(of Earth-41252)
Membership: Battle Fire (Shiro Yoshida), Black
Panther (T'Challa), Captain
America (Steve Rogers), Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Iron Man (Tony
Stark), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Wolverine (Logan);
(former Avengers): Ant-Man, Black Widow, Hulk,
Scarlet Witch, Thor, Wasp
Purpose: To stop the Infinity Mirror
Shards-empowered Red Skull
Aliases: Avengers, "Earth's Mightiest Heroes"
Affiliations: Friday, Iron Shinobi Squadron,
Shuri, Mary Jane Watson
Enemies: Loki, Mirror Loki, Red Skull, Scream
Supreme, the Soldiers of Orochi, Thanos, Ultron-I units, Venom construct
Base of Operations: Stark
Rivers, Tokyo, Japan, USA;
formerly Avengers Tower, New York City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Avengers: Tech-On#1
(October, 2021)
History: (Avengers:
Tech-On#3 (fb) - BTS) - The superheroic Avengers' first foe was Loki,
the Asgardian god of myth and mirth.
(Avengers: Tech-On#1 (fb)) - The Avengers battled the Infinity Gauntlet-wielding mad Titan Thanos and during the fight, Black Panther managed to slash the Gauntlet from Thanos' hand. Thanos was soon defeated and the Infinity Stones within the Gauntlet were destroyed.
(Avengers: Tech-On#1) - While the Avengers were speaking at Avengers Tower on the one year anniversary of Thanos' defeat, Red Skull attacked and revealed that he had harnessed the power of the remaining dust left from the destruction of the Infinity Stones, which he called Infinity Mirror Shards (IMS). Despite the Avengers' best efforts to stop the Red Skull, the Skull utilized the IMS energy to remove superhuman powers from the Earth. Unable to defeat the IMS-empowered Red Skull in their powerless state, the Avengers retreated to Stark West in Seattle, Washington to regroup. Some of the Avengers subsequently attempted a covert strike against the Red Skull's Tokyo base and when the Red Skull easily overpowered them, Iron Man revealed (much to the surprise of the Avengers themselves) custom-made mech suits for the team that emulated their original abilities. With the Avengers newly armored, Iron Man dubbed the team the Iron Avengers.
(Avengers: Tech-On#2) - The Iron Avengers took the
fight to the Red Skull, who destroyed Captain America's shield, but
when the Skull attempted to destroy Captain America himself, his armor
dissipated the blast. Iron Man then revealed that he acquired IMS
energy as well and used it to power the Iron Avengers' new mech suits.
The gloating Red Skull soon retreated and Captain America admitted that
he felt uneasy that Iron Man had built the mech suits without
consulting the Avengers, reminding Iron Man that they would only beat
the Red Skull by working together.
(Avengers: Tech-On#3 (fb) - BTS) - Not long
after, Iron Man secretly searched Tokyo for potential recruits for the
Iron Avengers and found the mutant Sunfire, who had retained his powers
due to being off-planet searching for a cure to his dangerously
increasing power levels. Offering to help Sunfire, Iron Man
successfully recruited Sunfire as a secret Iron Avengers member and
made him a tech suit designed to halt the physical deterioration caused
by Sunfire's powers. Renaming himself Battle Fire, Sunfire opted to use
his remaining time to fight the Red Skull's forces and, in an effort to
stem the destruction caused to his body when he used his powers, Battle
Fire was secretly held in reserve to conserve his power usage.
(Avengers: Tech-On#2) - The next day, each of the Iron Avengers practiced using their mech suits as Tony Stark discussed with Black Panther how he acquired the IMS energy from the atmosphere and worked with Spider-Man to design the suits. Black Panther's sister Shuri soon interrupted the conversation, however, to inform the Panther of an IMS energy spike in Yokohama. Shortly after traveling to Yokohama, the Iron Avengers found a gigantic Venom that Iron Man's A.I. system soon identified as a construct composed of IMS energy. Activating his Hatsu Protocol, Iron Man utilized IMS energy to power up his and Spider-Man's weapons and they soon destroyed the Venom construct. Following the construct's dissipation, Iron Man explained how each of the Iron Avengers' suits possessed a coin of pure IMS energy that could be used to power their mech suits up to maximum power and efficiency for a span of ten minutes at the risk of injury or even death. When Black Panther departed to take care of IMS energy nodes converging on Wakanda, Captain America remarked on how Iron Man had not previously informed the Iron Avengers on the dangers of using their suits at maximum efficiency but Iron Man shelved the argument so they could focus on stopping the Red Skull.
(Avengers: Tech-On#3) - Now basing themselves out of
Stark Rivers in Tokyo, the Iron Avengers received a report of an IMS
energy surge in Hiroshima and the team rushed into action, their armor
forming around them as they ran. Flying off towards Hiroshima, the Iron
Avengers learned that no destruction had been reported, leading some of
the Avengers to suspect they were flying right into a trap. When Iron
Man mentioned that the Red Skull wasn't the only one with cards up his
sleeve, Captain America asked if the team needed to know anything but
Iron Man replied that there was nothing mission critical and asked if
Captain America trusted him. Arriving in the center of the IMS energy
surge, the Iron Avengers at first found nothing but they were soon
confronted by an IMS Loki construct dubbed Mirror Loki. The Loki
construct attacked the Iron Avengers, who put up a fierce fight until
the construct began manipulating their tech suits, amplifying their
control signals' aggression and frustration until the Iron Avengers
began fighting each other. Iron Man's AI Friday managed to purge the
Loki's IMS infection and reset his tech suit, temporarily freeing him
from Loki's influence and buying Iron Man enough time to initiate the
Hidden Avenger protocols. The Hidden Avenger protocols summoned the
heroic Battle Fire to the scene and he used his fire-manipulating tech
suits to shield the Iron Avengers in walls of flame before dissipating
the Loki construct's illusions. Battle Fire then destroyed the Loki
construct then flew off, announcing his return to the Avengers' Stark
Rivers HQ to continue his "treatments." Following the battle, Captain
America demanded to know what Battle Fire was, questioning whether
Battle Fire was a person or a robot created by Iron Man, and Iron Man
replied by reminding the Iron Avengers of his aces in the hole.
Returning to Stark Rivers, the Iron Avengers were properly introduced
to their formerly secret member, Battle Fire, who revealed himself as
the former Sunfire. After the meeting, Captain America confronted Iron
Man about keeping Battle Fire a secret from the rest of the team and
Iron Man admitted that he had kept things secret to prevent the Iron
Avengers from seeing him fail again. Captain America reminded Iron Man
that he did not have to carry the burden alone and that the Iron
Avengers would only beat the Red Skull by shouldering the burden
(Avengers: Tech-On#4) - Captain America and Captain
Marvel were informed by Iron Man of intense IMS energy spikes across
Tokyo and they were summoned to assist the other Iron Avengers in
stopping the spikes. Along the way to Tokyo, the two Captains were
attacked by an IMS-powered Ultron-I unit and Captain America activated
his tech suit's Do Hatsu-10 mode to easily destroy the unit. Finding
the unit's destruction too easy, Captain America and Captain Marvel
(along with the other Iron Avengers in various parts of Tokyo) soon
learned that the Ultron-I units were more IMS constructs created by the
Red Skull, who gloated through the Ultron-I units. When each of the
two-person Iron Avenger squads became overwhelmed by the sheer numbers
of Ultron-I units, Iron Man activated another secret protocol, this
time one codenamed Iron Shinobis. The Iron Avengers were quickly backed
up by a squadron of Iron Shinobi drones created by Iron Man and while
Captain Marvel questioned Iron Man about keeping more secrets, Iron Man
commented that they had been in production right under their noses.
Despite the assistance from the Iron Shinobi squad, the Iron Avengers
still became overwhelmed and were nearly defeated until the Black
Panther returned to aid them. Black Panther drew the Ultron-I units
away from the Iron Avengers then initiated a Vibranium IMS cascade that
destroyed all of the Ultron-I units in his vicinity. He then returned
to his teammates and revealed that his sister Shuri had discovered the
secret to the Red Skull's IMS tech and that the Iron Avengers could
finally take the Red Skull down.
(Avengers: Tech-On#5) -
Captain America, Captain
Marvel and Spider-Man confronted Iron Man about his keeping secrets
moments before he planned to take the Iron Avengers tech suits out in
autonomous mode. Asking why Iron Man was planning to go out alone, the
Iron Avengers learned that Iron Man planned to search for the Red
Skull's newest hideout due to being antsy waiting on the Black Panther,
who secretly working on something of his own. When Iron Man insisted
that he had been sharing with the team, bringing up the Stark Rivers
headquarters and the tech suit themselves, Spider-Man asked for
permission to use his tech suit and Iron Man's Friday AI pointed out
that Spider-Man could not access his tech suit without permission from
Iron Man. Iron Man responded by reminding them of a time when his
technology got out and was nearly used to start a war by supervillains.
The conversation was soon interrupted by an emergency alarm announcing
an attack in Osaka, Japan and the Iron Avengers quickly went into
action, with Captain America sternly reminding Iron Man that the
conversation wasn't over. Iron Man suggested saving lives was more
important and the Iron Avengers used some of their armors' IMS energy
to travel faster to Osaka, where the giant symbiote Scream Supreme was
battling the IMS Venom construct the Iron Avengers had earlier
encountered. As Black Panther and his sister Shuri realized the
Infinity Mirror Shards responded to willpower, the Iron Avengers
battled the two symbiotes and when Wolverine activated his Do Hatsu-10
abilities, the Venom construct enveloped Wolverine in an attempt to
gain more power. Bonded with the Venom symbiote construct, Wolverine
then took down Scream Supreme on his own and regrouped with the other
Iron Avengers, who warned him to rid himself of the IMS-powered
symbiote before it took over. The increasingly-aggressive Wolverine
refused, claiming he was in control, but he soon threatened to kill the
Iron Avengers to "prove he was in control," forcing Captain America to
intervene. The Iron Avengers then battled the IMS symbiote-infected
Wolverine until Shuri communicated with Iron Man about a massive IMS
spike heading directly towards the Iron Avengers. Before Black Panther
could intercept the spike, the Red Skull landed with such force that it
knocked the Iron Avengers to the ground and announced an end to their
conflict by death.
(Avengers: Tech-On#6) - The Iron Avengers got into
ready positions as the Red Skull gloated on how he had now acquired a
sliver of the destroyed Reality Gem. Reconstructing an Ultron-I unit
and the IMS Loki construct (as well as a new Green Goblin construct)
using the Reality Gem sliver, the Red Skull unleashed the constructs
and the IMS symbiote-infected Wolverine against the Iron Avengers while
he sent his Soldiers of Orochi and other creatures to various world
locations. The Black Panther soon arrived on the scene and revealed how
the Infinity Stones responded to willpower, using his own will to
overcome the Red Skull's. The two then fought a battle of wills for
control of the Reality Gem sliver, with the Black Panther adding the
willpower of his Iron Avengers teammates to his, allowing him to remove
the Red Skull's Reality Gem-fueled powers and thereby erase the Skull's
IMS constructs from existence. The Black Panther then reached for the
floating Reality Gem sliver but Iron Man launched one of his gauntlets
and grabbed the Gem instead. Extremely tempted to remake reality for
himself, Iron Man ultimately used the Gem to restore the powers to
Earth's superhumans, remove the Red Skull's Soldiers of Orochi and
vaporize the remaining Infinity Mirror Shards in existence. Following
Iron Man's usage of the Gem sliver, a restored Captain America
expressed concern that they might have to stop Iron Man and Iron Man
admitted his temptation but replied that for every good he could have
done, a dozen tragedies would have come with it. Captain America then
extended his hand for a handshake and suggested they continue to make
the world better together. Iron Man shook Cap's hand in agreement,
unaware that the Red Skull's scientist lackey Professor Kuricha had
escaped the Orochi facility with the Carnage symbiote.
Comments: Created by Ryoji Sekinishi, Jim Zub, Jeffrey "Chamba" Cruz and Eiichi Shimizu (see comments).
While the issue credits are Jim Zub (writer) and Jeffrey "Chamba" Cruz (art), the issues also credit Ryoji Sekinishi for the story concept and Eiichi Shimizu with the designs for the heroes. With that in mind, both Sekinishi and Shimizu likely had a hand in creating the Iron Avengers, at least from a concept and design perspective, and therefore, they are listed in the creator credits of this profile.
The Infinity Mirror Shards in the Tech-On mini-series
were alternately called "Infinity Mirror Shards" and "Infinite Mirror
Shards" at various points throughout the entire mini-series. For the
sake of clarity here, they are all called "Infinity Mirror Shards" or
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-41252's Iron Avengers have no known connections to:
Stark Rivers is a compound that functioned as the
Iron Avengers' base of operations in Japan. Built by Iron Man, Stark
Rivers was a large command center built in Tokyo, Japan and when the
Iron Avengers detected an Infinity Mirror Shard energy surge in
Hiroshima, they rushed through Stark Rivers as their armor formed
around them and flew into action. Later, after Battle Fire assisted the
Iron Avengers in Hiroshima, he announced his plans to return to Stark
Rivers to continue treatment for his superhuman powers that were slowly
harming him physically. The Iron Avengers followed and upon their
return to Stark Rivers, they learned that Battle Fire was actually the
mutant formerly known as Sunfire and Captain America berated Iron Man
in the Stark Rivers halls for keeping Battle Fire and other secrets
from the team. Captain America later met with Captain Marvel outside of
Stark Rivers so they could discuss Iron Man's secrets without being
recorded. Some time after, Tony Stark walked the halls of Stark Rivers
and asked his AI Friday for a status update on the Iron Avengers' tech
suits. When he mentioned wanting to take the suits out in autonomous
mode, the other Iron Avengers confronted him about his continued
keeping of secrets from the team. Claiming he had built the tech suits,
Stark Rivers and info-gathering satellites for the Iron Avengers' use,
Stark seemed more suspicious when Spider-Man pointed out that despite
Stark creating these things, the other team members didn't have full
access to the creations. The argument was soon interrupted when Friday
informed the Iron Avengers of a new IMS energy spike in Osaka.
Stark Rivers is equipped with living quarters and
houses the tech suits utilized by the Iron Avengers. When going into
action, Stark Rivers automatically ejects the tech suits that then form
around the moving Iron Avengers. It also housed a medical treatment
center for Battle Fire.
--Avengers: Tech-On#3 (#4 - BTS, #5,
images: (without ads)
Avengers: Tech-On#1, p20, splash page (Iron Avengers, main image)
Avengers: Tech-On#1, James Stokoe variant, front cover (Iron Avengers
in action)
Avengers: Tech-On#6, p2-3, splash page (Iron Avengers vs. the Red
Skull, an IMS symbiote-controlled Wolverine & the Skull's IMS
Avengers: Tech-On#3, p1, pan1 (Stark Rivers)
Avengers: Tech-On#1 (October, 2021) - Jim Zub (writer), Jeffrey
"Chamba" Cruz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers: Tech-On#2 (November, 2021) - Jim Zub (writer), Jeffrey
"Chamba" Cruz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers: Tech-On#3 (December, 2021) - Jim Zub (writer), Jeffrey
"Chamba" Cruz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers: Tech-On#4 (January, 2022) - Jim Zub (writer), Jeffrey
"Chamba" Cruz (art), Tom Brevoort (executive editor)
Avengers: Tech-On#5 (February, 2022) - Jim Zub (writer), Jeffrey
"Chamba" Cruz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers: Tech-On#6 (April, 2022) - Jim Zub (writer), Jeffrey "Chamba"
Cruz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 03/13/2022
Last updated: 03/13/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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