Real Name: Leroy Hayes
Identity/Class: Human (1930s era)
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Teddy Durrance
Enemies: Christina Lawrence, Madam Angela, other unidentified vampires of Madame Angela's brothel
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Harlem, uptown Manhattan, NYC
First Appearance: Vampire Tales#2/6 (Oct. 1973)
Powers/Abilities: Leroy Hayes displayed no particular skills or abilities before he was slain by the vampires of Madam Angela's brothel. Given his size, it seems reasonable that he might have been capable of taking care of himself in a scuffle against foes who weren't supernaturally powerful, but with at least five vampires attacking simultaneously he stood no chance.
Height: 5'11" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed - likely brown
Hair: Unrevealed - likely black
History: (Vampire Tales#2/6 (fb)) - In the early 1930s Leroy Hayes lived in Harlem. One night, while drinking in a bar with friends including Teddy Durrance, Leroy was bet that he wouldn't risk heading downtown into a white neighborhood to use the services of Madam Angela's brothel, fully aware that some who resided in those parts of the city would gleefully deliver a beating to any African American they caught in "their" territory, and would outright murder him if they realized he intended to sleep with a white woman. Just drunk enough to be full of bravado and irked by Teddy's mocking, Leroy took the bet and headed south, out of the comparative safety of Harlem.
(Vampire Tales#2/6) -
As he headed downtown the cool night
air began to bring Leroy to his senses, and he started to second guess
his decision. At the steps outside Madam Angela's townhouse he
hesitated and nearly bolted, but recalling Teddy's mockery steeled his
resolve and he headed up the steps, unaware that he was about to enter
a den of vampires. Madam Angela greeted him at the door, then let him
in when one of the girls, Christina offered to spend some time with
him, promising to warm his blood. Chuckling at the hidden meaning
behind the comment, Madam Angela retorted with amusement that
Christina was an absolutely wicked girl, then told her to have her way
with their new client.
Taking him to her room, she promised the nervous man he had
nothing to fear from her, and lured him into embracing her, at which
point she bit him. As he recoiled in shock and pain she laughed at his
sudden terror, then stepped back as her sister vampires rushed into the
room, some halfway transformed into bats, to join Christina in feasting.
(Vampire Tales#2/6 - BTS) - They drained Leroy of all his blood, and disposed of his corpse by dumping it in a warehouse on the wharves, locking the door from the inside before presumably exiting in another form, leaving a locked room mystery to confuse the authorities
(Vampire Tales#2/6) - Leroy's body was soon found and the police called in private detective Hodiah Twist for assistance. Noting multiple shades of lipstick around Leroy's wounds, Twist deduced that Leroy's assailant had been a deranged woman.
Comments: Created by Don McGregor (writer) and Rich Buckler (penciller) and Carlos Garzon & Klaus Janson (inkers).
Profile by Loki, expanding on the sub-profile first written by Jean-Marc Lofficier for the Hodiah Twist entry.
Leroy Hayes should not be confused with
images: (without ads)
Vampire Tales#2/6, page 61, panel 4
Vampire Tales#2/6, page 61, panel 5 (Leroy headshot)
Vampire Tales#2/6, page 62, panel 5-6
(bitten by Christina)
Tales#2/6, page 62, panel 7 (attacked by the vampires)
Vampire Tales#2/6, page 63,
panel 8 (corpse examined by Hodiah Twist)
Vampire Tales#2/6 (October, 1973) -
Don McGregor (writer), Carlos Garzon (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks),
Roy Thomas (editor)
First Posted: 10/24/2021
Last updated: 10/24/2021
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