Real Name: Sam (last name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Truck driver
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Hulk (Bruce Banner) (reluctantly), Joe, his friend
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Buddy"
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile throughout the USA
First Appearance: Fantastic Four I#25 (April, 1964)
Powers/Abilities: Sam does not possess any
superhuman powers but is a skilled truck driver.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 170 lbs.)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
History: (Fantastic Four I#25) -
While traveling a lonely road in New Mexico, truck driver Sam and his
friend came upon a large boulder in the road and Sam's friend suggested
Sam hit his brakes to avoid hitting the boulder. Once stopped, Sam and
his friend exited the truck to get a better look at the boulder, with
Sam questioning how such a thing wound up in the middle of the road.
His friend replied by asking how they were going to move the boulder so
they could get past it and, as if on cue, the incredible Hulk tore the
boulder in two and announced that he would move the boulder. Terrified,
Sam and his friend leaped backwards but the Hulk grabbed them and
demanded a lift, threatening the men into letting him ride in their
luck. The jittery Sam agreed, claiming they had plenty of room in their
truck and his friend claimed they would love to ferry the Hulk. As the
Hulk got into the truck, Sam and his friend watched as the Hulk hurled
the items from the truck to make room for himself. Once the Hulk was
inside, Sam and his friend drove off and his friend asked what would
happen if they came upon a road block. Sam replied that they would
worry about that later and suggested they drive like they were hauling
an atomic bomb.
Some time later, after the Hulk had
reverted to Bruce Banner, Sam's truck was indeed stopped at a road
block. Police officer Joe and his partner questioned Sam and his friend
on whether they had seen the Hulk and the two answered the question
with more questions. Before Sam and his friend could say more, Bruce
Banner exited the back of the truck and ran for the hills, prompting
Joe to yell at Banner. As Sam and his friend watched, Joe's partner
suggested Joe let Banner go, thinking Banner was nothing more than a
hitchhiking bum Sam and his friend had picked up.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and
George Roussos.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Sam should be distinguished from:
--Fantastic Four I#25 |
Fantastic Four I#25 (April, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack
Kirby (pencils), George Roussos (inks)
First posted: 07/18/2022
Last updated: 0718/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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