the 57-megaton Tsar Bomba.
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17 page 35, pan1 (main image)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17 page 35, pan2 (explosion)
Incredible Hulk I#1 page 16, pan7 ("whose power almost matches mine")
Incredible Hulk I#1 page 24, pan6 ("don't trigger that switch!")
Rampaging Hulk I#4 page 34 (Spanish translation, Ediciones Vértice) (black and white)
The Order II#2 page page 25, pan1 (robot impersonator)
Incredible Hulk I#1 (May, 1962) - Stan Lee (writer/editor/editor-in-chief), Jack Kirby (pencils), Paul Reinman (inks)
Smash!#28 (August, 1966) (reprint of Incredible Hulk I#1); Alf Wallace (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#163 (May, 1973) - Steve Englehart (writer), Herb
Trimpe (pencil; Gargoyle is not depicted), Sal Trapani (ink), Roy
Thomas (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#188 (June, 1975) - Len Wein (writer/editor), Herb Trimpe (pencil; Gargoyle is not depicted); Joe Staton (ink)
Rampaging Hulk I#1 (January, 1977) - Doug Moench (writer), Walt
Simonson (pencil), Alfredo Alcal´ (ink), John Warner, Ralph Macchio and
Len Wein (editors)
Rampaging Hulk I#3 (June, 1977) - Doug Moench (writer), Walt Simonson (pencil), Alfredo Alcal´ (ink), John Warner (editor)
Rampaging Hulk I#4 (August, 1977) - David Kraft (writer), Keith Giffin and Michele Brand (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#5 (May, 1983) - Mark
Gruenwald (writer/editor), Peter Sanderson (writer), the Marvel Bullpen
(pencils; Gargoyle is not depicted), Josef Rubinstein (ink)
Weapons Locker#1 (1985) - Jerry Epperson, Jeff Grubb (writers), the
Mighty Bullpen (pencil & ink, Gargoyle is not depicted), Anna Gray
McCready (editor)
Marvel Saga#2 (January, 1986) (reprint of Incredible Hulk I#1) Peter
Sanderson (writer), Ron Frenz (pencil), Al Milgrom (ink), Danny
Fingeroth, Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio (editors)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II (Deluxe Edition) #5 (April,
1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer/editor), Peter Sanderson (writer), the
Marvel Bullpen (pencils; Gargoyle is not depicted), Josef Rubinstein
(ink), Howard Mackie (assistant editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#17 (August, 1987) - Peter
Sanderson (writer), Rodney Ramos (pencils for Gargoyle image), Josef
Rubinstein (ink), Mark Gruenwald (editor), David Wohl, Marc Siry
(assistant editors)
Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe#2 (1988) - Scott Beanie, David
E. Martin, Chris Mortika (writers), the Marvel Bullpen (art; Gargoyle
is not depicted); William Connors, Richard Steinberg (editors)
Incredible Hulk II#393 (May, 1992) - Peter David (writer), Herb Trimpe
(pencil & ink), Charles Barnett (ink), Bobbie Chasen (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#467 (August, 1998) - Peter David (writer), Adam Kubert (pencil & ink), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Hulk I#1/2 (April, 1999) - John Byrne (writer, pencil & ink), Matt Idelson (editor)
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook#1 (February, 2006) - Jeff
Christiansen, Michael Hoskin, Sean McQuaid, Al Sjoerdsma, Ronald Byrd,
Mark O'English, Stuart Vandal, Mike Fichera, Barry Reese, Eric J.
Moreels, Anthony Flamini (writers), Jeff Youngquist, Jennifer Grunwald,
Michael Short (editors); art is re-used.
The Order II#1 (September, 2007) - Matt Fraction (writer), Barry Kitson (pencil), Mark Morales (ink), Warren Simons (editor)
The Order II#2 (October, 2007) - Matt Fraction (writer), Barry Kitson (pencil), Mark Morales (ink), Warren Simons (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z#5 (November, 2008) - Al
Sjoerdsma, Chad Anderson, Chris Biggs, David Wiltfong, Eric J. Moreels,
Gabriel Shechter, Jacob Rougemont, Jeff Christiansen, Jeph York,
Madison Carter, Michael Hoskin, Mike Fichera, Rich Green, Ronald Byrd,
Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal (writers), Joe Quesada (editor)
Immortal Hulk I#38 (December, 2020) - Al Ewing (writer), Joe Benett
(pencil), Ruy José and Belardino Brabo (ink), Sarah Brunstad (associate
editor), Wil Moss (editor), Tom Brevoort (executive editor)
First Posted: 09/03/2021
Last updated: 08/31/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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