Real Name: Kenneth Tennyson
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Negative Zone) human (source of abilities unrevealed; see comments)
Occupation: Warrior, sentry, guardian of a Negative Zone portal
Group Membership: Puritans of Pilgrims Rock, Negative Zone
Affiliations: Alpha Primitives, Brother Tyndale, Fantastic Four (Invisible Woman/Sue Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Gornkai and his people, Maximus; Counter-Earth's Franklin Richards archetype/program
Enemies: Annihilus, Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom), indirectly Gideon Trust (Colonel, Janus, other), N-Explorers (Trapster (Peter Petruski), Travers, Travis, Vasquez)
Known Relatives: Jacob (father), Martha (mother, deceased)
Aliases: "Boyscout," "Ya fruitcake," "Scout" (all from the Thing)
Base of Operations: Pilgrims Rock (see comments), Negative Zone
First Appearance: Fantastic Four III#41 (May, 2001)
Hellscout possesses superhumanly acute senses and tracking ability,
enabling him to track anyone, man or beast, across interplanetary
distances, at least.
His acute vision enhances his marksmanship skills, making him virtually perfect, able to fire a shot into the center of a 6" cylinder perhaps 50-100 meters away, without any sights and using an unfamiliar weapon.
Hellscout uses a pair of energy-pistols of unspecified power, although a pair of such blasts were strong enough to drive the Thing (Ben Grimm) to his knees.
He also carries both a sword and a dagger, with which he can wield simultaneously, typically with the sword in his right hand and the dagger in his left.
He can pilot a starship (although his one ship was stolen by Dr. Doom and subsequently destroyed), and he has a spacesuit he wears as needed.
Raised with Puritan values, Hellscout tends to consider many unfamiliar and monstrous things to be demons, but he is nonetheless experienced and comfortable with various forms of advanced technology as well with alien races, etc.
Height: 6'
Weight: 196 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (the one time we could see them clearly)
Hair: Blond, including goatee (see comments)
(Fantastic Four III#41 (fb) - BTS) - In the 17th century, the Pandora, carrying a crew of Puritans, set forth from Amsterdam in search of the New World, following the likes of Columbus and the Virginia settlers. A massive storm culminated in a whirlpool that swallowed the Pandora, transporting it and its crew to the Negative Zone. Though fearing their sins had brought them to some Hellish realm, guided by their strong faith and their desire to protect their young, the Puritans defended the land around the Pandora, fighting off the aliens that threatened them. Accepting that the Lord worked in mysterious ways, these Puritans settled there, and they found their lot to be as gatekeepers and discoverers, exploring and learning from the machines and tools left behind by beings unidentified. They encountered Annihilus and considered him to be "the Devil himself," and they prevented him from leaving the Negative Zone via any portal near them.
The tale was handed down from generation to generation.
(Doom: The Emperor Returns#3 (fb) - BTS) - A series of one of their number, known as the Hellscout, guarded the portal into the Negative Zone, which they considered Hell, for centuries (see comments).
(Fantastic Four III#41 (fb) - BTS) - In recent years, Kenneth Tennyson, the most recent Hellscout, tracked what he believed was every beast from one end to the other of the dark place in which they dwelled.
(Fantastic Four III#42 (fb) - BTS) - Hellscout encountered Annihilus, whom he considered "the Dark One."
(Fantastic Four III#42 (fb) - BTS) - Hellscout traveled to a small planetoid, where he met and befriended Gornkai and his people, whom he considered to be peaceful and friendly.
(Fantastic Four III#42 (fb) - BTS) - At least on one occasion, Hellscout battled Annihilus, who eventually gained the advantage and had Hellscout at death's door; however, Annihilus abruptly departed as if there was a greater threat to which he had to attend.
(Fantastic Four III#40 - BTS) - Seeking to investigate the N-Explorers, three of the Fantastic Four (Invisible Woman/Sue Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm) were transported into the Negative Zone near the Pilgrims Rock, where they were surprised to find the Pandora, an old and terrestrial ship.
(Fantastic Four III#41 (fb) - BTS) - The Fantastic Four encountered the Puritans of Pilgrims Rock and eventually made peace with them.
(Fantastic Four III#41) - Returning to Pilgrims Rock, Hellscout saw the monstrous Thing with a number of children, and he shot the Thing, warning him to step away from the children or his next shot would lay him in the grave. As the Thing struggled to rise, Hellscout shot him repeatedly, but when he got too close while asking what manner of creature he was, the Thing swatted him away. As the Thing grabbed Hellscout by the neck, arguing that he was a man and that he wasn't doing anything to the kids but that his blaster had caused the problem, Hellscout placed his weapon to the Thing's chin. When Reed and Sue arrived alongside his father, who proclaimed the Thing a friend, Hellscout noted that if he was a friend of his father's, he would be his friend as well; the Thing accepted, noting, "No hard feelings. This time."
Later, as the N-Explorers began to access an energy source they found in the Negative Zone in the process of slaughtering those who utilized it, a powerful energy wave racked Pilgrim's Rock, and Jacob uncomfortably sensed a disturbance, as if some great evil had been unleashed. After Reed noted his concerns that others from Earth were weakening the infrastructure of the wall/barrier between Earth and the Negative Zone, jeopardizing both universes, Hellscout noted that the Four must join him, for there was not man nor beast -- save the Devil himself -- that he could not track down.
(Fantastic Four III#42) - Aboard a ship alongside Reed, Sue, and Ben, Hellscout listened as Reed explained that they were seeking to trace the positive energy of beings from Earth's universe seeking to breach the wall into the Negative Zone. While not understanding all of Reed's words, Hellscout nonetheless sensed this positive energy and noted that it emanated from Reed and his associates as well. He assured them that he would lead them to the Devil himself if it were for the good of the many.Comments: Created by Carlos Pacheco, Jeph Loeb, Rafael Marin, and Jesus Marin.
The source of Hellscout's superhuman tracking ability is unrevealed. I'm sure he considers it God-given, but he may be a mutant, or perhaps he was mutated under unspecified circumstance...or maybe he uses some unspecified technology or perhaps an energy- or magic-gem (although he'd likely consider that the work of the devil and avoid it).
The creature attacking Doom wasn't identified in story (beyond Hellscout calling it "the worm," but I think Abnutivore is a good name, personally...
When first referenced in Fantastic Four I#41, their base was called
"the Pilgrims Rock." Later in the same issue, it was called "Pilgrim's
Singular possessive doesn't make much
sense. I think either Pilgrims Rock (plural, non-possessive) or
Pilgrims' Rock (plural possessive) make the most sense.
In Doom: The Emperor Returns#3, Hellscout notes that a Hellscout had protected Pilgrims Rock and watched the gateway for six-hundred years. If the Puritans arrived there in the 17th century, that's the 1600s, meaning it won't be 600 years until the 2200s...but, perhaps time passes differently in the Negative Zone...OR, if their world circled a sun-like structure, each planetary revolution was significantly shorter, so that a year was a shorter time period. Or he meant 400, but just misspoke.
Hellscout had a mini-profile in Marvel Encyclopedia Vol. 6: Fantastic Four (2004).
Hellscout had short, black (or dark) hair in Fantastic Four III#42, which was art error/license/whatever.
This profile was completed 5/23/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Hellscout should be distinguished from:
Fantastic Four III#41, pg. 17, panel 6 (upper; guns a-blazin');
#43, pg. 13, panel 2 (mostly full, scaling rocky terrain);
#44, pg. 9, panel 4 (taking aim);
pg. 15, panel 6 (impaling Annihilus);
Doom: The Emperor Returns#2, last page (space armor);
#3, pg. 9, panel 3 (profile)
Fantastic Four III#41 (May, 2001) - Carlos
Pacheco (artist, co-plotter), Jeph Loeb (script), Rafael Marin
(co-plotter), Jesus Marin (inker), Andrew Lis (assistant editor),
Bobbie Chase (editor)
Fantastic Four III#42 (June, 2001) - Carlos
Pacheco (co-plotter), Jeph Loeb (script), Rafael Marin
(co-plotter), Stuart Immonen (penciler), Jesus Merino (inker), Andrew Lis (assistant editor),
Bobbie Chase (editor)
Fantastic Four III#43 (July, 2001) - Carlos
Pacheco (co-plotter), Jeph Loeb (script), Rafael Marin
(co-plotter), Joe Bennett (penciler), Sandu Florea (inker), Andrew Lis (assistant editor),
Bobbie Chase (editor)
Fantastic Four III#44 (August, 2001) - Carlos
Pacheco (penciler; co-plotter), Jeph Loeb (script), Rafael Marin
(co-plotter), Jesus Merino (inker), Andrew Lis (assistant editor),
Bobbie Chase (editor)
The Emperor Returns#2 (February, 2002) - Chuck Dixon (writer), Leonardo
Manco (artist), Andrew Lis, Jeff Youngquist, & Mark Sumerak
(assistant editors), Bobbie Chase & Tom Brevoort (editors)
The Emperor Returns#3 (March, 2002) - Chuck Dixon (writer), Leonardo
Manco (artist), Klaus Janson & John Stanisci (inkers), Andrew Lis, Jeff Youngquist, & Mark Sumerak
(assistant editors), Bobbie Chase & Tom Brevoort (editors)
Encyclopedia Vol. 6: Fantastic Four (2004) - Jeff Christiansen (head
writer), Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin, & Mark O'English
(writers/researchers), Mark D. Beazley (assistant managing editor),
Jennifer Grunwald (assistant editor), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
First posted: 09/29/2021
Last updated: 09/27/2021
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