Real Name: Wayne Morris
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Employee of Fantastic
Foundation Gallery & Gift Shop
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Asbestos Man (Orson Kasloff), Bob, Barnaby "Bull" Brogin, Carl, Cheryl, Davis, Dorrie Evans, Hannah, Marcia Hardesty, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Lockjaw, Paul, Sally, Sofia, Sol, Sylvia, Chris Turner
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Glenville, Long Island,
New York, USA
First Appearance: Fantastic Four: Marvels
Snapshots#1 (May, 2020)
Powers/Abilities: Wayne Morris does not
possess any superhuman powers but he is quite knowledgeable about the
exploits of the Human Torch and Invisible Woman, especially the Human
Torch, whom he grew up with.
Height: 5'8" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown (presumably)
Hair: Black
History: (Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1
(fb) - BTS) - Growing up in Glenville, Long Island, Wayne Morris
occasionally hung out with Johnny Storm, who was apparently somewhat
egotistical and not well liked by everyone. After becoming the Human
Torch, Johnny Storm once accidentally lost his temper and torched
Wayne's textbooks and new shoes. Storm apologized by buying Wayne new
shoes. After high school graduation, Wayne and Johnny somewhat drifted
apart as the Human Torch had less and less time to visit his hometown
of Glenville. Wayne eventually took a job at the Fantastic Foundation
Gallery and Gift Shop, where he became quite knowledge of the Human
Torch's exploits.
(Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1) - When WNTN's
Marcia Hardesty and Chris Turner visited the Fantastic Foundation
Gallery and Gift Shop with Dorrie Evans, Wayne greeted them and gave
them a mini-tour of the museum, commenting on how it was dedicated to
both Human Torch and Invisible Woman despite Human Torch being more
closely associated with Glenville. After the tour, Marcia Hardesty
asked Wayne if he had any personal recollections he'd like to share in
their interview and Wayne shared stories of Johnny Storm's notoriously
hot-headed temper. Marcia ended the interview by asking if Wayne was
excited to see Johnny again at their 10-year high school reunion that
evening and Wayne merely replied with unenthusiastic "Yeah, I guess."
Later that evening, Wayne attended his high school reunion alongside
Hannah, Dorrie Evans and numerous other former classmates and was
present outside when Johnny Storm arrived. When Hannah commented on how
the public seemed to adore Johnny, Wayne remarked that the people
surrounded Johnny were nothing more than tourists who didn't grow up in
Glenville. Following the reunion, Wayne secretly accompanied his
classmates to a nearby beach, where Johnny Storm teleported in thanks
to Lockjaw and started a bonfire. Wayne then happily hung out with
Johnny and numerous other classmates, spending time with his friends,
petting Lockjaw and enjoying his true friendship with Johnny (as well
as with Johnny's former enemies Asbestos Man and Bull Brogin) despite
Glenville's faux public demeanor towards Johnny. Eventually, Johnny was
called away on Fantastic Four action and as he left, Wayne told Johnny
to say hi to his sister Sue and Alicia Masters for him.
Comments: Created by Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer and Benjamin Dewey.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Wayne Morris has no known connections to:
Having done two tours of military service in Afghanistan, Bob was the husband of Cheryl and he attended Johnny Storm's ten year high school reunion alongside Wayne Morris and numerous others. At the reunion, Bob drank too much and angrily confronted Johnny Storm, accusing the Fantastic Four and other superheroes of not doing enough. Some other classmates came to Johnny's defense and Cheryl ended up convincing Bob to leave Johnny Storm, suggesting she drive him home.
Carl was a classmate of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and he attended their ten-year class reunion, where he happily greeted Johnny when the hero arrived. Smiling and happy, Carl was called "Fred" by Johnny and attempted to correct Johnny, who interrupted Carl before moving on.
Carl's last name begins with a G, as Carl managed to correct Johnny Storm by saying his name was "Carl Ga--" before Johnny cut him off.
Cheryl was a former classmate of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and she attended their ten-year class reunion alongside her husband Bob. During the reunion, Bob got drunk and Cheryl attempted to calm him down but Bob angrily confronted Johnny Storm anyway. After Bob embarrassed himself, Cheryl suggested they head home and insisted she drive.
Davis was a former classmate of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and he attended their ten-year class reunion, where he was interviewed by WNTN's Marcia Hardesty and Chris Turner. During the interview, Davis laughed at the idea that Johnny Storm once thought his identity as the Human Torch was a secret when everyone in Glenville knew who he was. He then admitted he was a self-absorbed teenager but made no attempts to hide that back in the day.
Foundation Gallery & Gift Shop
The Fantastic Foundation Gallery and Gift Shop was designed and donated to Glenville, Long Island by contractor George Bentley after the Human Torch saved his business from the ruler of the Fifth Dimension. Over the years, the Fantastic Foundation acquired several pieces of history regarding Glenville's own Human Torch and Invisible Woman, many items donated by the Human Torch himself. While later being interviewed for a news piece on her hometown of Glenville, Long Island, Dorrie Evans was brought to the Fantastic Foundation Gallery and Gift Shop by her interviewer Marcia Hardesty and her cameraman Chris Turner. Inside, Dorrie, Marcia and Chris watched an animated video about the Fantastic Four's origin before employee Wayne Morris walked up, introduced himself and explained how the monitor was designed by Reed Richards. Marcia quickly asked if they could have a copy of the animated film for their news piece and Wayne said it shouldn't be a problem but he would ask Sally, who was to be coming into town for her high school reunion. Wayne then offered to give them all the mini-tour of the Gallery and Gift Shop, explaining that while the museum was dedicated to both the Human Torch and Invisible Woman, most of the action and history involved the Human Torch. Following the tour, Wayne was interviewed himself inside the Fantastic Foundation.
Hannah was a former classmate of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and she attended their ten-year class reunion, where she complained about how much publicity Johnny Storm received when he arrived at the reunion. Wayne was quick to remind her that the people adoring Johnny were nothing more than tourists and didn't grow up in Glenville.
Paul was a former classmate of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and he attended their ten-year class reunion, where he was interviewed by Marcia Hardesty about Johnny Storm. When Paul laughed at the idea of Sue Storm bringing her kid brother Johnny onto a space flight and asked where their parents were in all of that, a woman sitting at his table reminded Paul that the Storms' mother was dead and their father was in jail at the time. Paul then remarked on how much that sucked for them.
After Wayne Morris showed Marcia Hardesty, Chris
Turner and Dorrie Evans an animated video about the Fantastic Four's
origins at the Fantastic Foundation Gallery and Gift Shop, Marcia
Hardesty asked if they could get a copy of the video for use in their
news piece they were working on, to which Wayne replied that it should
be fine but he would ask Sally, a classmate of Wayne's and Johnny's, who was coming into town for their high
school reunion.
--Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1 - BTS
Sofia was a former classmate of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and she attended their ten-year class reunion, where she was interviewed by Marcia Hardesty about Johnny Storm. Sofia responded by asking why Marcia needed her to say anything about Johnny, as he would likely be more than happy to talk about himself.
Sol and Sylvia were former classmates of Wayne Morris' and Johnny Storm's and they attended their ten-year high school class reunion, where they both got slightly drunk. As the night went, Sylvia tried to get Sol up so she could get Johnny Storm's autograph but Sol reminded her that Johnny had left over an hour earlier.
Chris Turner was a camera man working for WNTN and he was assigned to work with Marcia Hardesty on a news story involving Johnny Storm and his hometown of Glenville, Long Island. As part of this assignment, Chris accompanied Marcia to pick up Johnny's former girlfriend Dorrie Evans and they took her to the Fantastic Foundation Gallery and Gift Ship, where they interviewed Wayne Morris and were given a tour of the museum. Chris then accompanied Marcia to the home of the former villain Asbestos Man, who was being cared for by fellow former villain Bull Brogin. Chris then traveled with Marcia to Johnny Storm's ten-year high school class reunion, where he filmed interviews with several of Johnny's old classmates. Following the reunion, Chris was ready to pack everything up but Marcia was suspicious of how most of the interviewees had nothing great to say about Johnny yet came to his defense when the drunken Bob confronted Johnny at the reunion. Despite Chris' protests, Marcia convinced Chris to follow the reunion goers as they secretly went to a nearby beach and they witnessed Johnny's old classmates spend real quality with Johnny in secret in an effort to protect Glenville. Deciding to drop that more interesting aspect of her story in an effort to protect Glenville's secret, Marcia left with Chris, sarcastically saying how she hated having scruples.
images: (without ads)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p10, pan1 (Wayne Morris, main
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p10, pan7 (Wayne Morris, headshot)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p17, pan6 (Wayne Morris in suit
& Hannah image)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p23, pan2 (Wayne Morris in
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p20, pan5 (Bob)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p17, pan3 (Carl Ga...)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p20, pan1 (Cheryl)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p19, pan4 (Davis)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p5, pan5
(Fantastic Foundation Gallery & Gift Shop)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p19, pan1 (Paul)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p19, pan2 (Sofia)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p22, pan1 (Sol & Sylvia)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1, p5, pan4 (Chris Turner)
Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots#1 (May, 2020) - Evan Dorkin, Sarah
Dyer (writers), Benjamin Dewey (art), Darren Shan (editor)
First Posted: 09/28/2021
Last updated: 09/28/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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