Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Sakaarian native)
Occupation: Former king, patriarch, and guardian of his hive
Group Membership: His hive
Affiliations: Formerly Angmo the First (aka Father Emperor);
formerly Sakaarian Imperial Guard (Headman Charr)
Enemies: Red King (Angmo-Asan), Sakaarian Imperial Guard (Headman Charr), Spikes
Known Relatives: Miek (son); other children (some deceased);
hybrid Sakaarian Natives-Brood (grandchildren)
Aliases: "Bug" (a derogatory name for all Natives)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly land within "1000 spans" of Crown City, presumably in the Imperia province, planet Sakaar, Tayo system, Fornax galaxy
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk III#96 (July, 2006)
Miek's father was large and strong, perhaps lifting somewhere between 1
- 40 tons (the latter being Miek's estimated strength, as his father
was not shown in action to quantitate his strength), with spikey,
armored carapace granting him superhuman durability (although it was
not able to protect him from powerful energy weapons and/or cannons
used simultaneously by multiple Imperial Guardsmen).
He could “chem” with other insectoids, communicating via transmission of chemical pheromones in a manner akin to telepathy, facilitated by paired antennae.
He had four arms (relatively small in diameter) with three spikes on each forearm, each apparently with three fingers and a thumb.
He had digitigrade-like legs, with prominent tarsi, with two toes in contact with the ground.
Although possessing separate hemimandibles typically of many insects, he also possessed an inner, fused mandible typically of mammals and reptiles, as well as teeth in both his maxilla and inner mandibles.
He was an experienced warrior, proficient with a spear and a shield.
He previously possessed a smaller, hiveling form after developing from a grub-like larva, and small pupa stage.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'6" to 7')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 650 lbs.)
Eyes: Solid yellow (likely possessed a visible pupil in hiveling phase)
Hair: None
Hulk III#96 (fb) - BTS / Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook#1: Sakaar: The Natives:
History, Culture & Society (fb) - BTS) - A Sakaarian native, Miek's father (see comments) was one of
the few to advance to the "king stage" and become ruler of his
Presumably following the death of his father, also a "king," he entered into a second, shorter pupae stage, creating a protective cocoon that housed his body as his cells underwent another extreme change in function. The glands within his brain began producing steroids on a much larger scale (or perhaps stimulating his adrenal glands to produce those steroids?) as he developed a spiky, armor-like chitinous carapace, longer mandibles, clawed phalanges, and a much greater overall body mass.
When he emerged from his cocoon, he was presumably immediately recognized as the hive's new king.
(Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook#1: Sakaar: The Natives: History, Culture & Society (fb) - BTS) <509 Post> - Angmo I sent delegates to the various Native hives with an offer of alliance: If the Natives agreed to fight alongside the Imperial Guard in the Spike Wars, he would grant them the land they inhabited by royal decree. Many of the Hive kings, weary from years of skirmishes with Imperials, readily accepted the offer and enlisted their hives. Although not technically members of the Imperial Guard, these special Native units (aka "Bug Brigades") were instrumental in several key battles.
(Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook#1: Sakaar: The Natives: History, Culture & Society (fb) - BTS) - After the Spikes' banishment, although Angmo I detested the Natives, whom he considered to be an inferior species, he nonetheless respected their service int he war and honored his deal with them for the most part.
Hulk III#96 (fb) - BTS) - A veteran in the Spike Wars, this king was allotted land within 1000 "spans" of the capital.
(Incredible Hulk III#96 (fb)) - As the king greeted his newly hatched son, Miek, he was confronted by Charr, flanked by multiple similarly Imperial Guardsmen, all astride robotic steeds, who called out to him with the derogatory, "Bug." Miek's father peacefully greeted Charr, noting "Hail the emperor, may his deeds be forever exalted."
Charr then told Miek's father that he had not been approved for
reproduction and that the land had been
requisitioned by the Red King. Replying that they knew each other ,
Miek's father recounted his past service to the Empire in the Spike
Wars and noted that he had been granted the land by royal decree.
Charr informed him that the previous royal decree was a mistake; the new law was that no Native may hold land within a thousand spans of the capital, and that Miek's father could walk away or die.
When Miek cried out, "No way!", his father asked him if he was ready to fight, and when Miek proclaimed, "Yah!" his father told him that he would rather see him live.Comments: Created by Created by Greg Pak, Aaron Lopresti, and Danny Miki.
I'm calling him Miek's father throughout the history, way before Miek's hatching, because we have no other way to identify him.
I'd like to see some more Tales of Sakaar, perhaps showing the likes of Miek's father (and giving him A NAME!) and perhaps Angmo the First against the Spikes.
A thresher is defined as a person or being that threshes (or a type of shark), which is sub-helpful, but thresh is a verb with a couple definitions.
I would think that means that they were used as servants in farming and threshing whatever wheat-like plants were present on Sakaar, but perhaps it just meant that they were beaten with a flail to force their compliance.
This profile was completed 7/06/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Miek's father should be distinguished from:
after the Native children emerged from their cocoons as young
hivelings, their father was confronted by Headman Charr and a number of
other Imperial Guardsmen who notified them that he had not been
approved for reproduction and therefore his brood were forfeit. Their father voiced his defiance, but even his powerful king form was no match for their powerful energy weapons, which slew him and then his brood (and apparently all of the adult Natives in that Hive), with the exception of Miek, who hid in the bushes and subsequently escaped. --Incredible Hulk III#94?; 96 I'm looking into things and will most likely remove this sub-profile. I had forgotten that some of them survived. |
Incredible Hulk III#96, pg. 12, panel 2 (skull);
pg. 13, panel 8 (thighs up);
panel 9 (bonding with Miek);
pg. 14, panel 1 (full profile; confronted by Charr, etc.);
panel 2 (face);
panel 4 (rear view);
panel 9 (blasted);
pg. 15, panel 1 (corpse)
Incredible Hulk III#96 (July, 2006) - Greg Pak (writer), Aaron Lopresti (penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First posted: 09/09/2021
Last updated: 09/07/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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