Real Name: Rufus
Identity/Class: Terrestrial feline mutate
Occupation: Inapplicable
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Dr. Hayes, Doombot, Runaways (Karolina Dean, Gib, Molly Hayes, Victor Mancha, Nico Minoru, Old Lace, Chase Stein, Gertrude Yorkes), Lightspeed (Julie Power), Mr. Twinkles, Alex Wilder
Enemies: Children of the Giborrim (Bo, Rim)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Los Angeles, California
First Appearance: (Seen, name unrevealed) Runaways V#4 (February, 2018); (name revealed) Runaways V#5 (March, 2018)
Powers/Abilities: Rufus, after being experimented on by Dr. Hayes, received telepathic powers that make his eyes go pink when he uses the telepathy. Rufus is capable of reading basic thought, sensing emotion, and, when provoked, attacking others with telepathic claws that cause pain in the brains of his enemies.
Height: 1'5" (at the shoulder)
Weight: 9 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black fur (with white patches)
(Runaways V#4 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Hayes often took in stray cats and kept
them, experimenting on them to make them telepathic. Among these cats
was Rufus, a black cat with a white crescent moon shape near one eye.
Rufus grew close to Dr. Hayes' granddaughter, Molly.
(Runaways V#4) - When the Runaways came to visit, Rufus purred and rubbed against Nico Minoru as she expressed her self-doubts about team leadership. Later, Dr. Hayes fed the cats and Old Lace together. Rufus watched the Runaways leave, his eyes glowing pink, though Molly, Gertrude, and Old Lace remained behind.
(Runaways V#5) - Dr. Hayes, who kept a vial of Rufus' blood in her lab, monitored Gertrude and Molly through the cats' telepathy, but Molly learned to block her thoughts by singing repetitive lyrics repeatedly. Molly, believing Rufus was the one cat who was on her side, began to plot an escape with Gertrude in front of Rufus. That night, Molly tried giving all the cats catnip to cover their escape, but Dr. Hayes and the cats discovered them anyway. Then the Runaways arrived to help with the escape.
(Runaways V#6) - Dr. Hayes ordered her cats, including Mr. Twinkles, to attack the Runaways, using their telepathic claws until Nico Minoru cast a spell that made the cats leave peacefully. After defeating a clone of Molly Hayes' mother, Alice, the Runaways departed, and found that Old Lace had eaten at least a few of the telepathic cats. Rufus revealed himself and Molly embraced him, convincing the other Runaways to let him come home with them to their base, the Hostel.
(Runaways V#7) - At the Runaways' hideout, Rufus slept next to Karolina on the couch, but he woke up when Nico cast a spell, using it to legally adopt Molly.
(Runaways V#8) - Wearing a bowtie, Rufus slept as the Runaways played video games. Rufus was startled awake when Doombot and Lightspeed came to visit.
(Runaways V#9) - Rufus walked around and napped while the others interacted. Later, Rufus snuggled with Old Lace during a drive-in movie.
(Runaways V#11) - Rufus snuggled with Molly, pawed at Victor Mancha's head as it was nestled among stuffed animals, and interacted with Doombot.
(Runaways V#12) - Rufus snuggled with Old Lace.
(Runaways V#13) - Rufus slept on Old Lace's back, then stood by while the team interacted with Alex Wilder and the children of the Gibborim.
(Runaways V#14/2) - When Rufus bit Old Lace's tail, he ruined a game Molly was playing, and Old Lace was blamed while Rufus smirked.
(Runaways V#15) - Chase petted Rufus, who then cuddled with Old Lace.
(Runaways V#16) - Rufus was resting before Nico suddenly used a spell to decorate the Hostel for the holidays. Later, Rufus rested in Chase's lap as the others opened their presents, and a sock landed on Rufus' head.
(Runaways V#17) - Rufus slept with Molly and Old Lace on a pile of stuffed animals, and he later cuddled with the entire Runaways team.
(Runaways V#22) - Rufus sat with Molly as she questioned Gib, then Karolina and Nico rushed through the room.
(Runaways V#23) - Rufus sat with a pile of stuffed animals as the Runaways watched over Doombot and Victor Mancha, both of whose robotic bodies had been damaged in a recent battle.
(Runaways V#24) - Rufus slept near Gib.
(Runaways V#25) - Rufus watched in horror as Molly sacrificed a stuffed animal in an attempt to quell Gib's powerful hunger. Later, he was startled during a meeting of the Runaways. When construction was done above the Hostel, the team had to move out, and they put Rufus in the van with them as they drove away.
(Runaways V#26) - The Runaways, with Rufus, went to stay with legendary hero, Doc Justice, in his elaborate home. Rufus stayed with Gib, who continued to hunger. Rufus brought a mouse to Gib to help his hunger, then Rufus was annoyed when Old Lace brought a cat to Gib for the same reasons.
(Runaways V#27) - Rufus cuddled with Gib as Gert splattered an egg on them, trying to provide Gib with nourishment.
(Runaways V#28) - Rufus saw Gert interact with Old Lace and Gib.
(Runaways V#29) - Rufus slept on Gib's shoulder.
(Runaways V#32) - Back at the Hostel, Rufus slept on Karolina's lap.
(Runaways V#37) - Rufus meditated with Gib as cats brought Gib mice as sacrifices.
Comments: Created by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka.
This profile was completed 8/15/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Chadman.
Rufus has no known connections to:
![]() |
Mr. Twinkles (Runaways V#6) - Mr. Twinkles was among the cats who attacked the Runaways when they tried to escape. --Runaways V#6 |
images: (without ads)
Runaways V#11, p13, pan4 (main)
Runaways V#25, p2, pan5 (face)
Runaways V#26, p21, pan1 (with mouse)
Runaways V#6, p6, pan3 (Mr. Twinkles)
Runaways V#4-8 (February-June, 2018) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Kris Anka (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#9 (July, 2018) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Kris Anka (penciler), Craig Yeung (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#11-12 (September-October, 2018) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Kris Anka (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#13-14 (November-December, 2018) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), David Lafuente (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#15-17 (January-March, 2019) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Kris Anka (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
V#22-23 (August-September, 2019) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Andres
Genolet, Niko Henrichon (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#24-26 (October-December, 2019) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Andres Genolet (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#27 (January, 2020) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Kris Anka (penciler), Walden Wong (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#28-29 (February-March, 2020) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Andres Genolet (aritst), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#32 (April, 2020) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Natacha Bustos (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Runaways V#37 (July, 2021) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Andres Genolet (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 09/08/2021
Last updated: 09/06/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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