Real Name: Maureen Green
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Mother
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Ant-Man (Scott Lang), Ashley, Black Widow (Natasha Romanova), Brain Drain (Werner Schmidt), Cameron, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Chipmunk Hunk (Tomas Lara-Perez), Dr. Ditray, Eric, Iron Man (Tony Stark), Kimberly, Koi Boi (Ken Shiga), Loki, Mew, Monkey Joe, Oaktron, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Thor (Jane Foster), Thor (Odinson), Tippy-Toe, Tyler, Nancy Whitehead
Enemies: Enigmo, Frost Giants, Red Skull (Johann Shmidt)
Known Relatives: Dorian "Dor" Green (husband), Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl, daughter)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Canada
First Appearance: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (December, 2015)
Powers/Abilities: Maureen Green is a loving, attentive, dedicated, and clever mother and wife. She has Oaktron (an Ultron/oak tree) in her front yard to protect her.
Height: 5'2" (by approximation)
Weight: 130 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) ) - At a Meet Cute Singles event,
Dorian Green spilled his drink on Maureen, but the two found themselves
attracted to each other and began dating. In time, Maureen discovered
she was pregnant.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (fb) - BTS) - During her pregnancy, Maureen may have experienced one or more of the following things (see comments): a squirrel bite, cosmic rays in the forest, an experimental nut serum, and/or a radioactive tree. When Maureen had a baby girl, they decided to combine their names and name her Doreen, with her middle name being Allene. They swiftly noticed that baby Doreen had a squirrel tail, and took her into Dr. Ditray, who established that she was medically and legally distinct from being a mutant.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) ) - When Doreen was born with a squirrel tail, Dorian and Maureen found her perfect exactly as she was.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (fb) - BTS) - By nine months, Doreen was already climbing trees and talking to squirrels, which meant the family could not get a cat.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#17 (fb) - BTS) - Dorian got a job as an electrical engineer in Toronto.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#6 - BTS) - Maureen had a friend that worked at a demolition company.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) - BTS) - Dor and Maureen taught Doreen how to hide her squirrel tail in the back of her pants so that she could blend in with other kids. Though Doreen learned how to jump high into the trees, they also told her to hide this ability from others.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) ) - At Doreen's fifth birthday party, several kids attended, including Tyler, Ashley, Kimberly, and Cameron. During the evening playing games, Doreen heard the game "follow the leader" as "follow the leaper", and she jumped into a treetop, startling the other kids. Dor and Maureen tried convincing another parent, Eric, that nothing had happened, even though Doreen was in the tree again.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Once, Dor and Maureen walked in on Doreen trying to wash her tail in the washing machine.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#42 (fb) - BTS) - Dor and Maureen took Doreen with them to New York City on a business trip and she brought Monkey Joe with her.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#12 (fb) - BTS) - On Doreen's first date, she kissed a boy who had a nut allergy, and the boy had stomach problems afterwards. Maureen found humor in the story.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8 (fb) - BTS) - Maureen sewed Squirrel Girl's costume for her.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#43 (fb) - BTS) - Doreen once had an Arctic themed costume, but Maureen threw it out and began designing her a new one.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1) - Leaving Dor behind, Marueen went to New York City and met Doreen and her new roommate Nancy Whitehead for lunch, and she regaled Nancy with stories of Doreen's upbringing, which annoyed Doreen. Doreen soon took Maureen and Nancy across the rooftops as Squirrel Girl, returning to the roof of their new apartment. There, Brain Drain seemingly attacked, holding Mew and Tippy-Toe, and he grabbed Maureen's arm before Tippy and Doreen defeated him. Maureen helped the others realize that Brain Drain hadn't been seeking to attack, and they were able to reprogram him into being a hero. After Brain Drain decided to go to classes at Empire State University with Nancy and Doreen, Maureen helped convince the authorities to allow him to audit classes.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#2 (fb) - BTS) - When she found Doreen missing in time, Nancy called Maureen and Dor to check in, but they temporarily had no memories of their daughter. (The effects of this were later reversed).
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#12) - Maureen rented a cabin in the wilderness of Canada, and Doreen, Nancy, and Tippy-Toe joined her there for a week-long vacation. Doreen was distressed about the lack of social media, but Maureen showed a stack of magazines: the Constant Gardner, Bird Watching For One, Lake Enthusiast, Painting Quietly, and Earth Boring. Maureen told Doreen and Nancy about a missing muffin from her tin. Doreen investigated and soon found it had been stolen by a village of two-inch replicas of Enigmo living beneath the cabin. Enigmo attacked and soon tied up Doreen, Nancy, and Maureen.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#13) - After Tippy-Toe led squirrels into holding off the tiny Enigmos, Doreen got Nancy, Maureen, and Tippy to safety in the nearest town. There, they had WiFi and saw on the Internet that Enigmo had taken over the military, government, and media around North America. They were soon joined by Brain Drain and Ant-Man (who arrived there in a crashing jet), then they took Ant-Man's van south. Enigmo pulled them over and they hid after a brief battle, when their van exploded, making plans to get back at Enigmo.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#14 (fb) ) - A rogue Enigmo revealed himself to the others, revealing some of his host's weaknesses, and they made a plan to lure Enigmo to Toronto. However, the plan failed and the heroes were overwhelmed by an army of Enigmos.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#14) - The Enigmo army battled Squirrel Girl, Tippy, Ant-Man, and Brain Drain as Nancy and Maureen watched. When Ant-Man was hit with a bat and thrown from the battle, Maureen caught him, and he helped Nancy strategize a way to defeat Enigmo by making him grow to giant-size, which Enigmo did, causing his own ankle to break under his own disproportional weight. The rogue Enigmo then rejoined with the others, restoring his reason and convincing them to surrender. Maureen made Brain Drain a new costume, then she finished her vacation with Doreen, Nancy, and Tippy in Nova Scotia.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16) - Doreen greeted all of her friends at her birthday party, including Iron Man, Nancy, Thor (Jane Foster), Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi, Brain Drain, Dor and Maureen, Loki, Thor (Odinson), Black Widow, Captain America (Sam Wilson), and Spider-Man (Peter Parker). hen the Red Skull attacked, Doreen easily defeated him.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#25 - BTS) - Doreen planted a reprogrammed Ultron in the yard of her parents.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#43 (fb) - BTS) - Dor and Maureen saw the Ultron acorn cultivated into a full oak tree.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#43) - Doreen arrived just in time to see Oak Tree Ultron repel attacking Frost Giants. After checking in with her parents, Doreen discovered her mom had thrown out her arctic uniform only to design her a better winter uniform.
Comments: Created by Ryan North and Erica Henderson.
Maureen Green has a detailed history in the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl novels, Squirrel Meets World and 2 Fast 2 Furious. These books aren't officially canon but Maureen and Dor are great in them.
Squirrel Girl offers several theories as to why she ended up with squirrel powers, assuming something happened to her mother during her pregnancy with Doreen.
This profile was completed 1/22/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Chadman.
Maureen Green has no known connections to:
Dr. Ditray
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Years ago, Dor and Maureen Green took their baby Doreen to Dr. Ditray, concerned about her squirrel tail. Ditray established that Doreen was medically and legally distinct from being a mutant.
--[Unbeatable Squirrel II#1 (fb)]
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Eric (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) ) - When five-year old Doreen demonstrated seeming super poewrs at her own birthday party, Dor and Maureen tried convincing another parent, Eric, that nothing had happened, even though Doreen was in the tree again. --Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) |
Dorian "Dor" Green (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) ) - At a Meet Cute Singles event, Dorian Green spilled his drink on Maureen, but the two found themselves attracted to each other and began dating. In time, Maureen discovered she was pregnant. (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (fb) - BTS) - During her pregnancy, Maureen may have experienced one or more of the following things (see comments): a squirrel bite, cosmic rays in the forest, an experimental nut serum, and/or a radioactive tree. When Maureen had a baby girl, they decided to combine their names and name her Doreen, with her middle name being Allene. They swiftly noticed that baby Doreen had a squirrel tail, and took her into Dr. Ditray, who established that she was medically and legally distinct from being a mutant. By nine months, Doreen was already climbing trees and talking to squirrels, which meant the family could not get a cat. Once, Dor and Maureen walked in on Doreen trying to wash her tail in the washing machine. (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 - BTS) - Maureen went to see Doreen, but Dor had to work. (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#2 (fb) - BTS) - When she found Doreen missing, Nancy called Maureen and Dor to check in, but they had no memories of their daughter. (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#12 - BTS) - Dor went on a business trip while Maureen vacationed with Doreen and her roommate Nancy Whitehead. (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16) - Doreen greeted all of her friends at her birthday part, including Iron Man, Nancy, Thor (Jane Foster), Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi, Brain Drain, Dor and Maureen, Loki, Thor (Odinson), Black Widow, Captain America (Sam Wilson), and Spider-Man (Peter Parker). --Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb), [1 (fb)], [1], [2 (fb)], [12], 16 |
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Tyler, Ashley, Kimberly, and Cameron (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) ) - At Doreen's fifth birthday party, several kids attended, including Tyler, Ashley, Kimberly, and Cameron. During the evening playing games, Doreen heard the game "follow the leader" as "follow the leaper", and she jumped into a treetop, startling the other kids. --Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (fb) |
images: (without ads)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#12, p10, pan1 (main)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1, p14, pan5 (2nd)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16, p1, pan1 (young Maureen and young Dor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16, p6, pan2 (Eric)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#43, p16, pan1 (Dor Green)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16, p6, pan1 (Tyler, Ashley, Kimberly, Cameron)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1 (December, 2015) - Ryan North (writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#12-14 (November, 2016 - January, 2017) -
Ryan North (writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (March, 2017) - Ryan North, Will Murray
(writers), Erica Henderson, Steve Ditko (artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#25 (December, 2017) - Ryan North (writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#43 (June, 2019) - Ryan North (writer), Derek Charm (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
First Posted: 09/30/2021
Last updated: 09/29/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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