Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-982) human technology user
Occupation: Assassin
Group Membership: Formerly Special Agent Arthur Weadon's team (Big Man/Henry Pym Jr., Kaine, Raptor/Brenda Drago, Quickwire)
Affiliations: Canis, Crazy
Eight, Tony Davis, Shaky;
formerly Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
Enemies: Black Tarantula (Fabian
LaMuerto), Darkdevil (Reilly Tyne), Funny Face, Kaine, Kingpin (Wilson
Fisk), Normie Osborn, Raptor (Brenda Drago), Spider-Girl (May Parker), Spider-Man
(Gerry Drew), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Arthur Weadon;
formerly Canis
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: John Doe
Base of Operations: An abandoned building in New
York City (Earth-982);
formerly a junkyard in New York City (Earth-982);
formerly Ambience Fashions, New York City (Earth-982)
First Appearance: Spider-Girl I#1 (October, 1998)
Powers/Abilities: Mister Nobody wears a high-tech costume that allows him to teleport; he can only teleport himself and a few lightweight items, and cannot teleport a second person. After it was redesigned by Tony Davis, he could also become intangible at will. He carries two automatic firearms and gas grenades, and is proficient in their use.
Height: Unrevealed (5'11"; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed (160 lbs.; by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
(Spider-Girl I#66 (fb)) - The mysterious
Mister Nobody was a career criminal. He had plastic surgery numerous
times to disguise his appearance, and had only been arrested under the
name "John Doe".
(Spider-Girl I#1) - Working for the imprisoned Kingpin, Mister
Nobody was ordered to keep an eye on police scientist Peter Parker.
Setting up shop at Ambience Fashions, Nobody hired low-life hood Shaky
to tail Parker. Later, Shaky reported his failure to Nobody, who was
enraged - but before he could punish his underling, one of Nobody's
other men spotted a black-clad figure (Parker's super-powered daughter,
May) watching them. She made short work of Nobody's men, but with his
teleportation ability, Nobody proved more challenging. Although she was
able to dodge his gunfire, he kept teleporting away from her whenever
she tried to take the fight to him; when she closed her eyes and trusted
her spider-sense, however, she was able to anticipate his next move, and
tackled him. Soon, the police arrived, and Nobody teleported away,
leaving his men to the authorities. Later, he teleported into Ryker's
and reported his failure to the Kingpin...as well as the intervention of
the mysterious superhuman.
(Spider-Girl I#8) - Mister Nobody visited the Kingpin again, where they plotted to free the villain Crazy Eight from captivity. Later, as Crazy Eight was taken to the Queens County Courthouse, Nobody teleported in, tossed the villain his signature weapons, and held off the guards with gas grenades. As Nobody's suit was unable to teleport a second person, they had to fight their way out of the courthouse to freedom. As they neared the exit, they found Spider-Girl - who Nobody quickly surmised was the woman he'd encountered before. The two attacked her; as Spider-Girl battled Crazy Eight, Nobody teleported behind her...only to be hit from behind himself by Peter Parker. She soon got the better of both of them, forcing them to change plans - Nobody directed Crazy Eight to the exit as he planned to fire into a crowd of civilians. However, an enraged Spider-Girl attacked him and tore the teleportation circuitry from his costume, knocking him out.
(Spider-Girl I#34) - Nobody hired criminal engineer Tony Davis, former partner of Raptor, to build him a new harness; one that allowed him to become intangible. In exchange, Nobody agreed to kill Reilly Tyne, a paralegal working for the lawyer representing Raptor. He teleported in to an atrium where Tyne was meeting with Raptor, but found that Spider-Girl was there, as well. He evaded their attacks with his new intangibility power, but was unprepared for the arrival of Darkdevil and the new Spider-Man. None of them were able to touch him, but he ran out of ammunition, so he teleported away.
(Spider-Girl I#36) - Nobody met with the Kingpin in prison, where he informed him of the impending gang war with the lycanthropic Canis. He offered to attack the planned meet-up that night, but the Kinpin instead asked Nobody to contact Crazy Eight for him. The two of them attended the meet in secret, and aided Spider-Man and Spider-Girl from the shadows when they crashed the meeting.
(Spider-Girl I#37) - Nobody and Crazy Eight did some target practice at the junkyard; Nobody talked about killing Canis, Spider-Girl, and Spider-Man - but Crazy Eight insisted that nobody would threaten Canis' new lieutenant, Funny Face (who also happened to be his brother).
(Spider-Girl I#39) - Nobody visited the Kingpin, notifying him that two of their men had defected to Canis, and he'd sent Crazy Eight to eliminate them. However, he told the Kingpin that he didn't trust Crazy Eight.
(Spider-Girl I#40) - At the junkyard, Nobody berated Crazy Eight for teaming with Funny Face to attack the new Green Goblin. Later, he met with Kingpin in the prison library, telling him of Crazy Eight's divided loyalties. Next, he teleported into Canis' headquarters, where he heard Canis tell Funny Face he intended to recruit his brother. He attacked both of them, and soon Funny Face, Spider-Man, and Spider-Girl joined the fracas. Nobody drew a bead on a dazed Spider-Man, but Spider-Girl pushed him out of the way - leading Nobody to accidentally gun down Crazy Eight, instead. Realizing his mistake, he teleported away.
(Spider-Girl I#42) - Nobody reported to the Kingpin that Funny Face and his deranged mother, Angel Face, had turned on both sides of the gang war, bleeding both factions dry. The Kingpin held him responsible for the turn of events, and told him to arrange a meeting with Canis.
(Spider-Girl I#43 (fb)) - The Kingpin fired Mister Nobody, and removed him from his protection as a gesture of goodwill to Canis, giving him a severance package of ten thousand dollars.
(Spider-Girl I#43) - Nobody retreated
to his junkyard, where Darkdevil and the new Spider-Man attacked him,
having been given his address by the Kingpin's men. He incapacitated
them by firing into the gas canisters he'd concealed around the yard,
causing a number of large explosions, but
before he could finish them off, he was attacked from behind by the
original Spider-Man, knocking him out.
(Spider-Girl I#62 (fb)) - Nobody was arrested and sent to Ryker's Island prison.
(Spider-Girl I#63 (fb) / Spider-Girl I#66 (fb)) - Nobody was recruited by FBI Special Agent Arthur Weadon, who was putting together a government-sponsored strike team of imprisoned villains. However, he escaped the team and went rogue, hired by Canis to eliminate his competition so he could become the new kingpin of New York's crime.
(Spider-Girl I#61 - BTS / Spider-Girl I#66 (fb)) - In the span of a few hours, Mister Nobody used his teleportation abilities to bomb Canis' headquarters (knowing that Canis would escape), the Kingpin's prison gym, and Spider-Girl's hideout, trying to eliminate all his enemies in one fell swoop. Spider-Girl escaped injury, but the Kingpin and Darkdevil were badly wounded.
(Spider-Girl I#62) - Nobody watched from the shadows as Normie Osborn and the Green Goblin observed Spider-Girl's burning hideout. Later, he confronted Normie Osborn in the street and gunned him down.
(Spider-Girl I#63) - Nobody found Spider-Girl confronting Kaine, who she suspected was the man who'd attacked Osborn. He attacked Kaine, claiming that Kaine was responsible for the bombings and had gone rogue from Weadon's team himself. Spider-Girl grabbed his guns and tossed them away, but he teleported away to retrieve them. He returned, still claiming to have been defending Spider-Girl, but she trusted Kaine over him, and together they defeated him. Nobody teleported away, still claiming that Kaine was the killer.
(Spider-Girl I#64) - Nobody tracked down Spider-Girl, giving her the location where Kaine and his "gang" (really Weadon's team) could be found. Later, he abducted Darkdevil (who, unlike the Kingpin, had managed to survive the bombing) and took him to his hideout, where he tortured him on an electric rack.
(Spider-Girl I#65) - Nobody appeared at the Kingpin's funeral, where he planned to take out the Black Tarantula, a South American crimelord who planned to move into Fisk's territory, but Spider-Girl was on the scene disguised as a funeralgoer, as were the Tarantula's numerous bodyguards. He teleported away, but not before Spider-Girl tagged him with a spider-tracer. He returned to his hideout, planning to finish off Darkdevil, but Spider-Girl burst in. The two fought, and Nobody accidentally hit the controls for his torture device, subjecting the vigilante to electrical agony. Spider-Girl yanked the electrical cable out of the device and plunged it into Nobody's harness, shorting it out and knocking him unconscious.
(Spider-Girl I#66) - Nobody was taken to Weadon's base for interrogation; Weadon believed he was working for the Black Tarantula, but Spider-Girl soon uncovered his true employer, Canis.
Comments: Created by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Al Williamson.
Nobody was never seen unmasked, so we have no idea what he looks like - although due to his extensive plastic surgery, it wouldn't be his "real" face anyway.
This profile was completed 7/13/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Minor Irritant.
Mister Nobody has no known connections to:
(Spider-Girl I#1) - Low-level hood Shaky was hired by Mister Nobody to shadow police scientist Peter Parker, but he was ambushed and assaulted in an alley by an unknown figure - secretly Parker's daughter, May - causing him to lose his target. He fled back to Nobody's hideout, Ambience Fashions. That night, he met Nobody and his men there; Nobody was enraged at his failure, but before he could punish him, one of Nobody's men spotted a black-clad figure (May again) watching them. She attacked and defeated Nobody's men; although Nobody escaped, Shaky and the others were arrested.
--Spider-Girl I#1
images: (without ads)
Spider-Girl I#63, p17, pan1 (main image)
Spider-Girl I34, p7, pan5 (using intangibility)
Spider-Girl I#1, p16, pan 4 (original harness)
Spider-Girl I#1, p9, pan3 (Shaky)
Spider-Girl I#1 (October, 1998) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Pat Olliffe
(pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Spider-Girl I#8 (May, 1999) - Tom DeFalco
(writer), Pat Olliffe (pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Bob Harras
Spider-Girl I#34
(July, 2001) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Pat Olliffe (pencils), Al
Williamson (inks), Matt Hicks (editor)
I#36-37 (September-October, 2001) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Pat
Olliffe (pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Matt Hicks (editor)
I#39 (December, 2001) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Chris Batista
(pencils), John Livesay (inks), Matt Hicks (editor)
Spider-Girl I#40 (January,
2002) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Pat Olliffe (pencils), Al
Williamson (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Spider-Girl I#42 (March, 2002) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Ron
Frenz (pencils), John Livesay (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Spider-Girl I#43 (April,
2002) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Pat Olliffe (pencils), Al
Williamson (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
I#61-66 (August, 2003-January, 2004) - Tom DeFalco (writer),
Ron Frenz (pencils), Sal Buscema (inks), Andy Schmidt (editor)
First Posted: 09/07/2021
Last updated: 09/05/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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