Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial sentient planetoid/moon
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Membership: Partnered with / orbits Ego the Living Planet
Affiliations: Devil Dinosaur, Ego the Living Planet, Moon Girl (Lunella Lafayette);
possibly "fleas" and other fauna +/- flora on her surface
Enemies: "Fleas"
Known Relatives: Ego the Living Planet (apparently adoptive father); possible unidentified mother
Aliases: Illa the Girl-Moon, Illa the Living Moon
Base of Operations: Orbiting Ego the Living Planet (who is mobile)
First Appearance: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#19 (July, 2017)
The fact that she spoke English (as heard by Lunella) when she had never been to Earth supports more of a telepathic form of communication. She is apparently unaware of anything outside of the field of view of her eyes. When she becomes angry, her surface may tremble, generating seismic tremors. Drawing a picture on her surface may be ticklish for her. Portions of her surface appear to be more like a desert, with pink sandy ground and various chasms, buttes, rocks, and sparse vegetation. Other portions are more like a forest or jungle, with trees and plants, as well as various forms of apparent fauna, including the "fleas" and some apparently reptilian creatures. It is unrevealed whether the seeming plants and animals on her surface are extensions of her nature, of whether they are independent life that somehow developed there. It is similarly unrevealed whether Illa has an atmosphere and/or whether it can support air-breathing organisms from life (see comments). The fact that Illa appeared to bounce off of Ego rather than burn up in his atmosphere and/or shatter against his surface may indicate she is not composed largely of ferrous metal like most asteroids. She can be seen to deform on impact but return to her previous spherical shape almost immediately thereafter. She may have been larger and had some of her previous mass burn off in Ego's atmosphere. |
When Moon Girl arrived there as the first being to ever visit her, Illa spoke from her planetary mass, confusing Lunella.
Illa soon began projecting mounds with her face on it to speak and
directly interact with those on her surface, after which she progressed
to generating one or multiple humanoid forms of various sizes (some
Lunella (3'9")-sized, some much larger than the 20' Devil Dinosaur. Her forms varied in appearance with her mood, from more threatening and armored to more peaceful and vegetation-looking. Presumably with time and effort she could perform some of the more complex tasks that Ego can perform (see his OHotMU profile). . Height: Unrevealed (pending expert opinions from OHotMU engineering expert Mike Fichera, images vary as to whether Ilsa has 1/4 to 1/10 of Ego's width, so would ballpark Illa at perhaps 500-1000 miles in diameter, as it looks like four of her would fit from side to side compared to Ego's width, and Ego is 4195 miles in diameter)Weight: Unrevealed (too complex for me to estimate, given her uncertain composition) Eyes: Yellow (presumably not true eyes, but Illa's equivalent structures) Hair: None |
History: (Moon
Girl and Devil Dinosaur#23 (fb) - BTS) - Telling himself that Illa's
orbit was predetermined by forces of the cosmic consciousness, Ego
decided that it was for the best as she needed to grow up to be
independent, and that it was not his place to change the way things are. (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#22 (fb) - BTS) <Per Illa's understanding> - Illa was separated from Ego and waited "her whole life" (" a million <human> lifetimes") to find someone (see comments). (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#19 - BTS) - While Lunella Lafayette was searching for something in space via translation helmet communication array, she detected the voice of Illa, who asked for help. After Lunella boosted her signal, Illa asked where Lunella was, but she didn't know what Earth or even a planet was. Illa further noted that she had lost her father. |
(Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#19 - BTS / Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#20 (fb) - BTS) - Lunella subsequently built a ship, the Moon Mobile, powered by the Kree Omni-Wave projector she had obtained, and she flew it into space, following Illa's signal to a moon a few light years from Earth Illa asked Lunella if she was the big red one or the other one, and Lunella had a hard time figuring out where Illa was until she realized Illa was the whole moon upon which they were standing. Illa noted with pleasure that she had been waiting her whole life for someone to find her. (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#20) - Noting that she didn't want to be alone anymore, Illa explained that she had never known her mother, after which she told of her encounter with Ego, whom she considered her father. When Lunella drew a diagram in the dust of why Illa could not see her father, Illa had trouble appreciating the point because the process tickled her. |
When Lunella compared Illa to a dog with fleas, Illa confirmed that she had giant flea-like creatures living on her, but Devil and Lunella drove off the creatures. Needing some space from the erratic, Lunella flew herself and Devil away from Illa in the Moon Mobile, despite Illa's screams of protests, which overloaded the Moon Mobile's engine; as a result, the Moon Mobile delivered Lunella and Devil to "Earth-17885." (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#21) - When Lunella and Devil returned to Illa in the Moon Mobile, Illa told them that she was very mad at them, but that she would show them that she could forgive them...but that they could never leave her again. |
While leading Illa to the appropriate location, Lunella noted her intent to bounce a signal off of an approaching comet -- which Illa believed to be her mother (despite Lunella considering this unlikely) -- and use it to project herself and Devil to Ego. Lunella manipulated Ego -- who considered Illa's position to be part of a cosmic plan -- into drawing Illa closer to him, bringing the two together. Illa was ecstatic. (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#23) - After Illa started to relate her life story to Ego, she told Lunella it was time for her to go while at the same time asking her father why he had not tried to alter their orbits so they could speak. Ego told her of his previous reasons, noting that seeing her now had shown him that he could be wrong. As Lunella and Devil departed in the Moon Mobile, Illa and Ego bade them farewell. |
Comments: Created by Brandon Montclare and Natacha Bustos.
The title of the story arc was "Girl-Moon" (starting with Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#19), but she was first referred to as Illa the Living Moon. She was consistently titled Girl-Moon starting with #22.
If Illa could alter her form and move over her entire surface, did she just never look anywhere but the direction directly outward from where her "face" was?
Ego has moved all over the place and been destroyed a few seems less likely that Illa would have been present with him for the time period she hinted at when she told Lunella she "was separated from Ego and waited "her whole life" (" a million <human> lifetimes") to find someone."
It seems that Illa is not actually supposed to be Ego's daughter, as she came flying from space, crashed into him, and then entered his orbit (I'm not sure why she bounced rather than shattered, but maybe she's not composed of much rock). I'm not sure why he said "Illa?" when he first saw her, as if he recognized her by appearance and name, rather than first meeting her. Maybe there's more to the story?
Lunella and Devil wore spacesuits, presumably indicating that there is not a breathable atmosphere (which I would not expect a moon-sized planetoid to have, but I'm no astronomy expert) or perhaps that it was not compatible with terrestrial (Earth) life forms or just that Luna kept it on, even though she didn't need it. If the plants and animals were living creatures and not extensions of Illa, than the argument for some sort of atmosphere is stronger. If not...then not.
I see various websites referring to Illa as a genius loci, defined as an intelligent location. I don't think that definition is quite right. Everything in Webster, etc. refers to a genius loci as the spirit of a place or a guardian spirit.
Illa has extremely
minor cameos in Moon
Girl and Devil Dinosaur#28, 38, & 41: Lunella is daydreaming about
past associates; Lunella is dreaming about past associates;
and Lunella has a drawing of what might be Illa on her wall,
She is also listed as appearing in a vision by Rachel Grey in X-Men
Gold II#6, but I don't think that's her.
Profile by Snood.
Girl-Moon should be distinguished from:
![]() They caused Illa to itch, and the resultant spasms sometimes caused the equivalent of seismic tremors on Illa's surface. Human-sized, the fleas would feed on beings they encountered, including even rocky projections of Illa herself. ![]() Although such a rocky projection of Illa could be destroyed, she could form more as needed, so she was not truly harmed. (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#20) - When an irate Illa to tremble, causing seismic tremors, Lunella compared Illa to a dog with fleas. After Illa confirmed that she had giant flea-like creatures living on her, Devil and Lunella destroyed and/or drove off the creatures. --Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#20 Note: It is unrevealed whether the "fleas" on Illa's surface are extensions of her nature, of whether they are independent life that somehow developed there. |
![]() ![]() --Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur#20 Note: It is unrevealed whether the seeming plants and animals on Illa's surface are extensions of her nature, of whether they are independent life that somehow developed there. Lunella and Devil wore spacesuits, presumably indicating that there is not a breathable atmosphere (which I would not expect a moon-sized planetoid to have, but I'm no astronomy expert) or perhaps that it was not compatible with terrestrial (Earth) life forms or just that Luna kept it on, even though she didn't need it. If the plants and animals were living creatures and not extensions of Illa, than the argument for some sort of atmosphere is stronger. If not...then not. |
Moon Girl and Devil
Dinosaur#19-23 (July-November, 2017) - Brandon Montclare (writer), Natacha Bustos
(artist), Chris Robinson (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First posted: 05/27/2022
Last updated: 05/27/2022
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