Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Shi'ar) mutate (see comments)
Occupation: Mercenary, salvage/junker, warrior
Group Membership: Crew of the Tath En'ruh/Boneyard Dog (Horse, Jat Vor-Thrul; presumably formerly Sovel Redhand)
Affiliations: Havok (Alex Summers, to whom she was attracted), Horse, Jat Vor-Thrul, Rogue (Anna Marie) and to-a-lesser degree Rachel Summers-Grey (aka Marvel Girl), and to an even-lesser-degree (allies of convenience) Frenzy (Joanna Cargill), Magneto/Max Eisenhardt, Starjammers (avok/Alex Summers, (Korvus Rookshir, Polaris/Lorna Dane), X-Men (Gambit/Remy LeBeau)
formerly Sovel Redhand (see comments), Charles Xavier; unidentified first boyfriend
Enemies: Danger, Friendless, Gambit/Remy LeBeau), Sovel Redhand, Charles Xavier (aka Professor X), Friendless-controlled Shi'ar soldiers and Grad Nan Holt aboard the Gul Damar Space Station;
formerly Rogue (Anna Marie)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None identified
Base of Operations: Last seen on the Gul Damar space station outside Earth orbit (and formerly on the station in the Shi'ar galaxy;
formerly mobile throughout space in an unidentified starship;
formerly mobile throughout space in the Tath En'ruh/Boneyard Dog;
presumably formerly an unidentified Shi'ar world;
First Appearance: X-Men:
Legacy#220 (March, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: As a Shi'ar, Glitter
possessed both mammalian and avian characteristics. Her body was
humanoid body in form, including secondary sex characteristics of
mammals, including paired mammary glands and widened hips. 
Glitter was enhanced beyond Shi'ar normal levels (see comments); a normal Shi'ar can lift approximately 1 ton, but Glitter's strength level was undefined.
Intelligent and prudent, Glitter
is a highly skilled tactician and combatant. She has substantial
knowledge of Shi'ar weaponry.
She is dangerous in hand-to-hand combat, as well as the use of hand-blaster weapons, and daggers.
When her abilities were challenged, she would use her electro-gauntlets, activated by a certain code word/phrase, and capable of incapacitating Rogue, at least.
Glitter had some knowledge/experience in technology and mechanics.
Like her
teammates/co-workers, Glitter apparently could activate some type of psi-shield
to protect her from telepathic intrusion.
Like her teammates/co-workers, Glitter's goals were self-preservation first and profit second, and he was
generally reluctant to risk his life for others unless there was some
profit in it.
While Glitter was generally
all-business, she could be distracted by attraction to another; she
described herself as having "broad tastes."
However, like the other members of
her team, she was somewhat bigoted against other races, species,
assuming a natural superiority. She considered Earth to be "Stone Age."
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 205 lbs.)
Eyes: "Light purple" (according to my daughter; my color-vision is weak; they
are sometimes drawn as solid white; I think this is just artistic
license, but perhaps she can generate a protective coating over her eyes)
Hair: None; black feathers
(X-Men Legacy#256 - BTS) - Glitter's first boyfriend was a bombardier, and he allowed her to play with his...<presumably weapons>.
(X-Men: Legacy#220 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Glitter joined the crew of salvage/junkers including Horse, Jat Vor-Thrul, and Sovel Redhand aboard the Tath En'ruh/Boneyard Dog starship.
(X-Men: Legacy#222 (fb) - BTS) - Per Sovel Redhand, his motto (presumably extending to the crew) "No job too small, brute force always
an option."
(X-Men: Legacy#222 (fb) - BTS) - Glitter was presumably present on Derumek for unspecified reason, when Sovel Redhand "got stuck in a sentient brothel."
(X-Men: Legacy#220) - As
the crew/ship was in deep space, Horse begged Glitter for a dose of
happy pills, but she refused, telling him the medicine cabinet was
closed and that he was allowed one happy pill daily, per Sovel's orders.
When Jat discovered highly advanced Shi'ar technology on Earth,
Glitter argued that the world was "stone age." Sovel instructed Jat to
set a course for Earth so
they could recover it. When Sovel couldn't recall what the term was for
them to be on the hush, Glitter reminded him it was "silent running."
They did not realize the target -- Danger, the sentient form of the Danger Room, which had been constructed with Shi'ar technology -- was a sentient, mobile entity.
As the Boneyard Dog warped into
Earth, the ship appeared in the sky in Maynard's Plains in the Australian Outback, firing on Danger (and, indirectly the X-Man Rogue, in her proximity).
Danger shot the ship, which plummeted directly toward her.
(X-Men: Legacy#222 (fb)) - Danger shot down the Boneyard Dog. After Jat landed the ship safely, Glitter and the others engaged
Danger with flow-inhibitors, attempting to shut her down without
damaging her. Instead, the inhibitors shut down her higher cognitive
functions and reduced her back to her core programming. Danger
automatically engaged a program that immersed them in an holographic
(X-Men: Legacy#221) - Redhand, Glitter,
Horse, and Jat were imprisoned in manacles against a wall in a room
with Danger's hologram scenario when they were detected by the newly
arrived Gambit and Charles Xavier, who broke into their cell. Glitter
remained silent (and possibly inert) as Sovel unwittingly mocked their
(X-Men: Legacy#222 (fb) - BTS) - Gambit and Xavier freed Glitter and the rest of the crew.
(X-Men: Legacy#222) - Within
Danger's hologram scenario, Glitter and the rest of the crew fought
alongside Xavier and Gambit against Sentinels.
After Glitter noted that Earth had looked like a
"sweat-stain" from orbit, Sovel -- calling her "my sweetness" -- asked
that she not stop shooting, as she was very attractive when she killed
After Xavier read Sovel
Redhand's mind and identified him and his crew (and discovered their
responsibility in Danger's current state), Sovel -- uncomfortable with telepaths -- instructed his crew to activate
their psi-shields.
When Redhand noted that he had
never considered a sentient hologram suite to be a possibility, Glitter
noted that this was despite his previous experience with a sentient
After Xavier asked if they could find the machine they
had met (Danger), Glitter acknowledged that Jat could, as his Dermware was
linked to the main scanner array back on the Boneyard Dog.
En route, Horse told Glitter he needed more happy
pills, but she informed him that the pills were on the ship and as as
soon as they got back, she would break into the med cabinet for him; "until then, you fly straight."
After Jat noted as they reached they eye of the
storm, Xavier requested Redhand's people clear a way for him to get
inside. Horse then tore a path to the ship, allowing Xavier to
approach the giant Danger, who was wrapped in a fetal position.
(X-Men: Legacy#223) -
At Jat's request, Xavier explained that the alien crew's assault had fried the subroutines
that gave Danger free will and had crippled her reasoning.
As Xavier prepared to telepathically
interface with Danger's CPU and initiate self-repair algorithms,
Glitter assured Horse that he could hold out a little longer for his
"happy pills," as they were almost done.
After Xavier ended Danger's program, restoring
reality, Redhand shot Xavier in the back with his
energy blaster before he could finish the commands to restore Danger's
free will (so they could still capture and sell Danger). Jat
and Glitter locked their weapons on Gambit, and Glitter encouraged him
to draw "one of your little paste-boards" (cards), so she could blow
his hand off. Gambit subsequently feigned peaceful
communication until he could touch their weapons, charge them with kinetic
energy and blow them up, stunning Jat and Glitter.
As Horse battered Gambit, Glitter helped Jat to
his feet, but Rogue then arrived, entered and took control of the Boneyard
Dog, and advised Horse to stop.
(X-Men: Legacy#224) -
When Redhand complained to Glitter that Rogue was in
possession of his ship, Glitter noted that this was because he was an
idiot and hadn't locked the helm.
Glitter kept her hand pistol locked on the ship as
Jat took command of the ship and opened its bay doors, after which she
rushed forward, thanking Jat and noting she would take it from there.
Impressed that Rogue had taken down Horse (via the ship), Glitter
considered that she should shake her hand...and then cut her throat.
Confronting Rogue, Glitter told her that Redhand
didn't let anyone else sit in the captain's chair and that it irritated
her that Rogue had gotten to do so before she could. 
Glitter than attacked, surprising Rogue with her
speed, strength, and prowess. When Rogue fought back, presenting an
even struggle, Glitter activated her gauntlet with a Shi'ar word and
grabbed Rogue by the neck, apparently electrocuting her into
Glitter then dumped Rogue outside, telling Sovel to "do the honors" while she checked the rest of the ship.
However, Rogue's distraction had allowed Xavier to recover sufficiently to finish speaking the commands to
restore Danger's free will. After Danger incapacitated Horse, Redhand called for a blind jump, locking on
him, which teleported Redhand, Glitter, Horse, and Jat away.
(X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) / X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) - BTS) - ) - On the Shi'ar space station Gul Damar, the
Grad Nan Holt telepath and former slave known as Friendless took
control of the Grad Nan Holt, former slaves of the Shi'ar, leading
them to rise up and war against their former Shi'ar masters.
(X-Men Legacy#255 (fb) - BTS) -
Answering a distress call on Gul Damar,
Rachel Summers/Grey and the rest of the Starjammers walked into a civil war.
(X-Men Legacy#255 (fb) - BTS / X-Men Legacy#256 (fb) - BTS) - Friendless assaulted Rachel with a powerful
mind-punch that knocked out for a week (or, at least an extended period
of time); Friendless believed he had slain her. Friendless then placed the other Starjammers under his control.
(X-Men Legacy#254 (fb) -
BTS) - After the Shi'ar were defeated in a war with the Kree, Redhand
led his crew to the damaged Gul Damar. With the
station's defenses down and former slave race the Grad Nan Holt
rebelling against the Shi'ar, the crew thought to salvage a large amount
of technology.
However, as Gul Damar's gravitic flux generator had
been damaged, local gravity was distorted, and the crew lost control,
presumably crashing the ship.
Finding the unconscious form of Rachel/Marvel
Girl and noting that she measured a "9-Tau-9 on the Kiatna psi-scale,"
Redhand and his crew picked her up.
(X-Men Legacy#250) - Jat noted Rachel's
awakening, and while Glitter wished to speak to her, Redhand loaded his
weapon, noting that he had been practicing his "Terran," and told her
that they had killed her friends and taken their time doing it: "The next word you speak had better be the one I want to hear" (see comments).
(X-Men Legacy#253 - BTS) - Rogue -- having absorbed
a teleporter's power from Legion/David Haller -- locked on to Rachel's location and transported herself, Frenzy, Gambit, and Magneto a couple thousand light years to reach Rachel Grey.
Rogue was split from her allies, who arrived on a different part of the Gul Damar space station.
(X-Men Legacy#253) - When Rogue appeared aboard in front of them, Jat and
Glitter held her at gunpoint.
(X-Men Legacy#254) - Reminded by Jat of their previous encounter on
Earth, Glitter asked if she should shoot Rogue, but Redhand decided she
might have use as a decoy or living shield; he further instructed
Glitter to point a gun at her "in a threatening way." Detecting
"suspect energy readings" two
levels down and one click over, Jat advised they move on. Noting that
Horse was in tertiary withdrawal as they had run out of "happy pills"
five cycles ago, Glitter nonetheless convinced him to get up and get
En route, as Jat began to explain their location and
situation, Glitter told him not to talk to the prisoner, noting that
Sovel would tell
Rogue whatever she needed to know...and that if she asked too many
questions, she would zip Rogue's mouth with a flash-seal.
When Jat later told Rogue some of the
history of the base, the Grad
Nan Holt, and how his crew had come there; a furious Glitter
interrupted, remarking "Ru'kimari!" (presumably a Shi'ar curse) and smacking Rogue across the back of her head with a hand
weapon and then asking Jat if he thought Rogue could help them; when he
replied "No," Glitter asked if he was trying to get some inter-species
romance going. As he tried to explain, "I just--" Glitter cut him off,
telling him to tell Rogue nothing. 
Soon after, Glitter was summoned by Horse and they
and the rest of the crew observed alongside Rogue as the planet
Xanthimi was pulled into the
sun, a result of the
damage to Gul Damar's gravitic flux generator
causing the sun's gravity field to spike.
After secretly plying some more information from Jat, Rogue -- seeking to ensure they rescued her friends
and teammates rather than just escaping -- subsequently approached and
punched down Redhand. Glitter leveled her pistol at Rogue, but she invoked the rite of Arin'nn Haelar (the Shi'ar
battle to the death), challenging Redhand for rule of his crew.
(X-Men Legacy#255) - Redhand instructed Glitter to shoot Rogue
repeatedly, but Glitter noted that she would like to but couldn't, as Rogue had rightfully challenged him.
Despite his argument that they were scofflaws, Glitter told him that
this rule bound them all, although he could nominate her as his
champion, which she hoped he would do. Learning he could name a
champion, Redhand instead chose the monstrously strong Horse.
However, Rogue
also chose a champion, and a secretly revived Rachel (in Rogue's form)
subdued Horse with a touch to the head.
When Redhand announced that he needed another champion, Glitter told him "Should have picked me first time out, Sovel. I don't do rear guard."
(X-Men Legacy#256) -
After Rachel telekinetically sealed a hull breach caused by warring
Shi'ar and Grad Nan
Holt (in a fight involving the X-Men and Starjammers), Glitter
explained the assaults as being from Shi'ar who were very close. Rogue
asked if she was certain, and Glitter noted the source to be R'Thil
particle cannons, full aperture, and the reverb meant that they weren't
properly anchored.
After Rachel noted the presence of other X-Men (some
under mind-control), Rogue instructed Glitter to find the guns and shut
them down while she -- at Glitter's query -- would rendezvous with the
Noting that freight platform would give them some
height so they could find the Shi'ar positions, Glitter asked if Horse
could work the heist; however, when he made it clear he didn't really
understand up or down, Glitter decided that she would work the hoist.
(X-Men Legacy#256 - BTS) -
After Friendless assaulted Rachel anew, she
learned how he had manipulated his own people into war with the Shi'ar,
and she cast him out through a rent in the wall into space; all those
under his influence regained their own wills.
(X-Men Legacy#256) -
Meanwhile, Glitter led the rest of her crew to confront the Shi'ar
soldiers working the weapons. Not wishing to participate in a firefight
in an external freight bay,
the commander of the group ordered all gunners to stand down, allowing
Magneto and Polaris to
repair the rent in the spacewall.
Glitter and her crewmates, alongside Rachel and Rogue,
joined up with the X-Men and Starjammers. Rogue, who had absorbed the
memories and knowledge of a dying Shi'ar scientist (at the expense of
losing her teleportational power), revealed the great difficulty it
would take to reach and repair the generators (which were 10,000 miles
away) in the hour before Gul Damar hit the sun's corona.
Glitter was silent as Jat and Redhand argued that they should liberate a ship and get clear of Gul Damar.
However, Rogue's borrowed knowledge from the Shi'ar scientist instead
led her to use the station's flux array to swiftly travel to the
generator (her body protected from the damage by absorbing half of the
strength and durability of Joanna Cargill, who accompanied her on the
Feigning a desire to protect his captain, Redhand gave Rogue a
"stun baton" (actually
one end of a short-range teleport shunt) allegedly in case there was anyone waiting for her by the generators.
(X-Men Legacy#257) - As the
space station approached the sun, Glitter assured the others that in
"aught point eight of a cycle" they would hit the solar corona and --
despite the shields -- they would not burn but rather sublime straight
into superheated vapor.
Jat led the others to a dockyard, but they found the ships already destroyed by those under
Friendless' control to prevent anyone from escaping death.
After Magneto generated a fluctuating magnetic wave
field to induce a current in any circuitry still capable of operating,
Jat sensed multiple workable ships. Glitter identified a Sylvari
freighter with hull holes, and when Jat found a Shi'ar scout ship
its wing assembly, Glitter told him they didn't have enough time; a
confident Jat told her to watch her mouth and to watch him work. After
Jat restored the one craft, he told Glitter, "Get me a wing, and I'll
give you a ship!"
When Havok questioned whether what Jat was doing
qualified as engineering or foreplay, Glitter told him she'd never
asked and wasn't about to do so. After directing Havok to blast the
wing off another craft, she revisited the topic of foreplay, and when
Havok reminded her that they were different species, she replied that
she had broad tastes. As Jat finished his work, Glitter noted that the
wing was "disgusting, but that it would hold for a parsec or two, ir
nobody leaned on it."
However, a
Friendless-controlled Shi'ar
leader had a Null Cascade antimatter factory activated and used it
them. As Redhand used the teleport shunt device reach the station's
flux array, Glitter charged at him but found him already to have dematerialized.
(X-Men Legacy#258) - Glitter and the others fled from the effects of the Null Cascade until Rachel helped Rogue recognize the nature of the teleport shunt, and she transported the rest of the X-Men and Starjammers to the
generator alongside herself, Cargill, and Redhand.
An irate Glitter informed Redhand that, "It looks
like you're about to get your brains beaten out.." and, after Jat
deactivated Redhand's force field, she swiftly punched out Redhand; she
then thanked Jat for introducing her to a new experience, "feeling warm
and fuzzy toward a Kree."
Confronted by his irate crew, Redhand started trying
to explain, but Jat neutralized his force field, and Glitter swiftly
punched him out.
(X-Men Legacy#258 - BTS) - Rogue and Rachel
overwhelmed Friendless and used his intelligence combined with the
previously absorbed knowledge of the Shi'ar scientist to fire the Null
Cascade into the nearby sun, converting it into a white hole and using
it to transport Gul Damar to Earth's orbit.
(X-Men Legacy#258) - Following the successful execution of the plan, Rogue placed Glitter in charge
but promised that she would get them a ship and a captain before
departing. Jat, Glitter, Horse, and Redhand were left aboard Gul Damar.
Comments: Created by Mike Cary, Scot Eaton,
and Andrew Hennessy.
X-Men had semi-shadowed figures surround Rachel Grey
as she awakened, and their appearance, dialog, and behavior pretty
clearly fit Jat, Glitter, and Redhand.
In X-Men Legacy#254, they tell Rogue that they found Rachel
unconscious, which fits with her waking up with them there, but Rachel
is also unconscious when Rogue encounters, it would make
sense that Rachel only briefly woke up and then lapsed back into
unconsciousness, or perhaps due to her weakness from Friendless'
assault, she feigned unconscious until she was strong enough (and/or
was needed).
Or, perhaps there's some other explanation I'm not seeing?
When Rogue was confronted by
Glitter, Rogue had a strong imprint of Mystique in her mind. This
Mystique assessed that Glitter was stronger than Rogue, enhanced by drugs or bionics. Mystique offered to take over, as she was a more skilled combatant than Rogue, but Rogue refused.
X-Men Legacy#254 described the
location as "Vector, Spinward 30/715, Distance 3.2 Standard Units" - I
don't know exactly what that means, but spinward means moving in the same direction of the space station's rotation...
I don't recall a resolution to
returning Gul Damar to Shi'ar space, but it seemed like they were
saying it was so big that it's gravity might have been a problem with
it being in Earth orbit?
I don't know...I'm a surgeon, not an astronomer, engineer, etc.
I suspect Redhand had a pattern of
betraying his partners for money, but that Glitter and the other might be willing to
eventually get past that and again work with him for their collective
goal of profit.
Glitter is an interesting and
capable character. I would very much like to see her again. Maybe she
could establish that relationship with Havok (Alex Summers).
This profile was completed 10/17/2020, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Glitter should be distinguished from:
- GLITTER of Earth-148611 (Stephanie Harrington) - "DP7"-member; life-energized--DP7#1
- Glitterspike of 2099 (Alexei Jaeger) - father of Rosa Navarro's child--X-Men 2099#14
- Dr. Glitternight - extradimensional sorcerer, former member of Five who are All,
turned against them--Werewolf by Night I#27
- other "Glitter" characters, etc.
images: (without ads)
X-Men Legacy#220, pg. 12, panel 1;
#222, pg. , panel 1 (firing blaster);
pg. , panel (mostly full);
#223, story pg. 3, panel 5 (face);
#224, pg. 5, panel 2 (kicking Rogue);
pg. 6, panel 1-2 (electro-glove);
#258, pg. 7, panel 4 (punching out Redhand);
pg. 19, panel 1 (shins up)
Legacy#220-224 (March-July, 2009) - Mike Cary (writer), Scot Eaton (penciler),
Andrew Hennessy (inker), Daniel Ketchum (assistant editor), Nick Lowe
X-Men Legacy#250 (August, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth
(penciler), Tom Palmer & Craig Yeung (inkers), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#253 (October, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Khoi Pham
(penciler), Tom Palmer & Craig Yeung (inkers), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#254 (October, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth
(penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#255 (November, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth
(penciler), Craig Yeung & Jay Leisten (inker), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#256 (November, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth
(penciler), Craig Yeung with Jeff Huet and Ed Tadeo (inkers), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#257 (December, 2011) - Mike Cary (writer), Khoi Pham
(penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men Legacy#258 (January, 2012) - Mike Cary (writer), Steve Kurth
(penciler), Ed Tadeo (inker), Sebastian Girner
(assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
First posted: 09/09/2021
Last updated: 03/28/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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