Real Name: Loomis (presumably her surname, with her first name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Alternate
Reality (Reality-8116) extraterrestrial (Altarixian) civilian;
extratemporal (approximately 1 million A.D.)
Occupation: Physician
Group Membership: Unspecified medical facility/group
Affiliations: Syzygy Darklock, Sister Marian, unidentified nurse;
presumably Dr. Hoggarth;
Enemies: None known
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unidentified medical facility, planet Altarix, Empirical galaxy
First Appearance: "The Price," Eclipse Graphic Album Series#5 (1981) - see comments
Powers/Abilities: Dr. Loomis is a physician, specializing in cybernetics.
She wore dark glasses indoors, which would seem to indicate that her eyes were sensitive to light.
She was aware of but cared little for Syzygy Darklock's occult activities.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'4"; some images make her appear a little taller vs. a little shorter than Sister Marian)History:
("The Price" - BTS) - Seeking the power to confront Taurus Killgaren, who had arranged the death of his brother, Ajar'l, the Lord High Bishop Syzygy Darklock coerced Killgaren's demon-servant Bialgesuard to lead him to the Eye of the Gods, the entrance to the 11th level of reality in which the gods stored their reserves of mystic energy.("The Price" - BTS) - Syzygy's confidante, Sister Marian found his severely injured form and delirious form.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - Sister Marian summoned medical help, and Syzygy was taken to a hospital, where pain medication administered by Dr. Hoggarth allowed his magical energies to heal and strengthen his body.Additionally, Darklock actually grew one half meter in body height and swiftly seemed stronger than ever.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - When cybernetics expert Dr. Loomis arrived to see Darklock, the nurse reported this to him.
("The Price") - As Dr. Loomis approached Darklock's room carrying a large case, Sister Marian, who had stepped outside, glared at her, disapprovingly.
replace his Syzygy's eye, Dr. Loomis installed an optical scanner,
which was -- at least according to her -- the best on the market: It's
range included infrared, ultraviolet, and certain bands of radiation.
It originally protruded significantly, but she noted that they could
set the assembly directly into his eye socket later.
She then placed an arm, also the latest model, which duplicated every muscle and nerve need, and she felt it would not get in the way of his casting spells "or whatever it is you do."
Finally, she placed the legs, which were of ardimanium construction and had a government rating of 450 H.B.S. force value. She further noted that they would allow him to outrun and outjump a Lorterian panther.
When she noted that it would take her a couple weeks to get the skin covering for all of these units. Syzygy told her that the skin covering was not necessary for what he needed to do...and, he considered that it was probably better that way.
As Syzygy soon stood before Dr. Loomis and Sister Marian, she told him she would put the skins on order and that he could come for them at his convenience. Syzygy thanked her and told her that she knew where to send her bill.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Loomis subsequently departed.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - Syzygy may or may not have eventually received the skins from Dr. Loomis (see comments)..
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.
Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer
Dreadstar was a licensed character/title created by Jim Starlin starting way back with the Metamorphosis Odyssey in Epic Illustrated#1 in the Spring of 1980. The Metamorphosis Odyssey started around the modern era and affected Earth, but then swiftly destroyed the entire Milky Way galaxy and then moved on like a million years in the future. Dreadstar eventually got his own series under the Epic imprint, but Starlin later took the whole shebang over to First Comics. And in 1994, it was published under the imprint of Bravura, a creator-owned division of Malibu comics. He appeared sometime later in issues #5-7 of the Breed III series (published by Image. And, there's been talk of a Dreadstar television show...
Still that earlier Marvel connection allows
me to place this reality in the fringes of the Marvel Megaverse.
Peter David took over the writing around issue#31 or so, but
Starlin remained the owner. At any rate, from start to finish, it is the best
series I've ever read, period! I'd love to see it continued, by Starlin, David,
or both!
It is noteworthy to consider that everything from the last chapter of the Metamorphosis Odyssey and everything thereafter (including the Price) takes place 1 million years after Aknaton used the Infinity Horn to destroy the entire Milky Way galaxy to eliminate the threat of the Zygoteans.
Ardimanium is, I believe, a fictional material.
Is the 450 H.B.S. a real unit of measure, or is that fictional, too?
Syzygy is still shown in his bandages after being
further empowered by Slytis and as he departs Altarix for Caldor, but
after a few weeks there, he encounters Vanth Dreadstar, at which point
he had skin over his body, although still without an external nose (his
nasal passages and septum are visible) and with some missing lip, so
that his gums and teeth are visible.
I don't
think it is confirmed whether he just healed himself as best he could
or whether he did receive skin grafts from Dr. Loomis.
The Price was originally published in black and white in Eclipse
Graphic Album Series #5 (1981). It was reprinted, with colorized artwork, in Dreadstar
Annual#1 (1983) by Epic (the licensed characters/stories division of Marvel).
Profile by Snood.
Dr. Loomis should be distinguished from:
"The Price," Eclipse Graphic
Album Series#5 (1981) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist); I don't know who
edited it; reprinted in Epic's Dreadstar Annual#1 (1983) it credited Jo
Duffy (associate editor) and Archie Goodwin (editor)
First posted: 12/21/2022
Last updated: 12/21/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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