Mys-Tech D.O.G.s
Discover, Observe, Gather
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Location/Base of Operations: Unidentified Mys-Tech base, presumably England, United Kingdom (even Crowe and Gryffn didn't know the location; they sought the computer mainframe and programmed it into their helicopter, which took them there) Known Members: None identified; at least four
existed; one was damaged and rendered inert, but it was not shown to be
destroyed; the other three returned to the Mys-Tech base Possessors: Mys-Tech Affiliations: Mys-Tech (specifically activated by Algernon Crowe and Bronwen Gryffn) Enemies: Dark Angel (Shevaun Haldane), X-Men (Beast/Hank McCoy, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Rogue/Anna Marie, Wolverine/James Howlett/Logan, Charles Xavier) Creator: Unrevealed; presumably unidentified Mys-Tech scientists and technicians (likely ) First Appearance: Dark Angel I#9 (April, 1993) | ![]() |
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Powers/Abilities/Functions: Mys-Tech D.O.G.s (Discover, Observe, Gather) are robots programmed to locate and capture specific targets. If engaged, they will fight back against any attackers. If their sensory input is blocked, they will become inert. Mys-Tech D.O.G.s can follow any trail regardless of how old it is. For
flight, they fold up into ship/saucer mode and they can maneuver on a
level comparable to the X-Men's Blackbird jet. The saucer appeared to
be about 15' in diameter On
land, they unfold into walker mode. These are roughly 10-15' tall, and
they have two legs at least two pairs of gun weapons, and they can pivot
rapidly to adapt to multiple and/or rapidly-moving targets. In both ship and walker modes, they can extend cable claws to grab beings or objects and pin them to their hull. One walker was shown to be able to extend at least 10 cable claws simultaneously. The cables are sensitive to extreme cold, which renders them brittle and more easily broken. Both modes can fire bullet-like
projectiles (automatic firing/machine gun style) or energy blasts at
targets. The ships fire a pair of weapons, while the walkers have four
guns. Both modes can also use a tractor beam to pull beings or ships to
them; even the Blackbird could not resist this pull.
Their hulls are highly durable; even having the Blackbird jet crash
into its back only superficially damaged a walker, which could continue
to fight. They are controlled by a positron brain nucleus in mid-section |
History: Back on Earth, no longer being able to count on Ranulph, Mys-Tech tried to rescind the assassination order on Shevaun, only to learn that as it was a "Priority 'A'" order, it was already in effect, beyond the point of no return.
Upon returning home and learning the details of her own assassination program, Dark Angel grabbed a sensory deprivation "blackout" box to throw the DOGs off her scent, after which she teleported to their side. As she materialized, the DOG landed and unfolded into ground action mode and opened fire on the approaching heroes. Explaining that the robot was after her, Dark Angel tossed Rogue the blackout box and told her to place it mid-center on the robot, where its nerve nucleus was located. Rogue in turn passed the box to Wolverine and told him to throw it to her when she was in positron. | ![]() |
As the DOG turned to face Dark Angel, Cyclops blasted it, and it immediately turned and fired at him, forcing Cyclops and Rogue to flee. Meanwhile, a trio of reinforcement DOGs then approached.
Angel#10) - A DOG fired on Psylocke, causing her to drop the blackbox,
and as the DOG extended a cable arm to grab it, Cyclops blasted its
claw off. However, when Dark Angel attempted to recover the blackbox,
the DOG blasted the ground by the blackbox, knocking it away from her
and then grabbing it with another cable arm; she realized that the DOG
was even more intelligent than she had suspected.
As the three other DOGs landed, Wolverine piloted the Blackbird to
smash into the first-arrived DOG. Iceman then froze the exposed
circuitry, forcing the DOG to drop the blackbox, which he recovered.
However, the DOG then unleashed multiple assaults simultaneously,
firing its guns, unleashing 10 cable claws, and using tractor beams to
pull the others toward it.
As Dark Angel flew away from that DOG, it snared Psylocke with its cables and pulled her against its hull, but Rogue obtained the blackbox and threw it to Psylocke, who was able to place it in the DOG's brain nucleus, cutting out its sensing abilities and rendering it inert.
Psylocke then came up with the idea of using a Dark Angel hologram
created from earlier testing at the X-Mansion (Hell's Angel#1), and
they led the DOGs to follow them into the mansion. As they alerted
Professor Xavier of their plan, Dark Angel led the DOGs into the Danger
Room before narrowly escaping. Xavier then activated the Dark Angel
hologram, and the DOGs targeted this.
Meanwhile Crowe and
Gryffn secretly left to try to deactivate the Assassination Computer Mainframe
directly, hoping to save face by preventing the other Board members from
learning that they were unable to rescind the order.
Xavier then deactivated the Dark Angel hologram and gave Rogue a disc containing the hologram program. When she flew into the Danger Room, the DOGs swiftly attacked, but when she inserted the disc into one of the DOGs, the attacks immediately ceased. Believing they had captured Dark Angel, the DOGs converted back into aircraft mode and departed.
As Crowe and Gryffn reached the computer mainframe, they saw that the
assassination program was suspended due to Shevaun's retrieval and that
the DOGs were returning with her. When they arrived soon after, Crowe
demanded Shevaun make herself evident to them, but it soon became clear
that they did not actually have her, although were apparently unaware
of the possession of the hologram program. Nonetheless, with the
assassination suspended, Crowe and Gryffn departed.
The X-Men (joined by Professor X) used a computer facsimile of Dark Angel to dupe the DOGs into believing that they had captured her, and the DOGs returned to their base, where Crowe and Gryffn discovered them to be empty-handed, though the assassination order remained on hold due to her perceived capture.
Comments: Created by Bernie Jaye and Dell Barras under the Marvel UK imprint.
I don't think Mys-Tech knew that Shevaun Haldane was Dark Angel at the time of this story.
This profile was completed 4/08/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
The Mys-Tech D.O.G.s should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Dark Angel I#9, pg. 17, panel 4 (ship mode);
panel 5-6 (grabbing Cyclops with cable claw);
pg. 18, panel 6 (tractor beam);
pg. 20, panel 4 (unfolding);
panel 5 (unfolded; walker mode);
pg. 21, panel 2 (firing on Dark Angel)
#10, pg. 5, panel 1 (damaged DOG unloading all search and retrieve devices);
pg. 7, panel 4 (pair entering X-Mansion);
pg. 14, panel 4 (trio in Danger Room, believing Dark Angel captured)
Dark Angel I#9-10 (April-May, 1993) - Bernie Jaye (writer), Dell Barras (artist), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
First posted: 09/17/2021
Last updated: 09/16/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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