Real Name: Melloncamp (first name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human scientist
Occupation: Scientist
Group Membership: Possibly Deterrence Research Corporation (DRC; see comments)
Affiliations: Freaks (Gorilla Girl/Fahnbulla Eddy, Muck Monster, Six)
Enemies: Hammer (Leroy Jackson) & Anvil (Johnny Anvil)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance:
Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2 (December, 1991)
Powers/Abilities: Dr. Melloncamp is highly
intelligent, and she has the knowledge and experience to rebuild or
replace highly-advanced extraterrestrial technology, specifically the
Glx-created energy synthecon of Hammer and Anvil.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
(Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2 (fb) - BTS) - Dr.
Melloncamp "and her fancy gizmos" rebuilt the energy synthecon,
restoring Hammer and Anvil's powers and allegedly saving their lives.
Comments: Created by Scott Lobdell, Dan Slott, Mark Pacella, and Dan Panosian.
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil entry noted that the DRC repaired the synthecon after Spider-Man had shattered it, while the subsequent Marvel Tales I#256/2 story stated the Dr. Melloncamp had restored the the synthecon. Since Hammer and Anvil were working for the DRC in both the stories before and after Marvel Tales I#256, it makes logical since that Dr. Melloncamp worked for the DRC.
Apparently the last time the synthecon was rebuilt, it linked their life forces...
This profile was completed 02/14/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Dr. Melloncamp should be distinguished from:
Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2, pg. 2, panel 6 (face);
pg. 4, panel 1 (Synthecon surround neck);
pg. 5, panel 5 (full body)
Marvel Tales (II) Featuring Spider-Man#256/2 (December, 1991) - Scott
Lobdell (plot), Dan Slott (script), Mark Pacella (penciler), Dan
Panosian (inker), Kelly Corvese (editor)
First posted: 09/25/2021
Last updated: 09/24/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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