Real Name: Kulan Gath (presumably)
Identity/Class: Human (Hyborian era - see comments)
magic user
Occupation: Sorcerer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Kulan Gath
(young boy who assumed his name)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The sorcerer"
Base of Operations: Unidentified location on
Hyborian era Earth (see comments)
First Appearance: Savage Avengers I#11 (May,
Powers/Abilities: Kulan Gath possessed a
degree of mystic might and was mentioned as a sorcerer but no examples
were shown of feats he could perform.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Red
History: (Savage Avengers
I#11 (fb)) - A young boy was sold to Kulan Gath as a slave in exchange
for coins. For years, Kulan Gath abused the boy, who began to think
their relationship would end in murder. Deciding to strike first, the
young boy poisoned Kulan Gath then fed his corpse to Gath's hogs,
covering up the murder. Assuming Kulan Gath's home and name, the young
boy (now calling himself Kulan Gath) vowed to never again be a victim
and turned to the elder Gath's spell books to learn mysticism.
(Savage Avengers I#11 - BTS) - Millennia later, the
sorcerer Dr. Strange viewed the life of the younger Kulan Gath using
the mystic Eye of Agamotto, witnessing the younger's murder of the
elder Kulan Gath.
Comments: Created by Gerry Duggan and Butch Guice.
The tale of the elder Kulan Gath was told by Dr. Strange, who was mystically viewing the younger Kulan Gath's life. When Strange saw the land in which Kulan Gath was based, he questioned that it could be perhaps Stygia but was unable to confirm such.
The elder Kulan Gath's story was mentioned by Dr.
Strange as being "twelve millennia ago." If my math is correct, that
would place the elder Kulan Gath as living around 9980 B.C. which does
indeed fit into the Hyborian era.
think you're being too exact with the timing. Conan was active (and
encountered the younger Kulan Gath) circa 10,000 BC, but the exact
dates are not specified.
This profile was completed 02/05/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Kulan Gath has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Savage Avengers I#11, p8, pan1 (Kulan Gath, main image)
Savage Avengers I#11, p8, pan2 (Kulan Gath's death)
Savage Avengers I#11 (May, 2020) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Butch Guice
(art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 09/18/2021
Last updated: 09/17/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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