Classification: Reptilian extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
at least formerly, a group of them (at least six) were active in their starship;
presumably at least formerly Planet Zed
Known Members: Cap'n was identified
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Razorback (Buford Hollis), She-Hulk (Jen Walters), people of Xorgon City
First Appearance: She-Hulk II#3 (February, 2006)
Powers/Abilities: The Piratasaurs have numerous sharp teeth and digits ending in claws. They have a long forked tongue.
They have spaceships able to view nearby ships and fire lasers (which threatened the Big Pig III's defensive shields) and a number of "proton warpedoes," which were explosive missiles that were presumably highly destructive, although a direct hit by one failed to harm the vastly superhumanly durable She-Hulk.
Traits: The Piratasaurs were bandits, seeking to steal cargo from other spaceships.
They were willing and able to kill those who opposed them.
Despite being reptilian, they were entranced by the She-Hulk's breasts.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric reptilian bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; solid yellow color seen)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Three
Skin color: Red
Average height: Unrevealed; they are not shown in relation to any other beings
II#3 (fb) - BTS) - Aboard the Big Pig III, She-Hulk was helping
Razorback haul a load of vaccine for Space-Pox, specifically for the
people of Xorgon City, who had had a severe outbreak.
(She-Hulk II#3 (fb)) - The Piratasaurs' ship blasted the Big Pig was laser-like blasts, which the Big Pig's shields resisted, but they presumably either would have potentially failed under a sustained assault or, at least, the attack would have hindered their delivery of the vaccine in time.
After Razorback noted that the people needed the vaccine by sunup, She-Hulk donned a space helmet and went out to confront their attackers on a tether and armed with a blaster.
When one of the Piratasaurs noted that someone was coming out of the hatch with a blaster, the Cap'n ordered him to fire the proton warpedoes.
With her blaster, She-Hulk took out four of the warpedoes, but the fifth one hit her, shattering her helmet and shredding her uniform.
She-Hulk had enough time for one last breath of air, and then Piratasaurs were so busy watching her exposed chest expand...that they drove their ship right into an asteroid.
(She-Hulk II#3 - BTS) - Razorback related the encounter during She-Hulk's trial by the Time Variance Authority in a vain attempt to prove that she was special, as no "other supergal's rack could' done that."
Comments: Created by Dan Slott, Don Simpson, and Marcelo Sosa.
Were the Piratasaurs specifically seeking the vaccine to sell it, or to
prevent the people of Xorgon City from receiving it?
Or were they just assaulting a ship in hopes of looting whatever bounty it carried?
We don't know much about the Piratasaurs beyond what we learned their
in story that spanned eight panels over two pages.
I would love to learn more about them.
The "Cap'n" is 1-2 panels, both of which are covered above, so I can't see giving him a sub-profile until/unless we learn more about him.
We don't know anything about Planet Zed.
Profile by Snood.
The Piratasaurs of Planet Zed should be distinguished from:
![]() The Piratasaurs' ship could fire lasers (which threatened the Big Pig III's defensive shields) and a number of "proton warpedoes," which were explosive missiles that were presumably highly destructive, although a direct hit by one failed to harm the vastly superhumanly durable She-Hulk. (She-Hulk II#3 (fb)) - The Piratasaurs' ship blasted the
Big Pig was laser-like blasts, which the Big Big's shields resisted,
but they presumably either would have potentially failed under a
sustained assault or, at least, the attack would have hindered their
delivery of the vaccine in time. After Razorback noted that the people needed the vaccine by sunup, She-Hulk donned a space helmet and went out to confront their attackers on a tether and armed with a blaster. When one of the Piratasaurs noted that someone was coming out of the hatch with a blaster, the Cap'n ordered him to fire the proton warpedoes. With her blaster, She-Hulk took out four of the warpedoes, but the fifth one hit her, shattering her helmet and shredding her uniform. She-Hulk had enough time for one last breath of air, and then Piratasaurs were so busy watching her exposed chest expand...that they drove their ship right into an asteroid. --She-Hulk III#3 |
images: (without ads)
She-Hulk II#3, pg. 21, panel 3 (ship firing on Big Pig III);
panel 4 (close-up);
pg. 22, panel 1 (firing on She-Hulk);
panel 3 (multiple, distant, viewing nude She-Hulk);
panel 4 (ship crashing into asteroid)
II#3 (February, 2006) - Dan Slott (writer), Don Simpson (artist of pgs.
21-22, involving the Piratasaurs), Marcelo Sosa (inker), Andy Schmidt,
Molly Lazer & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort
First posted: 02/27/2023
Last updated: 02/27/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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