Classification: Semi-humanoid pyranotech mecha
Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly "Big Kahuna," a highly modified
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier;
formerly a Thermogentech Research facility, location unrevealed
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: Thermogentech Research
Enemies: Livewires (Cornfed, Gothic Lolita, Hollowpoint Ninja, Social Butterfly, Stem Cell), renegade Nick Fury LMDs associated with the "Big Kahuna" S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
First Appearance: Livewires#1 (April, 2005)
Powers/Abilities:The Pyranos were sturdy molecular machines designed to run very hot, channeling the waste heat their legions generated and use it as a weapon.
Initially created as a semi-sentient techno-virus, they swiftly replicated, threatening to destroy any location and anything and anyone in it.
Their flames' peak temperature is unrevealed, but they consumed metal, plastic, flesh, etc. They could project flames from their mouth-like central facial orifice, or from their hands, although flames surrounded their entire bodies.
Roughly 25' tall, they were superhumanly strong and highly durable, perhaps lifting 10-25 tons and able to strike with great force. Superhumanly strong beings such as Gothic Lolita could dismember them, while Hollowpoint Ninja could contain and/or destroy them with kilometers of monomolecular filament.
Nuclear explosions and crashing helicarriers can apparently destroy them.
Traits: The Pyranos were semi-sentient,
hivemind creatures. They seemed to generally attack those they
encountered, and they didn't speak or seem to communicate with others.
Type: Mostly bilaterally symmetric their
arms sometimes were different on one-side vs. the other) semi-humanoid
reptilian bipeds
Eyes: Apparently four (on head; solid yellow color seen)
Fingers: Two (except on hands ending in some sort of cannon)
Toes: Unrevealed
Skin color: Only shown glowing with heat; possibly black, brown, or dark red
Average height: Approximately 25'
(Livewires#2 (fb) - BTS / Livewires#6 (fb) - BTS) - A top-secret, quasi-governmental R&D program known as Project: LIVEWIRE combined LMD and Mannite technology to create the Livewires, a team of nanobuilt humanform combat mecha with smartware bodies specialized for covert ops and artificially intelligent minds programmed with suicidal loyalty to the project’s goals and objectives.
However, David Jenkins, the project’s Assistant Chief Designer, also programmed the Livewires with his own rogue objectives: To seek out, sabotage, and destroy other covert research programs.
(Livewires#1 (fb) - BTS) - A Thermogentech Research facility obtained a sample of the android Human Torch’s thermogenic cells (aka Horton Cells) and weaponized them into a pyronanotech semi-sentient virus. The result was the Pyranos: giant, hivemind mecha with incendiary cells.
(Livewires#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Livewires targeted the Thermogentech Research facility that housed the Pyranos.
(Livewires#1 (fb) - BTS) - Via rebuilding the shaft of an elevator they had created into a volcanic cannon, the Pyranos or their creators planned to launch the Pyranos swarms far and wide.
(Livewires#1) - The Livewires' Cornfed brought the newly created Stem Cell to the Thermogentech Research facility into which Social Butterfly led Stem Cell. As Social Butterfly scaled the building's wall, one of the Pyranos (which Social Butterfly estimated to be no more than 12 minutes old) burned a circle thought the wall around them and then attacked them after they fell inside.
After Social Butterfly's legs were fried, Gothic Lolita smashed into the facility and then battered and disabled the attacking Pyranos unit. Lolita then led Stem Cell to facility's sub-basement complex, riding atop the Pyranos' dismembered torso as camouflage to prevent the other Pyranos from recognizing and assaulting them.
After Lolita and Stem Cell arrived and found perhaps dozens of Pyranos, Hollowpoint Ninja took Stem Cell away while Lolita faced the Pyranos.
Noting that the Pyranos had assembled a volcanic cannon to launch their swarms across the world, Hollowpoint used a recoil-negated gauss accelerator mini-railgun for long range ballistic arcs and a monomolecular filament pistol to slice the Pyranos into fragments. Stem Cell created a high-density superconducting variable-phase pulse capacitor...
(Livewires#2 (fb) - BTS) - ...which Hollowpoint Ninja used to destroy the Thermogentech Research facility and the Pyranos within it via low-yield fusion reaction.
(fb) - BTS) - Cornfed found a link to "Big Kahuna," a highly modified
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier controlled by a rogue hive-minded horde of
LMDs whose programming was corrupted during a Hydra nanoware
assassination attempt on S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury.
(Livewires#4-5 - BTS) - The Livewires covertly boarded the rogue Helicarrier but were soon discovered by the LMDs and systematically eliminated.
(Livewires#6) - Stem Cell, the last functioning Livewire, cannibalized her own smartware exolayer ("skin") and used it to recreate Thermogentech’s pyronanotech virus, and to generate exponentially replicating pyronanomecha hive entities -- which heated up more quickly and intensely than the originals -- destroyed the modified Helicarrier (including the war-mecha and the Nick Fury LMDs).
Comments: Created by Adam Warren, Rick Mays, and Jason Martin.
This profile was completed 6/4/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
The Pyranos should be distinguished from:
ADAM II - robot, created by professor
Phineas Horton, named II after the biblical Adam, desired for
androids to rule over humans, attempted to kill or kidnap then
congressional candidate John Fitzgerald Kennedy and substitute
robot duplicate for him, killed Captain America (Nasland), defeated by Captain
America (Mace)-What If? I#4
GREEN FLAMES - robots created by Drs. Manyac and Philo Zogolowski (both captured and under Nazi coercion) based on human Green Flames agents previously used by Manyac; associated with their giant version, Project: Blockbuster; captured android Human Torch to learn his secrets to advance their robots, leading Namor, Toro, Angel, Ferret, and Betty Dean to investigate and destroy the Green Flame robots and Project: Blockbuster--Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1
GREMLIN - World War II era technology, designed by Nazis based on a solar gem stolen from Phineas Horton, stolen by Nazis, a group of them destroyed allied planes during WWII, group destroyed by Human Torch and others, leader captured + imprisoned in Siberia, escaped in modern era and sought to possess Vision and Victoria Anderson, destroyed by Vision. Project tendrils to infiltrate and control living, mechanical, and computerized materials--[Vision II#1], 2
INHUMAN TORCH - New Berlin, created with
Horton Cells, activated by Mad Thinker, attacked New Berlin, burned out by Torch
(Jim Hammond) and Toro (Thomas Raymond)--Torch#6
TARA (Invader-One) - Invaders, incendiary Eve-series android patterned after Human Torch (Hammond),
actually designed by Red Skull to infiltrate Invaders so she could be activated
and used against them; after being activated by the Red Skull she was rendered
inert by the Torch. aka HUMAN TORCH*, LADY TORCH--[Avengers III#82],
(Thomas Raymond) - mutant?,
Inhuman, body contained Horton cells due to his parents' previous work
with Horton, active from 1941-1955, partner of android Human Torch,
Kid Commandos, Young Allies, All-Winners Squad, husband of Anne,
initially immune to heat, parents killed in train-wreck caused by
Asbestos Lady, adopted by Pop's traveling circus, used as
until learned how to burst into flame, trained by Torch and
became Toro, later brainwashed by Mad Thinker to believe he was
the original Human Torch; revived by Bucky (James Barnes) via Cosmic
Cube. Flaming powers similar to Human Torch.--Human Torch
VOLTON - Battle Axis, android
created by Dr. James Bradley/Dr. Death based on previous work on android Human Torch, converted powers over flame into
electricity, Bradley told the android that it was a human that
gained power and amnesia from lightning bolt, driven mad when
learned it was not human from Captain America--Cat-Man II#3; (Marvel) Invaders
Livewires#1, pg. 10, panel 5 (solo mecha);
pg. 11, panel 6 (firing blast);
pg. 12, panel 3 (mecha face);
pg. 17, panel 3 (mecha mound);
panel (trio of mech, different faces);
#6, pg. 11, panel 2 (pyranomecha confronting x-faced mecha)
(April, 2005) - Adam Warren (story and layouts), Rick Mays (penciler),
Jason Martin (inker), Andy Schmidt, Nicole Wiley, & Molly Lazer
(assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
(May-July, 2005) - Adam Warren (story and layouts), Rick Mays (penciler),
Jason Martin (inker), Andy Schmidt, Jeffrey Moore, & Molly Lazer
(assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
(August, 2005) - Adam Warren (story and layouts), Rick Mays (penciler),
Jason Martin & Norm Rapmund (inkers), Andy Schmidt, Jeffrey Moore, & Molly Lazer
(assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
(September, 2005) - Adam Warren (story and layouts), Rick Mays & Adam Warren (pencilers),
Jason Martin & Norm Rapmund (inkers), Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson, & Molly Lazer
(assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First published: 09/17/2021
Last updated: 09/16/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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