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Real Name: Llrrllllnnllyyrrl

Identity/Class: Mental construct, native of the Beyonder's Battleworld

Occupation: Empress;
    former scullery maid

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Thing (Ben Grimm)

Enemies: Takers, Ultron XI

Known Relatives: Grimm the Sorcerer (creator)

Aliases: 'The Empress'

Base of Operations: Battleworld

First Appearance: Thing I#11 (May, 1984)

Powers/Abilities: Llrrllllnnllyyrrl was a determined, power hungry alien female with strong desires and the willingness to go to great lengths to achieve her goals. 

    Despite her diminutive stature, she was coy, cunning and not afraid to resort to bribery or violence.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 1'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 80 lbs.)
Eyes: Black

(Thing I#22 (fb) - BTS) - Grimm the Sorcerer, an aspect of Ben Grimm's subconscious fueled by the reality altering properties of Battleworld, partly gained sentience and concocted a bizarre plot against his "creator," Ben Grimm. Desiring the death of the Thing, the Sorcerer figured the best way to kill his monstrous other half was to revive Ultron XI. The invulnerable robot had lost its body during the events known as the Secret Wars and was left for dead. Grimm began to exert his control over reality to set in motion a chain of events that would ensure Ultron's return.

(Thing I#21 (fb) - BTS) - Llrrllllnnllyyrrl fell in love with Ultron XI. Sharing the robot's goals of conquest and power, she planned to marry him and rule the planet at his side. As her dowry for the upcoming nuptials, she received Ultron's decapitated head.

(Thing I#22 - BTS) - Grimm the Sorcerer "dreamed up" the Takers, a diminutive race of airborne scavengers and pickpockets that would swoop down on their flying beasts to grab what they could before returning to their roost at the top of giant silver tower. As part of the story, Grimm also created Llrrllllnnllyyrrl, a woman who 16 years ago lost her dowry when the Takers stole it. She had followed them to the city that had sprung up around their tower but was unable to reach the top. She worked as a lowly scullery maid in one of the city's bars.

(Thing I#11 (fb) - BTS) - Eager to reach the top, Llrrllllnnllyyrrl one day found one of the Takers' flying beasts alone and hurt in the desert. She took the creature, nursed it back to health but didn't dare fly it herself.

(Thing I#11) - When the Takers robbed Ben Grimm of the device he needed to leave Battleworld, he chased them all the way to the silver tower. In the city, Llrrllllnnllyyrrl spotted him and made his acquaintance. After partially explaining her origins, she offered him the use of the flying beast if he would force the Takers to return her dowry. Ben Grimm agreed, and she saw him off after briefly telling him how to fly his new steed.

(Thing I#11 - BTS) - The flying beast took Ben Grimm to the lair of the Takers who were most impressed to see him. Their legends foretold the coming of an outsider who would be the first ever to reach them. This outsider was to be named their ruler, the king of thieves. Ben accepted the title and used his newly gained influence to order the Takers to return Llrrllllnnllyyrrl's stolen dowry or else they would feel his wrath. The Takers were willing, but since they kept no records of all their bounty, locating something they took 16 years ago would not be an easy or quick task.

(Thing I#13) - After some searching, the Takers flew down to the city to locate Llrrllllnnllyyrrl who was stunned to be approached by the near mythical band of robbers. They ever so politely presented her with what they believed was her dowry. Llrrllllnnllyyrrl had to disappoint them: the golden bauble wasn't what they'd taken from her. Perturbed, the sky-riding Takers vowed to try again.

(Thing I#15 - BTS) - The Takers continued searching their stolen goods and considered numerous items as Llrrllllnnllyyrrl's dowry, their task was made increasingly more difficult because they had forgotten its description. In the end, they decided on a Tantorian P-Z Lanta, a powerful sentient rifle that could teleport itself to nearby, strong opponents.

(Thing I#15) - Llrrllllnnllyyrrl was stunned when the Takers handed her the, comparatively, giant weapon. It wasn't even close to her dowry, but as she held it and experienced its power, she concluded that "this magnificent gun" is the only thing on this world that could possibly stop her "big orange friend." As if on cue, the P-Z Lanta teleported itself away, leaving Llrrllllnnllyyrrl empty handed and the Takers to vow they'd look for her dowry once more.

(Thing I#18 - BTS) - The Takers brought Llrrllllnnllyyrrl up to their sky vault so she could be close at hand when they finally located her dowry.

(Thing I#18) - Llrrllllnnllyyrrl grew exasperated with the clumsy Takers who dutifully presented her with all kinds of trash in the hopes of it being her desired dowry. Their repetitive cycle of unearthing disappointment was interrupted by the vision of a beautiful lady (secretly Grimm the Sorceror in disguise) who wanted to know if the sky riding Takers had recently spotted a caravan with a small child headed for Muab. When they hadn't, the vision vanished, leaving the Takers to believe the experience portended the coming of dark days.

(Thing I#19 - BTS) - The Takers' repeated visits made Llrrllllnnllyyrrl a well known and respected figure in the city. No longer forced to work as a kitchen maid, she enjoyed a status of undreamed celebrity.

(Thing I#19) - Despite the Takers' best efforts, they continued to come up short when it came to locating Llrrllllnnllyyrrl's dowry. On one of their visits to the surface, they proudly had her unveil a pile of melted slag. Taken aback, she once again had to tell them this was not what they'd stolen from her.

(Thing I#20 - BTS) - Many visits by the Takers followed, but with equally disappointing results. Llrrllllnnllyyrrl grew tired and fed up with their constant bumbling even as their pile of stolen baubles, trinkets and knickknacks began to dwindle.

(Thing I#20) - Annoyed and short tempered, Llrrllllnnllyyrrl met with one of the Takers who had brought one of the last items they'd ever consider as her possible dowry. Through the wrapping, she could already see it was what she had desired. Quickly tearing off the paper, she defiantly held the grinning head of Ultron XI aloft, proclaiming the world would soon tremble at her feet.

(Thing I#21 - BTS) - Using Ultron's hypnotic encephalo-beams to dominate those around her, Llrrllllnnllyyrrl assumed the role of empress. She had the Takers and the inhabitants of Silver Tower City do her bidding, ordering them to build a giant cathedral in honor of Ultron. She also had them construct massive foundries that rebuilt its adamantium body as well as massive robot armies.

(Thing I#21) - Believing Ultron was her beloved and that she would rule Battleworld by his side, empress Llrrllllnnllyyrrl mercilessly flogged the crowds, urging them to work harder. When she received word that final work on Ultron's body had been completed, she led her people in a sacred procession towards the cathedral where she reunited the villain's head with his newly formed body. Ultron greeted his savior, claiming he had mentally influenced her via long distance to aid him (see comments). Llrrllllnnllyyrrl asked her master for her reward, which the killer robot was more than willing to supply. He instantly vaporized his savior, claiming he had gifted her with oblivion.

(Thing I#22 - BTS) - After Llrrllllnnllyyrrl's death, Ultron took over her little kingdom and quickly began to conquer Battleworld with his robot armies. At the same time, Ben Grimm had his final confrontation against Grimm the Sorcerer who revealed how he had manipulated events, including Llrrllllnnllyyrrl and Ultron XI. When Ben Grimm's warrior companion Tarianna killed Grimm the Sorcerer, all his manipulations were instantly undone. As a result, Ultron's armies and even the body Llrrllllnnllyyrrl had built for him vanished.

Comments: Created by John Byrne, Ron Wilson, Joe Sinnott.

Llrrllllnnllyyrrl's quest for her dowry was one of the weirder plot elements of the Thing's extended stay on Battleworld... And that's saying something. The fluid state Battleworld post Secret Wars made Ben Grimm's adventures feel almost dream like. The strangest stuff happened that no one batted an eye at. In the case of Llrrllllnnllyyrrl: just how can her dowry have been Ultron's head, stolen sixteen years ago when the entire planet was less than a month old and Ultron didn't even exist 16 years ago.

It's always a nice twist to have characters that start out as an innocent victim of circumstance turn out to be even bigger monsters. It's just a bit of a shame Llrrllllnnllyyrrl, and everything else on Battleworld, was just a figment of the Thing's imagination... Shows you just how dark and, pardon the pun, grimm Ben can be.

Ultron incorrectly believes he was the one who used Battleworld's reality altering, wish granting properties to make Llrrllllnnllyyrrl do his bidding. If that were the case, his body and armies wouldn't have vanished after Grimm the Sorcerer's death. All of it, including all that charming nonsense with the Takers and their dowry, was the Sorcerer's doing. 

    This profile was completed 8/9/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Norvo.

Llrrllllnnllyyrrl should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
Thing I#20, p13, pan3 (main image)
Thing I#11, p10, pan1 (stalks Ben Grimm)
Thing I#15, p12, pan3 (holds the P-Z Lanta)
Thing I#19, p8, pans3,4 (but but but)
Thing I#21, p11, pans3&5 (lashes her people)
Thing I#21, p13, pans4&5 (gets her ultimate reward)

The Thing I#11 (May, 1984) - John Byrne (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Bob Budiansky (editor)
Thing I#13 (July, 1984) - John Byrne (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Bob Budiansky (editor)
Thing I#15 (September, 1984) - Mike Carlin (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Bob Budiansky (editor)
Thing I#18 (December, 1984) - Bob Harras (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Mike Carlin (editor)
Thing I#19 (January, 1985) - John Byrne (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Mike Gustovich (inks), Mike Carlin (editor)
Thing I#20 (February, 1985) - John Byrne (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Mike Gustovich (inks), Mike Carlin (editor)
Thing I#21 (March, 1985) - John Byrne (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Mike Carlin (editor)
Thing I#22 (April, 1985) - John Byrne (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Mike Carlin (editor)

First Posted: 09/09/2021
Last updated: 09/07/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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