(see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Sominus) demon (Class III)
Occupation: Demon-Lord
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Dark Lords (Eeyod, Hemuth, Koth, Zepharr), the (Death) Guild (Delfine Jones/Hemuth reincarnation, Colleen Mulgrew, Taro, Tong, others unidentified; formerly David Trepper/Koth reincarnation)
Enemies: Ath'Agaar and his reincarnations (an Amerindian warrior, a Samurai, a Hun, a
Known Relatives: Zhered-Na may be the literal or figurative daughter or granddaughter of Kaok
Aliases: Lord of Sominus
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
last seen in the Void Indigo astral plane;
at least formerly Sominus
First Appearance: (Referenced/behind-the-scenes; Eye of Kaok seen) Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (1984)
Powers/Abilities: Kaok is a demon-lord of great power. Able to grant great power to others and sometimes doing so via human sacrifice, Kaok's abilities are undefined.
Kaok spoke to the Dark Lords through and was the power source behind the Eye of Kaok, the destruction of which obliterated all traces of the Nine Citadels.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Red (no visible pupil)
Hair: None
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (fb) - BTS) - Kaok was the lord of the demonic realm Sominus.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (fb) - BTS) - The seed of Kaok spawned Zhered-Na in the world's black womb (see comments).
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (fb) - BTS) <Some time prior to 10,000 BC> - Nine gleaming citadels arose from desert stone and sand. Each was a kingdom unto itself, at war with all the others
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (fb) - BTS) - The Dark Lords (Eeyod, Hemuth, Koth, Zepharr), alleged survivors of Atlantis, who worshipped the demon lord Kaok, conquered all nine mighty armies with their mystic powers. From the ebon towers of their stronghold, Kur, they ruled for 1000 years.
(Void Indigo#2 (fb)) - Kaok spoke to the Dark Lords through the Living Orb.
After the Living Orb's destruction, what energy remained of Kaok's link to the material plane smoldered in the jeweled spike, waiting for the day the Dark Lords would rule again, when the soul of Ath'Agaar would be slain, and when Kaok would rise from the beyond-world to proclaim the Earth his kingdom.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (fb) - BTS) - Barbaric tribes from the "glaciated Northlands" led by the chieftain Ath'Agaar pillaged and conquered some of the enslaved cities.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (fb) - BTS) - Considering that they had weakened with age and that Kur might fall next, the Dark Lords began sacrificing their followers to Kaok: They decreed that half of the young men and young women in the five citadels still under their rule were to make a pilgrimmage to Kur. With each sacrifice, the wizards regained some small measure of their lost vigor, but they ultimately found it to be not enough, even after sacrificing thousands.
The Dark Lords subsequently ambushed and tortured Ath'Agaar and his
mate, Ren. They ultimately slew Ren, but Ath'Agaar revived despite
a jeweled spike having been driven into his brain, after which he
shattered the Dark Lords' mystic Living Orb, aka the Eye of Kaok, which unleashed a mystic vortex that destroyed the Dark Lords,
Ath'Agaar, Kur, and then the nine citadels.
The jeweled spike artifact that had destroyed the Living Orb was carried away almost 1000 miles, "nearly to the sea," and ending up in what is now New Mexico.
(Void Indigo#2 (fb) - BTS) - The (Death) Guild -- led by Taro -- sought to gather the reincarnations of the Dark Lords and summon Kaok to the mortal realm.
(Void Indigo#3 (unpublished, from Gerber's script) "SISTERS and ASSASSINS") - David Trepper -- gold medalist pentathlete and the reincarnation of the Dark Lord Koth -- was a member of the (Death) Guild/Cult associated with Taro, but he split the cult just before his myasthenia gravis gravis entered the terminal phase.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo - BTS) - In recent years, Jhagur -- an extraterrestrial reincarnation of Ath'Agaar who had been led to Earth by the Dark Lord Koth in hopes of ending his existence -- had taken the human identity of Mick/Mike Jagger and was working as a foreman in Santa Monica, but he went berserk when his worker Pete Mulgrew unearthed the jeweled spike; attacking Pete, "Mick" had to be beaten into submission.
(Void Indigo#1 - BTS) - The daughter of Pete Mulgrew, Colleen mystically sensed the jeweled spike, which gave her knowledge of Kaok and Zhered-Na and affected her behavior. Colleen eventually tapped into the spike's power, explosively destroying her family's house and taking on a winged form that then assaulted Jhagur. Noting itself to be of the "Beyond-World" and to be the living will and power of Kaok, the transformed Colleen leapt into Jhagur's sword, vowing to destroy him first with ecstasy and then with flame.
(Void Indigo#2 - BTS) - As Jhagur fought back against possessed Colleen, the jeweled spike pierced the nearby drug addict Peace Barwick's neck and claimed his right eye, transforming it into a new Living Orb/Eye of Kaok, and using it to blast Jhagur before vanishing with Colleen.
Taro met with the rest of the Death Guild, telling them that Kaok was free on Earth once more and had already selected his winged messenger and that soon the souls of the Dark Lords would reawaken, and the Great War would begin, the battle for dominion over Earth. He advised them that this was the last day of the their lives as ordinary men and women and that that night they would undergo the ritual of mortification, and the work of the Death Guild would begin in earnest.
(Void Indigo#3 - scripts) - At Taro's home, the cult
members underwent the ritual that
4 (unpublished, from Gerber's script "JOININGS AND AWAKENINGS" - BTS) - The cultists embarked on the program of
assassinations that was
Back in North Hollywood, one of these assassins perhaps mortally wounded Linette, who collapsed over her friend Delfine Jones,
and some of her blood
Linette's connection to Amanda saved her, and the two merged into one
being after Taro's assassin squad slew Amanda's body while Amanda was
astrally projecting to Linette.
The psychic Raka and Amanda's daughter Cosima traveled into the
Beyond-World and found
The Eye of Kaok again rose in
the sky over Los Angeles.
(Void Indigo #5-6 - scripts:
"DOMINION AND REBELLION") - Over the next several days, as the Eye
floated ominously over the
As Amanda controlled Linette's body, Raka and Cosima visited Linette in
her nightmares, noting that they were imprisoned in the Beyond-World
and that Linette could help if she, too, became a dream. Linette
subsequently separated a form from her physical body.
In the Beyond World, Linette's
presence has a profoundly
The final clash took place on the
desert, with Jhagur
When the Dark Lords carried Jhagur up into the Eye, into
Together they battled their
At last, we see Kaok in all his
monstrous glory. Kaok, of course, can't be
Here Kaok is very vulnerable, not only
to Jhagur's attacks but
Upon Kaok's death, the Eye exploded
again, spewing its substance
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber (and Val Mayerik, see below)
The script for Void Indigo#5-6 has Gerber describing Kaok thusly: I intend
Thiry-eight years later, I commissioned Val to draw Kaok as per
the script guidance, and this nasty-looking demon is what he drew. As
Val if co-creator of the Void Indigo series, if anyone can design the
character, Val can! Until it's published in a Marvel comic, handbook,
etc., it's not official, but it's good enough for the Appendix!
The Eye of Kaok is next on the list for a profile from the Void Indigo series...
Profile by Snood.
Kaok should be distinguished from:
Marvel Graphic Novel#11: Void Indigo (1984) - Steve Gerber (writer), Val Mayerik (artist), Laurie Sutton (assistant editor), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Void Indigo#1 (November, 1984) - Steve Gerber (writer), Val Mayerik (artist), Laurie Sutton (assistant editor), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Void Indigo#2 (March, 1985) - Steve Gerber (writer), Val Mayerik (artist), Laurie Sutton (assistant editor), Archie Goodwin (editor)
unpublished scripts for #3-6 (November 8, 1984) - Steve Gerber
First posted: 06/20/2022
Last updated: 08/22/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!