(of Earth-8107)
Real Name: Mordred
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
human magic
user (Age of Camelot to modern era)
Occupation: Wizard
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Darkon, assorted demons (loosely)
Enemies: Black Knight, "Flash"
Thompson, Spider-Friends (Firestar/Angelica Jones, Iceman/Bobby Drake,
Spider-Man/Peter Parker)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Land of Shade dimension;
formerly Earth
First Appearance: Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "Knights & Demons" (November 21, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: Mordred is a magic user and thus has a full range of occult abilities, including splitting himself into multiple images, casting illusions, summoning various creatures (and altering their shape), creating scrying pools within his cauldron, swapping the superhuman powers of opponents and bringing shadows to life. He mainly relies on spells and the use of demons as his agents.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 185 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Black irises with yellow sclera
Hair: Gray
History: (Spider-Man & His
Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "Knights and Demons" (fb) -BTS) -
Mordred often
battled the Black Knight. At one point, the Black Knight used his Ebony
to banish Mordred and his demon followers to the Land of Shade.
(Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode - "Knights and Demons") - Mordred sat in his
castle in the Land of Shade and mused on his banishment and the Black
role in it. He spoke to a group of demons sitting at his feet and told them of
his demon servant Darkon's impending return to life from a curse that had transformed him into a stone statue. He mentioned that as soon as
Darkon returned to life,
he would steal the Black Knight's Ebony Blade and with it, return
to Earth to wreak havoc. Mordred then peered into his cauldron and
watched the
Earth, marveling that things seemingly hadn't changed that much since
he last walked there, unaware that what he was watching was a
renaissance fair. When he saw the
heroic Spider-Friends save the statue Darkon from crashing to the ground, unaware of its true nature, Mordred marveled at the seemingly
magical beings that
walked the Earth.
After Darkon
was freed from his curse by the light of a full moon, Mordred spoke through the demon and commanded
him, using him as a vessel for his own will. Seeing "Flash" Thompson, Mordred mistook him for a knight and asked
about the Ebony
Blade. When the unknowing "Flash" couldn't answer, Mordred commanded Darkon to
smack him aside.
When the Spider-Friends intervened to rescue "Flash," Mordred countered with magic, bringing Spider-Man's shadow to life and having it attack Spider-Man. When the time-traveling Black Knight appeared on the scene looking for his apparently vanished Ebony Blade, Mordred stole the present day Ebony Blade from the museum while the Black Knight was distracted by the Spider-Friends, whom he thought were demons. He then had his demon use the Blade to slice a hole in the sky and escape to the Land of Shade.
waited at the top his castle for Darkon to return. The demon arrived
dropped the Blade in his hand. Returning inside, Mordred found
his demons
the Spider-Friends and the Black Knight via a magic mirror as they
approached the castle, having presumably traveled to the Land of Shade
to retrieve the Ebony Blade.D eciding to rid himself of the heroes before he
conquered the Earth, Mordred
appeared before them as a giant head. He started to issue a challenge
Firestar's fire disrupted his illusion. He then zapped the heroes and
them away. Mordred teleported the Black
Knight into his throne room, where Mordred proceeded to taunt his
foe about how he was going to make sure the hero would trapped in the
Land of
Shade like he had been. His demons then attacked but the Black Knight
was able to fight
them off. Mordred then summoned a giant two headed snake. When the
snake entwined itself around the Black Knight, Mordred changed the
snake into a
massive chain, causing the hero to sink to the floor as the wizard
Returning to his
throne room, Mordred spoke to his demons, ordering them to gather their
and meet him back at the castle, as he was about to open a pathway to
Earth. When
the demons assembled, Mordred spoke to them from a parapet. With Darkon
next to him, Mordred mounted the demon and waved the Ebony Blade
With the
freed Spider-Friends and the Black Knight attacking, Mordred sliced
open a hole in
the sky and flew to Earth. While still flying, he
battled with the Spider-Friends and the Black Knight
but the heroes ended up magically banishing him back to the Land of Shade before his arrival on Earth, causing Mordred to drop the Ebony Blade.
Comments: Created by Donald F. Glut and Marvel
Productions, Ltd. (see Appearances list for list of artists involved).
Stephenson was the credited voice actor for Mordred. Stats are from his
616 counterpart.
Profile by David Lawrence.
Earth-8107's Mordred has no known connections to:
Darkon was one of Mordred's demon servants. He had been
into stone via unrevealed means and by the present day, he was being
sent to the ESU Museum
as a statue. When the pulley
carrying him broke, the heroic Spider-Friends stepped in
and saved what they thought was a statue.
His curse was lifted when the light of a full moon hit him, at which point Mordred then acted through him. He managed to steal the Ebony Blade on Mordred's orders and return to the Land of Shade, where he gave the sword to Mordred directly. He later acted as a steed for Mordred during Mordred's attempted invasion of Earth. When Mordred was banished back to the Land of Shade, Darkon turned back into stone and fell to the Earth, shattering on impact.
As a demon, Darkon could fly and breathe fire.
Other powers were
borrowed from Mordred.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Knight & Demons"
images: (without ads)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "Knights & Demons" (all images in this profile)
Spider-Man and his
Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Knights & Demons" (November
21, 1981) - Donald F.
Glut (writer), Jan Green, Rick Hoberg, Cullen Houghtaling, Larry
Sherman Labby, Will Meugniot, Dick Sebast, Bob Schaffer, Don Shepard,
Tucker, Warren Tufts (storyboards), Bruce Bennett, Norm Cabral, Dan
Neil Galloway, Greg Garcia, Gary Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth,
Heimdall, Elian Hultgren, Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Dave Sharp, Roy
Smith, Tom
Tholen, Grant Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bob Foster (layouts), Gerry Chiniquy,
Clark, John Gribbs, Donald L. Jurwich, Sid Marcus, Bob Richardson,
Nelson Shin,
Arthur Vitello (animation directors)
First Posted: 04/23/2021
Last updated: 04/23/2021
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