Real Name: Pharoid
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Microverse) humanoid (Homeworld's Sandzone/Aegypta native)
Occupation: Prince of Aegypta
Group Membership: Leader of the Desert Demons; Revolutionary Army
at least honorary member of the Micronauts
Affiliations: Aquon, Belladonna, Coral, Queen Fria, Kaliklak warriors, Knights of Neep of Quarlos IV, Margrace, Micronauts (notably Acroyear, Biotron, Bug, Cilicia, Fireflyte, Huntarr (Iann-23), Marionette/Mari, Microtron, Nanotron, Arcturus Rann), Prince Peacock, Planetary Council (Gra'hm of Quarlos IV, Esmera of Kaliklak, Mari of Homeworld's First Zone, Icch of the B'zzk, Slug of Homeworld's First Zone, Zoot of the Quor, unidentified Acroyear of Spartak, unidentified humanoid council member, unidentified orange council member),
Slug, Time Travelers, Tybalt; mer-people of Oceania and Seazone, people
of Polaria, unidentified Ostra steed (likely more than one over time);
Doc Samson (Leonard Samson), S.H.I.E.L.D. (notably Nick Fury and Timothy "Dum-Dum" Dugan) of Earth;
formerly Argon/Force Commander and his "Revolutionary Army" (actually Dog Soldiers by that time)
Enemies: Antrons, Argon/Force Commander (while he was under Baron Karza's control), Baron
Karza, Centauri (notably Centaurus), Dagon, Death Squad (Ampzilla,
Battleaxe, Centauria, Lobros), DeGrayde, Dog Soldiers, Faceless
Priests, Hydra of Earth, Kronos, leviathans of Seazone, Membros, Phobos, Reptos, spider-scorpion-creature, Shaitan,;
formerly Belladonna, people of Oceania
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Commander of the Desert Demons, Lord of Aegypta, Sovereign of Sandstone, Wielder of the Star Scepter;
"Boyo" (from Margrace)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
died in the arena in First Zone's royal city, Homeworld, Microverse proper;
formerly imprisoned in the Pleasure Pits, First Zone, Homeworld, Microverse proper;
formerly Aegypta, Sandzone, Homeworld, Microverse proper
First Appearance: Micronauts
I#23/2 (November, 1980)
Powers/Abilities: Pharoid was a brave and loyal warrior.
His most powerful weapon was the Star Scepter, with which he could project energy blasts (as long as it was charged via sunlight).
He also wielded a rapier and a hand-held pistol/blaster.
In Sandzone, he rode atop on ostra (a large flightless bird, mostly
like the rocs of fairly tales, especially in the head, but otherwise
similar to terrestrial ratites, like an ostrich), traveling at great
speeds across the desert sands.
Pharoid was loyal to his allies, and he could withstand torture without screaming or betraying his allies.
Pharoid was accustomed to living in Sandzone's desert climate, with less than one inch of yearly rainfall.
He was briefly transformed into a mer-man, possessing a fish-like
tail/lower body and able to breathe and survive underwater.
He could operate the Thorium cannons on the back of the Micronauts' Astro-Station.
Height: Unrevealed (in the Microverse, approximately 5'11"; on Earth, approximately 5.9")
Weight: Unrevealed (in the Microverse, approximately 180 lbs; on Earth, approximately 1.65 ounces)
Eyes: Unrevealed (they appear to be dark, likely brown in most images, but some make them appear to be blue
Hair: BrownHistory:
I#25/2: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - After Karza's defeat,
Pharoid led the Desert Demons in reclaiming the protectorate of
Sandzone and re-establishing a civil rule.
some point, in the course of rebuilding, a cache of hidden
ancient archives was uncovered, detailing Karza's attempted
assassinations of Lord Dallan and Lady Sepsis a millennium ago. The
plot discovered, Karza fled into the Syanite desert where he was
eventually rescued by a strange sun cult, whom he eventually
slaughtered and took over, turning them into the first of his Dog
I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - Spotting as the
centaurian Argon (under Karza's control), joined by a group of
Centauri, carried Slug across his back across the Syanite desert, Margrace
reported this to Pharoid.
I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse) - From a ridge above, Pharoid, Margrace, and
the rest
of their Desert Demons forces watched Argon and the Centauri's
progress. Confirming Margrace's findings and praising his skills, Pharoid announced that the Centauri had raided the royal city and
returned with a human captive. Margrace noted that the woman looked to
be royalty, and Pharoid considered that while she
looked none too pleased with her fate, although she did not
appeared to frightened, either.
Confirming Margrace's question
that they would rescue her, Pharoid noted that they would wait until their targets thought
themselves safe in their tents so that they couldn't just run off in
any direction in the desert.
I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - As Argon met with Shaitan within a tent in the grey oasis, Pharoid led the Desert Demons to attack.
I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse) - While Centaurus announced the assault
to Shaitan, Pharoid blasted Centaurus and urged the other Aegyptans to
spur their ostras and to ride down the sand-scum; Margrace cheered that
Pharoid wielded a blaster like he was born to it.
After Margrace urged the others to show no quarter, Pharoid promised to thank him for his rallying
speech once they had stilled their enemies' laser-crossbows. Margrace
assured him that riding with him was thanks enough, as wherever Pharoid
dug in his spurs, old Margrace was sure to find a fight.
I#24/2: Tales of the Microverse) - As his ostra dropped another of the
Centauri, Pharoid urged his men to ride down the rest of the Centauri
so they could rescue the maiden the Centauri had captured.
I#24/2: Tales of the Microverse - BTS) - Observing
the assault from his tent, Shaitan instructed his Faceless Priest to
exit the back of the tent and prepare his sand skimmer. Slug taunted
Shaitan that not all of his base
treachery would save him from the Aegyptans' wrath.
Shaitan slew the Centauri chieftain Karsh for his failure to provide a safe haven, and Karsh fell close enough to Slug that she could reach his laser crossbow.
I#24/2: Tales of the Microverse) - Entering
Shaitan's tent upon his ostra, Pharoid confronted and skewered Shaitan
with his rapier, announcing that he was delivering him to death.
Unharmed, Shaitan countered that he had already been delivered there
and returned: If Acroyear could not deliver him to death, what hope had
Pharoid. Shocked that his blade was buried in Shaitan to the hilt to no
apparent affect, Pharoid was unprepared as Shaitan raised his energy
Karsh's laser crossbow, Slug blasted Shaitan's
sword. Resolving that he only needed Argon, Shaitan blocked Slug's
blasts with his sword as he knocked Pharoid away with a swat.
subsequently departed with Argon aboard his sand skimmer, presumably
along with some Faceless Priests. As Slug urged Pharoid to stop him,
Pharoid assured her that not even the fastest ostra could overtake
Shaitan's skimmer.
After Slug introduced
herself, Pharoid could not believe her name. As Margrace asked if the
lady would be riding up behind him, Slug leapt atop an ostra, noting
that she rode behind no man. Impressed, Pharoid watched and considered
that "By the shifting sands, I like this girl."
As they rode across Sandzone, Homeworld's fifth zone/"molecule," Slug
filled Pharoid in the fate of herself and Argon.
As they arrived at their destination, Pharoid announced the Avenue of
Ancestors, and he noted what Slug assumed to be statues were rather
immense caskets, containing the remains of the first lords of Sandzone,
whom legend told were giants from beyond the Microverse. As the descend
into the subterranean realm of Aegypta, Pharoid noted it to be the most
ancient citadel on Homeworld and the birthplace of Baron Karza.
I#25/2: Tales of the Microverse) - Alongside the Desert Demons, Pharoid
led Slug through Aegypta, confirming an immense statue to be Karza
prior to his transformation into the armored despot. There Pharoid
discussed the legends of Karza's transformation. When he proclaimed
Karza to be dead, however, Slug noted that not even death could long
imprison Karza.
I#25/2: Tales of the Microverse - BTS) - Argon's body was completely taken over by
Karza's life force, transforming to match Karza's form and power.
I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - Riding atop ostra, the Desert Demons (including Pharoid and presumably Margrace) and Slug arrived at the cavern in which Argon's empty
Force Commander armor laid. They appreciated what had happened to Argon
and that Karza was back (having taken over Argon's form; although he had already traveled to Earth's dimension).
I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse) - The
Desert Demons and Slug were present as Mari arrived there, having
returned from Earth's dimension. When Pharoid (apparently, as he was
quite distant) noted that they would learn how Mari had returned and
they would have to tell her Argon's true fate (as she had assumed him
to have fallen in battle), Slug suggested they spare Mari
knowledge of Argon's true fate, at least until they reached the royal
I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - After returning First
Zone's Royal City, presumably Slug (but possibly Pharoid) told Mari how
Argon had become the host for and was under the control of Baron Karza.
I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse - BTS) <48 Xats after Mari's return to
- In response to Mari's request, the Planetary Council gathered on
Homeworld to discuss
how they might oppose Karza. Pharoid attended the meeting, and he asked
if Slug, as Argon's betrothed, be the one to address the council. Slug,
however, yielded to Mari as Homeworld's hereditary queen, as she best
knew the danger threatening them all. 
Mari discussed how
Karza, mind-merged with Argon, had journeyed through the Spacewall to
While Esmera of Kaliklak, Pharoid, and Gra'hm of the Knights of Neep of
Quarlos IV noted how races associated
with Karza -- notably the Kronos, Phobos, Lobros, and Reptos -- had
grown more bold and aggressive, Pharoid discussed how in Aegypta
the Centauri
had become openly aggressive: Traditionally cowards, the Centauri
actually defied Pharoid's peace-keeping Desert Demon Patrols.
I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse) - After
noting how Karza had usurped the Enigma Force from Arcturus Rann, Mari
sought to bypass Karza's control of the Enigma Force by
contacting the
Shadow Priests directly. However, Pharoid and the ambassadors present witnessed with shock and
horror that Karza
held the Time Travelers in bondage.
I#28 (fb) - BTS) - As
Karza's forces -- comprised of renegades, pirates, and
scum from every race in the Microverse (Antrons, Phobos, and Reptos
were seen
specifically; presumably Kronos and Membros were involved as well) --
bombed the Mari-led revolutionary army, who had taken refuge in Karza's
Body Banks to learn why Karza's armies were streaming there.
I#28) - Alongside Slug, Pharoid joined the revolutionary army in
battle. Standing atop a fallen Repto, Pharoid questioned why Mari had
them seek refuge in this house of evil. After Slug explained the
reason, Pharoid and the other defenders found themselves driven back to
the edge of the Worldcore pit. There, Pharoid appreciated as one of
Karza's Faceless Priests mystically held open a portal
allowing Karza and his forces to breech the Spacewall and access Earth
at will.
I#28 - BTS) - Seeking vengeance for his betrayal by Karza, Shaitan
sealed the Portal, trapping Karza's fleet in hyperspace, while allowing
the assembled might of the Micronauts resistance forces through.
I#28) - Ships
from Homeworld (carrying among them Mari, Pharoid, and Slug), Kaliklak,
Neep, Spartak, and "other worlds too numerous to mention" -- arrived
through the portal to reinforce the Micronauts and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ultimately, Acroyear -- completing using the force
of Spartak's Worldmind after it was summoned by Shaitan -- and Queen
Esmera of Kaliklak -- via her suicide sting -- defeated Karza and drove
his mind out of Argon, who reverted to his original human form.
However, the thrill of victory was diminished by the death of Esmera,
the destruction of Spartak and
of Rann being rendered comatose by the trauma of the Enigma Force,
which had been linked to his mind, being torn from Karza and then
retreating from reality.
I#29) - Pharoid, Slug, Argon, Cilicia, and Dagon were present with the Micronauts at the
mass ceremony on the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier's open deck, jointly mourning
the deaths of numerous SHIELD agents, as well as Biotron (secretly
destroyed by Dagon, one of Karza's robots posing as an Acroyear, and
Karza's Dog Soldiers), Esmera, and Shaitan.
Pharoid watched silently as superhuman psychiatrist Doc Samson sent
Acroyear, Bug, Mari, and Microtron into Rann's mind with his
Psychotron cannon to neutralize the outside force causing him to remain
I#29 - BTS) - The effort successfully revived Rann, while Microtron
destroyed Dagon after he/it revealed its true loyalties. The Micronauts
then returned to the Microverse.
I#30) - Back in the Royal Palace in Homeworld's First Zone, Pharoid was
present as Rann showed and Microtron translated the subliminal message
that had been inscribed deep within his brain and that had been found
when the other Micronauts had traveled inside his brain.
Pharoid considered that while the hieroglyphics were archaic, their
meaning was clear, and he wondered if the "Great Distress" mentioned in
the message was why they had returned to Homeworld; Rann confirmed this
to be the case. After Rann
discussed the danger to the Microverse should the Time Travelers be
destroyed, which Karza had seemed to have caused, the group concluded that they must locate the
three Keys mentioned in the message and use them to contact the Enigma
When the Royal City was rocked by
planet quakes, Argon concluded that this marked the beginning
of the
great distress mentioned in the message. Argon then sent messengers to
every corner of his kingdom to search for the Keys.
I#31 (fb) - BTS) - Argon asked Pharoid to accompany the Micronauts on
their mission, noting concern with their time spent on Earth and
whether their first allegiance was to the Microverse.
I#30) - After Acroyear noted that he was leaving the
Micronauts to return to his people, Pharoid announced that he would
accompany the rest of the Micronauts in his stead as far as
Aegypta. Pharoid subsequently joined Bug, Mari, Rann, and
Microtron in their Astrostation, which soon skimmed over Oceania's
waves. When Pharoid asked how Rann intended to locate the keys, he
noted that he just had a feeling that they would find their answer in
Further discussion was interrupted when a leviathan emerged
from the waters and drained the astrostation's solar batteries, causing
it to drop to the water. Kept afloat via inflatable pontoons, Pharoid
fired thorium bursts to no avail at the leviathan as it swam directly at
As Pharoid noted that the thorium cannon was losing its charge, Bug
explained that the leviathan was draining their weapons system.
Regardless, Pharoid watched helplessly alongside Bug and Microtron as
the leviathan swallowed Rann and Mari as they tried to lead it away via
their glider-wings. A group of dolphin-riders then appeared and drove
the leviathan to dive deep beneath the surface, after which Lady
Coral explained that the leviathan would soon return to attack them if
they did not hasten to the safety of Seazone before noting that no
air-breather had ever returned from beneath the surface of Oceania.
Pharoid, Bug, and Microtron subsequently, via their
Astrostation, followed Coral and the dolphin riders to Oceania,
where they were brought before Coral's father, the elderly Tybalt, to
whom Pharoid and the other respectfully bowed. Coral subsequently
detailed the history of Seazone and Oceania, and how she planned to go
to war with Oceania. Pharoid announced that he, Bug, and Microtron
would accompany her in the hope that their missing comrades still
I#30 - BTS) - Meanwhile, the leviathan delivered the intact Rann and Mari to Oceania, where they met its king, Aquon.
I#31) - Astride one of Seazone's "dolphins" and wearing an oxygen
helmet, Pharoid -- who resided in a desert with less than one inch of
yearly rainfall -- empathized with Bug's unfamiliarity with the water,
but he advised that that would have to get used to it if they hoped to
rescue Rann and Mari.
Soon after, a number of leviathans surfaced, with
the wave pulling many of the Seazoners underwater along with Pharoid
and Bug. As Pharoid blasted one of the Oceanian Mer-Men with his star
scepter, Coral was shocked to find her brother, Aquon, leading the
Mer-Men. Although the star scepter was meant to only be wielded in
Aegypta's defense, Pharoid justified his actions as the Micronauts
fought for the Microverse as a whole.
Pharoid subsequently rescued Bug from one of the Mer-Men who had
captured him, and Bug noted that while he had been initially leery of
Pharoid replacing Acroyear on this mission, he considered him "every
inch a Micronaut." Pharoid silently wondered if was he was and what
would Bug think if he knew how Argon had sent him to spy on the
When Seazone subsequently
collapsed, Aquon used his Key to the Enigma Force, given to him for
this purpose by one of the Time Travelers years before, to transform
the Seazoners -- as well as Pharoid, Bug, Mari, and Rann -- into
mer-people so they could survive without a landmass on which to live. 
I#31 (fb) - BTS) - Aquon subsequently gave the Key to Rann, and its
power returned himself, Mari, Pharoid, and Bug to their normal forms so
they could continue their quest.
I#31) - Pharoid departed with his allies aboard the Astrostation.
I#32 (fb) - BTS) - Aboard the Astrostation, Pharoid accompanied Bug,
Mari, and Rann to Subzero zone, where they fruitlessly searched the
frozen wastes for the city of Polaria.
I#32) - Mari encountered Prince Peacock, who led the Micronauts to
Polaria. There Queen Fria vowed to aid them in their quest for the Keys
to the Enigma Force, and Peacock told them of how the Subzero had been
heating up and melting their city, and the legend of how one could save
Polaria by slaying the venerated snowbear while losing that which he
held most dear. With Peacock having noted a marking on the snowbear
matching that of one of the remaining keys to the Enigma Force, Pharoid
noted how that suggested that the snowbear was connected to the second
key to the Enigma Force.
Pharoid and the Micronauts subsequently followed Peacock as he again
hunted the snowbear. After an avalanche trapped them within a cavern
leading to a tunnel up a mountain, Pharoid used the star scepter -- the
power of which had faded with its time away from Aegypta's fierce solar
rays -- to illuminate their way (as it could no longer melt through the
ice). As Mari and Rann rushed to aid Peacock via their glider-wings,
Pharoid felt guilt, considering that the Micronauts should receive
honor and glory rather than reaping base betrayal, but he
reluctantly acknowledged his duty to follow Argon's orders.

Ultimately, Pharoid attended the burial of Queen Fria, who had been
transforming into the snowbear via the Key's power, and Peacock too
late realized he had loved her. Peacock gave the second key to Rann.
I#33) - As Pharoid and the Micronauts departed in their Astrostation,
Pharoid regretted that he must serve Argon and betray the Micronauts
once they reached Aegypta, perhaps unto death. Regardless, Pharoid
observed as the increased heat caused the surrounding snow to melt, and
Polaria broke up and collapsed into the water.
I#34) - Aboard the Astrostation, Pharoid accompanied Rann, Mari, and
Bug into Sandzone. As they approached Aegypta, Pharoid initiated
landing procedures. At the entrance to Aegypta, Pharoid explained to
Rann and Mari how the apparent statues were actually tombs containing
the allegegly giant original inhabitants of homeworld, which Rann
considered to be a "nice fairy tale." They were then confronted Argon's
Revolutionary Army who now wore the uniforms of Karza's dog soldiers
and who surprised them by firing on them. When Bug went for his rocket
lance, Pharoid aimed his now-recharged star scepter at Bug and warned
him to stand down, noting how he was following orders from Argon.
Having captured Acroyear and his new ally, Devil, and having obtained
the third Key to the Enigma Force from them, Argon had his soldiers
forcibly take the two other keys from Rann. Argon then claimed to take
them into protective custody, due to the two kingdoms Seazone and
Polaria having been destroyed while they obtained the keys.
Pharoid then greeted Margrace and Lady Slug. However, disgusted with
Pharoid's betrayal of the Micronauts, Margrace noted that his ostra was
kicking up a fuss, like he smelled something rotten, and he
insisted that he had to take the ostra out to the desert where the air
was sweeter. For similar reasons, Slug joined Margrace.
Appreciating that neither Margrace nor Slug could look him squarely in
the eyes, Pharoid considered that he had but obeyed his king, as any
soldier must; however, he wondered if he had been right to do so.
Pharoid subsequently appeared outside of the prison cell from which
Margrace, Nanotron, and Slug had freed the Micronauts. Noting his
desire to make amends for his base betrayal, Pharoid used his star
scepter to shatter the bonds restraining Acroyear and Devil. As Devil's
longtime companion, Fireflyte, arrived and revealed that she had found
the Keys, Pharoid explained to Slug how he had
realized his belief in Argon having had Homeworld's best interests in
mind had been misplaced.
As Fireflyte led Acroyear, Bug, Devil, Mari, Microtron, Nanotron, and
Rann to Keys, Pharoid followed Slug's lead to stayed behind with her
and Margrace to hold the corridor against the Dog Soldiers who were
sure to come.
As she gave her commands, Pharoid noted how lovely was the Lady Slug, and he considered that she should not be exposed to such danger. Almost immediately thereafter, the Dog Soldiers arrived and opened fire on them.
I#34 (fb) - BTS) - After defeating the Dog Soldiers, Pharoid, Margrace,
and Slug returned to Sandzone's surface and reunited with the rest
of the Desert Demons, who took out the Dog Soldiers stationed outside
I#34) - After the rest of the Micronauts, having defeated Argon,
arrived on the surface, Pharoid was pleased to note that Rann had the
three keys.
Rann sent Microtron and Nanotron to return to First Zone and retrieve
the Micronauts' ship, the Endeavor, while Acroyear, Bug, Devil, Mari, and Rann piloted the Astrostation toward Dead Zone to use the Keys to save the Microverse.
I#34) - Recovering, Argon led the Dog Soldiers to the surface to
ambush Margrace, Pharoid, Slug, and the Desert Demons, and a brief
but bitter battle ensued.
I#35 (fb) - BTS) - Margrace, Pharoid, Slug, and the Desert Demons apparently fled (see comments).
I#35 (fb) - BTS) - Pharoid's defiance of Argon cost him his throne.
I#35) - Pharoid led a charge of the Desert Demons
(as well as Slug) from out in the Syanite Desert to confront Argon and
his Dog Soldiers. After Slug slammed her ostra into Argon, Pharoid came
to her aid, engaging Argon
in single combat; nonetheless, the Dog Soldiers, aided by their
airborne forces, devastated the gravely outnumbered Desert Demons.
I#35 - BTS) - Argon
led his Dog Soldiers against the Micronauts at the Tomb of Prince
Wayfinder. The Micronauts ultimately revived/released the Enigma Force
and departed while Argon vowed vengeance.
I#39 (fb) - BTS) - Pharoid was imprisoned in stasis in the Body Banks alongside Slug.
I#39) - Argon approved his ally Lady Belladonna choosing Slug's
body to become her own, noting Slug's betrayal, notably allying with
Pharoid and others in the rebellion. Though contained within a stasis
tank, Pharoid replied that countless others would rise after he and
Slug had fallen. Pharoid continued, asking what kind of man was Argon
to sacrifice the woman he once loved. After Slug replied that Argon was
not a man, as power had made him as cold and cruel as the armor he
always wore, Argon calmly noted that Slug was more right than she knew
before departing.
I#43 (fb)) - As Argon's Dog Soldiers took Slug away for the mind
transferrence, Pharoid told Argon to do with him what he would but to
spare Slug. Dispatching Pharoid with a blast, Argon informed him that
he would do with both of them exactly as he pleased.
I#43 (fb) - BTS) - Pharoid was dragged back to his cell in the dungeons known as the Pleasure Pits.
I#43 (fb) - BTS) - Within the Body Banks, DeGrayde transferred Belladonna's mind into Slug's body and vice-versa.
I#41) - Within the Pleasure Pits, Pharoid raged at the guards,
calling them cowards and curs for taking Slug instead of him. When he
told them that if he could break the bars to his cell, Argon's skull
would follow, they mocked his idle threat, enraging him that they would
speak thusly to a prince of Aegypta. The guards taunted him that chief
scientist DeGrayde had his Star Scepter, that Argon had enslaved his
country, and that Pharoid had been unable to protect his woman.

Slug, now in
Belladonna's aged form and in the next cell, encouraged Pharoid to not heed their taunts, as they
must set an example as leaders of the rebellion. She further vowed that she would defy Argon to the death.,
I#44 - BTS) - Slug (in Belladonna's form) had feigned death, she duped
a Dog Soldier into getting close, stole his weapon, blasted him, and
escaped her cell.
I#44) - As Slug rushed by his cell next door,
Pharoid asked "Milady -- what is happening?" She told him that freedom
was happening, and that she was going to revenge herself on those who
had stolen her youth and her name. She vowed that when she was herself
again, she would return for him, her beloved.

I#46 (fb) - BTS) - In the Pleasure Pits, Pharoid was subjected to torture by the Dog Soldiers.
I#46) - As the Dog Soldiers taunted Pharoid, telling him to make their
work more enjoyable by screaming, Acroyear and Bug took out the Dog
Soldiers and freed Pharoid. Acroyear supported Pharoid as he could not
stand, but Pharoid nonetheless urged them to save the Lady Slug.
I#46 - BTS / Micronauts
I#47) - Before they could, however, they were confronted by the Death Squad (Ampzilla, Battleaxe, Centauria, and Lobros).
I#47) - At Pharoid's urging, Acroyear put Pharoid down so they could
focus on their attackers and then save Slug. Desperate to do something
to help his allies, Pharoid crawled to the chamber containing the Star
Scepte only to find it to be powerless after having been so long away
from sunlight. Frustrated at having again failed the Micronauts, he
collapsed to the ground.
subsequently surrendered when Bug's life was threatened, and Dog
Soldiers dragged Pharoid back to his cell while the others walked.
I#47 - BTS) - Now allied with Slug against Argon's corruption, Belladonna (in Slug's body) picked up the Star Scepter.
I#48) - Acroyear broke free, but as he battled the other members of the
Death Squad, Lobros shoved his tongues down Pharoid and Bug's throats
and threatened to kill them. Acroyear then surrendered and had his
armor stripped from him, after which the Dog Soldiers drove Pharoid,
Bug, and Acroyear down into the Pleasure Pits.
(Micronauts I#48 - BTS)
- Holding Pharoid's powerless star scepter, Slug (in Belladonna's form) forced a guard (ignorant of the weapon's
limitations as she threatened to blow off his head) to tell them the location of DeGrayde's laboratory. After
Belladonna had knocked out the guard by striking him in the back of the
head with the scepter, the two women traveled to the lab, where Slug
held the scepter and ordered the scientists to switch back her and
Belladonna's bodies.
(Micronauts I#49
(fb) - BTS)
- Force Commander's agents recaptured Slug and Belladonna at the Body
Banks before the transfer could occur, and they learned
that the Micronauts and Pharoid had been taken by the
Death Squad as well.
I#49) - Force Commander initiated the wedding games, and Acroyear,
Bug, and Pharoid were released from a mobile cell into the arena. To
make things more entertaining, Argon supplied Pharoid with his Star
Scepter, Bug with his rocket-lance, and Acroyear with his energy sword.
They were then confronted with DeGrayde's monstrous scorpion-creature,
and Pharoid stunned it with a burst from his Star Scepter that took
it's full charge, after which gathering storm clouds limited further recharging. 
After Mari and new ally Huntarr arrrived and attacked Argon's forces,
Pharoid watched as Acroyear slew the scorpion-creature, after which the
inspired crowd assaulted the Dog Soldiers, calling for Force Commander's death.
(Micronauts I#49 - BTS)
- After Belladonna (in Slug's form) exposed Argon as a non-human energy creature, Argon beseeched his people to forgive him, as he
had not betrayed them but had been under the control of another. With
that, Karza revealed his presence, tearing open and emerging from Force
Commander's armor.
Margrace subsequently noted the approach of the immense Bioship,
captained by the Micronaut's leader, Arcturus Rann.
(Micronauts I#50)
- As Karza held both Slug and Belladonna by the throat, Pharoid advised
the Death Squad that they would perish if they would not yield so they
could get to Karza, and Ampzilla mocked his brave words as a fitting
epitaph for the ex-monarch of Aegypta.

After Slug and Belladonna both perished, Pharoid cried out Slug's name
and assaulted Karza with his Star Scepter (noting that despite the rain
it had achieved its full charge).
Denouncing Karza as a ravager of hope
and destroyer of dreams, Pharoid rushed Karza while exclaiming how he
did not fear him, but Karza mocked his weapon as more laughable than
lethal as he slew Pharoid with a single blast.
Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo, Pat Broderick, and Danny Bulanadi.
Pharoid and the Desert Demons vs. Force Commander and the Dog Soldiers:
At the end of Micronauts I#34, it
seemed like the Dog Soldiers ambushed and captured Slug and the Desert
Demons, after which Argon, in his usual white Force Commander armor,
denounced the escaped Micronauts as traitors.
At the start of
Micronauts I#35, Argon was denouncing the Micronauts, so it seemed like
a recap...but now Argon was wearing a black version of the Force
Commander armor and riding a black steed. And then Slug and the Desert
Demons attacked and fought a protracted battle.
I had initially thought #35 was just expanding on
the events of the last page of #34.
However, on closer examination, in
#34, Slug and the Desert Demons were standing outside the entrance to
subterranean Aegypta, and they were ambushed by the Dog Soldiers.
In #35,
Argon is with his Dog Soldiers on the surface when Slug and the Desert
Demons charge in astride Ostras from the desert. It makes most sense
that these are just subsequent events, and Argon progressing to the
black armor fits with that, too.
Pharoid was intrigued with Slug early on. In Micronauts I#24/2, when
she told him her name was Slug, Pharoid replied, "Surely not!" And when
she refused to ride behind Margrace on his ostra and jumped on one of
her own, he thought to himself, "...I like this girl!"
They journeyed together (alongside the Desert Demons) for a few issues
before joining up with the Micronauts and the rest of the rebellion.
Argon was seemingly freed from Karza's influence by Micronauts I#28,
and it seems less likely that Slug would have romanced Pharoid during
their time together before then, but it is certainly possible...
after Argon had again succumbed to Karza's influence, Slug turned to
Pharoid, and they clearly fell in love with each other...however, it
doesn't seem like they had any time to act on their feelings. Pharoid
joined Slug and Margrace in opposing Argon in Micronauts I#34, and it
seemed to be straight action through #35 when they were captured
and imprisoned by Argon's Dog Soldiers, and then Slug had her mind
swapped with Belladonna's, and then they both died at Karza's hands.
However, perhaps there was enough of a break between the Desert Demons'
conflict with Argon and the Dog Soldiers in #34 and #35 that they did
get some private time.
Moot point, though...Dorkas Farkas...
Per Spider-Mike Fichera of the OHotMU team:
was based on a Mego toy that came with a little "King Tut"
See the Micro-Outpost:
Courtesy of Mike's own collection, here's a
larger photograph of the action figure, the 1976 Silver Mego action
figure: Profile by Snood.
Pharoid should be distinguished from:
- PHARAO - see RA the AVENGER--Captain America Comics#8
- PHARLOPA D'ZENN of the Hyborian era - priestess of the V'mira Zhan. Used staff that fired energy blasts--Savage Sword of Conan I#76
- PHARAOH - cat of Dr. John Redfield--Journey into Mystery I#62/2
- PHARMOCYL - bitter drug, used by Death's Head to expose the Tuck golem as a fake--[Death's Head III#14]
- PHARNOVION - Faltinian--[Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/4]
- other "Phar" characters, groups, events, items, races, or places...
 Pharoid's chosen weapon, it can project laser-like blasts, heat, and light.
Solar-powered, when deprived of the sun's light, it
diminished in power, losing the ability to project heat and/or blasts
and being reduced to projecting light only before exhausting its
energies completely.
Powerless, it was
useful only as a sharp object and/or blunt weapon, although its power
was sufficiently respected that one might bluff others with
threats of its power.
--Micronauts I#24/2
As far as I know the star scepter was not seen again after Pharoid's
death. It should still continue to absorb solar power and serve as a
weapon to whoever possesses it...or not...
The Star Scepter could be separated out into its own profile if anyone is willing and able to do so... |
images: (without ads)
Micronauts I#24/2, pg. 1 (atop ostra);
pg. 3, panel 2 (skewering Shaitan);
panel 5 (face, with visor);
pg. 4, panel 6 (face, sans visor)
#29, pg. 1 (mostly full, standing)
#30, pg. 3, panel 4 (face in profile);
pg. 9, panel 4 (manning thorium cannons in Astrostation);
#31, pg. 10, panel 3 (underwater, astride "dolphin," firing star scepter)
pg. 15, panel 1 (underwater, astride "dolphin"; rescuing Bug);
pg. 19, panel 1 (as mer-man);
#34, pg. 9, panel 2 (upper, with star scepter) -- **#21, panel 1 - Desert Demons
#43, pg. 5, panel 3 (blasted by Force Commander);
#46, panel 4 (tortured);
#47, pg. 16, panel 5 (face, longer hair);
pg. 17, panel 1 ?(star scepter);
#50, pg. 15, panel 2 (blasted by Karza);
panel 3 (death)
back cover (with stubble)
#54, last page, featurette on fallen allies
I#23/2 (November, 1980) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Pat Broderick
(penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
Micronauts I#24/2 (December, 1980) - Bill Mantlo (writer, co-plotter),
Pat Broderick (penciler, co-plotter), Armando Gil (inker), Louise
Jones (editor)
Micronauts I#25/2-26/2 (January-February, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer, co-plotter),
Pat Broderick (penciler, co-plotter), Armando Gil (inker), Louise
Jones (editor)
I#28-30 (April-June, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Pat Broderick
(penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
I#33-34 (September-October, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Pat Broderick
(penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Tom DeFalco (editor)
I#35 (November, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Val Mayerik
(penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Tom DeFalco (editor)
I#39 (March, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Steve Ditko
(penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
I#41 (May, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane
(penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#43 (July, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
I#44 (August, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny
Bulanadi, Carl Potts, & Al Milgrom (inkers), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#46 (October, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Luke McDonnell (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#47 (November, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Mike Vosburg (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#48 (December, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Butch Guice (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#49-50 (January-February, 1983) -
Bill Mantlo (writer), Butch Guice (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker),
Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#54 (September, 1983) -
Bill Mantlo (writer), Butch Guice (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker of Micronauts memorial feature ), Ralph Macchio (editor)
First posted: 03/04/2023
Last updated: 03/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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