Real Name: Celia Jackson
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Flight attendant
Group Membership: Transnational Airways
Affiliations: Herbert Bell, Black Goliath (Bill Foster), Derath, Talia Kruma, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Thing (Ben Grimm), Dale West
Enemies: Mortag, Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day)
Known Relatives: Keith (nephew)
Aliases: Ceil, Aunt Ceil
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Black Goliath#2 (April, 1976)
Powers/Abilities: Celia Jackson is a talented flight attendant.
She adapted readily to superhuman/cosmic situations, and she could wield an alien pistol.
Height: 5'9" (by approximation)
Weight: 130 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
(Black Goliath#2 (fb) - BTS) - Celia Jackson, known as Ceil to her
friends, worked as a senior flight attendant for Transnational Airways.
When based in New York City, Celia's life was saved by a super hero
(Black Goliath#2 (fb) - BTS) - One day when leaving work, she found an unconscious super hero and chose to bring him home. For hours, she heard him having nightmares about his recent adventures, and she heard him call himself Black Goliath.
(Black Goliath#2) - When Black Goliath woke up, Celia introduced herself and gave the hero coffee and soup, encouraging him to take time to heal from his injuries. Black Goliath and Celia flirted and, hours later when he left, he promised to return to visit her.
(Black Goliath#4) - Celia saw Black Goliath battling Stilt-Man in the street, and she ended up inhaling gas from some of Stilt-Man's gas bombs. Stilt-Man grabbed Celia to take her hostage, but her nephew Keith rushed forward to help her, and Keith helped usher Celia to safety after Stilt-Man dropped her. Stilt-Man then used a Z-Ray on Black Goliath, Celia, and Keith, and they disappeared.
(Black Goliath#5 (fb) - BTS) - Celia and Keith landed with Black Goliath on the distant planet of Kirgar, where he had to use his powers to shield them from a deadly dust storm as they sought to get to shelter. They collapsed in sleep.
(Black Goliath#5) - Celia and Black Goliath woke up when Keith screamed, and they saw the alien Derath standing nearby. Derath adapted to the English language, then revealed his origins, as Celia shivered from the cold. Derath built skin-tight suits with a machine to help protect Celia and Keith from the elements. Celia was attacked by a dune cat (which looked like a spiked tiger), but Derath destroyed it and Celia rushed to Black Goliath for comfort. Derath brought them to a crystal pyramid full of technology, connected to the ancient civilization of the A'askvarii. Inside they found technology that they began repurposing to get them back to Earth. Celia snuck off with Black Goliath to cuddle and kiss, but they were attacked by the robotic guardian Mortag, who'd been awakened in the pyramid. Mortag battled Black Goliath, and Celia used Derath's gun to shoot Mortag during the fight. As Mortag was defeated, Celia and the others realized that Derath had been killed in the conflict.
(Marvel Two-in-One I#85 (fb) - BTS) - Back on Earth, Celia and Black Goliath fell into a relationship. She learned he was really Bill Foster. In time, Bill left Celia, something bothering him (presumably radiation poisoning).
(Marvel Two-in-One I#85) - Celia found Bill at Stark Industries in Los Angeles, where he was working with Herbert Bell, Talia Kruma, and Dale West, as well as Thing and Spider-Woman, on combatting the new Atom-Smasher. Celia wondered what secrets Foster was keeping form her. After battling Atom-Smasher, Bill collapsed.
(Marvel Two-in-One I#85 - BTS) - Celia and the others learned that Bill was dying, but he did a power transfer with Spider-Woman and his health stabilized.
(Marvel Two-in-One I#96 (fb) - BTS) - Celia spent the following weeks taking care of Bill, who chose to give up being Black Goliath.
(Marvel Two-in-One I#96) - Bill and Celia went to visit Thing when he was sick in the hospital.
Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, George Tuska, and Vince Colletta.
This profile was completed 5/01/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Chadman.
Celia Jackson has no known connections to:
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Keith (Black Goliath#4) - Keith saw police (including Sgt. Perez) surrounding a fight between Black Goliath and Stilt-Man, and Keith noticed that his Aunt Celia Jackson was being held hostage by Stilt-Man. Keith ran into the fight and helped Celia get to safety, then Black Goliath disappeared when he was hit with Stilt-Man's Z-Ray. (Black Goliath#5 (fb) - BTS) - Celia and Keith landed with Black Goliath on the distant planet of Kirgar, where he had to use his powers to shield them from a deadly dust storm as they sought to get to shelter. They collapsed in sleep. (Black Goliath#5) - Celia and Black Goliath woke up when Keith screamed, and they saw the alien Derath standing nearby. Derath adapted to the English language, then revealed his origins. Derath built skin-tight suits with a machine to help protect Celia and Keith from the elements. Derath brought them to a crystal pyramid full of technology, connected to the ancient civilization of the A'askvarii. Inside they found technology that they began repurposing to get them back to Earth. --Black Goliath#4 (Black Goliath#4, [5 (fb)], 5 |
images: (without ads)
Black Goliath#5, p6, pan8 (main)
Black Goliath#2, p9, pan1 (face)
Black Goliath#5, p4, pan6 (Keith)
Black Goliath#2 (April, 1976) - Chris Claremont (writer), George Tuska (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Black Goliath#4 (August, 1976) - Chris Clarement (writer), Rich Buckler (penciler), Don Heck (inker), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Black Goliath#5 (November, 1976) - Chris Claremont (writer), Keith Pollard (artist), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Marvel Two-in-One I#85 (March, 1982) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Ron Wilson (penciler), Chic Stone (inker), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Marvel Two-in-One I#96 (February, 1983) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Ron
Wilson (penciler), Mike Esposito (inker), Linda Grant (editor)
First Posted: 09/29/2021
Last updated: 09/28/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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