howard_the_duck-86018-main.jfifINDIANA DRAKE

Real Name: Presumably Howard Drake see comments

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-86081); see comments

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: None known

Affiliations: None known

Enemies: None known

Known Relatives: None known

Aliases: None known

Base of Operations: Mobile across Earth-86081;
    see comments

First Appearance:  (Movie) Howard the Duck (August 1, 1986);
    (comics) S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10 (November, 2015)

Powers/Abilities: An anthropomorphic duck, Howard has a bill and presumably webbed feet and feathers, but lacks wings. He is apparently more humanoid in conformation than his counterpart that lives on Earth-616.

    See comments

Height: Howard-616 is 2'7", but Howard-86081 appears to be much taller
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Feathers: Yellow
(the above stats are adapted from mainstream Howard, see comments)

History: (Howard the Duck: The Movie - BTS) - Indiana Drake was an adventurer whose escapades had been adapted into a movie called Breeders of the Lost Stork on Earth-58470 (see comments).


(S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10) - As the Legion of Howards closed the Omniversal Zipper on the Liverer, the various Howards were sent to the respective realities.

    The Earth-616-dwelling Howard saw a number of realities as he sought to return "home."

    Among these realities was apparently Reality-81068's Howard (or a similar Howard), top right.

Comments: Created by Steve Gerber, Willard Huyck, and Gloria Katz.

    I don't know that we can ASSume that this Howard shares the past of Howard the Duck; (you know...not FROM -616, but lives there)

   Indiana Drake began as a joke, a duck-themed variant of a real world movie to be a poster on the wall of the movie version of Howard the Duck (Earth-58470; the poster isn't in the novelization or comic adaptation - I've checked). However, decades later in SHIELD III#10 we got confirmation that someone who looks just like Indiana Drake exists as a counterpart to Howard for "real" in the Marvel multiverse. So, how does that work? A few possibilities suggest themselves:
   1. The guy we saw in SHIELD III#10 just looks like him coincidentally, and isn't called that - he's just a Howard the Duck variant who likes wearing an outfit that resembles Indiana Jones.
   2. Howard-86081 was such a big fan of the movie character Indiana Drake that he decided to dress like him and use the name. As such, the poster we saw isn't representing Howard-86081; that poster was his inspiration.
   3. The convoluted explanation: Alternate realities are frequently glimpsed in dreams and then those glimpses inspire works of fiction in other realities. Thus Howard-86081's "real" adventures became the basis for the movie that Howard-58470 is a fan of.
   4. The really convoluted explanation: Same as example 3, EXCEPT that instead of being glimpsed in dreams, Howard-861081 traveled between realities (as Howards commonly do) but ended up on 58470, where he became the movie star playing the role of Indiana Drake.

   Though it was done for a commission and not a comic, and also done before SHIELD III#10 came out, John Byrne had drawn a beautiful rendition of Howard as Indiana Jones that I felt is really worth looking at, even without the context of this profile.

This profile was completed 9/14/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.


Howard the Duck-86081 should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Breeders of the Lost Stork movie poster prop reproduction (main)
S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10, p18, pan3 (Howard glimpsing multiple realities)
John Byrne Howard the Duck as Indiana Jones commission

Howard the Duck (August 1, 1986) - Steve Gerber, Willard Huyck, and Gloria Katz (writers)
S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10 (November, 2015) - Mark Waid (writer), Evan "Doc" Shaner (artist) Jon Moisan (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First posted: 09/22/2021
Last updated: 01/10/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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