Real Name: Glora Teth
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Vassyr) mutate (Enhanced)
Occupation: Warrior;
former oceanographer
Group Membership: Enhanced (Gun Runner/Brell, Lure/Kay Glayvor, Oracle, Smith; others deceased and unidentified);
Affiliations: Gale Patric, Gyre
Enemies: Cynodd (Shakata, Dog Soldiers, Strike Team, War-Dogs), the Zoo (Ballistik, Blitz, Laz-Fire, Payload, Warcrime);
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Duty" (nickname from teammates);
Genetic coding (presumably via Gena-Sys): GP80103E (it could also be GP8OIO3E
of GP8O1O3E, as it is not clear whether some of the characters were
numbers or letters; given that the other letters are capitalized, a
lower case "l" seems less likely)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the boat Scylax, planet Nautilus, star system and galaxy
unrevealed (but "nine sidereal years from Canopus");
formerly the Warbird;
formerly Vassyra
First Appearance: Gun Runner#2 (November, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Glora Teth possesses enhanced strength (perhaps lifting 1000-4000 lbs.; possibly greater, but she was not shown to demonstrate any massive feats of strength), stamina, and durability (allowing her to survive being on her ship when it was set afire via lasers from an alien craft.
Glora carries huge gun-type weapons, firing a variety of lasers and rockets. She has an extensive arsenal, including explosive thermex weapons and at least one tri-thermex mine, which shattered the thick Syntropic dome as well as the powerful Payload.
She was considered the team's power backbone.
Height: Unrevealed (she's at least a couple inches taller than the 6'4" Gun Runner, so perhaps 6'6" to 6'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (she is very tall and very muscular, so perhaps 300 to 350 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue (sometimes glowed solid blue)
Hair: Brown
Duty Gene Card) - A Vassyran oceanographer with a passion for
undersea life, Glora Teth developed great strength and endurance
through deep sea diving.
(Gun Runner#5 (fb) - BTS) - Recognizing the Cynodd's threat, the Vassyr race sought to prevent them from activating a network of conditioned Synergysts across the galaxy, which would turn all creation into a stolid, ordered, universal machine.
(Gun Runner#1 (fb) - BTS / Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Vassyr created the Enhanced race of warriors to end forever the mystical threat of the Cynodd and expunge their evil.
(Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS) - Those who would become the Enhanced had their innate skills and talents genetically amplified by Vassyr technology into lethal fighting skills. Amongst the Enhanced were Gun Runner, Heavy Duty, Lure, and Smith.
(Heavy Duty Gene Card) - Glora's strength and endurance were enhanced to fearsome levels.
(Gun Runner#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Enhanced encountered a syntropic wasteland on Caveor Prime.
(Gun Runner#1 (fb)) - Heavy Duty and the Enhanced battled the Cynodd on an unspecified world; the Cynodd's guns stunk of plasma.
(Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS) - After a long and bloody war, the Enhanced defeated the Cynodd, destroying their armies and machines, and incarcerating their leaders. The Enhanced believed the conflict to be over.
(Gun Runner#4 (fb) - BTS) - When the Enhanced were ordered to return to Vassyra to witness the armistice and to join in the revels, Heavy Duty, Lure, and Smith all departed the Warbird en route, not considering there to be anything worth celebrating.
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Settling on the planet Nautilus, a waterworld nine sidereal years from Canopus, Glora Teth abandoned her previous identity and enjoyed a solitary lifestyle from her clipper, Scylax.
(Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS / Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) <203 years ago> - As Gun Runner was returning to Vassyra aboard his Warbird ship, an unidentified event incapacitated Warbird/Oracle and Gun Runner, leaving the former drifting and dysfunctional.
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Every dawn for two hundred years, Glora heard the
ultrasound of the ocean's dawn chorus, and she leapt into the waters to appreciate the sonar song of the great calm cetaceans in her ears and
sternum as it echoed through the seas.
Comments: Created by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, Anthony Williams, and Jeff Anderson as part of the Marvel UK imprint.
I assumed that Glora recovered from her injuries and wasn't destroyed
by the energies released when the Synergist was destroyed...but nothing
was mentioned of the fate of any of the Enhanced. After Gun Runner
destroyed the Synergist and everything was back to normal, we saw Gale
board the Warbird...not even Gun Runner was actually shown. Gun Runner showed up again during Annihilation, but no one else from the series was there.
We haven't seen hide nor hair of Glora in nearly 30 years (it will be 30 years in 2024).
Canopus is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Carina, and it is the second brightest star in the night sky. It is 310 light years from Earth.
Heh, heh...they said, "duty."
Profile by Snood.
Heavy Duty should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Gun Runner#3, pg. 17, panel 1 (Skylax, dawn on Nautilus);
panel 2-4 (Glora swimming);
#4, pg. 7, panel 5 (full);
#5, pg. 1, panel 4 (face);
#6, pg. 6, panel 4 (face, with solid blue eyes and tri-thermex mine)
Heavy Duty Gene Card front & back
Gun Runner#1
(October, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Terry Clark
(penciler), Adolfo Baylla (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
Gun Runner#2
(November, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Anthony Williams
(penciler), Jeff Anderson (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
Gun Runner#3
(December, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Anthony Williams
(penciler), Colin Fawcett (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
Gun Runner#4-6
(January-March, 1994) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Anthony Williams
(penciler), Colin Fawcett (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
Heavy Duty Gene Card front & back (1993) - Marvel Comics UK Ltd.All-New
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update#2 (2007) - Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Sean
McQuaid, Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin, Mark O'English, Mike Fichera, Stuart Vandal, Eric J. Moreels, Chris Biggs, Madison Carter,
Anthony Flamini, Al Sjoerdsma & Rich Green (writers), Michael
Short & Cory Levine (assistant editors), Mark D. Beazley (associate
editor), Jeff
Youngquist & Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
First posted: 03/04/2023
Last updated: 02/12/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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