Real Name: Darius Scott Pilling
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Building inspector
Group Membership: New York City Buildings Department
Affiliations: Brennan, Mr. Miller, unidentified female lawyer;
he was apparently mind-controlled into serving the One robot;
he was seated next to a representative of Spider-City (of the Eight
Heavenly Cities) and at a table with representatives of the other
realms, but he never directly interacted with them, other then glaring
at the Spider-City representative's cleavage and then becoming
mortified as she put a spider to her mouth.
Enemies: Detective Li, Daniel Rand-K'ai (aka Iron Fist), Brenda Swanson,;
formerly the One (Pilling was mind-controlled into serving him)
Known Relatives: None (I'm presuming the reference "Daddy's got to go to work" to Brennan was figurative, in that Brennan was a subordinate in his office, but that's unconfirmed)
Aliases: Darius P.
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Rand Tower, Manhattan New York;
formerly unidentified Manhattan office
First Appearance: Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7 (January, 2015)
Powers/Abilities: Pilling was apparently in charge of building supervision over a 304.8 square mile portion of New York City (see comments).
He had knowledge of building codes and regulations, and he appeared to overestimate his own importance.
Height: Unrevealed (he's shorter than average, perhaps 5'4" to 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (his torso is pretty stout, so perhaps 200-220 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald (black eyebrows and mustache)
Fist: The Living Weapon#7 (fb) - BTS) - At some point (perhaps after
the One took over the Rand Building and restructured it), the New York City Buildings Department sent Darius Scott Pilling to investigate, but he was turned away.
(Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7) - Pilling returned with four members of the New York Police Department, and he demanded entrance to inspect the illegal construction immediately.
Pilling then
spoke with Brennan by phone, noting that "the little arse"
(referring to Daniel Rand) was hiding behind a non-code steel security
door, and that he was "five minutes away from issuing a very serious order...then we'll see who has the stronger Kung Fu."
When the door suddenly opened, Pilling ended the conversation, noting
that Rand had come to his senses, and he urged the police officers to
enter. Pilling immediately demanded to see all permits and
specifications before noticing that things were certainly
"different...oh...oh, my--" after which the door slammed shut behind
Pilling was brought to a meeting with the One, Davos, the Terror Priests, and representatives of the Seven Heavenly Cities (the ruler of the city associated with the Bride of Nine Spiders was clearly shown; six others were present, presumably including the Crane Mother (of K'un-Zi) and representatives of the realms of Peng Lai island (home of Fat Cobra), "Tiger Island" (home of Tiger's Beautiful Daughter, the Under City (home of Dog Brother#1), Z'gambo (realm of the Prince of Orphans), and the "Eighth City").
Pilling was initially awestruck at the cleavage of the spider-realm's ruler, noting with pleasure the view up in this boardroom; however, when she revealed her monstrous face and licked (and possibly consumed) a spider, he noted that he may have just peed a little. Pilling watched in silence as the lawyer Mr. Miller angrily denounced the gathering and the One's authority, after which he was slain by Davos and thrown out the window. After the ruler of the spider-realm told the One that they wanted nothing to do with him, the One told her and the others that Mr. Pilling was the only one of them who would be leaving alive.
Fist: The Living Weapon#7 - BTS) - When Brenda Swanson and the NYPD's
detective Li attempted to infiltrate Rand Tower as Fed-XPS employees
delivering packages, the building's security recognized them as being
armed but nonetheless considered them a minimal threat.
Fist: The Living Weapon#7) - An apparently mind-controlled Pilling met
Swanson and Li, and he offered to take them to someone qualified to
sign for their deliveries. Swanson complimented Li on the building, and
he told them it was unique and completely off-code, but that he was in
the process of leading them through the various approval and permitting
processes. After noting the buildings' former state and describing the
upgrades as having occurred so efficiently that they outpaced the
government's approval process, Pilling claimed to be waiving such
outdated metrics.
Regardless, this was all talk to keep their minds occupied, and he finally brought them to a room in which all of the residents of K'un-Lun were held in egg-like stasis devices. Departing, he told them to have a seat, and someone would be with them in a moment.
Comments: Created by Kaare Kyle Andrews
In a quick Wikipedia search, for whatever that's worth, Manhattan is 33.7 square miles,while New York City (including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx) is 468.90 square miles.
I don't think we have identities for all of the representatives of the Eight Heavenly Realms seen in this issue.
I don't think Pilling was shown after delivering Swanson and Li to the chamber containing the captured K'un-Lunians. As he was under the One's control, he could have still been in the building when the One transformed it, which would probably mean he was destroyed. However, that's unconfirmed, and he could have been released or escaped with Brenda and the others.
Profile by Snood.
Darius Scott Pilling should be distinguished from:
While waiting for a response from Rand regarding his demands for
entrance into Rand Tower, Darius Scott Pilling spoke with Brennan
by phone, noting that "the little arse"
(referring to Daniel Rand) was hiding behind a non-code steel security
door, and that he was "five minutes away from issuing a very serious order...then we'll see who has the stronger Kung Fu."
When the door suddenly opened, Pilling ended the conversation, "Brenn-baby, Daddy's got to got to work."
Who is Brennan? A co-worker (subordinate or superior?); a
lover?; Darius' son or daughter? It's not 100% clear, but I think
Brennan is a subordinate co-worker of Darius. |
--Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7 Fed-XPS is obviously based on Federal Express, aka Fed-Ex, and perhaps the PS was also the Fed-X Postal Service. |
(Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7) - Mr. Miller initially was puzzled by his and his associates' presence, as they were just lawyers. |
![]() ![]() |
As Brenda Swanson and Detective Li plotted a course of action in a car on the streets below, Miller's corpse (or at least soon-to-be...) crashed into a car near them. --Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7 |
(Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7) - After the One greeted them all, she was puzzle. She thanked the One for his hospitality, but noted that she was afraid he had overestimated their influence. She remained silent as Mr. Miller at her side grew impatient and denounced the One and then gathering, leading the One to have his agent Davos throw him out the window to his death. The One subsequently noted that Pilling would be the only one of his guests to leave the room alive. --Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7 Note: Pilling was later shown under mind-control from the One, while the rest of those present weren't shown again. While their deaths weren't shown, there's no reason to believe the One wouldn't have gone ahead with his threat. Or perhaps he hooked them all into the tubes from which he drained their chi. |
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7, story pg. 1, panel 2 (face close-up);
pg. 3, panel 4 (Miller & woman at table)
panels 5 & 7 (checking out spider city queen);
pg. 4, panel 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 (Miller outraged,
worried, penetrated, defenestrated, and falling on car);
pg. 14, panel 1 (mind-controlled; face/upper), 3
(full/lateral/tiny), 6 (thighs up, front, tiny)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#7 (January, 2015) - Kaare Kyle Andrews (writer and artist), Jake Thomas (editor)
First posted: 06/20/2021
First published: 09/02/2021
Last updated: 06/20/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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