Real Name: Leroy Jackson
Identity/Class: Human extraterrestrial technology-user;
true identity is publicly known;
citizen of United States of America with a criminal record
Occupation: Security agent for Deterrence Research Corporation (DRC);
formerly a professional criminal;
Group Membership: Hammer and Anvil;
the Deterrence Research Corporation
Affiliations: Johnny Anvil, Ivor Carlson, Chleee, DRC Mandroids;
formerly Dr. Melloncamp
Enemies: Freaks (Gorilla Girl/Fahnbulla Eddy, Muck Monster, Six),
Guardians of the Galaxy (Martinex T'Naga, Nikki/Nicholette Gold,
Starhawk/Stakar/Aleta), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Dr. Melloncamp, Lawrence
"Rap" Reynolds, Scourge of the Underworld (II), Amanda Sheridan, Samantha Sheridan, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew); unidentified prison guards;
while he resented his father, "Crackajack" Jackson, he didn't consider him an enemy, and his death was unintentional
Known Relatives: "Crackajack" Jackson (father, deceased)
Aliases: "Crackajack's son" (from Hulk);
"planet-dweller" (name used by Chlee)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
died in unspecified location in New Mexico desert, USA;
formerly the Deterrence Research Corporation base, outside Los Angeles, California; possibly other DRC bases;
formerly the Deterrence Research Corporation base, Manhattan, New York;
formerly an unidentified prison, presumably in upstate New York (see comments);
place of birth unrevealed
Education: High school dropout
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk II#182 (December, 1974)
Powers/Abilities: Without the energy
synthecon, Hammer was a large and muscular man, intensely exercising
regularly to maintain his physique, and he was an experienced brawler
(using basic street fighting techniques). He also had athletic speed,
stamina, agility, and reflexes. Additionally, he was belligerent,
responding violently to most challenges.
The energy synthecon was a golden cable that linked
Hammer's left wrist to Anvil's right wrist and seemed
to vary or stretch in length from 8' to perhaps 15-20'. It drew power
from all forms of kinetic energy around it (within an undefined
radius), greatly increasing Hammer (and Anvil)'s strength and
durability. The degree to which the energy synthecon empowered Hammer
and Anvil was directly proportional to the amount of kinetic energy it
absorbed. The original synthecon, when sufficiently charged, allowed
them to fight the vastly superhumanly strong (Class 100) Hulk. At other
times, following reconstruction of the synthecon by terrestrial
scientists, they struggled against the likes of Spider-Man,
Spider-Woman, and even Muck-Monster and Gorilla-Girl (presumably due to the brief confrontation in a remote location with lower-powered opponents).
The Master Edition entry on Hammer listed his strength at Superhuman
Class 90, which means lifting somewhere between 75-90 tons)
While its energies granted great
superhuman strength to its wearers, it was painful and potentially
fatal on contact by normal humans (fatal at least to the older
Crackajack Jackson, who may or may not have been in good health),
independent of the will or the desire of its wearers (or perhaps
subconsciously influenced by its wearer's or wearers' desires).
Superhuman beings like Spider-Woman or even the Hulk were severely
pained to touch the synthecon, although they could overcome with pain
via willpower.
Hammer and Anvil frequently used
the synthecon in combat, tripping or clotheslining (catching them
across the neck) a foe; "cracking the whip," with one of them swinging
the other to strike a great speed and force, like a whip; or to
restrain or choke another being.
The synthecon as originally
created by Chlee also psychically linked Hammer and Anvil, and its
destruction rendered them virtually/temporarily insane. When rebuilt by
Deterrence Research Corporation (DRC) scientists,
this psychic link was removed, and incapacitating or destroying the
synthecon only deprived Hammer and Anvil of its power. However, in its
final incarnation, the synthecon actually linked Hammer and Anvil's
life forces.
Height: 6'3" (see comments)
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald or shaved head; black eyebrows; formerly had black mustache
(Incredible Hulk II#182 (fb) - BTS) - The son of
musician and entertainer "Crackajack" Jackson, Leroy grew up resenting his father for
always being on the road, feeling his father was never there when he needed him.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition#4: Hammer entry) - Leroy dropped out of high school.
(Incredible Hulk II#182 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Leroy gained the nickname "Hammer."
(Incredible Hulk II#182 (fb) - BTS) - As an adult, Leroy was said to hate everyone and everything.
(Incredible Hulk II#182 (fb) - BTS) - Leroy was imprisoned in a (presumably New York) "state prison" (see comments) for 5 years.
(Incredible Hulk II#182 (fb) - BTS) - At some
point, Crackajack began a 1200 mile trek by foot, presumably from
Louisiana, to see Leroy.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe
Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil entry) - At some point, Leroy was assigned
to a chain gang.
(Incredible Hulk II#182 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil entry) - An unidentified person
in the prison's administration with a perverse sense of humor thought
it would be funny to chain "Hammer" Jackson, whom they perceived as a
black man who hated everything, to Johnny Anvil, a white man who hated
black people. However, their combined hatred for prison proved to
be even stronger than their hatred for each other and -- still chained
at the wrists -- they escaped; in the
process, Hammer "trashed" a guard and lifted his .38 caliber handgun. A
search party was sent out after Hammer and Anvil.
(Incredible Hulk II#182) - Two hours later,
Hammer urged Anvil to move his feet and prove his belief that he was
better, but Anvil argued that they had lost the search party two hours
earlier. When Anvil angrily continued that while neither of them liked
being chained together, they were in this together, Hammer began to
threaten what he would do if Anvil spoke that way to him again.
However, Hammer was then distracted by the form of Chlee of the extraterrestrial Glx race (although he did not identify himself or his race at the time), who was injured and
beseeched/besought their aid. Not trusting the alien, Hammer shot him
four times with the gun he had stolen from the guard. However, as Glx's
race absorbed metal to survive, this intended assault ironically saved
Chlee's life (or at least to restore his health sufficiently to put him out of danger of imminent death). 
Thanking the two "planet-dwellers" for preventing
his termination (and apparently unaware of Hammer's true intent), Chlee sought to repay their generosity by using his
molecular transfuser to transform their "drab chain" (which Chlee assumed
to be adornments) into an "energy-synthicon" (see comments). Hammer and Anvil were
originally furious that they were still chained together in some
manner, but Chlee informed them that it was no longer a shackle, and he
demonstrated its power by convincing them to run the energy synthecon
through a large tree. When their reluctant rush led to their bodies
charging with energy and the synthicon slicing through at least a
couple feet of solid wood, felling the tree, both men were convinced, after which they
saw Chlee's starship take off, as he had departed during their jubilation.
With both men wishing revenge on their former prison's staff, Hammer and Anvil rushed back there.
(Incredible Hulk II#182 - BTS) - Hammer and Anvil began assaulting the prison.

(Incredible Hulk II#182 - BTS) - Accompanied by
his new friend the Hulk, Crackajack encountered a roadblock due to
trouble at the state prison, but the Hulk broke through, accompanied
Crackajack to the prison and then carried him inside.
(Incredible Hulk II#182) - As the guards futilely
struggled against Hammer and Anvil, the Hulk arrived with Crackajack.
Leroy was surprised and upset to see his father, pushing aside his
greeting and noting that he hadn't been around because he was on the
road and accusing him of always being away when he needed him.
Crackajack apologized, noting he wanted to be there, but Leroy --
telling him he didn't need him and didn't want to end like him --
turned away from his father. When Crackajack desperately rushed forward
and accidentally grasped the synthecon, he was instantly killed.
Shaken, Leroy called out to his father, noting he hadn't intended this.
Seeing the death of his friend, the Hulk angrily
shouted at Hammer, who furiously challenged the Hulk for talking to him
thusly, ignoring Anvil's not wishing to get drawn into a fight with the
Hulk. The Hulk then rushed forward and punched both Hammer and Anvil,
but when they each took the blow and remained standing, they resolved to
prove they were tougher. Hammer got his arm around the Hulk's neck and
held him while encouraging Anvil to punch him. After Anvil slammed into
the Hulk, the green goliath insisted that they were strong, but that he
was stronger.
Hammer advised the Hulk they could carve that line on his
tombstone as he and Anvil wrapped the synthecon around the Hulk and
hurled him into and through a stone wall. When the Hulk
smashed the
ground with his fists and knocked them both into the air, Hammer became
concerned about how strong the Hulk was, but Anvil told him to keep
cool and that no one was as strong as they were as long as they wore
the chain. In response, the Hulk tried to break the synthecon, but when he
grabbed it, its energies burned him enough to make him let go.
and Anvil then wrapped the synthecon around the Hulk's neck, and they
pulled with all their might. However, as he gasped for breath, the Hulk
recalled his fallen friend, Crackajack, and he grew stronger as he pulled on the
synthecon. Hammer and Anvil continued to pull harder to match the
Hulk's efforts, until finally the synthecon shattered.
Having been both physically and psychically linked by it -- Hammer and
Anvil screamed in agony on the brink of madness. 
As the prison guards arrived to take all three
combatants down, the Hulk took Crackajack's body, leapt away, and
buried it.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86 (fb) - BTS) - Recovering from "nearly having
their brains fried," the powerless Hammer and Anvil were sent back to
Ivor Carlson, the head of the Deterrence Research Corporation.
(successor to Moses Magnum), having heard that Hammer and Anvil were
"the best" at what they did and would serve as excellent agents for the
DRC, arranged their release from prison.
Hammer and Anvil served as powerless security agents
for the DRC, while -- unbeknownst to them -- DRC scientists either
repaired or recreated the "synthecon," altering it so that it only
linked Hammer and Anvil physically and not psychically, so that they
could remove it whenever and as often as they wished.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86 - BTS) - After Lawrence "Rap" Reynolds obtained photographic evidence of the DRC's plans to raid Drydock, the ship
of Earth-691's 31st century Guardians of the Galaxy then stationed in
Earth-616's modern orbit (as well as footage of the Guardian Martinex,
who was there to erase evidence of the Guardians' presence in modern
times), Hammer and Anvil responded to an alarm set off by
Reynolds. As Reynold hid under a desk, Anvil checked the room and
reported it as empty to Jackson.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86 - BTS) - Anvil encountered
Reynolds as he fled the DRC building, tore off his videotape backpack,
and announced his intention to bring Reynolds to his superiors.
However, Spider-Man, who was investigating the DRC and had seen
Reynolds activities and flight from security, then arrived and webbed
Anvil to the wall.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86) - After being released from Spider-Man's webbing
(either an hour after being webbed up when it dissolved, or if
otherwise freed somehow by DRC agents), Anvil, along with Hammer, met
with Carlson, telling him he would have had Reynolds if Spider-Man
hadn't butted in. Offering a chance at redemption, Carlson then
revealed the rebuilt or recreated synthecon.
Hammer initially refused,
noting how the previous chain's destruction had nearly fried their
brains, but Carlson assured them the new version's safety while still
providing the same level of power.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86 (fb) - BTS) - Hammer and
Anvil accepted the synthecon, as well as donning DRC-designed costumes,
and Carlson presumably sent them to bring in Spider-Man.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86) - Shortly
thereafter, Hammer and Anvil attempted to clothesline Spider-Man as he
swung by in search of Reynolds (as he was working to aid the Guardians'
efforts to erase evidence of their presence and to oppose the DRC's
plot against them). Spider-Man's danger sense enabled him to evade the
synthecon, but the pair caught him in midair and punched him out.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86 (fb) - BTS) - Hammer and
Anvil brought Spider-Man into the DRC facility, where his hands and
feet were manacled (and...pedicled?) to the wall.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86) - Hammer and Anvil were
present as Carlson (behind a semi-opaque barrier) related plans to
learning his identity and the source of his power and killing him.
However, as Carlson instructed Anvil to remove Spider-Man's mask (why wouldn't they have done that as soon as he was bound, rather than waiting for him to recover?),
Anvil was distracted by some assault against the far wall.
later, the Guardians' Martinex, Nikki, and Starhawk burst in, having
already destroyed the DRC's recordings on Drydock. Hammer and Anvil
tripped Nikki with their synthecon, but as she fell, she blasted
Spider-Man's restraints, freeing him.
While Anvil punched back Starhawk, Spider-Man
stunned Hammer with one of his strongest punches, after which Anvil
"cracked the whip," using the synthecon to swing Hammer into Spider-Man
and Nikki.
Deducing and announcing the chain as the source of their
foes' power, Starhawk blasted Anvil, paining him. As Anvil turned to
attack Starhawk, Martinex fired a frigid blast that swiftly lowered the
synthecon's temperature toward absolute zero, after which Spider-Man
capitalized on its brittle state, snagging the synthecon with a web and
then yanking it, causing it to shatter.
(Marvel Team-Up I#86 (fb) - BTS) - Hammer and
Anvil were swiftly subdued, and Spider-Man webbed up their hands and
feet. Martinex then used his "psi-comp" to ensure Hammer and Anvil
would have no memory of the Guardians (or Spider-Man for that matter).
(Marvel Team-Up I#86) - Hammer and Anvil sat with
their heads down, either dejected or unconscious as Spider-Man and the
three Guardians stood over them before departing
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil entry / Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Melloncamp rebuilt the energy synthecon, restoring Hammer and Anvil's powers and allegedly saving their lives.
(Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dr. Melloncamp fled from Hammer and Anvil, and
wishing to keep her around in case they needed her to restore the
synthecon again, they pursued her.
(Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2) -
Hammer and Anvil caught up to Dr. Melloncamp just after she had
encountered the Freaks, who formerly served in a circus freakshow until
being liberated by Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Ghost Rider (John
Blaze/Zarathos). As the duo tried to abduct Dr. Melloncamp, Six
surprised both men by covering their eyes, only for Anvil to cast him
Appearing nude in her human form, Fahnbulla Eddy
(aka Gorilla-Girl) distracted both criminals, and Muck-Monster punched
out Anvil, after which Fahnbulla returned to her Gorilla-Girl form and
punched out Hammer.
(Spider-Woman I#34 (fb) - BTS) - The DRC presumably rebuilt Hammer and Anvil's synthecon again. 
(Spider-Woman I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to
takeover Sheridan Industries, the DRC sent Hammer and Anvil to abduct
CEO Amanda Sheridan so she could not prevent their intended takeover at
the next board meeting.
(Spider-Woman I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Woman's
crime-fighting associate Scotty McDowell learned of the intended
Sheridan kidnapping, of which he informed Spider-Woman, although he was
unaware that the would-be kidnappers had superhuman powers.
(Spider-Woman I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hammer and Anvil assaulted the Rolls-Royce carrying Amanda Sheridan and her granddaughter, Samantha.
(Spider-Woman I#34) - As Hammer and Anvil enjoyed
tearing apart Amanda Sheridan's Rolls-Royce, Spider-Woman spotted them,
swooped down, and knocked Anvil off his feet, although she felt like
she had run into a brick wall (she had been weakened by taking
medication to suppress her pheromone powers). Hammer hurled a chunk of
the Rolls at Spider-Woman, and after she dodged this, Anvil "cracked
the whip," swinging Hammer at her. She narrowly dodged this, but Anvil
was then able to tagged her with a punch, as the two criminals mocked
women's lib, as it meant that women could get punched out like men.
Hammer and Anvil prepared to take both Amanda and her granddaughter,
Samantha, Spider-Woman sent a venom blast into the synthecon, paining
both criminals. Hammer was ready to kill Spider-Woman, but Anvil
wrapped the synthecon around Amanda and reminded Hammer that they were
under orders. Spider-Woman was forced to watch helplessly as Hammer and
Anvil departed with Amanda on a hovercraft.
(Spider-Woman I#34 - BTS) - As Anvil had dropped
his DRC electronic ID card, Samantha's suspicions of who had arranged
the abduction were confirmed. She shared her grandmother's history with
the DRC and their goals in kidnapping her.
(Spider-Woman I#34 - BTS) - Scotty McDowell
gathered information on the DRC for Spider-Woman and created an ID card
for her based on Anvil's. Using this ID, Jessica Drew infiltrated the
DRC facility as Ariadne Hyde and sought out Amanda Sheridan.
(Spider-Woman I#34) - Hammer ambushed
Spider-Woman, after which he and Anvil clotheslined her with their
synthecon. When they tried to use their "crack the whip" assault again,
however, Spider-Woman anticipated it, sidestepped the approaching
Anvil, anchored herself and judo-tossed him while jerking Hammer off of
his feet; as a result, when Anvil flew though a wall, Hammer was pulled
after him, and they fell 18 stories.
As Spider-Woman fled the DRC facility with Amanda,
Hammer and Anvil joined a number of Mandroids in assaulting them,
slingshotting a boulder at Spider-Woman and causing her to temporarily
drop Amanda. Fighting back and stunning the pair with venom blasts,
Spider-Woman correctly reasoned the synthecon to be the source of their
powers. She then grabbed the synthecon and was immediately wracked with
excruciating pain, but she focused past this and projected her
bio-electric venom blast energy into the synthecon, ultimately
overwhelming the synthecon and rendering it inert. She then swung the
de-powered Hammer and Anvil into each other, knocking both men out,
after which she took Amanda to foil the DRC's efforts at the Sheridan
Industries' board meeting.
(Marvel Fanfare I#29 (fb) -
BTS) - Targeting Hammer and Anvil, the Scourge of the Underworld
("Scourge II") impersonated a Native American and arranged an encounter
with the virtually mindless Hulk (whose Banner persona had submerged
itself) in the American Southwest/desert and had information sent to
Hammer and Anvil so they would come seeking vengeance. 
(Marvel Fanfare I#29)
- Arriving and finding the Hulk in a virtual trance via Scourge's
neuro-tranquilizing vapors, Hammer and Anvil sneaked up behind the
Hulk, wrapped their energy synthecon around his neck, and began
strangling him. Wishing to return to his previously tranquil state, the
Hulk pulled the synthecon off his neck.
However, as Hammer and Anvil struggled to get to
their feet, Scourge shot and killed Hammer with an explosive bullet to the face. Anvil picked up and hugged
Hammer's corpse, as if trying to hold his life in, and noted how the
chain linked them together like they were one being (see comments), noting "an' if Hammer dies..." he collapsed atop Hammer as he voiced, "Anvil...dies...too..."
Comments: Created by Len Wein and Herb Trimpe.
Hammer and Anvil encountered the
Hulk shortly after his first encounter with Wolverine, which took place
in Quebec, Canada. After being briefly gassed, captured and flown
through the air, he broke free and escaped, aimlessly wandering for a
day, and "the province of Quebec <was> soon lost in the distance.
That's when he encountered Crackajack, who was in a wooded area en
route to see his son in prison. They then made their way to the "state
prison," where they encountered Hammer and Anvil, who were returning to
use their new powers to punish their former guards. As far as I know,
it was never spelled out where this prison was. If the Hulk is leaping,
he can cover a mile in a single jump and cover a lot of ground quickly,
but if he's just walking, which is what "wandering aimlessly" implies
to me, I wouldn't think he'd go more than perhaps a dozen or perhaps a
couple or a few dozen miles.
Perhaps it
was Clinton Correctional Facility, above, in Dannemora, N.Y. The
maximum-security prison is about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) south of
Canada-U.S. border between Quebec and New York state.
Per New York/Philadelphia/Physics/Aunt May expert Spider-Mike: The Upstate Correctional Facility in Malone, NY is
closer to the border, and was considered the first NY Supermax prison.
However, it is further west than Clinton.
Hammer called the Hulk "freak" consistently.
Chlee called the device
he created an "energy-synthicon." Ivor Carlson of the DRC called the
version they repaired or recreated an "energy synthecon. The
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17 entry on
Hammer and Anvil calls it an energy synthecon, as does Hammer's Master
Edition#4 entry, although the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
Deluxe Edition#15: Appendix to Alien Races: Glx entry calls it an
"energy synthicon" (without the hyphen).
"Energy synthecon" is the most popular usage, even though "energy-synthicon" was the precedent.
Starhawk said that the
psi-comp would remove Hammer and Anvil's memory of Spider-Man, but they
noted that he had destroyed their synthecon in Marvel Tales I#256/2.
Perhaps Carlson and or others witnessed his involvement and told them
later...or there were recordings the Guardians didn't get...or perhaps
waking up with their hands and feet webbed up gave it away...
Official Handbook of the
Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil entry noted that
the DRC repaired the synthecon after Spider-Man had shattered it, while
the subsequent Marvel Tales I#256/2 story stated the Dr. Melloncamp had
restored the the synthecon. Since Hammer and Anvil were working for the
DRC in both the stories before and after Marvel Tales I#256, it makes
logical since that Dr. Melloncamp worked for the DRC.
Apparently the last time the synthecon was rebuilt, it linked their life forces...
Hammer is certainly more
powerfully built than Anvil, and he's reported as an inch taller. I
think the 5 lbs. difference between the two is underestimated, but
there may be other reasons why their weights are closer. The Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil
entry shows Anvil to be at least 2-3 inches taller than Hammer, despite
the opposite being the case. 
Location of Hammer and Anvil's deaths:
- Marvel Fanfare I#29 didn't specify the desert location where Scourge waited for the Hulk.
- Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17 entry
on Hammer and Anvil defines the location of the deaths as in the New
Mexico desert.
- Hammer's Master Edition#4 entry notes the location of his death
to be in the Nevada desert (actually misspelled the Nevda desert).
- Since Scourge expected the Hulk to show up there, it seems LIKELY
that the site was in proximity to the location of the gamma bomb
explosion that empowered the Hulk, as the Hulk was repeatedly drawn
there (later revealed to have been caused by the Maestro to help him
restore his own destroyed form).
- Older handbooks repeatedly confused the location of Desert Base
as Nevada, but New Mexico is the most consistent location in comics and
handbooks, as confirmed during research for the World War Hulk: Gamma
Files handbook.
- Based on that, New Mexico gets my vote.
An explosive shell (that means kinetic energy is involved, right?) to the face killed Hammer, yet his profiles in the handbooks both say that the Energy Synthecon drew power from all forms of kinetic energy around it so why is Hammer dead and how was he killed. Remember, they both have survived punches/blows from super-strong beings (especially the Hulk) so how could an explosive shell kill one if the Hulk or Spider-Man/Spider-Woman's punch to the face didn't crush one of their skulls?
I think an easy answer is that the Energy Synthecon has been rebuilt several times, and different versions would grant different levels of power.
The Synthecon drew power, but didn't drain it. Characters were not weaker in their presence. The force of the bullet and explosion would have been mostly unaffected.
I'd say, out in the desert, with only the Hulk around, and a weaker Synthecon, a bullet (which is smaller and has much more force per area) was able to do a lot more damage than a wide handed slap or punch from a super hero with compunctions.
In this particular conflict and with this particular Synthecon, the Hulk never laid a hand on them, so we have no idea how durable they were.
Just because the Synthecon could draw power from kinetic energy, doesn't mean it could do so instantly (since bullets travel very fast) or at infinite levels. Even if the power is always on, the rate of absorption may have been too slow vs. the rate of kinetic energy delivery.
--Mike Fichera
This profile was completed 03/11/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Hammer should be distinguished from:
- HAMMER & ANVIL ( ) - patterned after the originals,
attended the Rascal Tavern, battled Daughters of the Dragon--Daughters of the Dragon#3
( ) - recruited by Angar the Screamer to participate in a
Roxxon plot against S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention
Espionage Logistics Directorate)'s Super-Agent. Two
black/African-American men (apparently identical twins, clones, or
something similar) joined by an energy cable in a similar fashion to
Hammer and Anvil--Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD II#33
- Leroy "Hammer" Jackson of Earth-721 - given powers and appearance of Hammer-616 by
Interlocking Technologies, came to Earth-616 and impersonated counterpart,
discovered, stripped of powers, returned to Earth-721--She-Hulk II#21
- HAMMER (Eisenhower Canty) - former mercenary in the Six Pack, crippled when
Cable shot him to prevent him from giving Stryfe a disk to save the life of
Kane, bears enmity against Cable, led another Six Pack against him--X-Force#8
- HAMMER - radical terrorist organization, wear armor with smiley faces-aka the RIGHT*--Cage I#2
- HAMMER (Boris Lupov) - Soviet, partner of Sickle, enlisted as a teenager by
Ivan Pushkin to serve in his criminal organization, bodyguard and errand boy of
Pushkin--Maverick II#1
- HAMMER - pool hall--Marvel Team-Up III#11
- HAMMER ( ) - Hydra Super-Agents, patterned after Thor--Amazing Spider-Man#519
- HAMMER - US agency replacing SHIELD, led by Norman Osborn, assisted by
Victoria Hand--Invincible Iron Man#8-15
- HAMMER - Fury Secret Base 26--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD (Corp. Yuri Lysenkovitch) - Soviet warrior
in suspended animation in 1960s, discovered in 2099--[Spider-Man 2099
- HAMMER, BILL - robot under MODOT's control, acted as TV personality--Howard the Duck IV#2
- HAMMER, CALEB of the Old West - bounty hunter, 1890s, former preacher +
Pinkerton agent--Marvel Premiere#54
- HAMMER, JUSTIN - multimillionaire criminal, occasionally involved with
Roxxon, Stane International, and Hydra--Iron Man
- HAMMER, JUSTINE - daughter of Justin-aka Crimson Cowl--Thunderbolts I#3
- HAMMER, KURT of "Earth-7643" - serial killer,
tracked by Monark Starstalker, found dead from pneumonia--Marvel Premiere#32
- HAMMER, MAX - see MAX "HAMMER" STRYKER--Incredible Hulk#295
- U.S. Marine, briefly with UN peacekeeping force, invaded Monster Isle
twice, beaten by Gamora, then Mole Man--Warlock & the Infinity
- HAMMER CODY - heavyweight boxer, rampaged after taking spore-tainted cocaine--Wolverine II#17
- other Hammer or Jackson characters
images: (without ads)
Incredible Hulk II#182, cover (Hammer charging Hulk
while he was restrained by Anvil; note: The opposite scene happened in
the story, with Hammer holding and Anvil charging)
pg. 5, panel 1 (pre-powering Hammer and Anvil; chained);
pg. 6, panel 7 (chain transforming into energy-synthicon);
pg. 12, panel 3 (face, showing eyes and mustache);
pg. 16, panel 5 (Hulk breaking synthicon);
panel 6 (Hammer and Anvil screaming crazily);
Marvel Team-Up I#86, pg. 6, panel 7 (Anvil in security uniform);
pg. 12, panel 2 (DRC costumes; ambush Spider-Man);
panel 7 (Hammer front, seated; Anvil posterior, standing);
pg. 13, panel 4 (Anvil full front; Hammer back, upper);
pg. 15, panel 2 & 3 (Anvil cracking the whip; Hammer hitting Spider-Man and Nikki);
Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2, pg. 3, panel 1 (ambushing Freaks)
Spider-Woman I#34, pg. 3, panel 1 (Anvil punching out Spider-Woman);
pg. 12, panel 1 (clothesline Spider-Woman);
Marvel Fanfare I#29, pg. 15 (choking Hulk);
pg. 18 (shot by Scourge);
Incredible Hulk II#182 (December, 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Herb Trimpe (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I#86 (October, 1979) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bob McLeod (artist), Allen Milgrom (editor)
Spider-Woman I#34 (January, 1981) - Chris Claremont
(writer/co-plotter), Steve Leialoha (penciler/co-plotter), Patterson
& Al Milgrom (inkers), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Marvel Fanfare I#29 (November, 1986) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Al Milgrom (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil
entry (August, 1987) - Peter Sanderson (writer/researcher), Kevin McGuire
(penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker), Gregory Wright (assistant
editor), Marcy Siry & David Wohl (editorial assistant), Mark
Gruenwald (editor/designer)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition#4
(March, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald, Glenn Herdling, Len Kaminski, Murray
Ward, Peter Sanderson (writers), Keith Pollard (penciler), Josef
Rubinstein (inker), Peter Sanderson (consultant), Mark
Gruenwald (editor)
Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2 (December, 1991) - Scott
Lobdell (plot), Dan Slott (script), Mark Pacella (penciler), Dan
Panosian (inker), Kelly Corvese (editor)
First posted: 09/03/2021
Last updated: 10/14/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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