Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Zn'rx/Snark)
Occupation: Mercenary, warrior;
former soldier/captain/commander
Group Membership: None (although those under affiliations are an informal team)
Affiliations: Al'ti Vidua (Shi'ar; former Warbird), Maker (one of the multiversal duplicates of Reed Richards-1610), Phyllis the Kronan;
formerly (via duplicity): Future Foundation
(Bentley-23, Dragon Man, Korr, Leech, Artie Maddicks, Mik, Onome, Alex
Power, Julie Power, Tong, Turg, Vil, Wu); Lyja the Laserfist (also posing as Yondu Udonta)
Enemies: Future Foundation
(Bentley-23, Dragon Man, Korr, Leech, Artie Maddicks, Mik, Onome, Alex
Power, Julie Power, Tong, Torg, Vil, Wu); Lyja the Laserfist (who
officially joined the Future Foundation after this story)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None (impersonated by Lyja the Laserfist)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
formerly L'ar Gath Five prison;
presumably originally from a subterranean location on planet Ria, star system Krona, Milky Way
First Appearance: (Unidentified) Future Foundation#1 (October, 2019);
(identified) Future Foundation#2 (November, 2019)
Powers/Abilities: Due to his large Snark form, Kl'rath is stronger than the average human, lifting at least 400 lbs.
Like other Snarks, he has some degree of superhuman longevity (longer than human lifespan).
He was hatched from an egg and is poikilothermic ("cold blooded"); sluggish in cold weather, intense cold can force hibernation and death with prolonged exposure.
Generally bipedal, he can run on all fours for increased speed.
A savage warrior, he is a skilled and experienced starship pilot.
He uses his sharp claws and fanged teeth in combat, and he will also feast upon victims. He occasionally uses bladed weapons, such as daggers or an axe-like weapon.
He appears to have some sort of metal covering over his tail tip, which he can presumably use as a blunt weapon.
Height: Unrevealed (Snarks average 8' tall and 11' long from snout to tip of tail, which seemed about right for Kl'rath)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Yellow (Snarks are typically shown as having red eyes)
Hair: None
Skin: Green (scaled)
Foundation#4 (fb))
- Kl'rath was a mighty Snark commander who led his people in offensives
throughout the galaxy. He advanced to a high position by gaining a
reputation by gaining a reputation as one of the most ruthless captains
in the Snark army.
(Future Foundation#3 (fb) - BTS / Future Foundation#4 (fb)) - After the destruction of the Skrull homeworld (presumably at the hands of Galactus), Kl'rath received a report of a transport of Skrull refugees -- mostly children -- sending a distress signal. Hating Skrulls, Kl'rath ordered to fire on the ship until nothing was left.
(Future Foundation#4 (fb)) - Kl'rath's status and actions attracted powerful enemies. Branded a war criminal, he was sent to the allegedly inescapable deep space prison planet L'ar Gath Five.
(Future Foundation#2 (fb) - BTS) - Within L'ar Gath Five Kl'rath mad a number of allies: The Maker (Reed Richards-1610, or one of his multiversal counterparts), Phyllis the Kronan, and the former Shi'ar Warbird Al'ti Vidua.
(Future Foundation#1) - Having detected Reed Richards amongst the prisoners on L'ar Gath Five, the Future Foundation broke into his cell to free him.
The prisoner turned out to be Reed Richards-1610, aka the Maker, who
was flanked by Phyllis, Kl'rath, and Al'ti.
Comments: Created by Jeremy Whitley, Will Robson, and Daniele Orlandini.
As Al'ti called Reed-1610 "captain," I would think that she, at least, and likely Phyllis and Kl'rath, was/were part of his crew before getting imprisoned on L'ar Gath Five.
Profile by Snood.
Kl'rath should be distinguished from:
Future Foundation#1 (October, 2019) - Jeremy Whitley (writer), Will Robson (penciler/inker), Daniele Orlandini (inking assistance), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Future Foundation#2 (November, 2019) - Jeremy
Whitley (writer), Will Robson & Paco Diaz
(pencilers/inkers), Daniele Orlandini (inking assistance), Sarah
Brunstad (editor)
Future Foundation#3 (December, 2019) - Jeremy
Whitley (writer), Will Robson & Paco Diaz
(artists), Sarah
Brunstad (editor)
Future Foundation#4 (January, 2020) - Jeremy
Whitley (writer), Alti Firmansyah
(artist), Sarah
Brunstad (editor)
First posted: 05/29/2022
Last updated: 05/29/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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