Name: Bart Buckle
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Minion;
former vagrant
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Fu Manchu
Enemies: Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes MLA#3: Night Life (1990)
Powers/Abilities: Gator possesses low-level superhuman strength, enabling him to life approximately 2000 lbs. He possesses a tough, durable reptilian skin, and a six foot long tail with which he can lash opponents, as well as enlarged jaws full of sharp teeth and clawed hands. Of diminished intellect even before the experiments and brainwashing, Gator is now exceptionally slow minded, but can communicate with and control alligators.
Height: 7' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: None
(Marvel Super Heroes MLA#3: Night
Life (fb) - BTS) - Trying to survive on the streets of New York
City, the homeless Bart Buckle took refuge one night in the Lifelike
Manikin Factory. Unfortunately for Bart, this was a hideout then being
used by Fu Manchu, who had his minions capture the intruder and use him
for genetic experiments, mutagenically combining his DNA with that of an
alligator. Deciding he could be a useful lackey, the crimelord had Bart
brainwashed, and put the newly created Gator into service.
Plotting to detonate a number of
"spirit bombs" in key locations across
Manhattan, designed to suck any being within the
blast radius that possessed a soul into a hellish Nether Realm, Fu
Manchu assigned Gator to guard one in the sewers on the corner of 1st
and 42nd streets, below the United Nations building, telling his
simple-minded dupe that it was an egg which would transform everyone in
the city into people like him when it hatched. Gator built himself a
nest out of garbage and procured six alligators to help protect it.
(Marvel Super Heroes MLA#3: Night Life) - Having discovered Fu Manchu's plot, a group of disparate heroes learned where the bombs had been planted while rescuing the genius who had been forced to invent them. Hawkeye went to deal with the UN one, and was confronted by Gator, but the archer overpowered both the reptile man and his pets, then disabled the explosive.
Comments: Created by Anthony Herring, Jeff Butler and Mike Machlin.
Gator appeared in TSR's licensed Marvel
Heroes Roleplaying Game, in a scenario book detailing an adventure the
players could have trying to stop one of Fu Manchu's plot. The indicia
makes it clear that all characters depicted
within belong to Marvel, so Gator could in theory show up one day in the
It's not revealed where Gator got hold of six alligators in New York City; they might simply be the urban legendary "flushed pets grown large," but since another part of the adventure confirmed that Fu Manchu planted another spirit bomb in the Bronx Zoo, they likely came from that location.
This profile was completed 09/07/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Loki.
Gator has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Super Heroes
MLA#3: Night Life, p41, pan1 (main image)
Marvel Super Heroes MLA#3: Night Life
(1990) - Anthony Herring (writer), Jeff Butler with Mike
Machlin (art), Newton Ewell (editor)
First Posted: 09/08/2021
Last updated: 09/07/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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