(named in honor of the Rigel-3 destroyed by the Rhunians)
Official Name: Rigel-3
Aliases: Old Rigel-3, Rigel, Rigellian homeworld and command planet, new homeworld of the Colonizers,
Nature: Extraterrestrial world
Natives: None known
Colonizers: Rigellians (Grand Commissioner, Tana Nile; presumably Arcturus, Chief Engineer Y-17, Observer X-9, Observer XJ-17, Observer YJ-18; the Scientist Supreme had a private space laboratory in a nearby asteroid belt, he likely spent some time on the homeworld)
Non native inhabitants: Formerly Recorders (including Recorder#211)
Population: Unrevealed (see comments)
Visitors: Mangog, Thanos, one of the Thanosi (Thanos doppelgangers), Adam Warlock, unidentified cosmic beast(s)
Enemies: Celestials (indirectly; they were perceived as a threat leading to a mass evacuation), Mangog, one of the Thanosi
Capital City: None identified
Government: Formerly a technocratic empire ruled by the Grand Commissioner
Languages: Rigellian
Matter Transmitter (Structural Dissembler/Structural Restorer; allows
instant transport between the two components), Null Bomb, seismograph, Sun Shredder;
(per one of
the Recorders) "the most sensitive and precise detection devices ever
various unspecified high-tech weaponry (which was no match for the Mangog);
Space Arks (for fleeing from insurmountable threats);
massive fleet;
Scientist Supreme's private laboratory (mobile within in a nearby asteroid belt or in Rigel's orbit);
the entire planet was allegedly covered completely with technology, without a square foot of barren earth
Places of Interest: Bunker, Vault formerly containing the Fire Jewel
Resources: Formerly the Fire Jewel
First Appearance: (Behind-the-scenes; referenced as "New Homeworld" of the Colonizers of Rigel) Thor I#256 (February, 1977);
(seen, as the home world in the "distant constellation of Rigel" and the "command planet") Thor I#406 (August, 1989);
(as Rigel)
Thor 2000: second story (2000);
(as Rigel-3) Thanos
I#1 (December, 2003)
History: (Thor I#423 (fb) - BTS) - This homeworld was so developed and covered with technology that not a square foot of barren earth existed. (Thor I#256 (fb) - BTS) - From their new Homeworld, the Rigellians noted Thor's quest to find his missing father, Odin Borson. Feeling a debt of gratitude for Thor's defeat of the Rhunians, these Rigellians dispatched Recorder#211 to observe Thor's efforts and to aid him in any way he could. (Thor I#256 - BTS) - The Recorder arrived on the Asgardian Starjammer ship and informed Thor that the Colonizers of Rigel had sent him for aid from their new homeworld. (Iron Man I#110 (fb) - BTS) - Thor told Iron Man that the Rigellians had found a new homeworld. (Iron Man I#111 (fb) - BTS) - A group of Rigellians, deliberately separated from the main fleet by the power-hungry Arcturus, sought a new home, which they believed themselves to have found in Wundagore II, until their ships' radiation transformed the animals around them back into the New Men / Knights of Wundagore (animals evolved into bipedal form and human-level intelligence and then later devolved by the High Evolutionary), who resisted them. (Iron Man I#110 - BTS) - As a group of Rigellians led by Arcturus attempted to colonize Wundagore II, Iron Man told Jack of Hearts that the Rigellians had a new homeworld, and he wondered why they were still colonizing. (Iron Man I#112 - BTS) - Via signals from the transport egg Rigellians under Arcturus had placed in the Blue Area of the Moon, the Recorder located Arcturus and his men. The Recorder then informed them that the Colonizers of Rigel had found a new homeworld and that by breaking contact with the fleet and attempting to colonize without authority, and for threatening the restricted Space Sector Five (Earth), Arcturus had broken Rigellian law. By power invested in him by the Grand Commissioner, the Recorder stripped Arcturus of his rank and title. The renegade fleet was then transported to their new homeworld. |
(Avengers Annual#17 - BTS / Thor I#406 (fb) - BTS / Thor
I#407 (fb) - BTS) - At the conclusion of the "Evolutionary War,"
Hercules (Heracles/Alcaeus) and the High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham)
were super-evolved. While their fates are unrevealed, their cosmic essences somehow merged with the Black Galaxy...and at some point, their physical forms were contained and/or merged with what appeared to be smaller versions of the heads of Celestials on a planetoid within the Black Galaxy, where they watched over by the Celestial known as Tefral the Surveyor. These events caused upheavals within the Black Galaxy that affected other worlds, including Rigel-3. (Thor I#406 (fb) - BTS) - The Rigellian homeworld was plagued by earthquakes. (Thor I#406) - Receiving a report of increasing earthquakes on their homeworld, the Grand Commissioner considered that their entire command planet would soon be in jeopardy. Feeling he needed to preserve their world at any cost, he traveled via the Rigellian matter transmitter to the Scientist Supreme's private laboratory in a planetoid in the asteroid belt. After the Scientist Supreme revealed the source of the mysterious upheavals to be originating from within the nearby Black Galaxy, the Grand Commissioner ordered the arming of the Null Bomb to destroy the Black Galaxy in order to save the Rigellian home world. (Thor I#407 (fb) - BTS) - The Scientist Supreme dispatched Recorder#211 to the Black Galaxy to objectively record the Null Bomb's use. (Thor I#407) - From "the constellation of Rigel, home of the Colonizers," the Grand Commissioner launched the Null Bomb. (Thor I#407 - BTS) - The Recorder informed Thor of the Null Bomb's approach, and Thor ultimately diverted the bomb's explosion, reigniting a dying sun light years away. |
In hopes of learning the nature and extent of the threat, the Scientist Supreme dispatched Recorder#211 into the Black Galaxy. (Thor I#419) - The Recorder discovered the High Evolutionary's ship and was incapacitated after encountering the High Evolutionary and learning of his plans to use the Black Galaxy's bioverse to create a new race of gods. |
(Thor I#423) - As shockwaves from the Black Galaxy grew in geometric proportions, the Scientist Supreme and the Grand Commissioner discussed that their new homeworld faced imminent destruction. The Scientist Supreme detected an enormous object, which was not alone, entering their space quadrant; considering it inconceivable and that they faced immediate extinction, resolved that their only hope was to abandon the planet, and a massive fleet departed this Rigel (see comments). This "enormous object" was not specified, but it would appear to be a massive group of Celestials traveling into the Black Galaxy to witness the birth of a new Celestial, who were shown a few pages later. |
(Thor 2000/2 (fb) / Thanos I#1 (fb) - BTS) - The ship of "Thanos" (actually one of the Thanos-duplicates known as the Thanosi, but unknown to any involved at the time) entered the atmosphere of "Rigel" without warning, effectively evading (per one of the Recorders) "the most sensitive and precise detection devices ever invented" and then sent the Mangog to devastate that world. As the Rigellians' defenses proved futile, the Grand Commissioner made the decision to utilize the Sun Shredder weapon against the Mangog; however, despite the weapon obliterating 422 square blocks of their capital city, the Mangog was unharmed. (Thor 2000/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the Thanosi duplicate entered the Rigellians' defense bunker in preparation of confronting the Rigellians there. (Thor 2000/2 (fb)) - After over nine hours of continued assault by the Mangog, Rigellian losses were so catastrophic that an evacuation order was issued. The ever-efficient Rigellians scurried into immense space arks, although one of these succumbed to the Mangog's brutal assault and 12, 216 Rigellian passengers perished. |
However, they encountered the already present Thanosi duplicate who demanded they give him the Fire Jewel, which he would use via the Map of the All-Ending to locate the true path to the Designate (Tarene). The High Commissioner Emeritus refused this request, after which the ship of Thanos let loose a searing radiation burst that ripped across the planet's surface with indescribable speed: In 11.7 seconds, the planet's remaining population was cut by 50%; in 24.2 seconds, only 12% of the people remained alive. Feeling that he had no choice, the High Commissioner surrendered the location of Fire Jewel that Thanos sought -- despite the protestations of Tana and others -- in order to save the remaining population. The ship of "Thanos" then ripped the protective vault out of its locks, taking the invaluable Fire Jewel. (Thanos I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Per Thanos (the original, not the Thanosi duplicate), more than five million Rigellians died under this assault. (Thor 2000/2) - After Thor arrived on Rigel-3 and learned its fate from an unidentified Recorder, Tana greeted Thor, noting that Thanos was headed to the planet M'Hass. After Thor departed for M'Hass, the Recorder considered that these hours it currently documented would most surely be their last. |
(Thanos I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Following his recovery after sacrificing the power of the Heart of the Infinite in the process of recreating the universe he had destroyed, Thanos traveled to Rigel-3 to contemplate his existence and future. Thanos hoped that the universe would belive him to have perished, but Adam Warlock -- via his Soul Infinity Gem, sensed Thanos' continued existence. An unexplainable and irresistable urge drove Adam Warlock to the sector of space containing Rigel-3. (Thanos I#1) - As an exotic space beast approached Thanos, presumably attracted by Thanos' energy signature, an approaching Adam Warlock drove off the creature to prevent Thanos from slaying it. . . Though he had sensed Thanos' presence, Warlock considered that Thanos being in the path to the place to which he had been drawn seemed coincidental. Wishing to make amends for his past actions, Thanos transported Warlock via a new Sanctuary ship -- which he had created via his waning Heart of the Infinite power -- to New Rigel-3, which was in the direction of whatever drew Adam Warlock. Arriving on New Rigel-3, Thanos surrendered to them and asked how he might be of service in making their ongoing transition to their new world easier. (Thanos I#2) - Per Adam Warlock's recommendation, the Grand Commissioner cautiously accepting Thanos' offer, with the goal of not enraging him by refusing his aid, but hoping to expedite Thanos' departure without conflict. A coup was initiated against the Grand Commissioner and led by Zygo, in part due to the Grand Commissioner's handling of the encounter with the Thanosi (although the Rigellians did not know that that was not Thanos himself). |
I#6) - Thanos used the Rigellian planetary defense system to transport
the devastated Rigel-3 into close proximity with Rigel-18, which
Galactus had destroyed (while being manipulated by the extradimensional
entity Hunger).
Comments: First referenced as "new homeworld" by Len Wein.
pictured and identified as the Rigellian home world and command planet
by Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz, and Joe Sinnott;
identified as "Rigel" by Dan Jurgens and Jose Ladronn;
identified as "Rigel-3" by Jim Starlin and Al Milgrom.
Some notes, edited/ adapted from multiple discussions with continuity-expert Donald Campbell:
Rigel-3's population:
Profile by Snood.
Rigel-3 (the replacement planet) should be distinguished from
![]() ![]() The Rigellians presumably designed, but possibly just utilized a massive defense bunker on Rigel-3 (the Rigellian homeworld adopted following the Rhunians' destruction of the previous Rigel-3). Once sealed, the bunker was built to withstand any attack conceivable. However, it had minimal defenses to prevent a surprise intrusion prior to the bunker being sealed. (Thor 2000/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point after his ship arrived on Rigel-3, the Thanosi duplicate entered the Rigellians' defense bunker in preparation of confronting the Rigellians there. (Thor 2000/2 (fb)) - As the Mangog devastated Rigellian defenses and destroyed one of their Space Arks, intended to allow the population to escape the planet, the High Commissioner Emeritus and his staff,fearing the end was near, fled into the defense bunker. However, they encountered the already present Thanosi duplicate who demanded they give him the Fire Jewel, which he would use via the Map of the All-Ending to locate the true path to the Designate (Tarene). The High Commissioner Emeritus refused this request, after which the ship of Thanos let loose a searing radiation burst that ripped across the planet's surface with indescribable speed: In 11.7 seconds, the planet's remaining population was cut by 50%; in 24.2 seconds, only 12% of the people remained alive. Feeling that he had no choice, the High Commissioner surrendered the location of Fire Jewel that Thanos sought -- despite the protestations of Tana and others -- in order to save the remaining population. --Thor Annual 2000 |
![]() (Thor
I#406 (fb) - BTS) - The Rigellian homeworld was plagued by earthquakes. (Thor
I#406) - An aide reported to the Grand Commissioner a recurrence of the
earthquakes on their
homeworld, noting that the seismograph indicated that the tremors grew
more violent with each new assault. Considering that their entire command planet would soon be in jeopardy and feeling that he needed to preserve their world at any cost, the Grand Commissioner traveled via the Rigellian matter transmitter to the Scientist Supreme's private laboratory in a planetoid in the asteroid belt. |
![]() ![]() (Thor 2000/2 (fb)) - After over nine hours of continued assault by the Mangog, Rigellian losses were so catastrophic that an evacuation order was issued. The ever-efficient Rigellians scurried into immense space arks, although one of these succumbed to the Mangog's brutal assault and 12, 216 Rigellian passengers perished. --Thor Annual 2000 |
images: (without ads)
I#406, pg. 6, panel 1 (architecture);
panel 2 (seismograph);
panel 3 (Grand Commissioner);
pg. 7, panel 1 (Grand Commissioner departing via matter transmitter);
#407, pg. 5, panel 1 (Grand Commissioner & Scientist Supreme on walkway);
#423, pg. 11, panel 1 (from orbit, showing coverage with technology);
panel 2 (from aboard Scientist Supreme's base);
panel 4 (full planet, showing space fleet departing)
Thor Annual 2000: second story, pg. 2, panel 2 (overview of city, pre-devastation);
pg. 3, panel 1 (arrival of the Thanosi's ship);
pg. 4, panel 2 (tech; showing Rigellians futilely opposing the Mangog);
pg. 5, panel 1 (Sun Shredder assault);
pg. 6, panel 2 (space ark);
pg. 7, panel 1 (space ark destroyed);
pg. 7, panel 2 (bunker entrance);
pg. 8, panel 1 (Bunker interior, with the Thanosi);
pg. 9, panel 1-2 (The Thanosi's radiation burst and effects);
Thanos I#1, pg. 2-3 (Thanos sitting on devastated surface);
pg. 5, panel 5 (overlooking wreckage of city);
#6, pg. 8, panel 1 (crashing into Rigel-18)
Thor I#256 (February, 1977) - Len Wein (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler/illustrator), Tony DeZuniga (inker/embellisher)
Iron Man I#110-111 (May-June, 1978) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Keith Pollard (penciler), Fred Kida (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Iron Man I#112 (July, 1978) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Keith Pollard (penciler), Alfredo Alcala (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
I#406-407 (August-September, 1989) - Tom DeFalco (writer, co-plotter),
Ron Frenz (penciler, co-plotter), Joe Sinnott (inker/finisher), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Thor I#419 (July, 1990) - Tom DeFalco
(writer, co-plotter), Ron Frenz (penciler, co-plotter), Joe Sinnott
(inker/finisher), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thor I#423 (Late September, 1990) - Tom DeFalco
(writer, co-plotter), Ron Frenz (penciler, co-plotter), Joe Sinnott
(inker/finisher), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thor 2000: second story (2000) - Dan Jurgens (writer), Jose Ladronn (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
I#1 (December, 2003) - Jim Starlin (writer/penciler), Al Milgrom
(inker), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt (assistant editors), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Thanos I#2 (January, 2004) - Jim Starlin (writer/penciler), Al Milgrom
(inker), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt (assistant editors), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Thanos I#6 (April, 2004) - Jim Starlin (writer/penciler), Al Milgrom
(inker), Marc Sumerak, Andy Schmidt & Nicole Wiley (assistant editors), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
First posted: 03/04/2022
Last updated: 01/05/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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