Real Name: Jenni Salto
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Student, would-be activist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Mrs. Salto
Enemies: None (unless you count her
teachers and principal)
Known Relatives: Mrs. Salto
(mother), Yua
(aunt), unidentified father
Aliases: "Honey," "Kid," "Sweetheart" (nicknames)
Base of Operations: Long Island, New York, USA
First Appearance: Captain Marvel: Marvels
Snapshots#1 (April, 2021)
Powers/Abilities: Jenni Salto has no
superhuman powers but she is very strong-willed and willing to stand up
for what she believes in. She apparently once had an interest in
cooking but it is unrevealed whether she possesses any skill at it.
Height: 5'6" (by approximation)
Weight: 129 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown, dyed pink
History: (Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb) -
BTS) - Jenni Salto was born and grew up being taught by her mother that
God had put humans on the planet to do good and enjoyed cooking. For
the first twelve years of her life, Jenni's mother felt Jenni was the
sweetest and most obedient daughter in all of Long Island. One
Christmas, Jenni's aunt Yua gave her a very expensive makeup set as a
gift but Jenni didn't even touch it.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb)) - One day
over the following year, Jenni came home crying and decided to dye her
pink. Unfortunately, her mother came in during the dye job and was
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb) - BTS) - By
age fourteen, Jenni felt the need to fight for change and often got
into trouble at school by arguing for what she felt was right.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb)) - Jenni
was sent to the principal's office for wearing a "Black Lives Matter"
t-shirt to school.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb) - BTS) - At one point, Jenni got into trouble over her opinion on gay rights.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb)) - After
her actions over gay rights, Jenni then got into trouble by arguing
with her teacher about reparations and the heated discussion ultimately
ended with Jenni calling her teacher a racist.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb) - BTS) - Jenni was later suspended from school for protesting her school's bathroom restrictions for transgender kids.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1) - Waiting for her mother to lecture her in her room adorned with posters
of superheroes, the Star Kings
television series and the Zombie Planet movie, Jenni was
eventually confronted by her mother and she tried to explain that she
was trying to do good by protesting the bathroom restrictions. Annoyed,
her exasperated mother admitted that she couldn't have that same
discussion that they had every time Jenni had skipped class and got
into trouble. When her mother mixed her phrasing and accused Jenni of
being a "clicktivist," Jenni attempted to define "clicktivism" to her
mother before giving up, saying the argument was pointless and people
had to fight to fix things. Her mother suggested Jenni start by fixing
her grades then invited Jenni to come downstairs and help her cook,
asking if Jenni still enjoyed cooking. Unsure of her identity in recent
days, Jenni mumbled that she wasn't sure what she liked, what she
wanted, who she was or even how to find herself. Her mother then
reminded Jenni that she used to be the sweetest little girl and asked
Jenni to be that person again. When Jenni responded by asking if her
mother just wanted her to be like she wanted, her mother sighed,
expressed love for her daughter, then grounded her and said good night.
With the lecture over, Jenni wished her mother would understand her and
how important she felt it was to fight for what she believed in.
Attempting to be who her mother wanted her to be, Jenni pulled out
makeup her Aunt Yua had given her the Christmas before and opened the
lipstick. Looking in the mirror, Jenni tearfully attempted to apply the
lipstick before she became distracted by a loud noise outside.
Suspecting the noise might be a superhero battle, Jenni
snuck out of her window and rode her bike to Orient Point Park, where
she witnessed the Avengers fighting an extraterrestrial D'max'ian
raiding party. Taking selfies of herself with the battle in the
background, Jenni ultimately worked up the courage to approach the
scene after the D'max'ians had been taken into custody. Meeting Ms.
Marvel, Jenni fangirled out for a moment until Ms. Marvel asked who
Jenni was. Grumbling that she was nobody, Jenni was told by Ms. Marvel
that she was somebody but that she could relate to feeling like nobody.
When Jenni erupted into assurances that Ms. Marvel was awesome and
remarked that her mother would freak out if she knew Jenni was there
meeting Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel shared a story of her own parents not
approving of her spending time with her friend Keisha.
As Ms. Marvel's story came to relate her origin with the transformative
Inhuman Terrigen Mists, Jenni asked if Ms. Marvel happened to have any
more of the Mists before Captain Marvel appeared. Ms. Marvel then
ventured into the D'max'ian ship to look it over while Captain Marvel
talked with Jenni as well. Captain Marvel related her own stories of
the expectations placed on her as a child (with Ms. Marvel periodically
interrupting to ask what an item she found was) and Jenni became
excited hearing Captain Marvel's stories of being an Air Force pilot
and those she looked up to.
The story was interrupted, however, when Ms. Marvel
accidentally jostled an incubator for robotic scavenger units that then
attacked. Warning Jenni to stay back, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel
battled the scavenger units as Jenni thought back about tough moments
in her life. When Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel returned, Captain
Marvel suggested Jenni should be getting back home but before she left,
Jenni asked if she could get a photo with Captain Marvel. Captain
Marvel agreed and posed with Jenni but Ms. Marvel quickly realized that
Jenni's phone battery had died. Jenni remarked that is was okay and
that she would never forget that night and Captain Marvel decided to
make sure Jenni never forgot it by giving her a souvenir. Returning
home, a smiling Jenni tossed the makeup into a drawer and thought how
she might never get to sleep after that night. She then realized she
would have to, as there a mutant rights protest the next morning that
she didn't want to miss. As she got into bed, Jenni looked at her
souvenir: a compass taken from the D'max'ian ship by Ms. Marvel.
Comments: Created by Mark Waid and Claire Roe.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Jenni Salto has no known connections to:
The D'max'ians were an extraterrestrial race known for raiding other planets for elements. Typically raiding individually, a group of D'max'ians traveled to Earth seeking mostly Astatine and Neodymium but when they became aggressive, they attracted the attention of the Avengers. While the Avengers were battling the D'max'ian raiders, teenager Jenni Salto overheard the battle and traveled to Orient Point Park to witness the battle. The Avengers soon defeated the D'max'ians and took them into custody but Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel stayed behind to check out the D'max'ian ship. At that point, Jenni introduced herself to Ms. Marvel and the two talked until Captain Marvel returned. Ms. Marvel then ventured into the D'max'ian ship herself while Captain Marvel spoke with Jenni, warning Ms. Marvel not to touch anything. The curious Ms. Marvel did the exact opposite, returning several times with random pieces of D'max'ian technology to ask Captain Marvel what the item was, and she eventually jostled an incubator housing robotic scavenger units. Jenni then watched as Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel defeated the D'max'ian robots.
Keisha was a friend of Kamala Khan's who had gotten
caught drinking. When Keisha subsequently invited Kamala over for a
sleepover, Kamala's parents refused to allow Kamala to go. Later, when
Kamala met the fourteen-year-old Jenni Salto as Ms. Marvel, Kamala
related the story about Keisha's sleepover to Jenni in an attempt to
get Jenni to understand how everyone sometimes felt like their parents
did not approve of their actions.
Mrs. Salto was the mother of Jenni Salto and felt her daughter had always been the sweetest and most well-behaved little girl until she became a teenager. Not quite understanding the identity crisis her daughter was going through, Mrs. Salto was furious when Jenni dyed her hair and eventually grew exhausted at disciplining Jenni when she got into trouble at school for her activism. After lecturing Jenni for her suspension over a school protest, Mrs. Salto tried to get her daughter to be more like she used to be and invited Jenni to help her cook but when Jenni accused her mother of trying to force her to be the way she wanted, Mrs. Salto sighed, expressed her love for Jenni, then grounded her daughter.
Yua was the aunt of Jenni Salto who sent Jenni some
very expensive makeup one Christmas as a gift. A year later, Jenni had
still not touched the makeup and her mother reminded Jenni about the
makeup, remarking that Yua could have saved the money.
--Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb) - BTS (#1
- BTS,
Zombie Planet was a movie that Jenni Salto was a fan of, enough so that she had the movie poster on her bedroom wall.
images: (without ads)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p28, pan1 (Jenni Salto, main image)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p2, pan5 (Jenni Salto, headshot)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p4, pan6 (photo of Jenni Salto as
a young child)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p5, pan5 (Jenni struggling with
her identity)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p14, pan3
(Jenni Salto kneeling against a D'max'ian ship)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p12, pan1
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p2, pan1 (Mrs. Salto)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p4, pan1 (Zombie Planet movie
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (April, 2021) - Mark Waid (writer),
Claire Roe (art), Darren Shan (editor)
First Posted: 05/15/2021
Last updated: 05/15/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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