Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Skrull)
Occupation: Gangster, warpjacker
Group Membership: Don Scarpone's mob (Ratzo,
Robot-Face, Don
Scarpone, others), leader of his own band of warpjackers (Ratzo,
Robot-Face, others)
Affiliations: Don Scarpone's mob, his own band
of warpjackers
Enemies: Ritchie Redwood, the
Shi'ar, Smasher (Izzy Kane), U.S. Avengers (Roberto Da Costa,
Enigma/Aikku Jokinen, Dr. Toni Ho, Red Hulk/Robert Maverick, Squirrel Girl/Doreen
Green, Tippy-Toe)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout space near the Kral system
First Appearance: U.S. Avengers I#11 (December, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: Like all Skrulls, Little Rico possesses the ability to change his shape at will, though he typically prefers to take the form of a 1920s-era American human gangster.
Little Rico carries small energy
blasters modeled after the guns used by American film gangsters of the
1920s and these blasters can be set to either stun or kill targets. He
also travels through space in a spaceship modeled after an old-time
American automobile of the gangster era. This ship is equipped for
space travel and can withstands the pressures of space as well as
provide oxygen to the passengers inside. It is also equipped with
communication and transporter technology to allow Rico to speak with
neighboring spacecraft and transport himself to other locations,
Height: Unrevealed (often disguised as
approximately 5'3")
Weight: Unrevealed (often disguised as approximately 127 lbs.)
Eyes: Green (often disguised as brown)
Hair: None (often disguised as brown)
(U.S. Avengers I#11 (fb) - BTS) - Little Rico was a Skrull warpjacker
who led a group of 1920s American gangster-themed Skrulls in traveling
the in-betweens of space, clustering around shipping lanes in hopes of
pirating the spaceships they encountered.
(U.S. Avengers I#11) - When
the U.S. Avengers team
traveled into space with the help of the Shi'ar in search of their
missing teammate Cannonball, their ship was attacked by Little Rico and
his men. Announcing that he didn't care for the Shi'ar around those
parts, Rico introduced himself as Don Scarpone's right-hand man and
proclaimed that the U.S. Avengers had to either be the law or with the
"lousy doity stinky cheaty rat" Ritchie Redwood. He then announced his
intent to fill the U.S. Avengers "fulla lead." Moments later, Little
Rico and his men transported onto the U.S. Avengers' ship and began
firing, ordering his men to keep their weapons on stun, as their boss
wanted the Shi'ar alive. The U.S. Avengers' Roberto Da Costa and Shi'ar
Imperial Guard's Smasher leaped into battle against Little Rico's men
as the rest of the U.S. Avengers watched the battle from afar,
marveling at the concept of 1920s American gangster pirates in space.
The Red Hulk soon entered the fray as well, forcing the rest of the
U.S. Avengers to join him. When the Red Hulk decapitated Jimmy
Robot-Face, Little Rico and the rest of his men focused their fire on
the Red Hulk. Squirrel Girl and Enigma soon phased up through the floor
and defeated two gangsters while Da Costa personally took care of
Little Rico. Terrified, Little Rico muttered "Mother a'mercy! Is this
the end of Little Rico?" before Da Costa was interrupted by Smasher,
who received readings that Cannonball had lost consciousness.
Still being held up by Da Costa, Little Rico glanced over at the computer screen displaying Cannonball's vitals and recognized the coordinates as the planet of Glenbrook. Da Costa warned that if Cannonball was hurt because the U.S. Avengers had wasted time fighting Little Rico but he was interrupted mid-sentence by Squirrel Girl, who asked Rico to help them by providing more information on Glenbrook. Claiming he wasn't usually a stoolie, Rico agreed to provide information in an effort to bring Glenbrook the kind of grief he had just experienced and he revealed that Glenbrook's true name was Kral X. He then continued, informing the U.S. Avengers that Kral X was ruled by the "mad prince" Ritchie Redwood with a heart colder than a milkshake. He then wished the U.S. Avengers good luck in finding their teammate on a planet like Glenbrook.
Comments: Created by Al Ewing and Paco Diaz.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Little Rico should be distinguished from:
--U.S. Avengers I#11 |
--U.S. Avengers I#11d |
--(mentioned) U.S.
Avengers I#11; (fully seen): U.S. Avengers I#12 (U.S. Avengers I#12
(fb), U.S. Avengers I#11 - BTS, |
U.S. Avengers I#11 (December, 2017) - Al Ewing (writer), Paco Diaz
(art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First posted: 04/17/2023
Last updated: 04/17/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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