Real Name: Rigel Type Zeta 9
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Rigellian) robot (Recorder)
Occupation: Court Recorder at the Star Chamber, bailiff
Group Membership: Formerly Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway
Affiliations: Living Tribunal, Magistrati, Recluses race, Rigellians;
RT-Z9 was affiliated with the following, although his mission
superceded any such alliances: Bobo, Mallory Book, Boomerang (Fred Myers), Amadeus Cho, Ditto/Dottie, Holden Holliway, ISAAC (Integral Synaptic Anti-Anionic
Computer), John Jameson, Mentor (A'Lars of Titan), Ox
(Ronald Bloch), Pip the Troll, August "Pug" Pugliese, She-Hulk (Jen
Walters), Southpaw (Sasha Martin), Stature (Cassandra Lang), Time Variance Authority, Two-Gun Kid (Matthew Hawk), Vision/Jonas, Adam Warlock, Chas & Lewis;
as a court reporter, he was neutral but involved in the cases of Merkra vs. Merkra (a
familiar dispute between the Emperor and Empress of the Honchi race); the Sloggs vs. the Blurzz; the Recluse race
vs. the Watchers (specifically Qyre the Watcher); the Skardons vs. Champion (Tryco Slatterus); and Christina Garvey vs. Starfox/Eros
Enemies: Stu Cicero, unidentified slaughterer of the Recluses;
RT-Z9 functioned in recording and reporting events, and he opposed
anything that interfered with his mission, such as premature discovery
by Stu Cicero, but his mission/activities also hindered the activities
of others, including the Champion, Great Gambonnos
(Ernesto & Luigi Gambonno), Iron Man (Tony Stark, and to a lesser
degree, the rest of the Illuminati, Black Bolt/Blackagar Boltagon, Dr.
Strange/Stephen Strange, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Professor
X/Charles Xavier), Thanos duplicate
Known Relatives: None;
Rigellians (creators);
other Recorders (see clarifications)
Aliases: Artie Zix, Arthur Zix, Zeta 9, Z9, a trillion-line code of zeroes and ones
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
formerly Timely Plaza
formerly the Cosmic Claims Court, possibly part of the Star Chamber;
presumably constructed on one of the worlds of Rigel
First Appearance: She-Hulk I#7 (November, 2004)
Powers/Abilities: As a Recorder, RT-Z9 is an android (see comments)
with vast analytical and recording abilities, able to store and
replicate information from multiple sources simultaneously.
He (see comments) implanted numerous recording devices
to allow him to remotely observe events, and he could magnify and
otherwise enhance visual, auditory, and other recordings as desired.
He can levitate, holding himself in a standing or seated position as desired, or he can fly within Earth's atmosphere or can escape Earth's atmosphere/gravity and fly into space.
He could further transport another being alongside him through air or space, protecting that being from the vacuum/cold of space, etc. He could also transfer the garments of a Magstrati agent into his or her offical robes at will.
He can transmit auditory and/or visual information via the screen/consoles on his abdominal region
He can report information verbally or via a printout from his torso.
As a former agent of the Magistrati (with the fact that this was former
being unknown to others), he had connections to various organizations
and/or beings of power, such as the Time Variance Authority and ISAAC
of Titan, and he commanded a certain amount of respect, as the
Multiversal judge known as the Living Tribunal was force beyond the
RT-Z9/Zix had some experience with technology, but he had trouble bypassing highly advanced SHIELD-level or Wakandan security systems without detection.
He carried an interdimensional-banishment gun.
Z9 could allow others to establish a playlist of music, which he could play at volumes loud enough to be heard in a gym/boxing ring
He was subject to controlled by a Rigellian Control Unit formerly held by the Recluses before being usurped by their unidentified slaughterer.
Height: Unrevealed (he looked just an inch or
two shorter than Pug, who seemed to be like 5-6" shorter than the 6'7"
She-Hulk, so around 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (given he was constructed of unidentified
metals, his weight is impossible to estimate; however, he could
presumably at least simulate a human-like weight to avoid causing
suspicion of his robot nature)
Eyes: Glowing yellow (or red); (as Zix) dark (presumably dark brown, possibly black)
Hair: Gray (balding on top) with "soul patch" beard
I#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Living Tribunal sent the Magistrati to recruit
She-Hulk to their order (presumably at least partially to help thwart
the threat of the Power Gem-wielding Champion of the Universe (Tryco
(She-Hulk I#7 - BTS) - After She-Hulk accepted the offer, the Magistrati transported her (and her ward Southpaw) to the Star Chamber where she would preside over the Star Chamber's Cosmic Claims Court.
I#7) - Soon after, Z9 introduced himself to She-Hulk and announced her cases: Merkra vs. Merkra (a
familiar dispute between the Emperor and Empress of the Honchi race); the Sloggs vs. the Blurzz; and the Recluse race
vs. the Watchers (specifically Qyre). Receiving new input, Z9
subsequently delivered a printout on the case of Skardon vs. the
Champion (who possessed the Infinity Power Gem).
(She-Hulk I#8) - Still in the Star Chamber, Z9 informed She-Hulk that as a member of the Magistrati, she would be called upon to try cases on alien worlds, each with their own brands of justice, culture, and fashion, and so he presented her with her own personal omniversal wardrobe. He then informed her that the proper attire on Skardon was boxie gear and explained that Skardon was world where combat ruled and that the strength of one's case was measured by the strength of one's blows...and all law was founded on the principle that might makes right.
(She-Hulk I#8 (fb) - BTS) - For three months, Z9 played She-Hulk's power ballads to help motivate her to train to fight the Champion of the Universe (Tryco Slatterus)
(She-Hulk I#8) - As Z9 played "Eye of the Tiger," Z9 noted Southpaw's departure and offered to play a different one of Ms. Walter's power ballads, but Southpaw wandered off anyway.
Hearing Southpaw complain about not being able to use weapons in the ring, She-Hulk had Z9 pause his recording, and she realized the Champion should not be allowed to wear the Power Gem in the boxing ring.
(She-Hulk I#8 - BTS) - Z9 was present at the subsequent fight when Champion agreed to remove the Power Gem and accept the ruling to never wear it again if he lost.
(She-Hulk I#8) - During the fight, as the highly-trained and far stronger She-Hulk battered the Champion, Z9 asked Pip why the crowd had repeated (chanted) She-Hulk's name over 6000 times, and Pip told him that it was so they would never forget who was the biggest, baddest babe in the universe.
After She-Hulk won, Z9 bade her farewell, noting that he hoped to see her soon as the Magistrati told her that she had seen her last case for the nonce and that she could go home.
When the Skardon degenerated into violent combat after She-Hulk departed, Adam Warlock commented that it may take awhile to teach the Skardon to revere wisdom, and Z9 noted that to be an understatement.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - Far from satisfied, the Recluses feared how much power She-Hulk held over them. They lived in fear that she might one day reverse her decision preventing Qyre from sharing his observations with the rest of the Watchers or anyone else.
It was decided (see comments) that the Recluses would keep the Rigellian Control Unit and they would have their Recorder (Z-9) watch over She-Hulk.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - RT-Z9 took the form of Artie Zix, and he told part of the story to Holden Holliway, the senior partner at Goodman, Lieberman, Kurtzberg, & Holliway, leading Holliway to believe he was still serving the Magistrati.
As Holliway held the Magistrati in high regard, he...
She-Hulk II#1 (fb) - BTS) - ...willingly left Zix in charge of Goodman, Lieberman, Kurtzberg, & Holliway while he took a leave of absence to search for his granddaughter, Southpaw (Sasha Martin).
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - Zix placed many recording devices in Timely Plaza and Excelsior Apartments.
(She-Hulk II#1) - Learning of Holliway's absence, Jen Walters confronted Zix, who showed her the video Holliway had made, asking her to stay at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway as they needed her there as a lawyer, and telling her that Mr. Zix would be an invaluable asset to both her and the firm. When Jen questioned the convenient nature of the video, Zix assured her it was authentic, but they were then interrupted by a conflict in the lower levels (Stature of the Young Avengers attacking Ox and Boomerang for the involvement in selling guns to children); identifying the exact source despite being 10 floors up, Zix explained to Jen that he knew that because of listening devices positioned throughout the new building. Zix then told Jen that while Holliway had strictly prohibited her turning into She-Hulk in the office, he had no such policy. Becoming She-Hulk, Jen told him that that was a big step in getting on her good side.
After She-Hulk broke up the fight, Zix countered her argument with Mallory against defending super-villains, with Zix noting that super-villains has the same rights as super heroes and other superhuman and that the preceding melee had been started by a member of the Young Avengers. Zix advised all parties to apologize after which they would begin a further round of talks.
(She-Hulk II#1 (fb) - BTS) - The subsequent negotations led to the weapons shipment being confiscated while Stature and the Vision received a restraining order; Ox and Boomerang's lawyer, Mallory Book, promised that is the Young Avengers violated the order, it would cost them an arm and a leg.
(She-Hulk II#1) - Zix tried in vain to explain things to the obtuse Ox.
(She-Hulk II#1 (fb) - BTS) - With Jen and Pug assigned to defend Charles Czarkowski -- the ninth richest man in the world, who had been filmed shooting a man and was charged with murder -- Pug came up with the idea of bringing in jurors from the past so they would not be biased by media portrayals of Czarkowski as a murderer.
Contacting the Time Variance Authority, Zix gained approval to bring jurors from the past.
(She-Hulk II#3 (fb) - BTS) - The Time Variance Authority contacted Zix, informing them that Jen Walters had pled guilty to a very serious time-crime and that she had asked for the best lawyer from Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway to represent her during the sentencing phase.
(She-Hulk II#3) - Updating the staff of GLK&H and dismissing Pugliese and Book, both of whom assumed they would be that lawyer, Zix explained that as Walters had asked for their best attorney and had made the request through the TVA, she could have their best lawyer of all times, which meant the 30-year-old future version of Southpaw (Sasha Martin) of Earth-6023.
(She-Hulk II#5 (fb) - BTS) - Zix's contacts in the TVA told him Jen Walters should be returning to their time shortly, alongside the Two-Gun Kid (Matt Hawk).
(She-Hulk II#5) - Queried by Pugliese, Zix told him what he had learned, although he noted shortly might be a relative term for the TVA. She-Hulk arrived about that time, alongside the Two-Gun Kid, both of whom shortly thereafter recovered from relative time distortion (they were relatively sped), which Zix noted to be a rare occurrence for time-travelers, but not unheard of.
As Zix greeted Mr. Hawk, the Great Gambonnos rushed by in an attempted break-out, although they were swiftly subdued by She-Hulk and Two-Gun.
After Zix complimented Mr. Hawk on his abilities and asked his plans, Hawk noted his career as a lawyer, and Zix informed him that he was in the most prestigious law firm on the East Coast.
(She-Hulk II#5 - BTS) - Hawk found his legal knowledge well over a century out of date.
(She-Hulk II#5) - As Hawk tried to catch up, Zix checked in on him. When Hawk noted that there must be thousands of new laws since his time, and Zix corrected him that it was more like hundreds of thousands of laws; as he started to offer an exact figure, Jen asked him to back off to avoid over-stressing Hawk.
II#5 - BTS) - Mallory Book helped Hawk gain a gun permit, and he resumed activity as the Two-Gun Kid.
(She-Hulk II#6) - After Eros/Starfox was arrested following charges of assault on Christina Garvey, a woman he had romanced, Zix communicated with ISAAC (Integral Synaptic Anti-Anionic Computer), who requested/advised Eros' liberation, noted that Mentor/A'Lars did not respect Terran authority, and noted that Mentor was deciding whether to intervene in the matter. When Zix asked ISAAC if Mentor recognized his authority, ISAAC backed down, noting that out of respect for him and the august body he presented, the Titans would not interfere in the matter.
Getting past Dottie, Pug was surprised to see the "giant floating head," and after Zix explained who ISAAC was, Pug asked how he knew "super computers from outer space and time-cops and whatnot?" and why he was acting "so darn sinister" all the time. When Zix asked what he had done that was sinister, Pug noted how they were defending super-villains, but Zix explained that Mallory Book had requested it, and he had no right or reason to say no. After She-Hulk arrived with John Jameson, Starfox unwittingly attacked Awesome Andy (believing him to be still acting under the Mad Thinker's commands as the Awesome Android) and Grizzly (who was there as a client to Mallory Book). Starfox used his pleasure power to strengthen She-Hulk's feelings for Jameson as well as Mallory's feelings for Andy, but this power proved ineffective against Zix, who warned him to stop disrupting his firm's business and noted he would be informing Mentor (Eros' father).
(She-Hulk II#7) - Observing remotely as Andy and Mallory made out in a supply closet, Zix communicated with ISAAC again, clarifying how trials proceeded in the USA.
(She-Hulk II#7 - BTS) - After She-Hulk suspected Eros of having manipulated her into a past romantic encounter, she assaulted him and had him bound and gagged, after which Mentor teleported Eros back to Titan.
(She-Hulk II#7 (fb) - BTS) - Zix was in touch with his various contacts.
II#7) - Zix assured Jen Walters that he was looking into things and that this would be resolved one way or the other.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, an unidentified being captured and bound Qyre, slaughtered the Recluses, and took control of Z9's control unit -- though not necessarily in that order.
Z9 was unaware that the Recluses were no longer the ones in control of him.
(She-Hulk II#9) - Zix communicated with whoever held his control unit, who was/were furious that She-Hulk had again encountered a Watcher (Civil War I#1), but although Zix assured him/them that Uatu had appeared before a gathering of Earth's heroes and that there had been no direct contact, he/they still considered the matter unacceptable. Although Zix wished to explain, he had to break contact as Pug again bypassed Dottie to get into the room.
Pug admitted to having seen Zix floating and glowing, and Zix reached into his desk drawer for some sort of energy hand-weapon, noting that there were certain aspects of himself that he was not yet ready to reveal. When Pug revealed that he didn't care about Zix's secrets at the moment and just wanted all of Zix's recordings of everything since Starfox's arrival, Zix quietly closed the drawer.
(She-Hulk II#9 - BTS) - Zix supplied Pug with the recordings, which allowed him to determine the moment Starfox had influenced She-Hulk's behavior.
(She-Hulk II#9) - Zix watched passively as the news reported how She-Hulk and John had eloped/married in Las Vegas.
(She-Hulk II#10 - BTS) - Discussing Roman Numerals in terms of designating volume numbers, Stu Cicero realized that Artie Zix was RT-Z9.
(She-Hulk II#10) - After Zix had watched John Jameson transform into Man-Wolf form (via a treatment from Alistair Smythe) and attack She-Hulk and Pug, Cicero confronted him and revealed how he had determined his true identity. Confirming this to be true, Zix complimented him on figuring this out before pulling out a handblaster, noting that he was not prepared to have that information known at that time, and then blasted Stu, who vanished screaming in an energy discharge. Zix then contacted Dottie and told her they had a position they needed to fill and that he wished to see a book of carpet samples (as his carpet was apparently scorched in the energy discharge).
(She-Hulk II#12) - Zix revealed his actions to Dottie and revealed Dottie to be Ditto. When Zix instructed Ditto that he would need to impersonate Stu, Ditto argued that he didn't know anything about comics continuity, but Zix noted that with today's comics, that shouldn't be a problem.
Noting he had a duty to perform as a court reporter, Zix then returned to his RT-Z9 form and flew away, asking Ditto to hire a new secretary during his absence and to find another shapeshifter, just in case.
Z9 then confronted She-Hulk, changed her into her robes of office, and
noted that the Magistrati needed her for a job and that she would be
called upon as needed for the duration of her life. After Z9 informed
her that she was to serve as an impartial observer in the trial of
Starfox on Titan, she refused until the Living Tribunal appeared and
explained to her its hidden aspect, necessity.
Z9 soon arrived at Titan's Shao-Lom Temple of Pama where they observed the trial. Z9 noted that Eros and Mentor's testimonies were in perfect synch, after which he stopped her from taking action against Pip who had purposely taken an upskirt glance at her. Z9 remained silent when She-Hulk raged against Eros upon learning he had manipulated her feelings for John Jameson. He noted his confusion when she ceased her assault upon the arrival of Thanos (actually a duplicate), and she explained that Thanos was now what she needed to focus upon. Z9 remained silent as Thanos seemingly showed that Eros had brought about his love of death.
(She-Hulk II#13) - Z9 watched in silence as Mentor railed against the judgment of Eros, after which She-Hulk traveled to the psychic planes via Moondragon.
When John Jameson, in his Stargod aspect, arrived seeking Jen, Z9 instructed him that he had no business in these proceedings. Z9 subsequently explained to Stargod how Jen had been projected into Thanos' psyche as part of a mind trial.
Having discovered how this Thanos was a duplicate created by the true Thanos and how Eros' memories had been altered, Jen revealed this to Z9 and the others on Titan.
With Jen's task having been completed, Z9 offered to take her and Jameson back to Earth, but she noted that they needed a moment to discuss things.
(She-Hulk II#14) - Z9 returned She-Hulk to Earth, right outside the Excelsior, and he noted with surprise that John had not followed them. After Z9 asked if they were still married or separated or...she announced that that was private and that despite being a Recorder robot he did not need to know every detail of her life. Z9 then departed, noting that he needed to report all that happened to the Magistrati.
II#16 (fb) - BTS) - Mr. Bobo was hired to replace Dottie/Ditto as Zix's secretary.
(She-Hulk II#16 (fb) - BTS) - Z9 was unable to sneak a recording device to the wedding of T'Challa (Black Panther) and Ororo Munroe (Storm), as their security was so great that he would have been discovered.
(She-Hulk II#16 (fb) - BTS) - Similarly, he could not record She-Hulk when she was with S.H.I.E.L.D.
II#16) - While again communing with (presumably) the Recluses' slaughterer, Zix had to briefly
step out to tell Mallory Book that he didn't have time to talk to her.
When he returned, the communicator/controller levitated him into the air, chastising
him for having failed to inform of the She-Hulk and a Watcher (Uatu)
having both been present at the Black Panther's wedding. Unaccepting of
Z9's excuses, when he confirmed that advanced security was also the
reason that he was not recording She-Hulk's activity with S.H.I.E.L.D., the controller punished him with some sort of electrical shock discharge.
(She-Hulk II#17 (fb) - BTS) - Mallory Book asked Zix to sue the Inquisitor for running stories and pictures on her relationship with Awesome Andy, but he declined.
(She-Hulk II#17) - Mallory expressed frustration that Zix knew time cops, aliens, and darn near everyone but that he didn't have the pull to sue "this rag," but Zix noted that their was not grounds to do so, as they were just expressing their first amendment right. As she angrily departed, Zix told her that he was sorry he could not be of more help, but right now, he was all over the place (literally, as his legs had fallen off after the Recluses' assault). Mallory told Zix that he was useless.
(She-Hulk II#18) - After She-Hulk returned to GLK&H with the Nick Fury LMD she had brought for data extraction, Zix noted he could be of service, as he was quite familiar with advanced robotics, although it might take awhile.
(She-Hulk II#18 (fb) - BTS) - Zix hooked the Nick Fury LMD head up this computers.
(She-Hulk II#18) - Zix soon noted that the devices security codes were most vexing. However, he soon found footage he showed her of Nick Fury prepping Banner for a mission in space to destroy the Godseye satellite.
Zix was unable to crack the encrypted file until Amadeus Cho secretly granted them access. He watched alongside She-Hulk as the file showed the Illuminati (Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man) explaining to the Hulk why they had banished him into space.
Zix watched silently as She-Hulk departed to confront Iron Man.
(She-Hulk II#19) - Zix was present as Jen Walters argued against Mallory Book's defending the Leader, and when Jen asked if she was going to next defend Mephisto or Tony Stark, Zix noted that the latter would be a conflict of interest as Jen was currently suing Stark (for using nanobots to neutralize her She-Hulk powers and form). He was silent as Mallory gave Jen a subpoena to testify in the Leader's defense as a gamma-transformation expert.
(She-Hulk II#19 - BTS) - Later, after the two other comics-researchers, Chas & Lewis, discovered that Ditto had been posing as Stu Cicero, they dragged him to see Zix. Ditto warned them, however, that Zix was the one who had made him pose as Stu and that Zix had some evil master plan and had zapped Stu with a ray gun that left behind nothing but a scorch mark.
However, based on the "no body, no death" principle, Chas &
Lewis reasoned that Stu was not dead.
II#19) - After Bobo sent Chas, Lewis, and Ditto in, Zix admitted he
knew what they had discovered, but as his time on Earth was drawing to
a close, he no longer had much need to protect his secrets. He further
confirmed that he had not killed Stu, but had instead banished him to
Duckworld, from which he believed there was no way to return.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - The Recluses' slaughterer activated Z9's self-destruct mechanism, giving him 2 hours to collect all of the data he was sent there to record.
(She-Hulk II#20) - Seeing that his self-destruct was set for two hours, Zix immobilized and gagged Chas, Lewis, and Ditto via energy, after which he summoned Mallory Book, Matthew Hawk, John Jameson, and Jen Walters into his chambers.
After immobilizing them and disarming Hawk, Zix revealed his true identity and noted that he had two hours to collect all of the data the Recluses had sent him to collect: If he failed to resolve their concerns, they all would be terminated.
Z9 then revealed that he was not there on behalf of the Magistrati but rather the Recluses, and he detailed the circumstances that had led to this situation.
(She-Hulk II#20) - When Z9 noted that he had placed recording devices in the Excelsior apartments, John Jameson furiously assaulted Z9 for invading his and Jen's privacy. Z9 warned him of the vast amount of explosives in his chest, but following Jameson's ineffective punch, Z9 gathered that he no longer had his Stargod powers.
Questioning those in his chambers, Z9 gathered the desired information:
This included the details surrounding the facts that She-Hulk's efforts
to disrupt the timestream to resurrect Hawkeye were ineffective (he was
resurrected by the events of the "House of M" reality warp,
independent of her); She-Hulk was no longer
involved with Stargod and that Jameson could not even become Stargod;
that she had lost her powers as a result of Tony Starks nanites during
Civil War; and that she was no longer part of the Magistrati.
When Mallory Book began to volunteer the details of her own master plan, Z9 noted that he was aware of her plan, which in the vast cosmic scheme of things was petty and quite inconsequential.
Having returned via the Nexus of Reality (and Richard Rory's Volkswagen microbus), Stu then rushed in to tell everyone Zix's true identity...but, of course, they already knew.
II#20) - Departing Earth, Z9 sent his report (via the control unit) intended for
the Recluses that they were safe from
She-Hulk reversing her decision regarding their fate; however, the Recluses' slaughterer
then revealed he was not one of the Recluses, just seconds
before he detonated Z9 to prevent his discovery.
(She-Hulk II#20 ) - The slaughterer was pleased that -- thanks to She-Hulk's ruling -- only one being could look into this dark sector of space: Qyre, whom he had bound and obviously wouldn't be telling anyone.
This would leave him free to use the Recluses' hidden/dark space sector to plot and plan and prepare his forces, the perfect beachhead for his war on creation: "Years, centuries, however long it takes. And when the time is right, there shall be a reckoning!"
Comments: Created by Dan Slott, Juan Bobillo, and Marcelo Sosa.
So, the Reckoning War is set to actually be told in 2022 (after 15 years as a dangling plotline), so I'll update this profile, and the Recluses, etc. when that storyline wraps up.
RT = Artie...and Z IX = Z 9..., and so Artie Zix = RT-Z9...get it?...it's so obvious, but I didn't figure it out until the reveal...shame on me.
It is not clear to me whether the Magistrati allowed the Recluses to keep the Control Box, or who made the decision.
It seems to be a point of contention with
some folks (or one folk) with regards to what the term android means.
While there are multiple definitions and interpretations, the original
definition comes from the Greek root "andro" (man) and the term "oid"
meaning, like. At least in the Marvel Megaverse, the term "man" in this
usage is meant to refer to mankind, rather than male vs. female (while
I haven't seen the term in usage, the specific term to refer to taking
the form of a woman would be "gynoid"). In the Marvel Megaverse, it is most commonly/consistently
used as a specific type of robot in human form. While individual
stories/writers sometimes use their own terminology, that's the
official policy, spelled out by Mark Gruenwald, et al., in the Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition and reiterated in subsequent editions.
If you believe differently...good for you, and have a nice day...
While RT-Z9 is an asexual android, for the purpose of simplicity of communication, I am referring to RT-Z9 and Zix as "he" or "him" rather than "it" or some other pronoun or an even more cumbersome term.
Despite the soul patch, I think he looks a lot like Riff Raff, the butler-type character (secretly the leader, I guess) played by Richard O'Brien in the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Profile by Snood.
RT-Z9 should be distinguished from:
![]() ![]() Zix carried a hand-held blaster that could banish another being from Earth-616. The only known use of the weapon banished the target to Duckworld (Earth-791021). Zix had no means to or knowledge of how to return a being he had thus banished. (She-Hulk II#9) - After Pug admitted to having seen Zix floating and glowing, and Zix reached into his desk drawer for some sort of energy hand-weapon, noting that there were certain aspects of himself that he was not yet ready to reveal. When Pug revealed that he didn't care about Zix's secrets at the moment and just wanted all of Zix's recordings of everything since Starfox's arrival, Zix quietly closed the drawer. (She-Hulk
II#10) - Stu Cicero confronted Zix and revealed how he had determined his true
identity. Confirming this to be true, Zix complimented him on figuring this out before pulling out a handblaster, noting that he was not prepared to have that information known at that time, and then blasted Stu, who vanished screaming in an energy discharge. Zix then contacted Dottie and told her they had a position they needed to fill and that he wished to see a book of carpet samples (as his carpet was apparently scorched in the energy discharge). (She-Hulk II#19 (fb) - BTS) - Zix banished Stu to Duckworld, from which he believed return was impossible. --She-Hulk II#9 (10 |
![]() (She-Hulk II#10) - Zix watched John Jameson transform into Man-Wolf form (via a treatment from Alistair Smythe) and attack She-Hulk and Pug. --She-Hulk II#10 Note: Zix recorded most events Timely Plaza and Excelsior Apartments as well as most outside events involving She-Hulk from She-Hulk I#1-19 (and events outside the She-Hulk series), except in occasions where security prevented his observation (or at least without detection), such as those involving SHIELD or the Wakandan wedding of T'Challa and Ororo, and in the Null-Time Zone of the Time Variance Authority. |
images: (without ads):
She-Hulk I#7, pg. 18, panel 1 (head in profile);
pg. 19, panel 2 (seated, front, knees-up; showing console);
pg. 22, panel 4 (seated in profile, with printout)
II#1, pg. 10, panel 7 (Zix face);
#9, pg. 1, panel 1 (Zix floating and glowing);
panel (dimension-banishing gun);
#10, pg. 20, panel 4 (recording device in Jen/Pug/Jameson's apartment);
panel 5 (Zix viewing recordings);
pg. 22, panel 3-4 (blasting/banishing Stu and scorch mark)
#12, pg. 4, panel 1-3 (Zix converting to Z-9);
panel 5 (Z-9 flying)
#16, pg. 10, panel 6 (chastised);
#17, pg. 7, panel 3 (dismembered);
#20, pg. 1, panel 4 (wrist countdown);
pg. 22, panel 1-2 (flying into space, exploding)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 12/19/2021
Last updated: 09/25/2022
Non-Marvel Copyright info
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
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